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Some Thoughts Before Tomorrow

~Master~ Button Mash

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In about a day, our community is going to face one of it’s biggest changes it has faced since our beginning. Sure, there’s been changes before, but nothing this drastic to a character so dear, that may change the course of the show we all love.

Since we’ve first heard this news, our community has been greatly divided. Some said it was for the best, some said it was for the worst...some didn’t really care. Many valid arguments were made on all sides, but tomorrow all of this deliberation will be made moot when the big news comes. Whether it will truly be for the best or the worst - or whether faith in M.A. Larson was indeed well or ill placed, will be decided tomorrow.

But whatever happens, remember this:

Whether we will be celebrating or lamenting, we will be doing it as a community. When the episode ends, we will be the same community we were when the episode started. If there is indeed a storm, we can weather it together, and find a way to overcome. We have before, we will again. Because even above any faith I have in the writers, above all else, I have faith in us.

Why? Because we have the magic of friendship behind us. Our fandom is more than just a bunch of people who love ponies, we are a family. Take a look at some of the footage from BronyCon - people singing “Smile Smile Smile” in the streets - do those look like people who don’t share an emotional connection?

And just like how our brave little ponies use the power of friendship to overcome the challenges of Equestria, so can we use the power of friendship to overcome the challenges we face. Be they anything we’ve faced in the past, be they what we will face tomorrow, be they anything we will face in the future.

Not to mention, whatever tomorrow brings, always remember that in the end, if worst does indeed come to worst, we will always have fanon to fall back on. Fanon is how Derpy has lived on, and fanon will be how our old, adorkable unicorn Twilight Sparkle will live on. Ponies and Equestria are a concept that we have truly made our own creatively (whether Hasbro likes it or not :P), and we can keep doing that into our future if need be.

And remember, that if anytime during the episode, during the hiatus before Season 4, or during any other times of turmoil that our community may face, remember these words:

“Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is very real. But fear is a choice.” - Will Smith, After Earth

Courage is what made this fandom strong in the first place, and courage is how we will stay strong into the future, whatever it may bring. Do you know how much courage it must’ve taken the first bronies to admit they liked a show for little girls? And look what that courage has given us!

Courage then.
Courage now.
Courage forever.

And if that’s the attitude we take, then regardless of whatever challenges we might face, we will have many years of pony ahead of us.

I, for one, look forward to the day when I can bring my kids to BronyCon. Don’t you?

To borrow a phrase from /mlp/ (whatever subtle connotations they might have given it aside), “the ride never ends." And it’s true, it doesn’t have to end, if we don’t want it to.

Pony on, everyone. ;)

And if it all turns out to be good...well, we have nothing to worry about then, do we? ;)



Was this a little dramatic? Maybe. I am inspired by Sprocket on RMWMLP and I wanted to emulate his motivational musings a bit. But the message is completely true and from the heart. I care about this community with all my heart. This is a second family to me, and I'll never let you guys down, even in the toughest times.


Edited by AtomicBassCannon
  • Brohoof 33


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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you made me give tears of manlyness .  :(  :(  :(  :(

we shall overcome this shitstorm no matter what. 

why? because, we have overcome stuff like people and Jerks and gender roles that society has putten on us. We are one.

  • Brohoof 1

Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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Thanks guys. ;) We just need to keep our heads up. If we do that, nothing can bring us down. ;)



Well as long as we are all one, we can accomplish anything. Change might not be good right away, but you will get used to it. That carol really was beautiful, it shows how we can stand up against society.


You see Twilight's cutie mark on the podium, too, right? :o

  • Brohoof 2


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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I for one am more than excited about the season finale, so I have been immune to the shitstorm. But no matter what, even if we somehow are ended, we have more than 65 episodes of pure, unadulterated, AWESOME under our belts, so lets just enjoy it


The ride never ends /) 

  • Brohoof 2
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Well said.. ;)


I have faith in the brony community.. I believe the fandom is stronger then we think..

I also have faith in the writers, so whatever they do, they will do it so that we can accept it.

But if that does not happen, if they do indeed ruin our Twilight.. Then i will still, believe in them.. They have given us so many other good episodes.. I just doubt they will let us down now..

Maybe, this is all just too sell a toy, maybe it isn't.. Only thing that matters is that they'll do it well.


Courage then.

Courage now.

Courage forever.


Pony on forever.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm one of those people who never really cared. I think Hasbro knows what they're doing, and I have faith in them. I honestly can't wait for tommorow.

  • Brohoof 3



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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I hope tomorrow won't change anything but whatever happens Fluttershy is still the cutest

I still have faith in the writers

  • Brohoof 1


"Even the quitiest person could be the most outspoken one"-My OC

"Not knowing is the best surprise of all"-My OC

Add me on PSN,Fatal Crest_777

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Dude, AtomicBassCannon, that was awesome!  Seriously, that right there was a legit post in every sense of the word!!!  I tip my hat to you sir!  Keep calm and brony on everypony!!!  B)

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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How beautiful. :') I tore up a little on the inside.


But yeah, whatever happens tomorrow, happens. We're going to stick together. I'm one of those who literally can't wait till tomorrow, and I'm defo looking forward to the upcoming season. <3

  • Brohoof 1
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i am expecting the best. i am preparing for the worst.

either way, however, it has been one of the best shows i've come to witness and if the worst comes we shall have one last mighty hoorah as bronies together

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Fillies please

Just remember that Daniel Ingram is awesomely amazing and writes the best music ever.





It probably won't be permanent...and the "True True Friend" clues us in to a happy friendshiptastic ending.


EDIT: Also, fandoms don't just end. Figgin' Happy Days still has one for Celestia's sake.

Edited by Bluebell


no rest for the wizardly.

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Oh..Celestia, I know all of you are going to yell at me for this -_- ... but what is tomorrow?

I honestly have no idea, really :P


please don't yell at me :(


The season finale for season three of MLP:FiM, in which Twilight grows wings and becomes a princess :3 And no, it's completely serious.

  • Brohoof 1


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The season finale for season three of MLP:FiM, in which Twilight grows wings and becomes a princess :3 And no, it's completely serious



I thought new episodes were on Saturday and that MLP:FiP seasons were 26 episodes long. Well at least now other people will either start to calm down about alicorn Twilight :D...or make an even bigger deal -_-


well thanks for telling me because I was confused



And dang it because I don't want to wait for season 4 :(


hopefully someone uploads the episode to youtube soon because my TV doesn't have The Hub :(


Amazing sig made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Chaotic Discord brought up a very good point in another thread and that is that if people want to hate something they will and I added that it of course works the other way as well. And indeed it did work the other way for me as much of the reason why I liked this show in the first place is because I wanted to like it a good friend recommended it and he has introduced me to some other great stuff so I gave this a shot despite my skepticism. I have said many times and given many reasons why I am concerned about this but despite that I want to like the episode and I want to like where they are taking Twilight's character. I want this to work and will give this episode the chance it deserves and hope that it works.


One concern I have expressed is about the possibility of Twilight becoming a Mary Sue and many Twilight fans became a bit defensive and thought I was trying to bash her when the exact opposite is the case. If one good thing has come out of this it has made me realize that Twilight is now tied with Applejack for best pony, I have really started to like her and for a while she was a close second to Applejack but now I think I love her just as much. If Hasbro did this just to make everyone appreciate a truly great pony just a bit more than touche Hasbro.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
  • Brohoof 1
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On a more serious note this made me get a huge jolt of emotions, I didn't cry or anything, i just felt this surge of emotions and passion and it was a wondeful feeling reading your post, I seriously couldn't have said it better myself.


Through thick and thin, whether FIM is a good show or not, whether we disagree or agree, we're all still a family, infact we're not the MLP forums we're almost like the MLP family. Can we get a name change plz? :D?


Seriously though you guys are the nicest most amazing understanding helpful talented just awesome people I've ever met, you guys are beyond 20% cooler :).


I love each one of y'all, honestly I don't know if I'll ever leave these forums for good, because even if the show stops being good or something, that doesn't mean us as a community has to stop being awesome, in fact with how awesome this community is and the people I've become kinda attached to here I don't really know if I could ever work up the strength to leave, besides i dunno why I would.


AtomicBassCannon, You deserve a medal or something, for these inspirational words, I think the fandom needed some of this in these harder times. (I'm still frustrated I can't brohoof this post more then once :(. )


Seriously though, dude your awesome for this, I'm speechless with how to thank you, so just thanks bro :).


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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A little late but o well.


At the end of tommorow's episode we shall see.

Some of use will rise, others will fall.


What will never change is the memories that we had with each other. The challenges we faced. The good an the bad times.

I am saying this because others may leave or be enraged because they were not satisfied.



We must have hope and hold on to that hope till the very end.


Good night

A new day will soon be upon us all.

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I'm so glad my words are resonating with everypony. A little fireside chat is just what we need right about now, and just what I was going for. I'm flattered. ^_^


Now, I know it may not sound like it from my rhetoric, but I've only been a brony for about two months. But in that time I've found a community that I can call a second family, and I'm not willing to let it go for all the Alicorns, C&Ds, or humans in the world.


I really wish I would have joined the herd sooner. I observed from afar for about a year in curioristy but didn't take the leap until last Thanksgiving, and I've got to say, it's been one of the best decisions of my life. I've been in fandoms before that have had bits and pieces of what I hold dear, but this community has the whole package. It's just a feeling. This community feels...right. :)


And even if I couldn't experience our past, I can help ensure a strong future - for newer bronies like me, bronies who have yet to come to the community, and of course everypony whose been here since the very beginning.

  • Brohoof 2


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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I was debating whether to post this in a blog or not, but since I already have this thread, I figured I'd just put it here. Now it's time for...


Some Thoughts After Yesterday.


Well, it happened. We faced our big moment and now we're on the other side. The tension has been replaced by a lot of happiness, anger, confusion, and every emotion in between. My own opinions about the matter aside (this is neither the time nor place), I'd like to say that we've pulled through for the most part like I thought we would. Pretty much everyone is still here, even though coping in their own ways, and it seems like we've even pulled in a healthy amount of Blank Flanks.


And if we can get through this and not only survive, but be STRONGER on the other side, then no matter what challenges Hasbro throws at us, we can overcome. I'm excited to see what the community has to bring in the next few days.


To all our new members, welcome to the herd! /)


And to everypony...


For those who are happy, enjoy the celebration. Don't party too hard.

For those who are mad, here's some neosporin and a bandage. The worst part is over, now the healing can begin.

For those who are just plain confused...just try to stay sane until the beginning of Season 4 (I'll be right there with you all :P).


No matter what camp you're in today, just keep ponying on, because there's plenty of pony ahead. /)


And even if Twilight might not be writing them anymore, I'd like to make my own letter to the Princess.


Dear Princess Celestia,


Today I learned that we shouldn't fear what we don't know. What we see as an end might end up being a non-issue, or in fact, could provide exciting opportunities for the future, but we can't know for sure until we at least give it a try. And even if we aren't happy with the cards we are dealt, we are stronger in the end by learning to overcome. It especially helps if we have friends to support us - to celebrate with us if we are happy, to cry with us if we are sad, and to provoke thought in us if we are confused. And with friends like that, we can overcome anything, and fear becomes pointless, because no matter what happens, there will always be people there walking the same road you are, protected from anything by the magic of friendship.


Your faithful student,



Edited by AtomicBassCannon


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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