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1. New Chrysalis Episode

2. The Equestria Games

3. A HUGE trial for Princess Twilight, possibly a new, far more threatening villain. I wanna see her really pushed to her limits and see what dire responsibility will come with her position as an Alicorn. Something a bit darker but not grimdark and humourless. Maybe the finale.

4. Another character finishing the arc they started with. Maybe Rainbow becoming a full Wonderbolt and in Season 5 she performs and interacts with them.

5. A new Hearths Warming / Nightmare Night episode

6. Princess Celestia in danger, could tie into 3.

Edited by Jammo
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Since season 4 has been confirmed, I am just wondering what everybrony thinks will go on in the show during season 4.


I am looking for thoughts about villians, main characters, and what will go on with the mane six now thhat Twilight is a princess.

I have merged your thread with an already existing one, since it fits in better in the "Show Discussion" Section. I have also changed the thread title to something a little bit more descriptive.

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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The return to the Crystal Empire in S4.

Princess Skyla.

More Derpy cameos.

San Fransiscoit.

Discord changing his mind.

Spike and Rarity Wedding.

Spike travels to the moon in a rocket.


Rainbow Dash as a full Wonderbolt

Trixie and Gilda together in one episode.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders get their cutie mark in the S4 ending.

Edited by Ulrik Raben


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Their probably going to make Cadence have a kid, make an episode describing Apple Jack's parent, and the CMC are most likely going to achieve their cutie marks.

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

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More CMC and they get their cutiemarks.


RD becomes a Wonderbolt.


Rarity Episode.

More Cake Family.

Princess Celestia and Luna Past.


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Wow you guys have a lot of ideas. I, myself doesn't have any predictions at all. I just hope the episodes will have a good storyline. I'd like to watch a 5+ parter episode. Tha'd be awesome. Like where they have to go to other places in Equestria. Not other kingdoms, I mean like in Season 1 episode 1 and 2.


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I would like to see a flashback (two part) episode about the origins of both Celestia and Luna.  From birth, to growing up, to royalty, and finally, to Luna's jealousy and transformation into Nightmare Moon.

  • Brohoof 1
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All we need is a Rarity episode, an Octavia episode and a Woona episode and we're good.


No, not luna. Woona. There is a difference.


Also, a Celestia / Luna song would be awesome.


A two-part opener and finale would also make my day.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Well I think they confirmed that season 4 premiere is going to happen right after season 3 finale. I think their was an episode list that only showed a couple, but I can't remember any of the episodes on that list


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 I'd definitely like to see an episode with the ponies and Changelings, not necessarily becoming friends, but forming a peace or promise of non-aggression. I mean, come on people, if Celestia is so willing to give Discord, freaking DISCORD a chance to reform, then sorry, I cannot see any reason we she would not be willing to extend a friendly hoof to the Changelings. Here's my episode idea:



In order to try and establish a sense of Peaceful Coexistence (doubtfully the word used) between Equestria and the Changeling Kingdom, Chrysalis' daughter, the young Princess Pupa is sent over as an exchange student/take a tour of Equestria. The gang expect the daughter to be a fierce, black-hearted warrior-like princess, but when she arrives in her armored train (accompanied by armed guard) she is revealed to be a tiny, bespectacled and all around adorably sweet Changeling (add in asthma and the frequent use of inhaler) who could rival Sweetie Belle in terms of giving a viewer diabetes by her sheer cuteness.


Of course, we have the usual shenanigans with cultural clashes (bonus points if the Changelings' culture is given an explanation, something from the Far East like Japan and Korea would be really interesting), with a written message/threat by Chrysalis to the Mane Six that if a single hair on Pupa's pig tailed mane is hurt, she'll personally bite their heads off one by one. However, some of the Mane Six decide they want to see if they can pump any secret information about Changeling government and military secrets out of the filly (behind Celestia's back) by sending in the CMC to befriend her. They eventually get nothing and are surprised (despite Pupa's young age and already innocent appearance and demeanor) that she knows little to nothing of her mother's dealings and plans - she doesn't even know about the Canterlot Invasion, which can lead to a classic Fawlty Towers, "Don't mention the war/invasion!" set of jokes.


A good twist in the plot is that the CMC and Pupa go missing, and remembering Chrysalis' warning, begin a desperate search for them. Or a good emotional scene where Pupa finds out and believes the CMC used her, only for them to make up again in the end.


I can definitely see this working out if it is done well. I'd like to see Dave Polsky or Meghan take a shot at it. Can't think of a title though. Free Brohoof to anyone who can come up with a title for this idea.

  • Brohoof 2
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I definitely agree one if not all the CMCs will get their cutie marks this coming season.  Personally I'd prefer just one in S4, but at the accelerated rate the show's been moving at (Twilicorn!) I'm guessing it will be all three by the season's end.


I expect Fluttershy to make more progress towards assertiveness, and I expect Applejack to have some success in her management of Sweet Apple Acres, opposed to just staying afloat.  Rarity will create something that becomes a fad, then suffers as it passes.  Pinkie will have an adventure with the Cake foals.


I wouldn't mind seeing Chrysalis and the changelings again, and making peace/forming an alliance with them would be in-keeping with the power base Celestia seems to be gathering to herself (Discord, the revived Crystal Kingdom, a powerful new royal couple, and now Twilight.)  There must be a reason for it all, and I suspect it's to respond to the greatest threat Equestria has faced yet.  Perhaps Luna didn't fall into the Nightmare Moon role without help.  Perhaps she was nudged, or even pushed.


It's been suggested that Starswirl the Bearded may in fact be Discord, having undergone a transformation, whether self-inflicted or not. He too may have been pushed or manipulated into that.


Obviously such a chess-player of a villain would be another alicorn, or something we haven't seen yet, to have lived such a long life. Their magic must be immense, but they still prefer to work through cat's-paws or proxies rather than show their hand/hoof.  Removing their poisonous influence from Equestria once and for all will be a task that requires uniting everyone beneath a banner of friendship, perhaps revealing that each kingdom as a whole functions as an element of harmony, mirroring the smaller version.

  • Brohoof 1
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My predictions:


Cadence and Shining have a baby (maybe Skyla?).

Maybe the CMC get their cute marks???


What I want to see:


MORE TWO-PARTERS! And not the kind where they air both episodes on the same day, either. Cliffhangers, people! :o

Also, more info on Discord, Celestia and Luna.

  • Brohoof 2


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Methinks, because she said "Everything is going to be just fine!"


It will start off with "Everything is NOT just fine!", and then zoom out to Canterlot burning to the ground, and every character being enslaved by some evil guy/girl. 


All until they pull through and enter "Code Lyoko", then "RETURN TO THE PAST NOW!"



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- Each mane 6 gets 2 episodes(12), Spike gets 2 episodes(14), each CMC gets one episode(17), then an episode for all of them together(18), then an episode for Celestia(19), two holiday episodes(21), the possible two part premire(23), and leftover slots will go to Rarity or other supporting characters


Now what I actually want to see happen

- Big Macintosh says more than just "Eeyup" and "enope"

- Scootaloo and Fluttershy's parents

- More Scootalove

- Bonding between characters we rarely see together(like Rainbow Dash and Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack, etc.)

- Spike interacts with characters that are not Twilight or Rarity(Spike at Your Service was a step in the right direction)

- We know more about Spike and something positive about dragons

- More about Celestia and Luna

- Rainbow Dash Solo

- Old antagonists return(Gilda and Lightning Dust team up ftw)

- More Zecora

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  • Twilicorn will be permanent 

A few Rarity episodes

Discord has at least one episode

We will learn more about Starswirl The Bearded 

The CMCs will get their cutie marks (Would make a pretty good season finale)

A new story arc will be introduced now that Twilight's original arc is complete



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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I predict the return of Chrysalis and her Changelings, or and even more powerful threat that the new and improved Twilicorn has to face, more CMC episodes (hopefully more Scootalove), and back stories of the Mane 6 before or after they got their cutie marks.


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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I hope they don't do something stupid like take away the mane 6! They've already unbalanced them by making Twilicorn! Now they need another alicorn and another unicorn!

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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I can't believe I never noticed this thread. O_o


But the things I want to see from Season 4 are:

-More screen time for Scootalove (possibly an episode?)

-Pinkie spontaneously bursting into song at random points (something we didn't see in S3)

-More Rarity screen time and her more "fabulous" character

-Discooord, I'm howlin at the moon

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I'd LOVE to see more Trixie. I think she'll return as a good character, I really love her character alot and would love to see more of it very soon in the upcoming season. I also would love to see more Discord episodes. I really enjoy his episodes too, especially when it's a episode with Fluttershy as the main pony!

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Things I want to see in Season 4:



- More discord

- Cutie mark crusaders finally get cutie marks

- Not be the final season of MLP:FiM


Amazing sig made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Things we want in season 4 huh? Hm, well...

-moar Rarity, like a lot moar.

-new villain obviously, someone more fleshed out than Sombra hopefully, who was fine one time but I expect more from now on.

-songs more spread out across episodes, Magical Mystery Cure being a musical was fine for a one-time thing, but I'd rather have the songs spread out across different episodes.

-more justification on alicorn Twilight, because apparently some people just don't like the idea, but even though I don't have a problem with it I don't think it would hurt to explain things a little more on it.

-more new characters in general, season 3 was the season of cameos, and the only signifigant new character we got was Babs Seed. Some more memorable characters like Iron Will and Cranky Doodle Donkey would be nice.

  • Brohoof 1


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What I want in Season 4?


A two part episode not centered on Twilight


Good episodes for each of the Mane Six


Lightning Dust return episode




Balanced screentime/focus


Young Celestia/Luna episode




Rainbow Dash dresses up as Mare Do Well. I don't care why.


Cute little Pinkie Pie songs :)




Daring Do!


Better characterization for Spike/Pinkie Pie


A cool new villain

  • Brohoof 4
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What I want in Season 4?


A two part episode not centered on Twilight


Good episodes for each of the Mane Six


Lightning Dust return episode




Balanced screentime/focus


Young Celestia/Luna episode




Rainbow Dash dresses up as Mare Do Well. I don't care why.


Cute little Pinkie Pie songs :)




Daring Do!


Better characterization for Spike/Pinkie Pie


A cool new villain

This stuff.


Especially the Daring Do part. Wouldn't it be cool if she was a real pony? Then she could visit ponyville for an adventure in Everfree and Rainbow Dash could be like "Omgosh omgosh omgosh" and then we could all smile. Lol.


Extra yes to the two-part not centered on Twilight. Rarity could use a lot more love.

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