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Rainbow Dash Fan Club


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I consider Rainow Dash the character of the series with the most depth. She seems to have so much confidence but beneath the surface she is actually a rather fragile character dealing with a bit of castration anxiety.


She has some difficulty reconciling her masculine and feminine sides and has a tendency to be a little impertinent but always comes through in the end.


If we do let her become a gay icon, I think she would be ameliorative to the stereotype of butch lesbians and remind us of how macho exterior have sensitive interiors.

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I just wanted to share this, since the artwork is fantastic!  An older Rainbow Dash is teaching her grandson, Lighting Dash, how to perform a Sonic Rainboom!




Scene from my fanfic.  All credit for the art goes to Trees!  




and of course, this...


Edited by nx9100
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I just finished reading the sequel to My Little Dashie... My face is a rolling river every tear a waterfall.. Both of those fanfics touched my heart and are well written. It makes me wish that when my journey in life is over, I can acend to Equestria. Now just looking at this pic brings manly tears to my eyes :')

ad now read the other 2 continuations XD



Edited by Rising Shine
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I take my ogling seriously.



This is perhaps the smexiest scrunch moment I've ever seen:



And this is one of the funniest. xD  Collision scrunch / muzzle-to-muzzle boop; a tricky maneuver, indeed.


I took soooo many screencaps from "May the Best Pet Win" that I decided to put them all together as an animation. xD


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I took soooo many screencaps from "May the Best Pet Win" that I decided to put them all together as an animation. xD


Awesome! You should do that with every Rainbow Dash episode. xD

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I made another Rainbow Dash drawing. I love the outcome of this drawing so I thought I would post it here too. This is my best drawing as of yet. I hope you all like it.


Cute. ^ ^  It looks great.


Awesome! You should do that with every Rainbow Dash episode. xD

I recently told a friend that I kinda wanted to do just that lol.


I just finished one for Wonderbolt Academy:


I feel like I accidentally made the episode out to be a sort-of love triangle between Rainbow, Lightning Dust, and Pinkie Pie near the end there. ^ ^;  Or maybe that's always how I've seen the episode. o_O

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I attempted to construct a Rainbow Dash-themed ship in Resogun. xD


Obviously I still need to add the wings.

Now, with wings! xD



I knew I was going to obscure the body no matter how I placed them, so I thought I'd at least make the edges a different color.  Odds are this won't lead to a career as a game developer. x P  I robbed points from the "Overdrive" stat in order to increase the "Agility" and "Boost" stats.  Anytime I boost, I can pretend a Sonic Rainboom is happening.

The faces of Chef Rainbow.


Edited by Ziggy and Angelbaby
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Dat smile doe... :squee:


But Dashie's not a doe, a deer, a female deer! xD


*Badum tiss.  The entire RDFC groans in response to my pun.  Younger members don't recognize the reference.  I make myself feel old.*


Sorry, coffee's done nothing to dispel my dumbness today. >n<  That's a lovely vector. : )


Dashie telling Flutters a story with a startling twist ending.


Just finished a new Dashie sig:


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Putting this here because it's too true




It's really extraordinary; the lengths to which a hater has to go to ignore Rainbow's MANY obvious virtues and appealing personality traits.  That members of the Brony community (comprised of the disparaged, misunderstood, and the ostracized) would even hurl such attacks her way shows that they - quite unlike Rainbow - haven't learned any relevant lessons of their own.  And anyone who claims they wouldn't want a loyal, dazzling, courageous, fun-loving, acts of heroism and Rainboom-performing pegasus as a friend has set their friendship bar impossibly high.




And a really cute one. x3


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