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gaming The Scariest Game You've Ever Played

Moog the Kvlt

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Ahh that would have to be the time I arm wrestled a silverback(Gorilla).


Ah the other game would have to be Fatal frame games, those things scare the shit out of me....


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 Reading through some of your guy's comments, I remembered a curious little jewel from my youth. Has anyone here played Phantasmagoria on Windows 95? No? That doesn't surprise me. Thinking back, Amnesia is probably scarier, but I was introduced to Phantasmagoria at a very young age by watching my dad play it while I sat on his lap. It also didn't help that our computer was in the basement and he'd turn off all the lights while pointing out that the intro music is actually a Demonic chant used to allegedly summon Satan. Yeah, not the greatest game for a child.

Edited by Marty McUnoriginal
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I have to say, one of the scariest is surprisingly Resident Evil 4 but only about the first half of it. The atmosphere and music of the the first half is incredibly eerie and quite scary first time playing through. It isn't jump scary of course, but it just oozes atmosphere, which is the mot important part to a horror game. Condemned Criminal Origins is pretty scary too. The Mall level is just freaky beyond belief.



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I'd say it would be hard to pin down, mostly because while I am of a nervous disposition I enjoy being creeped out so much that it's really damn hard to actually full on scare me shitless.  


In all honestly, it would probably be one of the many horror-themed flash games I've played. 



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The scariest game I've played isn't actually a horror game at all.


In the game Thief 3 you face zombies, except you actually have to sneak around them and hide from them. One just popped up right in front of me, it scared me so much I knocked my keyboard off the table.


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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  • 5 months later...

Curious as to everyponies level of being terrified. To Amnesia: The Dark Descent was the pinnacle of a scary game, taking what was learned from the Penumbra series and adding a dash of the Cthulu Mythos into the mix. Fantastic pacing and immersion, trully a feeling of beiing alone in that game mixed with psychological revulsion that relied your immagination rather then jump scares or gore.


Outlast was lackluster which did the opposite to me, and relied too much on gore and jumps.

Edited by Cstriker
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I don't play games, but I watch YTers play them sometimes :D I'm just going to go with that, k?


Hmmm...lemme see...


Ah. Here we go.




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Signature by @FadedSkies

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In terms of Atmosphere: Amnesia: The Dark Decent


In terms of Horror and Ambiguity: SCP-087-b


In terms of "NOPE!": Amnesia: Justine


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Slender was meh. I appreciate what the team did, especially 8 pages or whatever...but after Amnesia...everything has been spoiled for me.


Honorable mention:

Thief: Deadly Shadows' Shalebridge Cradle level...so flippin scary.


Really excited about Soma and Alien: Isolation.

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I've not played a "scary" game for a long time, so I'll have to say the original Silent Hill. I remember playing that thing all time and thought that it just got creepier and creepier as you went on. Starting off in the thick fog with what I liked to call "skinned dogs" hunting you, to the creepy frikkin school building, and then nightmare world and it's rusty grate streets and demonic gorillas replacing the dogs... yea, fond memories. Was really hoping an HD remake would get done of it like the original Resident Evil. Update the graphics, but don't go changing the game or enemies or anything.


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I don't tend to play many horror games but SCP Containment Breach is the scariest game i've played. SCP-173 jump scares and just running away from SCP-106 i find terrifying!!!!! 

Edited by Codelyoko373
  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Cherribomb for the Signature!


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I loooooove the Dead Space series. Tough They're not the most scary of horror games. (Eventough they get waaaay scarier when you play them on high difficulty settings) 

Most scary game i ever got to play must be Amnesia: The dark descent. I actually had trouble sleeping while playing through that game :P


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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~ SCP: Containment Breach.


This game right here just scares the duck out of me ... for the most part I just watch videos of it, but hell, one time I tried out the MLP mod for it, and at one point I was nice and secure within ... um ... whatever the SCP that allowed you to change items into other items was, and freakin' SCP-173 (or Pinkie in this case) freakin' appeared out of nowhere. In a supposedly secure room. I noped the heck out of there, and continued playing. Eventually I just ... I just couldn't handle it any more, as I was walking through some dark tunnels, and just fear-quit. Never played it since, but I don't think my computer would be able to handle it any more anyways, as much as I'd like to go back. :lol: (And just for the record, I love the SCP lore. So creepy and interesting!)

  • Brohoof 1

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@, You're lucky you even got that far, I can't even play that game without me screaming 2-3 times; at that point is when I fear-quit 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

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I haven't played nearly as many horror games as I'd wish. Typically after I play them I am no longer scared of them. First playthroughs are the only thing that ever scare me.


So based purely on first playthroughs the scariest games for me would have to be Silent Hill and maybe Fatal Frame. "Maybe" because I've only played about forty minutes of it but what I have played scared the living bejeezus out of me.

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Doom 3, in the dark, at 1 am, with stereo sound...yeah, never did that again lol.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Amnesia; Justine, Slender


I know some people don't find these games scary at all, but I always immerse myself into the game as much as I can. I play in the (mostly) dark with headphones on so all I see and hear is the game. I find psychological horrors like these to be way scarier than the traditional "jumpscare" game. With normal horror games, there's always the comfort of knowing you've got a shotgun or whatever to rely on and kill whatever is attacking you. In these, you have nothing. You either hide or die, those are your choices.


The Screecher is great as well. Talk about a psychological/ jumpscare combination! It's a mod for Don't Starve so if you haven't played it, I'd recommend picking it up. It's a short playthrough but it's pretty good.

  • Brohoof 1

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Dota 2. All these Russians spamming me in bad English: "NOOB, RUSSIA IS MOTHALAND! ALL OBAY!".

Okay, not exactly like that but the most of them are dumb and stupid in my opinion. Wait, isn't everbody like that in both dota and LoL?

Edited by Trolzilolz

"You tried your best and you failed miserably, the lesson is never try" - Homer J. Simpson


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The scariest game I've ever played?

Amnesia The Dark Descent- that Grunt is haunting me...

Dead Space- shooter? No when you're out of ammo and you hear monster sounds behind a wall...scary..

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