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My predictions are as such:

  • Flashback episode to how Celestia and Luna became alicorns.
  • Rarity being offered a job at a shop in Canterlot, but ultimately turning it down.
  • A wonderbolts episode.
  • An episode about what happened to AJ's parrents.
  • The CMC getting their cutie marks.
  • More ship teasing.
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My hopes/predictions:


-The CMC will get their marks.

-Moar Rarity!!!

_Moar Luna!!!

- Rainbow Dash's dad! :D

-More Twilight Alicorn episodes.


-less Sombra XD


basically, anything is good with me! (except King Sombra.)

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Someones gotta hook-up...... Twilight will abuse  her alicorn authority for personal gain, Queen Chrysalis and Sombre (revived) will team up, and mind control discord.


anyways, those are my hopes :) 

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I really want to see more of discord. Like, where is he living nowadays?


Luna should also have more of a role, although it was a cool concept introduced in Sleepless In Ponyville


I liked Wonderbolts Academy, because of how much RD was in it so I hope for another episode run by her.


Derpy needs to be in fun places like before. It was awsome to see her in places such as the snowglobe Cranky Doodle had.


There are so many other things I'm hoping for but those are on the top of my list.

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For all of season 3, I was hoping for a Rarity episode, and I never got one.  I'm really hoping for a Rarity episode or two in season 4, it bummed me out that I didn't get that much of her in season 3.  More Octavia would be nice also.


Signature credit to Gone Airbourne
Xbox Live - Sir Trollestia

Steam - Sir_Trollestia

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  On 2013-02-10 at 2:37 AM, JonathanDP81 said:

Things I'd like to see:

Another Luna-centric episode. Actually a Celestia episode would be cool as well.

Why not one for both? biggrin.png

  On 2013-02-10 at 2:37 AM, JonathanDP81 said:

A least a crumb of background for Scootaloo.

This would be interesting. I hope that we at least get some kind of info regarding the presence(or lack thereof) of her parents.

  On 2013-02-10 at 2:37 AM, JonathanDP81 said:

Have them do something with Discord, at least some cameos.

So long as they actually play off of his redeemed status without having him just hang out with the ponies that would be fine. It needs to be something epic and grand in scale where his magic would come in handy.

  On 2013-02-10 at 2:37 AM, JonathanDP81 said:


She already came back in the season 3 finale and had a number of cameos. This includes several where in she is looking straight at the "camera".
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Top 10 Predictions for Season 4


1. More Luna having a more vital role

2. Me as a pony starring in the show (hopefully)

3. Vinyl Scratch and Octavia talking and are hanging out. :D

4. Rainbow Dash being more into Wonderbolt training

5. More cliff-hanging two-parter episodes


7. Discord returning for more mischief

8. One of the CMC get a cutie mark and fear the others might get jealous so tries to hide it.

9. Applejacks parents (alive or dead?)

10. Rarity and Spike episodes (most touching!)

Harmony Spark: Fellow Brony and Devoted Student in Animation



Devoted HIM Fangirl. He is my husbando.

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Season 4 episodes I want


  1. More Discord
  2. Celestia and Luna as baby fillies, dang it Hot Minute
  3. More Rarity Episodes biggrin.png
  4. Hopefully the Octivia w/ Rarity episode they promised us last season, That was true, right 
  5. More Pinkie Pie Episodes
  6. More Musicals Similar to Magical Mystery Cure, am I the only one who likes that episode
  7. Twilight Flying Episode
  8. A Good Spike Episode, That character NEVER gets any good ones

It's-a-Me.... Mario - said by Mario Himself laugh.png

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As I said before season 3, I wanted to see Scootaloo and Fluttershy's family.




Then comes an episode just like the Tom and Jerry movie from 1993 where Scootaloo tells she's an orphan.


And then a bunch of villains show up under a chase and hilarity comes up.

Edited by Ulrik Raben


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  On 2013-04-17 at 4:21 AM, Kris Adams said:


Hopefully the Octivia w/ Rarity episode they promised us last season, That was true, right 


I don't believe such a promise was ever made.


I'd like to see Pinkie's family make a full appearance.  I'm curious about why Pinkie left the rock farm.


I so want an episode wherein Rarity hooks up with somepony.  My money is on Thunderlane.

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 a new villan. new locations a luna tickle episode a celestia episode. with her tickling luna. more discord. shining armor and cadence . the return of nightmare moon. and a epic movie finale

more luna, a new villan, more supernatural creatures, a tickle episode,  new locations, more discord more history of equestria, celestia  and a epic movie finale!

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My List is probably:

• More Luna and Rarity

• TS learning how to fly from RD

• More Songs from Pinkie!!

• Less Fluttershy

•More Applejack

• More Discord


I'm done....for...now...

Edited by Lunar Red

EPRBoM Official Threads




P.S Want an avatar like mine, send me a pic of anypony in a PM and I will make an awesome avatar for you!

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When are the ponies finally gonna party inside the gates of Tartarus?


Shouldn't be hard. Twilight knows the way, and Fluttershy knows the bouncer...

  • Brohoof 1

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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1.) Deal with Princess Twilight/Twilicorn:


I don't care how they do it, I don't even care if they leave her as an Alicorn or change her back, I just want what happened in Magical Mystery Cure to have some kind of significance rather than a 30-minute commerical for toys.


2.) More Rarity:


I say this all the time, but I want more Rarity. She was very charming and lovable the few times she played a part in Season 3, but she just does not get enough love. Hell, even Spike has more episodes than her at this point.


3. More Celestia and Luna:


I've said this before, and I'll say it again, I want a Celestia and Luna episode, and I'm not talking about an episode where they just show up, I mean an episode all to themselves. A Celestia/Luna episode done in the style of Tom & Jerry would be the icing on a very delicious cake in my book.

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

DeviantART: http://twinhead-b.deviantart.com/


Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

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  On 2013-04-18 at 4:23 PM, Twinhead B said:
I don't care how they do it, I don't even care if they leave her as an Alicorn or change her back, I just want what happened in Magical Mystery Cure to have some kind of significance rather than a 30-minute commerical for toys.


Yes, yes, yes. Ruining this opportunity would make me hate the episode of MMC and also would make me feel betrayed, since I completely supported the idea of having Twilight transforming. But for all I know that is something that they will do from the very first episode so I guess I don't have to worry.

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  On 2013-04-18 at 4:23 PM, Twinhead B said:
I've said this before, and I'll say it again, I want a Celestia and Luna episode, and I'm not talking about an episode where they just show up, I mean an episode all to themselves. A Celestia/Luna episode done in the style of Tom & Jerry would be the icing on a very delicious cake in my book.


That would be weird but i would be expecting something more along the lines of back story. Establish their back story along with their rise to power. In turn that would establish a few things about the history of Equestria and a few other conflicts.

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  On 2013-04-19 at 2:56 PM, Lady Rainicorn said:

That would be weird but i would be expecting something more along the lines of back story. Establish their back story along with their rise to power. In turn that would establish a few things about the history of Equestria and a few other conflicts.


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for more world-building, but a Celestia/Luna episode where they simply go back and forth trying to out-prank each other ala Tom & Jerry would be a dream come true for me.

  • Brohoof 2

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

DeviantART: http://twinhead-b.deviantart.com/


Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

PSN: Booossh

Steam: twinheadb

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How about an episode where Pinkie Pie is eating to much sweets and accidently loses a tooth and has to go to the dentist, but she doesn't want to. She runs away and her friends have to find her.

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Babs will have more episodes.


King Sombra returning.


More CMC episodes.


Babs will have her own episode.


Babs will have her cutie mark.


Twilight flying lessons.


Canon lesbian mane 6 shipping.

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


Check out my OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/windwaker-r2761

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