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I just hope we'll be getting a title for these episodes soon. How long was it before the S3 premiere aired that we learned that "The Crystal Empire" was the title? If I remember correctly, we already knew what TCE would be about as early as July.

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Lol i hope Gilda come's back in S4 for some revenge maby twilight will have to use her new wings to stop her or something sounds like a plan hasbro


I would like a Gilda returns, but I i'm not completely sure  about what it should be about. It would be a good chance to perhaps get an insight  on their past friendship,Which means more flash backs and more filly Rainbow Dash with a possibility of more filly Fluttershy!

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I have a theory as to who the villain of the premare will be.  Since the plot will involve the expansion of the Everfree Forest, we will meet it's master: an Ent called "The Tree of Erudition".  This also draws a parallel with the Garden of Eden, where there was the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  With the Tree of Harmony representing the Tree of Life, it would make sense for the antagonist to represent the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  This also gives Twilight the chance to redeem the villain, once she realizes he shares her love of information.

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What would really fascinate me is an episode which takes place elsewhere... We know Trottingham exists because of pipsqueak... I wanna know if more British Pony Cities are out there... and what other nationalities the ponies out there have!


I'd also like more history episodes :D



Everypony else has said what 'd like to see :P


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I really hope Luna doesn't turn evil again. I mean she has no reason to really. Though I will admit that Celestia has been giving Twilight more attention than needed and Luna is getting a bit neglect from her.


Which begs an episode showing both of them interacting beyond 10 seconds.

  • Brohoof 1
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Im really hoping to see more of the Changelings

i would like rarity to get some more episodes


and most of all i would like to see lots more of...THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRIXIIE !!!


Satan is good, Satan is my pal

i have nothing else to say...

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Im really hoping to see more of the Changelings

i would like rarity to get some more episodes


and most of all i would like to see lots more of...THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRIXIIE !!!


An episode where a Changling seeks asylum and wants to live a life in Equestria. Mane 6 are charged with helping it intergrate.

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I hope this season actually has quality with the writing and storylines unlike Season 3 and Equestria Girls but, I'm convinced the crew has no idea what they're doing anymore. My hopes were already lost when I saw Discord in the preview because, he's the most overrated piece of pathetic fan-service that only served a purpose for one episode and when they brought him back they utterly ruined his character and there's nothing left for him to do besides be a waste. The only reason they keep using him is he has a big fan base but there's no reason for him to still be in the show whatsoever and they refuse to do anything original whatsoever and have to do something despite to get fans again. So I'm not really looking forward to Season 4 at all from how it's looking but I hope it surprises me.

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I disagree that Discord has no role left after being reformed. There is still plenty of role and characterization left within season 4 for him to play an important part especially with the Mane 6. It is hard for me to believe that the writers are bringing in Discord just for the sole purpose of the fans, and not thinking what role will he play in the future after the episode. The focus of the reformation and the lesson of the episode was deliberate and consequences of that story will most likely carry on the next season. I  think season 3 had as a whole is not as strong as 1 and 2 but there were important character developments.


I'm looking forward for Pinkie Pie's further character development and based on the previews it could be intriguing and kind of satisfying.

Edited by Renon Strike
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Things I'd like to see:


Another Luna-centric episode (not one involving her being evil though!)

A Celestia-centric episode, would love to see her get some character development

The CMCs to get their cutie marks at last

Rainbow Dash teaching Twilight to fly

An explanation of Scootaloo's background

Maybe a partial focus on some of the background ponies, not dedicated episodes, but just a bit more than one or two line cameos

Another speaking role for Derpy

The development of Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash's sisterly relationship


... and I think that's it!


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I am just too excited!  Season 4 is coming in 15 1/2 days!!!

Isn't this exciting?  Are you excited, cus I'm excited, I've never been so excited in all my life!  Well except for the time when I was like "HUUUUH" but I mean really, what can top that?

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Nightmare Moon holiday 2. Discord uses his powers to turn all the ponies into what the real thing that their costumes are. One young pony is a pirate. Then he becomes an actual adult pirate, a couple of lines about getting some booty, grabs Cheerlie, and runs off with her.

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would like to see a new villian that stays a villian! something like Benedict Cumberbatch's necromancer from the new Hobbit movie, but you know ponier hehe. Also more short fun Pinkie Pie songs!

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-More CMCs in non-CM-related plots, especially Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle

-Dash showing more of her empathetic side

-More adventure-driven episodes, but they don't necessarily have to be high-stakes good v evil battles

-More thought put into executing the moral of each episode. Many times the show has ended with either the wrong moral or dubious means of getting to it.

-Equestria Games special (Two episodes would be cool)

-Better song lyrics

-If they can make it work, maybe some unconventional CMC/Mane6 pairings (Scootaloo/Fluttershy, Sweetie Belle/Pinkie Pie etc.)

Edited by n1029
  • Brohoof 1
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Some things I’m hoping for….biggrin.png

-One of the CMC getting a cutie mark.

-Luna song?

-For the love of all things pony, PLEASE give me a Rarity episode!

-More Derpy, Lyra, and Bon Bon!

-I’d like to know more about Celestia and Luna’s past

-New locations

-I’d like to see it NOT become the Twilight show… I hope they focus just as much on the other characters as before, instead of the entire season being about OMG! Princess Twilight!

-RDash joining the Wonderbolts

 -Some kind of cameo from the comics! Seeing Flaxseed or Wheat Grass would be AWESOME! yay.png

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I disagree that Discord has no role left after being reformed. There is still plenty of role and characterization left within season 4 for him to play an important part especially with the Mane 6. It is hard for me to believe that the writers are bringing in Discord just for the sole purpose of the fans, and not thinking what role will he play in the future after the episode. The focus of the reformation and the lesson of the episode was deliberate and consequences of that story will most likely carry on the next season. I  think season 3 had as a whole is not as strong as 1 and 2 but there were important character developments.

Meghan McCarthy explicitly stated that Discord was reformed for this very reason. Sure, if he stayed evil, he could break out and carry out nefarious schemes as many times as the writers fancied, but the end would be the same: he'd taste the rainbow, muthaphuqas. I believe that by making him the "not-always-reliable ally" instead of the "known enemy", he's been freed from this formula and given a new kind of unpredictability: sure, he'll help in his own way, but there's always the off-chance that he's got something else up his sleeve. He now gets to be predictably unpredictable.


EDIT: With the new promo out, I have decided to formulate my own prediction of Discord's role in the story using some preview images in the order they were released:








Now, speculation time (tagged in case one of these ends up being right to some degree):


Assuming Discord wasn't just edited into the background of the second image, I think we can safely conclude from the overall setting that these images are all in the same scene, with the Mane Six and Discord facing off against each other. At this point I can see the scene going down three ways:

  • The Mane Six think Discord is to blame for the chaos around them, so they use the Elements of Harmony to turn him to stone, thinking it'll return everything to normal like last time. Of course, they'll find he's innocent (for once).
  • The Mane Six reluctantly use the Elements of Harmony to summon Discord, begrudgingly asking for his help, or otherwise demanding it.
  • Same as #1, except Twilight has a change of heart midway and cancels the spell. She decides to do the unthinkable: put faith in Discord not being part of the problem, and perhaps being a potential solution.


Edited by immblueversion
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-While Twilight should get attention this season I hope the show doesn't go overboard and give too much attention to her in each episode.

-More Trixie but not as a villain, after the last episode with her it wouldn't make sense to bring her back as a villain again.

-Celestia getting her own episode. 

-More Luna.

-If they did a reforming Chrysalis episode similar to Discord I think that would be a cool episode. Whatever they end up doing I do hope she comes back.

sig made by Champion RD92

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