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If any time the Season Three finale ends with Twilight remaining an alicorn princess, I pray to Celestia that they create a two-part Season Four premiere that has Twilight sacrifice her princesshood to save her friends.  It doesn't matter who or what she will save her friends from, so long as she returns to her old, unicorn self.

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Okay, here are a few things I would like to see in season 4:

. An episode where the ponies go to the Crystal Empire and see the Equestria games (since that was hinted in the recent epiosde anyway). Oh, and Spike better be invited this time (you know, since he saved the Empire and all).

. A development with Spike and Rarity's relationship. They had a really nice thing going with the two of them in season 2, but since around the mid-point of season 3, their relationship has taken a bit of a step backwards, where Spike is still falling head over heels for her, and Rarity doesn't seem to take much notice or care. Truly a shame really, as we don't get that kind of relationship between two characters anywhere else on the show (with the main characters I mean. If Bic mac and Cheerlie are to develop more, that'll probably happen at a slower pace anyway, and it's not like we can get the most varied plot driven episodes between those two unlike Spike and Rarity).

. Speaking of Rarity, an episode starring her again would be nice.....

. Generally just more family backstory to the few characters whom haven't gotten it yet.

. An episode experimenting with Discords duties of performing good.

. A returning villain such as Chrysallis or Sombra, or a returning rival such as Gilda.

. A new interesting villain with something we've never seen before in the show.

. More mythological creatures we haven't seen yet,

. Possibly some development in the CMC. I'd hope that at least one of them get's their cutie mark by the end of the season.

. Since Twilight will be getting some new wings soon, perhaps Spike should finally earn his???......

Other than that, I'll still love the show regardless of what they do with it, because I'll always have faith in the writers. :)

  • Brohoof 4
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- Vinyl gets a bucking line

- Vinyl gets a buckig dubstep song

- Pinkie Pie does another huge song

- Return of Gilda

- More of Dashies/Fluttershy's/Pinkie Pies past

- Duet with Rarity and Octavia

- Cadence goes to taratus

- We get to see what taratus looks like

- Twi is not an alicorn

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Ever since hearing Carbon Maestro's "From Saddle Arabia" song/masterpiece, I've been dreaming, I've been waiting to have an episode with those great ponies. I mean imagine the awesomeness of visiting a completely different place, the great music that Daniel Ingram could cook up for the occasion and, if you're still not convinced, Twilight dressed like this :





Edited by Malakili
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Thanks a lot to ShyForever for the great signature!

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I really hope they can try and make season 4 even better than season 3. They did a nice job with the episodes the psat couple weeks

  • More CMC episodes, they really entertain me a lot more than before now xP
  • Fluttershy's parents revealed, we've seen all of the mane 6's parents except for her
  • More songs, there wasn't enough songs in this season for me xP Babs Seed was definitely the best for me though.
  • Powerful villain, not the King Sombra powerful where he dies in an instant, but maybe a 3-parter episode. That would be interesting.
  • Episodes on background ponies
  • Another Wonderbolt episode, we never really got to see what happens to RD after she becomes a leader
  • More Scootalove <3 (Sisterhooves Social?)
  • Backstories of Mane 6 when they were fillies. (Before they got their cutie marks)

That's about it xP I may think of more but I'm not sure at the moment.


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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-Moar Rarity

-Moar Rarity

-Moar Rarity

-Moar Rarity

-Moar Rarity

-Fluttershy's parents

-Rainbow Dash's parents

-Moar Rarity

-Moar Rarity


Did I mention that I want more Rarity, because I want more Rarity

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Applejack Family development.


I want an episode so sad that my tears shed tears. Give everyone a little closure as to what happened to her parents. 

  • Brohoof 3
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Things I like to see in season 3 are:


- Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake getting an episode.

- What is next for Rainbow Dash and the Wonder Bolts.

- Rainbow and Fluttershys parents show up.

- Cadence and Shining Armor have a baby.

- A look back at Celestia and Luna's past.

- What Discord is up to.

- CMC getting their cutie marks.

Edited by pinkiefan1287


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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erm mine is the same as my list for season 3


-Episodes that can make me laugh my ass of and enjoy watching multiple times


that's it honestly the only other thing i rely want and desire would be for Sombra to return b:(k s:(t up or at least be explored more 

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This is what I would like to see in season 4:


1. A Celestia/Luna episode


2. The return of Queen Chrysalis


3. The Equestria Games.


4. One of the CMC gets their cutie mark.


I have more, but these are the first four things.


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I would like to see more Discord, fluttershy with her own episode, a few scenes wtih derpy, Alicorn Twilight to not be permanent (as in she can be alicorn whenever and only when needed)


"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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- More Rainbow Dash + Scootaloo after the Sleepless in Ponyville episode

- More songs

- King Sombra return. He looked so badass, and I think that he got a lot of potencial left.

- More Celestia/Luna.

- More Discord.

- Possibly CMC visiting Babs.

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Things I want to see in season 4


common ideas

-more rarity

-more pets episodeds

-more princess Luna

-more scootalo rainbow dash relationship episodeds

-background info on characters episodes

-Derpy episode. If they take the approche that Doctor Whooves and th Assistant took by callin Derpy, Ditzy and Derpy was her nickname, the I think we will be good.

-Dragonshy. Fluttershy turns to a dragon. Enough said.


Not so common

-a better time travel episode. Mabye the mane six or some of them go to ancient equestria

-an episode featuring one of the characters families.

-an episode where the characters go to a city in the clouds that isn't made of clouds. It could be a mechanical city or a floating island like angle island in sonic.

-Don't hate me but I kinda want to see an episode where they go to the sea or underwater

-A what if episode. What if princess Celestia was the one that became bad and Princess Luna was the one that traped Celestia to say the sun. What would be the results.

-a episode where we see a Villan that can't be beaten by normal means such as using the elements of harmony.

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Well, I'm not expecting too much (MLP is always good!), but some things I hope happen are:


-We don't have to wait another 5 months for this season to come out :P


-Some more info on Discord


-Start having letters to Celestia again, the show kinda feels empty with them :(


Other than that, all I except are some more fun, creative episodes! :) Can't wait! And now, we have 26 episodes! Yaaayyy!

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I want to see Vinyl Scratch and Octavia have more substantial roles. Maybe they take part in a music competition? If we assume Fiddlesticks is related to Octavia, she could be in it too.


Chrysalis returns.


Shining Armor and Cadence have a foal.


More about Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash.


Have a personality reverse episode, like Pinkie and Twilight switching personalities.


I've seen this idea in a couple of TV shows. Have one of the ponies or Spike affected by a magic spell that makes them move so fast, everypony else seems to be frozen. Only Rainbow Dash can provide a solution :)


A parallel universe episode. Picture an evil Celestia and good Chrysalis, for example.

  • Brohoof 3

"Mr. The Dragon!" - Ms. Harshwhinny

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-more episodes catered to background poinies(Vinyl Scratch, Big Mac,Lyra and Bon-Bon)

-Luna needs more airtime

-A CMC east episode

-more references to the brony community

-humanization episode

-more songs

- a cupcakes episode an episode tried in different styles

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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26 Episodes in Season 4. I already got everything I wanted!


Though I suppose, if I want to nit-pick:

- RD teaching TS to fly with her Alicorn Wings *throws on flame-retardant suit*

- TS freaking out trying to be a princess, then moving back to Ponyville

- A really over the top nod to the bronies (like, give a background pony speaking lines, or have Vinyl adopt a changeling as a pet.)

- Renewed for Season 5

- More CMC,

- Scootaloo orphan becomes canon, adopted by RD

-Scootaloo finally flies

- Hmm... Fluttermac? Oh wait it's a kid's show... But really, the only romantic interest is Spike and Rarity. One is like 21 and the other is like 4 years old. Yeah.


Eh I suppose I could nit pick all night, but like I said with 26 episodes the only way they could go wrong is if they surrender any more control to Hasbro in the name of selling more toys.

  • Brohoof 1

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- more Lyra and Bon Bon

- an episode involving movie-making

- another Daring-Do related episode

- the return of Gilda

- the return of the Flim Flam Brothers

- an episode set in Manehattan, featuring a pony-fied Woody Allen

- a few reference to foreign-language films

- a few more ridiculously adorable Sweetie Belle moments

- more Scootaloo

- a solo musical number for Rainbow Dash

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Just for the show writers to keep everything just as wonderful as they always have. I don't really have a whole lot of specifics.


Although I'd like them to catch up some of the characters who need episodes.(Like Rarity, who seems to be lacking them honestly.) I kinda want Alicorn Twilight not to happen if that counts, but I don't have any huge problems with it regardless.


It might just be my bias, but I kinda wanna see more of Fluttershy, maybe a mention of her parents aswell.


I also wanna see some random appearances of Discord, just for the sake of Discord because hes awesome :D. And I want to see some interaction that shows that Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash have a little Sisterly relationship.


thats about all I can think of specially right now. Overall I just want them to keep the same magic they've had in the previous seasons, and maybe improve on it :). The shows been heading in a good direction to me for the most part, I guess they've got a couple things to work on here and there, but I still think they've got the magic.


I actually kinda want a S5 to.. But thats a bit of a ways away so I'll keep that topic locked up out of my head for a while.


OH and I want some more songs :D, because I'm a sucker for songs, I want more great songs :). And a Solo by Rainbow dash. She I think is the only pony without a solo of her own now. But generally I'm just a sucker for the songs on the show, so I hope there doesn't feel like theres a shortage of songs in S4.

Edited by Zygen
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Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I want Luna.


No, but seriously. Luna.

I want the Luna&Celestia's past episode that was promised to me before season 3 started. :(


I want a Luna SONG. That'd be cool.


No Alicorn Twily.




And Luna.

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