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One Thing You Have In Common With Each Mane Six


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I'm very serious about organization, like Twilight. I have a few to-do lists, as well as I keep everything in my room organized (of course, not in an extreme way xD). I also share the same honesty trait as Applejack. I never lie, or even try to lie. It's always important to say the truth. Aside from being organized & honest, I tend to be a bit shy & paranoid towards others, like Fluttershy. At first I'll be shy around a group of people, not social or anything. I tend to wait until someone comes to me. :P Ás Rarity, not only I'm kind to friends, but I'm also generous. I always carry the element of generosity with me at all times. So, every now and then I'll donate to someone or something, give away something, or help others when they need help. Because that's how I am. :)


tbh I don't know what things I share with Rainbow Dash, except for her...awesomeness if that counts? xD

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APPLEJACK: We're both stubborn and very set in our ways. Also, we both work jobs people don't appreciate and we don't make nearly enough money for our trouble.


PINKIE PIE: I don't like it when people are too negative (especially about MLP). That's the only thing I have in common with Pinkie. xD


RAINBOW DASH: I can be very blunt and impatient with people, especially when they don't seem dependable.


FLUTTERSHY: I'm very shy and nervous around people because of bad memories. I mean well but I prefer to keep to myself.


TWILIGHT SPARKLE: I love reading, writing and learning stuff, especially history.


RARITY: I worry about my appearance a lot. (Not my clothes so much though.)

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APPLEJACK: We're both stubborn and very set in our ways. Also, we both work jobs people don't appreciate and we don't make nearly enough money for our trouble.

Eeeeeeyup thats me too, but at least Applejack works the family business and really only has to answer to Big Macintosh and Granny Smith who are actually decent people or rather ponies in this case. Of course that won't be permanent, I just need to stick to my plans to get out of there and become an author.

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Applejack: She doesn't think about herself and always helps out with her family, like me most of the time xP (most of the time) and she's really trustworthy.

Pinkie Pie: Loves to party and always looks on the bright side of life to help her friends smile. Her humor to everything is incredible, she can get annoying sometimes which is probably exactly like me, singing is definitely something we don't have in common though xP

Rainbow Dash: I can get a little competitive sometimes, although I do love sports and being athletic. But I'd say reading is something we both definitely have in common, I used to hate reading and never tried doing it in my free time but then I just gave in and started reading action-adventure books. I remember Artemis Fowl was probably my first 'real' book I read.

Fluttershy: I can get shy at sometimes with strangers and being kind to my friends is something I always do, I'd hate myself if I wasn't kind >.< When she gets really angry I can relate to her, it's hard to keep anger in for a long time. I also hated being a pushover so I started being more assertive to the people I don't know as much.

Twilight: Reading probably isn't the best thing we have in common but I do try and study when it comes to homework and assignments xP Being tardy makes me panic and I just lose focus and concentration.

Rarity: I'm not really the fashion type of person but the way she helps out with Sweetie Belle is probably something we have in common. To do something you're not into to spend time with your family is always a good feeling.

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  • 2 months later...


image by: KaceyMeg


I know that I'm not just one particular 'Mane 6' character. In fact, my pony personality results were so close, when I re-took the quiz, and picked the same answers I would get different results each time. XD



I start with Pinke Pie because I feels. She was one of my tied results, mostly because I make no sense most of the time, and I'm the only one who talks and laughs in the morning seemingly in my school even though I stay up t'ill midnight and probably more tired than everyone except for the Insomniac kids. I come across weird things, and I appreciate them to the fullest extent. I have also been told that my voice of her is Spot-on! :3 Oh! And my favorite color is PANK. 





Another pinkish pony! Fluttershy, your up! Fluttershy is pretty much me when I'm insecure around people. I'm about as shy and awkward as can be, and I let people walk all over me. And, because I get picked for my Pinkie Pieishness, my comebacks and assertiveness never work. I love animals, and I plan to be a Zoologist as a career. 



I grew up with all boy pretty much, and these boys are known to especially crude, and obnoxious. XD Rainbow Dash is also a key role in my personality. I am really a jokester when it comes to competitions, mostly prying at people playfully, like saying the suck or something, but unlike most girls, I am really immature when it comes to losing. I hate feeling like I suck at something. Being a jokester, I often pull pranks on others.



I'm a book junkie, and Twilight Sparkle represents me completely in that fashion. I like to pick the fair and logical alternative, instead of what my gut tells me, and I am quite adept with language and I tend to critique. tongue.png




Although not THE BEST PONY for my cup of tea, Rarity is what my final result decision was. I am really OCD about the way I draw, and looks and beauty is a real thing for me. I am not one for drama, but I do not like it when I am not represented in the fullest, to really show how special I am.




Being a major tomboy, Applejack and I share a major connection of not being afraid to get dirty. I quite literally like to dive in mud. I am hard working at what I love, and I'm not afraid to show my pride for it. 

Edited by IncognitoKiwoy
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I pretty much have Twilight's knowledge, Dash's competitiveness, Rarity's fashion sense, Pinkie Pie's hyper energy, AJ's honesty, and Fluttershy's social skills. blush.png

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I think I can find something in all of the mane 6 that i relate with. Which is why I like all of the mane 6 so much. 


I just relate more to certain ones.


When i took the bronyland personality quiz i normally end up with Fluttershy, although I ended up with twilight one time, and I also end up with pretty even spread for 2nd place. 


So yeah, i can identify and have personality traits from each of the mane 6.


I am of course shy, but a kind heart like Fluttershy.


I am a pretty logical person overall and sometimes talk sophiticated, although I'm not a book nerd, but I can be kinda perfectionist with things at times. I also had times where I didn't care for friendship at all.


Pinkie is kinda me once I warm up to people, I can be quite crazy honestly, and very full of energy, I also try my best to make sure people are smiling :D.


I can relate to Rainbow dash and his competitive nature, I'm pretty competitive when I'm doing something I really get into and I know I work hard on, I don't like to lose at all, however I'm not exactly full of myself like Rainbow can be, infact I'm more the opposite most of the time.


I can be a perfectionist and sometimes OCD about things with Rarity, I'm also not exactly the type of guy even who really enjoys getting all dirty, i'm actually not the down and dirty type of guy most of the time, but I can if I really need to.


I also try to me generous like her, without expecting a return offer.


And I also try to be honest like AJ, but I can be stubborn at times about things, both when I'm being hard on myself, about realizing i'm wrong at times and just in general really. Oh and we're both southern if that counts hehe. :)


So yeah, i've got a little bit of each of the mane 6 in me to relate to.

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Oh yeah. I definitely have a little bit of each.


I'm a lot like pre-Ponyville Twilight. Anti-social, and no time for friends. I'd also say I'm pretty smart, studious, and kind like she is. tongue.png


I can be a little bit silly sometimes, and I tend to laugh out loud a lot, so for that I'm Pinkie Pie all the way. I don't have her energy, but I share her sweet tooth. laugh.png


I've got Rainbow Dash's wit, and I can also be a bit impatient like she is. And I admit, I like sleeping, and can be just a tad lazy at times. dry.png


I'm the least like Rarity, but I'm definitely very clean about myself, and I just plain adore cats. :D


I'm an honest person and I try to live a life of integrity, so I'm Applejack in that respect. I'm very family oriented and I try to keep things simple. I'm also completely hopeless at mathematics. huh.png


The one I'm most like is Fluttershy. I'm a little bit bashful, though not to the extent of Fluttershy's timidity, and I prefer the presence of animals. I'm pretty self-conscious, but also very kind. wink.png

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I know that I'm not just one particular 'Mane 6' character. In fact, my pony personality results were so close, when I re-took the quiz, and picked the same answers I would get different results each time. XD


I start with Pinke Pie because I feels. She was one of my tied results, mostly because I make no sense most of the time, and I'm the only one who talks and laughs in the morning seemingly in my school even though I stay up t'ill midnight and probably more tired than everyone except for the Insomniac kids. I come across weird things, and I appreciate them to the fullest extent. I have also been told that my voice of her is Spot-on! :3 Oh! And my favorite color is PANK. 


Another pinkish pony! Fluttershy, your up! Fluttershy is pretty much me when I'm insecure around people. I'm about as shy and awkward as can be, and I let people walk all over me. And, because I get picked for my Pinkie Pieishness, my comebacks and assertiveness never work. I love animals, and I plan to be a Zoologist as a career. 


I grew up with all boy pretty much, and these boys are known to especially crude, and obnoxious. XD Rainbow Dash is also a key role in my personality. I am really a jokester when it comes to competitions, mostly prying at people playfully, like saying the suck or something, but unlike most girls, I am really immature when it comes to losing. I hate feeling like I suck at something. Being a jokester, I often pull pranks on others.


I'm a book junkie, and Twilight Sparkle represents me completely in that fashion. I like to pick the fair and logical alternative, instead of what my gut tells me, and I am quite adept with language and I tend to critique.


Although not THE BEST PONY for my cup of tea, Rarity is what my final result decision was. I am really OCD about the way I draw, and looks and beauty is a real thing for me. I am not one for drama, but I do not like it when I am not represented in the fullest, to really show how special I am.


Being a major tomboy, Applejack and I share a major connection of not being afraid to get dirty. I quite literally like to dive in mud. I am hard working at what I love, and I'm not afraid to show my pride for it. 



First off, what a great post you have there biggrin.png Love the universal Mane Six silhouette vectors and name colors you decided to use to make it unique. Very nicely done. Posts like this are always awesome to see. Just posting to let you know, I've merged your topic, 'Is Your Personality With the Mane Six A Bit of Everypony?' with 'One Thing You Have In Common With Each Pony', as they are both discussing traits that the poster has, from each Mane Six :3

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Well let´s see:

Twilight: When I like something I want to know everything about it

AppleJack: I am a hard working person

Rainbow Dash: I like a challenge

Rarity: I can relate to her passion to esthetics: or in my case storytelling

Fluttershy: I love animals and I am shy with people I don´t know

Pinkie Pie: I go crazy when I am around my friends 

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Applejack- I live in Texas that's close enough for me.


Pinkie Pie- I can make my friends and family laugh.


Rainbow Dash- I hate losing. (unless I'm play against my friends for fun)


Twilight Sparkle- I get worried a lot. You should have seen me this morning.


Fluttershy- I'm very shy around people I don't know.


Rarity- Um I'll have to get back to you on that one.


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Twilight Sparkle: I am always there for anypony who is in need of assistance, even without being asked.


Fluttershy: I would never harm another without their permission. Yup, even creatures and critters. I am a vegetarian and I wouldn't even hurt a Black Widow.


Applejack: I am a very tedious worker, I believe descipline breeds excellence. I wouldn't say I am always honest, because deception is still lieing. I only lie to aid another.


Rarity: Everypony is beautiful, my goal is to make them agree by being a good friend.


Pinkie Pie: I express optimism whenever I'm with company. If I am feeling angry or depressed, I'll hide it so I wouldn't negatively influence others. I love to make others smile, even at my own expence.


Rainbow Dash: The very thought of exercising is truly excelerating! I enjoy being active and productive, besides being lazy and useless.


There are plenty of positive morals I follow that defines me as a true friend, but I would rather show than tell. :D

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Pinkie Pie - Love to make a friend smile.


Twilight Sparkle - General nerdiness. 


Fluttershy - General shyness.


Rainbow Dash - I enjoy being seen as a hero.


Applejack - Tendencies towards honesty.


Rarity - Dislike being dirty. 

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Applejack: I am honest.


Twilight Sparkle: Don't know if i have much in common with her...I like to read books but not as much as her!


Rainbow Dash: We Are Both Awesome Lol no, um...I'm sorta a tom boy like her.


Pinkie Pie: Like her i love sweets, singing, hanging out with friends and sometimes i can be a little crazy and hyper!


Fluttershy: I love animals! And i'm shy and get scared of things.


Rarity: I like to design clothes and hope to start making clothing soon. 

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Applejack-I like apples and farms and I try to be honest whenever possible 

Fluttershy-I get very shy and times but very scary when I'm angry

Twilight-Not really sure

Pinkie Pie- We are both really crazy

Rarity- We both like beauty

Rainbow Dash- Both are reaching for our goals 

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Twilight: I tend to stress out about things that others may consider trivial


Applejack: I hate wearing formal attire and acting "proper" and I'm not afraid to get down and dirty


Pinkie Pie: I do have occasional outbursts of hyperness


Rarity: My room is "organized chaos" or in other words it's a mess but I know where everything is


Rainbow Dash: I tend to be pretty lazy


Fluttershy: I'm shy and I love animals

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Twilight tongue.png : Well im actually the least similar to twilight... I guess i tend to overeact sometimes like she tends to do.

AppleJack ph34r.png : Were both honest, and try to help our friends whenever we can.

PinkiePie laugh.png : We both are the fun ones of the group and yell a lot of random nonesense.

Rarity :biggrin.png  :  We both have a passion for something, which we are very devoted too. In my case video gazmes ^^

RainbowDash img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png  : Even tho shes my favorite, i dont really relate to her that much :P I guess we both tend to get cocky about some things and were both loyal to our friends.

Fluttershy yay.png  : Were both shy (tho for me its mostly till i get to know someone)and we both love animals

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Rarity - I'm always caring about my appearance about whether my hair looks good, or I need more make-up...blah, blah, blah.


Applejack - I'm VERY stubborn at times.


Rainbow Dash - I'm loyal to my friends, I'll keep a secret no matter what.


Twilight Sparkle - I do well in school, and care about my work.


Pinkie Pie - At times I can be completely random and off-topic....but that's good. c:


Fluttershy - I absolutely adore animals, and care for them.

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Rainbow Dash and Twilight are the two that I am most like.


Dashy - I am very competetive and athletic and have always been a big tomboy and honestly I still have the secret dream of having wings and being able to fly yay.png  that would be sooo stellar.

Twilight - Despite being a tomboy I am also a huge bookworm and as soon as it's time to come inside or I can't be outside I can always be found curled up with my favourite book and I love to study and had the same irrational fears about school that she does.


Applejack - Applejack is prolly the next most like me since we are both very down to earth and while my husband and I live in town right now I am dying to find some property out in the counrty and love spending time on my grandmother's and cousin's farms.


Pinkie Pie - We are both a bit on the crazy side and I love telling jokes and throwing parties and giving gifts. I also have a bit of a sweeet tooth laugh.png

Fluttershy - While I do have my shy moments I am nowhere near as shy as she but we do have a strong love of animals in common.  My dream is to have a large farm house with a bunch of inside and outside animals all around.  My hubby picks on me because I talk about wanting pigs, and cows, and sheep etc but I refuse to raise them for meat.  He asked me once 'well what do you plan on doing with that milking cow you want so bad after it's utter detatches'... 'keep it as a pet I' replied, 'just because it can't give milk anymore doesn't mean it deserves to be a hamburger'.  He rolled his eyes yay.png

Rarity - I probably have the least in common with Rarity but I do have random bouts of femininity and do enjoy watching fashion shows and sewing as well as painting with various different mediums. 


Spike - Though I don't wear much jewelry I do have a weakness for my favourite jems: rubies, sapphires and emeralds. wub.png

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Rarity: Organization

Pinkie: Energy

Applejack: Dedication

Rainbow Dash: Ambition

Fluttershy: Kindness

Twilight Sparkle: Intelligence

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Rarity: Organization

Pinkie: Energy

Applejack: Ambition

Rainbow Dash: Dedication

Fluttershy: Kindness

Twilight Sparkle: Intelligence


Applejack and ambition? It'd place ambition as something distinctly Rarity. AJ doesn't have too many ambitions. She's just happy with where she is in life.

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Applejack and ambition? It'd place ambition as something distinctly Rarity. AJ doesn't have too many ambitions. She's just happy with where she is in life.

AJ and rainbow dash were actually meant to be switch around. I guess I didn't notice it until now. I'd say rainbow dash being ambitious and aj being dedicated go well together

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Twilight: I love to read.


Applejack: Probably the pony I can relate to the least. Hmm I guess the fact that we're both dependable.


Rarity: I think fashion is pretty neat.


Rainbow Dash: When I commit to something, I won't give up unless it's absolutely necessary.


Fluttershy: I'm pretty shy at times.


Pinkie Pie: I've been told that I can be pretty damn random.

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