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Which Element of Disharmony do you represent most?

Winona the Dog

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I represent Cynicism, I make fun of absolutely everything in person. I was the biggest smart-ass while I was still in school. It made people laugh how nonchalantly I made fun of absolutely everything. I guess I partly do it out of anger or jealousy. I used to make fun of someone who was just about as smart as me. You see, I was at the top of my class for graduation,. But there was another kid, who, god bless his soul. Tried his hardest to come out on top, at everything. However, me and him weren't exactly buddy buddy.  Since according to pretty much everyone in my school believed I'm smarter than he is. He would kind of poke at me for being smarter than he is. So I would always make fun of him.


I'd also say I at least represented dishonesty to a small level earlier on in my life. I didn't tell major lies but I have told lies that hid entire portions of my life before. For example, when I was younger my parents didn't know I was learning how to program in C# until I had already finished learning how. Maybe It's more that I keep secrets than I lie, but on some fundamental level, I feel they're exactly the same thing. And it consumes with guilt on some days. 


That's why I always tell the truth nowadays, because I have never done any good by hiding things.


Also I can explain why isolation is Twilight's opposite.


Friendship is magic, so by that logic, magic is friendship.

So Twilight's normal element in friendship.

Isolation is it's opposite.
Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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Cynicism the most for me. I suppose being a pretty skeptical person doesn't help much, either. People tend to mistake my skepticism with cynicism, but... yeah, I can be pretty cynical as well.  

Edited by Hansel

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Cynicism, with a dash of isolation. My whole family is very cynical, and the cynical characters tend to be some of my favorites in shows, books, and games. Isolation because I don't feel like doing much after I get off of work, so I almost never go anywhere fun.

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I would have to say greed.  I love having and getting stuff, and I love money, which explains my expensive tastes.  I always say I want a luxury car or a stereo by Bang & Olufsen, and my headphones are a pair of Bose OE-2's.  I tend to keep my greedy side at bay, but when there's something I really want, it's all I can think of. (Cadillac DeVille)


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Isolation, definitely.

Must I really explain about all the jerks at school who never speak a single word to me at all no matter how hard I try?


I know right? Same happens to me at my school. Isolation for me as well, with a bit of cynicism. I am a very serious person who seems invisible to the world.


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Greed, definitely. I suppose I could probably say my greed is justified, but... I'll still say Greed. Also, Cynicism, and lots and lots of Cruelty. You have not known fear until you have seen my play Sims, or been a player in a DND campaign that I DM.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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I don't think that Twilight's discorded version is isolation. I'd call it depression.


Anyways, definitely disloyalty. I'm really flighty and I tend to come and go like the wind, unfortunately. It's something I'm trying to overcome, but it's hard.


(I must be the only person here who does not identify at all with discorded Pinkie Pie. Guess that's why I consider my element to be Laughter.)

Edited by Stellafera
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Gotta go with Twilight, saying I represent isolation.  Though I have friend right now, i'm pretty dang isolated.  My idea of a good night is just staying at home by myself when others would want to go party.  It's to the point that I feel like I would be a jerk if I joined in, which is why i'll make excuses at times to stay home, further isolating myself.

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It' s a very close race between isolation, cruelty, and cynicism because I demonstrate all three pretty often, but I think isolation wins out. I tend to isolate myself a lot. I'm not just shy, but actively asocial. I end up really lonely sometimes as a result. :(

Edited by MelancholicMemory
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I'm Cynicism with a touch of Isolation. Cynicism because I'm distrustful of others, especially if it's someone that I've had more problems than fun with in the past. I'm also not good about learning new things that don't interest me. If someone tried teaching me how to build a house, I can't be bothered.


Isolation because even though I like to be alone at times, I'd feel isolated from the others, especially at gym. Everyone would gather in groups(which is against the rules and I'm not one to break them), and I would just sit there, all alone with nobody to talk to. Plus, I'd rather stay home and read a good book while everyone else wants to party.

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Isolation and dishonesty. Just can`t decide between this two.


I realy think that i am lone person. Decision like going to party with some group or stay in home read book/searching internet, allways end up 2nd choice. It is really hard to be open with peoples just feel ... uncomfortable...


On other hand i have lied sooooo much in my life to everyone, making pranks out of it and just lying for my advantage to each other or to myself, well ... just too much lie so sometimes it is hard to separate with a truth.
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Honestly, I would have to say it is definitely Isolation for me. When I go out for walks I tend to keep to myself at times. I may do a friendlyy wave or say "hello" but that's as far as it goes


In most cases, cynicism would have to be a close second. Some video games tend to bring that out in me :/


then dishonesty as the least


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let that be a warning :T








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Definitely isolation for me, with a slight hint of greed. I've pretty much been a loner ever since I was a kid and even now I would rather spend my time alone in my room than surrounded by groups of people, save for a very few exceptions. I said greed as well because I notice I tend to be often motivated by personal gain or even by possessions. I'm not proud of it, but it's the truth.  

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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Isolation definitely, mainly because I isolate myself a lot and I'm not really a social butterfly so to say, I can also be quite cynical as well, it feels like when people are laughing at times, they're laughing at me. 

I can be cruel to some people as well, which is a trait I am not proud of.


Credit to Lunia :)

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My vice is my love of material possessions. There's always something I want and no matter how much I acquire, I always want more. But don't get the wrong idea, I'm not a bad person (most of the time anyway) I just happen to know what I want and I strive to get my hands on it. 

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And the prize goes to cynicism, if you have seen my blog posts you will see one of the major reasons why being my job sucks kind of really sucks. Of course I am on vacation right now so my cynicism levels are way way down right now, but all I need to do is put on that uniform and it gets turned up to 11. Of course I can and have been cynical about other things too I am very cynical about politics for example don't get me wrong I know things will work out in the end but I think they are going to get a lot worse before they get better.


I don't pay nearly as much attention as I used to simply because my own life is depressing enough as it is, and I have to focus on my exit strategy which I have full faith in it will just take some time to implement.If I get pissed off enough cruelty starts to come out big time, my temper though it can still sometimes get the better of me is not nearly as bad as it used to be. 

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I ain't gonna lie here,I can easily represent dishonesty,cyncism,and cruelty.


Also,wouldn't apathy fit more for Twilight?If memory serves me,she didn't really care about anything anymore when she was Discorded.

Edited by CaptainBlue808
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I spend all day every day in a small room away from people, so isolation is definitely the one that best applies to me. Although I can be very cynical towards pretty much everything.

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I've just realized I strongly represent most of them(besides betrayal). I must be a horrible person.


Anyway, first place goes to isolation. I have very few friends, but, to be honest, I meet them only because we're classmates. I leave my home only to go to school or to practice running, since I am preparing to marathon. But, is it really bad? I don't really like people(well, most of them), but I don't hurt anyone because of it. I am not that bad after all. 

  • Brohoof 1

"When all the truth does

is make your heart ache

sometimes a lie

is easier to take"

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At first I was thinking isolation, I spend a great deal time alone after all, but it seems that Twilight's isolation is marked by a sense of loneliness and I rarely feel lonely.


So, my element of disharmony would be dishonesty. I find I tell plenty of lies to keep my friends and family from worrying about me. I went back and watched the episode to make sure (I often put more thought into these things than I think I should) and Discord's line "When all the truth does is make your heart ache, sometimes a lie is easier to take" really got to me. 

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Dishonesty, hoofs down.


I often lie a lot to get away with stuff. Nothing major, just the typical stuff.


Parent: 'Did you do your homework?'


Me: 'Yes'



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Okay. Let's put them in order. From the most representable to the least:


1 = Isolation

2 = Dishonesty

3 = Cynicism

4 = Cruelty

5 = Greed

? = Betrayal


I've set isolation as my main issue since I'm quite anti-social, unfortunately. Lately I'm craving for social contact, but I'd always end up feeling empy. Dishonesty is second because I used to be quite the habitual liar, but I've got over it. Instead, I sometimes conceal the truth without flat out lies. Cynicism speaks for itself, I suppose, can't say much on that... Cruelty... well, I cannot stand cruelty to others in normal circumstances, and usually cringe at it. However, to those who I dislike, I can act very sadistic... I am also quite greedy, and depending on how much resources I have for myself, I can range from "Here! Have all this money!" to me scavenging the cookie crumbles and acting like a wild beast of some sort. I've put betrayal as last, considering I was never put into the situation of consideration of betrayal, so I cannot properly judge it.


Anyhow, that's all you need to know about me. I'm a very evil guy.

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