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Hello everypony!


I was just involved in a topic that made me stop and think for a moment. Everyday we log on here and the sight works. We can post and play and role play and show off our art, etc. Most of the time all these features work flawlessly and of course this does not happen by accident. Our Tech Admins work hard to keep the place running, our other mods protect us from trolls. 


Even though we may not always agree with what they do or don't do. Even though we may have our problems, I think we should take a moment and just say thank you for building this place and working so hard for us regardless of our differences.


So, from Obsidian Winter, pony of the Cold Winter Night, Thank you, each and every one of you. Would all of ya'll please join me by posting your thank you's!!!!!!!


If you can't think of a way to say thanks, why not post a story of how the forums have helped you or made your life a little better? ;)

Edited by Obsidian_Winter
  • Brohoof 25

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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I prefer my gratitude to be personal and specific, as well as unprompted. Anything else feels less than sincere.


That said, I do appreciate the hard work that goes into taking a barebones forum software and turning it into an immersive and capable full-site experience.

  • Brohoof 2

This space intentionally left blank.

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well, as somepony who has a ton of warning points, i approve this thread.

i may lose my temper allot (bloody derpy threads i swear....) and then get banned..... then rage some more, i'll calm down a acknowledge that the mods were only doing there job. also i kind have allot to be thankfull to the mod and the forum because i would not have met my special some pony if not for iy

so yeah thanks

  • Brohoof 3

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Thanks to Feld0 and the admins for making this an amazing place to have fun and hangout on the best forum on the internet! All my respect goes out to you guys!


Haven't seen one troll or a rule-breaker yet so that obviously means you guys are doing a bang-up job on keeping this place safe :3


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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well, as somepony who has a ton of warning points, i approve this thread.

i may lose my temper allot (bloody derpy threads i swear....) and then get banned..... then rage some more, i'll calm down a acknowledge that the mods were only doing there job. also i kind have allot to be thankfull to the mod and the forum because i would not have met my special some pony if not for iy

so yeah thanks

Yeah..I guess I have them to thank for that too....So thats my story. I met my special somepony here and that would not have happened if not for you. Thanks guys.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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I've made some mistakes and recieved some warnings, but hey, I suppose it happens, anyway.....yes, thanks to you all who keep the place running, you make every effort to give us bronies a nice place to just talk and enjoy ourselves and meet others. It really is a great thing of you. Let's keep it going, huh?

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I think the best thing I can say about this site is the fact that it has probably changed my life for the better, even if only in small way, that is large to me. For example...during schooltime, you would see me with my friends and such and we'd hang out, then class, then i'd come home and i'd be on my lazy behind all night on the Xbox, only to sleep - rinse and repeat for several years. Go me right?  <_<


Since i've been a brony - and i'll tell this story every time - I have met so many wonderful people, and been an (unfortunately indirect) part of so many amazing talents of the fandom. Brony musicians, game developers, bloggers, YouTubers and not to mention artists and who could count out the incredible brony vs hater arguments?. Without MLP I would still be doing the same things I used to do, just without the friends or the school. Without MLP forums I probably wouldn't even be doing that. Not going to get into that depressing subject here, but lets just say that thanks to so many brilliant people here, I have made a few new friends and found a deeper side of happiness that I didn't know before, not to mention I have actually found something I want to do - compose music and make art - which, again without MLP forums I dont think I Would have ever even given it proper thought.


So overall I would like to give a sincere thank you to everyone here - Feld0 for creating this site in the first place. the tech admins for keeping the site up and running. The forum admins for keeping the forums free of excessive negativity. And of course my fellow bronies, for helping me discover who I really am, and for bringing peace and happiness into even the darkest of my times! 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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I definitely respect what the people behind this site have been doing to keep it running and keep it safe. So far I haven't had any problems with this site and anyone who I've encountered so far has been nice to me. I honestly have nothing bad to say. I've been part of three other MLP forums and this one is my favorite for sure. 


I lost my last friend when she died in her sleep almost 2 years ago. When she passed on I was all alone. No one wanted to be my friend in college because no one had time for me. The internet hasn't been any better for me in fact I barely get noticed but it isn't all that bad. I met one other brony during my stay here and we actually have a common interest. Poetry. 


If it wasn't for this forum I'd still be completely alone.

Edited by Data Void
  • Brohoof 1
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I may be new to these forums, but in my little time that I've been here I can already say that this is the second best community I've ever been on, and that's only cause I've been on the first one for two years and made some really close friends on there.

But yeah, keep up the good work guys!

Edited by Vengeance
  • Brohoof 1


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*Touch my forehead with two fingers and put the fingers down again*

Aye! Indeed. Can't think a good way to say thanks. This forum is, got to say, the best forum I've ever joined. It's crowded, it has so many cool sections, and the most important is that (almost) all of the members are nice people.

I love forum activity, but sadly, I've left so many forums just because there are so many **** people on that forum. Always trolling and insulting people's opinion. That's not what forums are meant to be, but not this one. MLP Forums. A forum where nice people, who calls them self bronies, gathers together. The arts, the roleplays, the life advices. Don't know if I can find another forum like this. Thank you all of you, especially for Feld0 and other admins.

Fair winds MLP Forums!

  • Brohoof 1



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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I'm sure I've said it over a dozen times now in different lengths and in different ways, but you can never say it too many times. Before this place, my standard for what a 'good' forum experience was, was horrible. The professional administration here, Feld0 and Zoop, and of course the chicken, have all blown me away over and over again at how dedicated, friendly and mature they are. I discovered this strange place we call the internet half a lifetime ago, and I only joined this place back in June of 2012. I can say this is more of a 'home' of mine on the internet, than any forum or site in general has been, before.

  • Brohoof 7


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Insert all of my agreement here.


I must say, I'm really impressed at how well this site is run and moderated.  Thank you to all of the staff that make this place as awesome as it is!

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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This is one of those forums where everything is so damn friendly mostly because we have such an awesome forum. I mean, not only is our community amazing and friendly. But if you look at this forum, it's got everything.

For starters, we get a new banner every week. Our theme looks awesome and the way you can customize your profile. A lot of work went into this so shouts out to Feld0 and all the admins for running this awesome forum.


Next, we're huge. Look at the amount of posts and members we got. Not 'omgomgomgepicelyhugeforumz' but pretty big.


As for me, this forum and the brony community itself has made me happy. Before this I was just a meanie who bullied other kids at school. Now, watching this show and interacting with this community has made me a better person. 


So...umm....yeah....here's a dancing gif.



  • Brohoof 1



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To Feld0 and Zoop  who keep this place running on a daily basis and fix things when they're broken, and the rest of the moderators, who keep the board tidy and the members in their places,


you guys make this place feel like a second home to me,  and that's saying something.  This is a place where no pony is    judged on their likes or dislikes. we may not all see eye to eye, but that's okay.  it's what makes us all different. It's a place that feels comfortable to me, I'm actually not really sure how to say thank you, because there really are no words to really express my gratitude for what you all do on a daily basis.  

Edited by angels_gal


Pixel Art made by the talented Bruno! 


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Yeah, the admins and stuff have done an amazing job on this forum. I've been posting here since about August now and I haven't seen one troll, so that's kind of a feat, I mean we have a lot of haters out there that would do dumb stuff like go out of there way to flame a pony forum. The environment on this forum is such a welcoming and friendly one. All that stuff starts with the admins and stuff, so great job guys, these forums are a nice little sanctuary for me. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature Courtesy of

Like A Boss

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As someone who was a moderator on an anime site a few years back I know some of the challenges that the moderators have to face, when they say that being a moderator isn't all it is cracked up to be they mean it. This is the best forum I have ever been to, most of the people here are nice people the site works 90% of the time, the design and layout are good and there are nice extra features such as blogs and status updates which yours truly has taken advantage of. And I haven't seen the kind of abuses of power from moderators that I have seen on that one site I was a moderator on.

  • Brohoof 1
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This place is something else.  I'm not much of a real forum goer other than here.  Even as big as we've become, it's still personable, and the staff is mega helpful.


Dagnab kids i remember when this site had two admins and 30 members uphill both ways in two feet of snow

  • Brohoof 1


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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Definitely one of the nicest and cleanest forums around. Everything seems to work, staff seems to be friendly and helpful more than enough, additional stuff to do apart from only posting. So great.


Just don't remove the 100/200 characters limit, or the quality will drop suddenly, there is no doubt about that. Yes, throw stones at me for saying that people, but I'm immune.  ^_^

  • Brohoof 1


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well, I just became a member a few days ago, and I have to say, it really looks like a great forum, and this is coming from a guy who has seen a lot of them; so, kudos to everyone who was involved in the creation and maintenance of the MLP Forums and also kudos to all the members who are keeping it a great place XD

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Feld0 and Scootacool deserve more credit than I can possibly provide for all that they do to keep this community functioning properly. Feld0 has been, hands-down, the best community owner I've had the pleasure of working with.


As someone who was a moderator on an anime site a few years back I know some of the challenges that the moderators have to face, when they say that being a moderator isn't all it is cracked up to be they mean it.




This person knows what they're talking about. Pity us, for we are doing the job that nobody in their right mind should ever aspire to. :-X

  • Brohoof 1
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A warm thank you to all the admins! I don't know what I would do without this site. ;) (Wither away into nothing I suspect)


I probably owe this site my happiness. I met my best friend on here and so many other great friends. ;) Not to mention it's the only place on the internet where you can state an opinion without starting WW3. -.-


So thank you admins. This is for you. ;) Love: Lightning Fluttershy.


Note: This picture of me is outdated.

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