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Christian bronies: meet, greet, and mingle!

Zach TheDane

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Understandable, but still a bit ironic. The internet seems to be the only domain in Western, Judeo-Christian society where the world's largest religion gets defensive.

I think that it is because when dealing with hostile non-religious people IRL, no one has the guts to actually say anything out of fear of looking like one of those preachers on a soapbox. The Internet is a safe place to be defensive because while people will argue with us, no one will laugh at us, and no one will interrupt us when we are trying to make our point.


Also, many Christians don't flock to the Internet. A lot of Christians still may not be allowed to talk to people online, and in my experience, most of the Christians that I know have little to no interest in spending time talking with people online. I admit to being an oddball about this. I started chatting with people online when I was 15 in 2004. Barely anyone I knew was hanging out on the Internet, and my dad did not want me talking to people. I also very distinctly remember being pretty much the only Catholic... and hostility was worse where I was hanging out.


The hostility here is really not that bad, which is great. I like seeing people discuss their disagreements civilly as long as in the end they know that they can still be friends with each other.

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Brony, check, Christian, nope. Although I might be an Atheist, I respect all religions on the planet and see them as all being equal. After all, I do 'Love and Tolerate.' =D


Also, I guess I could say that MLP is my religion!? Either that or it's the Nine Divines from the Elder Scrolls. Akatosh guide you all!



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I am christian. I respect all religions and believe that all people have there own choices when it comes to religion. It's not my business to be in people's religion anyway.

Edited by The Brony Code




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...so, should we make this into a club? We're discussing more and more...and some atheists are already posting here, so why not XD. The only problem is that the topic may get locked. So we could just make our own forums.

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Yeah these are my people. I'm a non-denom Christian so basically I agree with any theological opinions that have verses to back them up. I'm also a pastors kid (not as fun as it sounds, it's like being in a fishbowl.) I am really encouraged to meet up with some fellow bronies who I can call my brothers and sisters, I look forward to getting to know you guys.

...so, should we make this into a club? We're discussing more and more...and some atheists are already posting here, so why not XD. The only problem is that the topic may get locked. So we could just make our own forums.

that sounds like it would be pretty cool but what kind of example would we be setting if we just separated from them to avoid conflict. If they insist on bothering us we just need to reply as respectfully as we can, and I'm sure that the topic won't get locked. The best witness is to be a good example of how Jesus would act, and I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't just go off in a corner and hang out with people who agreed with him. It would also help if we didn't bring up any controversial subjects, I mean what good is an online debate about gay marriage or abortion going to do on this forum anyway. I'm sure that Jesus wouldn't be getting in a flame war over something that he disagreed with, so neither should we. As bronies we are already expected to love and tolerate, now that we have identified ourselves as Christians as well that should go double.

Edited by firesoxs


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Yeah these are my people. I'm a non-denom Christian so basically I agree with any theological opinions that have verses to back them up. I'm also a pastors kid (not as fun as it sounds, it's like being in a fishbowl.) I am really encouraged to meet up with some fellow bronies who I can call my brothers and sisters, I look forward to getting to know you guys.


that sounds like it would be pretty cool but what kind of example would we be setting if we just separated from them to avoid conflict. If they insist on bothering us we just need to reply as respectfully as we can, and I'm sure that the topic won't get locked. The best witness is to be a good example of how Jesus would act, and I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't just go off in a corner and hang out with people who agreed with him. It would also help if we didn't bring up any controversial subjects, I mean what good is an online debate about gay marriage or abortion going to do on this forum anyway. I'm sure that Jesus wouldn't be getting in a flame war over something that he disagreed with, so neither should we. As bronies we are already expected to love and tolerate, now that we have identified ourselves as Christians as well that should go double.

 We could allow atheists to post in the club as long as they don't swear or threaten anybody. That's what I saw a Christian Club on another forum do.

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 We could allow atheists to post in the club as long as they don't swear or threaten anybody. That's what I saw a Christian Club on another forum do.

That sounds good to me. However I don't think that the no swearing rule would hold. We could up hold the rule and politely ask others to refrain from the "F-bomb" and stuff, but if we just start kicking people for every hell and damn we'll end up drawing unnecessary attention to ourselves and risk being locked.


Also the thing you said about using the show to teach christian values to kids is a good idea. My question is why just a few episodes? I get that some Christians don't like magic, but it's kind of a basic part of story telling and always has been. My parents taught me a few christian values with movies like "Sleeping Beauty" and "The Little Mermaid" witch rely heavily on the stuff, and lets not forget "The Chronicles of Narnia". I don't even have a problem with the Harry Potter series, and that was a big issue when I was growing up. As far as I'm concerned magic in fiction becomes only unacceptable is when it outright says that is is demonic, and even then if it's the villain who's using it then I will probably change my mind.

Edited by firesoxs


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That sounds good to me. However I don't think that the no swearing rule would hold. We could up hold the rule and politely ask others to refrain from the "F-bomb" and stuff, but if we just start kicking people for every hell and damn we'll end up drawing unnecessary attention to ourselves and risk being locked.


Also the thing you said about using the show to teach christian values to kids is a good idea. My question is why just a few episodes? I get that some Christians don't like magic, but it's kind of a basic part of story telling and always has been. My parents taught me a few christian values with movies like "Sleeping Beauty" and "The Little Mermaid" witch rely heavily on the stuff, and lets not forget "The Chronicles of Narnia". I don't even have a problem with the Harry Potter series, and that was a big issue when I was growing up. As far as I'm concerned magic in fiction becomes only unacceptable is when it outright says that is is demonic, and even then if it's the villain who's using it then I will probably change my mind.

 I know, but while in those stories they specify it is white magic, in MLP only the Elements of Harmony are like that, the rest is neutral. Which quite a few Christians don't mind too much, but it would be probably better if you avoided episodes like Magic Duel.

  And as for the f-bomb thing, we could ask them to change the f word to fudge and the s word to crap, and the B word to ass(is that a swear word or not? I'm confused. I guess it's in the middle of euphemisms and swear words.)

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 I know, but while in those stories they specify it is white magic, in MLP only the Elements of Harmony are like that, the rest is neutral. Which quite a few Christians don't mind too much, but it would be probably better if you avoided episodes like Magic Duel.

Yeah I think most Christians would agree on that. but I know a few who would sit you down and have a little bible study if you so much as brought it up. Lets just say that half the Phoenix home school community don't let their children watch a good half of the Disney films on the market until they'er at least ten. I mean come on it's Disney, what bad things could they possibly learn from it. I mean even if they did try to cast spells because they saw the blue fairy do it, then that would mean that they are either unable to distinguish fantasy from reality or they are extremely pliable. Any way gtg I have classes in the morning.


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"Magic" is defined as achieving a miracle or supernatural act with out the assistance of God but another supernatural force. Naturally that would be satan or one of his demons as no other forces exist. That's what makes magic evil because what you perceive to be powers from Ra, the Force, your wand, or even your self would all be from satan as no other supernatural force exists to give you or make you seem as though you had those supernatural powers.


This is something that has always been a bit confusing to me.  How can we know that all power comes from either God (in which case it's supremely good) or from Satan (in which case it's supremely evil)?  How exactly can we know that no other powers exist?



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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I was raised in so many denominations (went through foster care), I now consider myself non-denominational.  However, I do have a theology degree from a Bible College if that says anything.

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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This is something that has always been a bit confusing to me.  How can we know that all power comes from either God (in which case it's supremely good) or from Satan (in which case it's supremely evil)?  How exactly can we know that no other powers exist?

How exactly can we know that God exist? We just don't, not by scientific evidence at least. That's when it gets into what you believe and what you take on faith. Now I'm not sure about all Christians, but Catholics believe there to be one God, three persons, who created all. Satan and his fellow angels, now called demons, rebelled against Him and seek any way possible to prevent us from being with God. Beyond them there are no other SUPER-natural powers. However, remember how I said that "magic" tends to be a common place thing in most fantasies? In other words that it's NATURAL in that universe? We could very well discover/develop "magical" abilities in the future. The idea of like a jedi or wizard could become reality if science finds a way. So long as nature allows it and it obeys the laws of nature, "magic" could be a reality. Now if you pulled someone from the distant past and showed them what we can do today with technology, they'd think we possessed magical powers now. Sometimes it's all about perspective. If it's beyond nature, you're choices are God or satan. If it works within nature, then intention is what would determine it being good or bad. Ex. Magically healing people=good, electrifying people to death...not so much. The only problem is that if it's within nature, it's no longer called "magic" but...magic?  It's no longer something achieved by supernatural assistance but an ability that's freaking awesome.


This last example might help clear it up.


Princess and the Frog: 

This is some of the magic we hear the Church say no to. As he states, he's got friends on the other side. Voodoo is a real thing and I recommend avoiding it.


Sorcerer's Apprentice: 

This is an example of what I mean by natural magic. Granted this isn't possible...yet...in theory, but if it was, this would NOT be considered evil right off the bat. Just like with guns or any other technology, it's what they are used for that determines whether the action was good or bad. As Mr. Cage states, is this science or magic? "Yes and yes."


Prince of Egypt: 

 (don't know why it's not working, just copy and paste.)

Finally, I had to show an example of God's magic if I showed you an example of...other magic.

He has a robe, a staff, and a BEARD! Seriously, Moses was a wizard.


Joking aside, I hope that helps you understand better. Seriously though, Moses=freaking awesome wizard.

Edited by Vinstar59


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I don't like how some people have been doing that in here, either. It is no different from atheists coming together and being like, "Finally! Some like-minded people! I am sick and tired of these Christians and their creationism and their anti-gay-marriage beliefs and their beef against bronies!" I get my panties in a bunch when I read shit like that, too. img-1353931-1-tongue.png


I think, though, that because individual religious people feel like they are the only person on the Internet who isn't an atheist, they feel like it's OK to let out their frustrations on a public forum when they finally see other Christians around them, where atheists can read them and of course be offended by them.


I remember when I first joined this forum, and there was a thread titled, "What is everypony's religion?" and 60% of the people who voted were atheists. That is discouraging for us Christians who feel like the Internet is a very hostile place for Christians. And in many ways it is. And many Christians don't know how to handle that kind of hostility. I know I didn't when I first started posting on Internet forums. I sounded like a closed-minded idiot the first times I ever talked about Christianity with non-Christians.


I guess my point is that no one intends on being exclusive, but we can get very defensive as Christians sometimes. When people are hostile towards us, we take it out on the wrong people, because the right people are only going to become more hostile if we start arguing with them. We live in an ugly world where people act on their most primal human reactions before they think about what they are doing and processing their frustration in a healthier, more constructive way.

Or less Christians on the Internet shows that Christians have better things to do in their lives besides being on the internet all day(of course, I am kidding).


I feel that, being a Catholic, since we are the "minor breed" on the Internet we act on instinct. Like a little dog, we sometimes need to show some bark because we are such a small "breed" on the Internet. Imagine if Atheism was the minor "breed" on the Internet.

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I feel that, being a Catholic, since we are the "minor breed" on the Internet we act on instinct. Like a little dog, we sometimes need to show some bark because we are such a small "breed" on the Internet. Imagine if Atheism was the minor "breed" on the Internet.

That doesn't excuse our behavior. If we have to show "bark" because we're Catholic, we're not acting like Catholics. We can't just defend the truth, we must live it as well, in what we say and what we do.


If we start throwing up defensive walls and telling the others to "back off" how does that reflect on us? We don't need to isolate ourselves from others because they attack, we need to help them understand why we are Catholic or Christian. We can not just say, "Ur being mean or not talking about God, please go away." If Pencils wishes to come here and post here, he is welcomed to it. This may be a call out thread to Christians, but all are welcome here. If we don't welcome others, we just prove Pencils point.


Pencils isn't wrong in saying we risk drawing lines in the fandom, which is why we must prove them wrong with our actions. No matter what others think or believe, they still are children of God and we should love them as such, not shew them away. If we can't reflect the love of God in our actions, why would anyone want to be a Christian, or a Catholic for that matter? Love is our weapon against satan, not facts or Bible verses. If we are the minority, that just means we have to love more, not bark louder. Offer more prayers for their souls, not reasons they are wrong or should leave. Love triumphs all, and God is love. 


So here is what I'm going to do. I'm going to pray a decade of the rosary for our friend Pencils. I invite everyone to pray a Hail Mary or an Our Father for our friend as well. Simple act of love and it takes like a minute. 


Bronies are love and tolerance. Let's show that the Christian bronies are the loving half of the fandom.


Also, Elder Scrolls is a fantastic game.


Take care and God Bless everypony!

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If it's beyond nature, you're choices are God or satan.


This is some of the magic we hear the Church say no to. As he states, he's got friends on the other side. Voodoo is a real thing and I recommend avoiding it.


To the first statement, I ask...why?  What requires anyone to pick a side, as it were?  Just because something is not mentioned in the Bible, does that it mean it doesn't (or can't) exist?


To the second statement, I ask...how do you know voodoo is real?  Have you tried it?  Is it possible that it's just a bunch of smoke and mirrors used by a savvy "witch doctor" who simply wants to intimidate and manipulate others, to further his own mundane ends? Is it possible that -- even if the witch doctor himself believes it to be real -- it's all nonsense?



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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To the first statement, I ask...why?  What requires anyone to pick a side, as it were?  Just because something is not mentioned in the Bible, does that it mean it doesn't (or can't) exist?


To the second statement, I ask...how do you know voodoo is real?  Have you tried it?  Is it possible that it's just a bunch of smoke and mirrors used by a savvy "witch doctor" who simply wants to intimidate and manipulate others, to further his own mundane ends? Is it possible that -- even if the witch doctor himself believes it to be real -- it's all nonsense?

I was stating that from my beliefs as a Catholic. If you believe that some other supernatural power exists out there than ok, but it's very explicit in Catholic teaching that there is a single God, the God of Abraham, who created everything, the angels, and satan. I can't call you wrong in saying something else could be out there as nothing in that realm of existence can be concretely proven. Catholics believe there isn't any other power out there than God and his angels, be them good or bad. That's also my belief.  


It's really less what side you pick and more whether you are with God or not. You can't really be aligned with the devil as he hates your guts, wants nothing to do with you. The only thing you can "share" in is his view of God, which is to reject him. Satan just said no, I don't want You. You are given the same choice with your free will everyday. You can follow God and be with Him or you can take your own path and refuse Him. Those are your choices. Granted there are many ways you can choose to refuse. 


Not everything we believe comes from the Bible, which is a mistake most make. While many of the things we believe are in the Bible, we don't believe in them because they are in the Bible. We believe in them because they are truth. Repeating my self, but it is your choice whether you believe in said truth.   


Havetried Voodoo?! HECK NO! Thank God! What I meant by "real" is that it is something actually practiced in certain cultures. It's not something made up, you can go out and find actual witch doctors.


"Is it possible that it's just a bunch of smoke and mirrors used by a savvy "witch doctor" who simply wants to intimidate and manipulate others, to further his own mundane ends? Is it possible that -- even if the witch doctor himself believes it to be real -- it's all nonsense?" -Yes and Yes. The point though is that Voodoo and other things like Fortune Telling and "Crystal Balls" are not practices that celebrate the glory of God. As a result, practice of them separates you from God, but what's worse is that it can invite demons to come into play and wreak havoc with those involved. (or what ever "other power" you believe is roaming around...but it's a demon.) Now things like Yoga and "channeling Chi" are things I'm not super versed in. While there is a spiritual aspect to them they are great physical and meditative work outs. I'll have to look more into those as I'm not sure right now where Catholics stand on those things, but I'm getting off topic now. 


Hope that helps a bit more. If you're still confused, keep asking! 

  • Brohoof 1


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Yes! Yes! Yes!


I was really hoping that there would be a few other people on here who were Christians. And look, a thread specifically asking about it!


It's very nice to see a whole bunch of people who share similar world-views and values to oneself. Please feel free to IM me if you ever need to talk to someone about God, Christianity, and life.


I might start sending out some partially-random friend requests.


To summarise myself: I'm a non-denominational Christian, because almost every denomination I've come across seems to have traditional beliefs that I disagree with. I believe that Jesus Christ came to Earth in human form to testify to the Truth. That whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. I believe that only through this belief in God's only begotten Son can one be saved. I also believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and that we live on a young Earth which is roughly 6000 years old.

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I have additionally wondered about various Christian perspectives on fan-materials that ship humans and ponies, whether explicit or non-explicit.


Er, I don't personally ship humans and ponies, but I don't think there's anything against it.


Hold on a second, you guys, it isn't technically bestiality. These are sentient beings with a soul, a culture, and race. It's pretty much like being in a relationship with an alien. I really wouldn't, um, go for it myself, but I do think that it's not really bestiality.


*shudder* But again, that's a little uncomfortable for me to think about. I see them as cartoon characters, and a show I watch to relieve stress. Not...something to be sexually desired. ohmy.png 

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Yes! Yes! Yes!


I was really hoping that there would be a few other people on here who were Christians. And look, a thread specifically asking about it!


It's very nice to see a whole bunch of people who share similar world-views and values to oneself. Please feel free to IM me if you ever need to talk to someone about God, Christianity, and life.


I might start sending out some partially-random friend requests.


To summarise myself: I'm a non-denominational Christian, because almost every denomination I've come across seems to have traditional beliefs that I disagree with. I believe that Jesus Christ came to Earth in human form to testify to the Truth. That whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. I believe that only through this belief in God's only begotten Son can one be saved. I also believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and that we live on a young Earth which is roughly 6000 years old.

Kinda sounds like my beliefs. Ever heard of the Church of Chirst? It's not a main branch of Christainity, but we certaintly do exist. And we have some famous members, like Wierd Al and the Robertson family from Duck Dynasty.


Sure makes us look like sane people.

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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If so many homosexuals are accepting, why is it I have homosexuals coming to mass every Saterday disrespecting the host and wine? I feel that they hate Christians much.


"If a few members do X, that must mean most of them X!"




For my next trick, I'll use the westboro baptists to prove most Christians hate soldiers!


(I hope my sarcasm is very evident here.)

Edited by AndrewsarchusJones
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"If a few members do X, that must mean most of them X!"




For my next trick, I'll use the westboro baptists to prove most Christians hate soldiers!


(I hope my sarcasm is very evident here.)


No, your sarcasm was very subtle.




In all honesty, I have already stated my opinions on homosexuals. I don't care what you do in the bedroom or who you do it with, I like people based on their personality and how they treat others. :3

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