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Season 4 Preview & Info [Spoilers]


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I wonder i Meghan was serious when she said that there will be a lot more of Alicorns in this season. I hope not. Cause it would waste the MAGIC of that species.


LOL Pinkie Pie and Gummy alicorn.



do hope it comes out soon i'm getting bored of watching 1,2,3 seasons over and over xD


I'm not one of those that are bored with it.


Yes, I do think there'll be an Equestria Games episode, since there will have been so many references to


I hope for an Equestrian Games episode too, and a Baltimare episode.

Edited by Ulrik Raben
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Okay so there's many things I am looking forward to in season 4! After seeing the preview from ComicCon, I am more intrigued than ever to see the upcoming season, despite the horrendous wait.


I'm looking forward to see the "Power Ponies!" :P


I found that to be quite hilarious, and all the mane 6 ponies look so adorable in their epic costumes. What really perplexes me though and something that I immediately noticed was off, was that it didn't seem like they weren't in Equestria...at all. lol. In the preview of the showcasing of "Pony Powers", they appeared to be on top of what appeared to be a skyscraper with a modern day architectural design, surrounded by other similar buildings. :P


Since when did skyscrapers exist?  :blink:


It seems like the "Power Powers" and their setting is all based off of the typical "Power Puff Girls" setting. :P


I don't mind, in fact I find that to be a hilarious parody! ^_^


But still I wonder what's the reason for them to be somewhere so modern, metropolis-like, and so unlike Equestria? I'm going to assume it's either a strange dream Spike is having, or possibly a new city and destination in Equestia that is really advanced in urban development and resembles modern day New York City. :P


Perhaps I'm overlooking it. Oh well, I'm just really looking forward to see it all either way.


And Luna becoming nightmare moon once again!!?? OH MI GASH! :o


That just really surprised me. I never expected that to happen again! 


But then again, it makes sense. It could either be a nightmare Twilight is having due to all her stress of being the Princess, or it could actually be happening because Luna got and jealous and felt threatened by the thought of Twilight potentially becoming a better and more awesome rule then her.

I don't think Luna is changing again. Why would she tell Twilight "...bask in your shining light", and, if you notice the background, it looks like the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters before it was destroyed. It could be dream, a magical anomaly, or another turning. I believe it was one of the first two.

This was made possible by Sir Lunashy. img-1701756-4-a18x3XT.png

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I'm not sure if this has been said or not, but I would love for a new character to show up.. Like a Changling joins the mane six, or even one of the two sisters, Luna or Celestia, finds a changling foal left behind after the attack..


Actually, maybe Luna finds it and raises it in secret.. One can dream, right?

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Actually, maybe Luna finds it and raises it in secret.. One can dream, right?


That actually seems plausible. What else could Luna have been doing when the attack on Canterlot began? Though it just sound weird that there would be a foal (which is basically an infant)  on a attack.


I still think Changelings will make a re-appearance though.

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Yes, I do think there'll be an Equestria Games episode, since there will have been so many references to it. I imagine it'll be something about sportsmanship and visitors from all over Equestria (and from different backgrounds) getting along during an Olympics-type event.


My "ideal" Equestria Games episode: a team of ponies - say, maybe, from Baltimare - starts outperforming all of the other Equestria teams during the games, but shows terrible sportsmanship. This rubs off on the other teams, who also start fighting and being poor sports to everyone else, until all the teams hate each other. It turns into a big mess, and nopony can really explain what's going on, because the Baltimare competitors were previously known to be full of good sportsmanship.


At some point, the head representative for the Baltimare team sends out a signal, and BAM! the entire team reveals themselves to be Changelings (the real Baltimare team is captive someplace) the head rep is Chrysalis, and they proceed to try and tear the Crystal Empire to shreds. ;)

Awesome episode idea! At first I thought "meh" at the idea of Chryssi returning, but upon further consideration, it makes a lot of sense for her to take revenge on Shining and Cadence.


Shining Armor and Cadence's love aren't strong enough to repel them this time, but the Mane 6 gather all of the teams together and encourage them to embrace a common goal of getting rid of the new invasion.

Even better: Shining and Cadence do their spell, but Chrysalis is ready this time and eats it. She feeds on love, remember?


Two directions to go from there,

1) Super Chrysalis goes into a mindless rampage, the teams band together, and eventually the rest of the changelings see that she's out of control and join in to defeat her. This would most likely end with Chrysalis turned good, although I'm not sure what to do with her and all the changelings after that.


2) Chrysalis can't eat the love spell by herself, but the whole changeling army together can. In this scenario, each of the princesses (plus Shining) take command of the teams of athletes, and go for an all out strategic battle. This scenario would most likely end with the changelings being thrown into the distance again. It would be pretty awesome to see Celestia as a military leader, and give Twilight a chance to show her skills as a princess too.


I'd vote for the first scenario, because IMO, we need to quit reinforcing the mindset of war as an honorable thing. But on the other hand, that topic could be covered after it's done, by Celestia scolding Twilight for happily celebrating something that was only done as a necessary evil.

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In order to try and establish a sense of Peaceful Coexistence (doubtfully the word used) between Equestria and the Changeling Kingdom, Chrysalis' daughter, the young Princess Pupa is sent over as an exchange student/take a tour of Equestria. The gang expect the daughter to be a fierce, black-hearted warrior-like princess, but when she arrives (accompanies by armed guard) she is revealed to be a tiny, bespectacled and all around adorably sweet Changeling (add in asthma and the frequent use of inhaler) who could rival Sweetie Belle in terms of giving a viewer diabetes by her sheer cuteness.


Of course, we have the usual shenanigans with cultural clashes (bonus points if the Changelings' culture is given an explanation, something from the Far East like Japan and Korea would be really interesting), with a written message/threat by Chrysalis to the Mane Six that if a single hair on Pupa's pig tailed mane is hurt, she'll personally bite their heads off one by one. However, some of the Mane Six decide they want to see if they can pump any secret information about Changeling government and military secrets out of the filly (behind Celestia's back) by sending in the CMC to befriend her. They eventually get nothing and are surprised (despite Pupa's young age and already innocent appearance and demeanor) that she knows little to nothing of her mother's dealings and plans - she doesn't even know about the Canterlot Invasion, which can lead to a classic Fawlty Towers, "Don't mention the war/invasion!" set of jokes.


A good twist in the plot is that the CMC and Pupa go missing, and remembering Chrysalis' warning, begin a desperate search for them. Or a good emotional scene where Pupa finds out and believes the CMC used her, only for them to make up again in the end. And she'll be voiced by Tara Strong in her Omi or Boh voice.

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  • 2 weeks later...


All I can say to this is, "So awesome" and "Yay!" about a hundred and bazillion times. I think there's a lot of potential for Rainbow Dash.




  • Brohoof 4

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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All I can say to this is, "So awesome" and "Yay!" about a hundred and bazillion times. I think there's a lot of potential for Rainbow Dash.





I betcha it mainly has to do with being a rookie Wonderbolt in training. I think she'll have to make some even more tough decisions with doing so in becoming one. :)

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I betcha it mainly has to do with being a rookie Wonderbolt in training. I think she'll have to make some even more tough decisions with doing so in becoming one. :)


Yeah, there's definitely potential there. So many stories related to serving in that sort of environment, themes like self-doubt, etc.



But she'll also develop as a character through her friendship with Scootaloo. I think she'll be a big part of the episode about Scootaloo not being able to fly, yet representing pegasus ponies in the Equestria Games. Both the Games and Scoots are really important to Dash!


Edited by John Mellenclop
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Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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All I can say to this is, "So awesome" and "Yay!" about a hundred and bazillion times. I think there's a lot of potential for Rainbow Dash.





Rainbow Dash related feels are the best kind of feels. I can only expect good things from this. Don't disappoint me McCarthy


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All I can say to this is, "So awesome" and "Yay!" about a hundred and bazillion times. I think there's a lot of potential for Rainbow Dash.






More progress in her joining the Wonderbolts is a given.  We're also likely to see her looking after Scoots more, since she's unofficially adopted her.  Rainbow Dash better be awesome in that coming Scootaloo episode. :okiedokielokie:

There's probably a lot of other new places they're taking her character.  Hopefully looking more into her relationship with Rarity.  Her parents, possibly?  Going into a dating relationship.



Oo-ooh, I can't wait. :wub:

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John de Lancie reveals at the Salt Lake Comicon during his Q&A that not only will Discard be returning during season 4 but he'll be singing a song. Now what this song will be about or whether it will be a Villain Song, which would be awesome, John did not say. Though he did say he really wasn't supposed to even reveal what he did.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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This makes too much sense. Discord is the perfect villain to sing his own song, and he had to reappear at some point.


So, I buy it.

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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@EquestrianScholar, just letting you know that I've merged your topic with our pinned Season 4 Preview and Info thread, since this is where any released information or spoilers about next season are supposed to go. And thanks for this :wub:. A Discord song sounds really amazing. Wonder what it will be about :huh: ?

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I was a bit surprised with the disappearance of my thread, but I can understand why you would.


Te way it came up was he had said he's already done all of Discord's lines plus lyrics for a song.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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De Lancie heavily, heavily hinted to Discord singing in S4 months ago, so this is old news to me, just as it is for anyone else who remembers. Someone asked him if Discord would ever have a song, and De Lancie replied with 'Just remember that you asked that question'.


At any rate, glad it's more confirmed now :) Can't wait to see <3


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John de Lancie reveals at the Salt Lake Comicon during his Q&A that not only will Discord be returning during season 4 but he'll be singing a song. Now what this song will be about or whether it will be a Villain Song, which would be awesome, John did not say. Though he did say he really wasn't supposed to even reveal what he did.


Wait, where did the table go? :blink:


More Discord is always good.  It will be rather interesting to see how his relationship with everypony has changed.

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I'm going to be honest, I sure hope they have him come back as a villain. My enjoyment of Discord was because he was such a wonderful villain... which is why I'm currently holding out that Discord is only faking his reform.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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I'm going to be honest, I sure hope they have him come back as a villain. My enjoyment of Discord was because he was such a wonderful villain... which is why I'm currently holding out that Discord is only faking his reform.

I'd find that highly unlikely.


Why? two simple reasons, really.


first off, if he did decide to go back to being evil, he'd just end up going back to being a statue thanks to the Elements of Harmony, would you rather his next episode involve him being evil in what might turn out to be his final appearance? or that he officially sticks to being good thereby opening the chance to appear more frequently?


Secondly, It's the friendship he formed with Fluttershy that made him decide to pledge being good by the end of 'Keep Calm And Flutter On', if he changed his mind and went back to being evil, he'd be betraying Fluttershy's trust and therefore ruin their friendship, so I'll boldly say it would actually be out of character for him to be willingly to betray Fluttershy just to go back to being evil (thereby wasting an episode's worth of character development). Granted, he'll likely still use his powers to pull pranks on the citizens of Equestria, but his friendship with Fluttershy is what would keep him from doing anything too drastic or cruel.

Why don't we ever see humans in Equestria?


they're hiding, the ponies stole all their clothes.

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The only reason Keep Calm and Flutter On could be said to have worked is because Fluttershy became Discord's 'Morality Pet': http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoralityPet


Fluttershy is the only reason Discord is 'playing nice', without her Discord would have no reason to not turn the Equestia to World of Chaos/World Gone Mad:



Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Besides, Meghan McCarthy said that now that Discord is good, they can explore new character and episode possibilities without having to rehash "The Return of Harmony".


And the guy behind the story of KCaFO, Teddy Antonio, said that be he good or evil, Discord will always be a trickster.

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Another tease by Meghan. I dont know how much longer i can wait, im so excited for season 4 but its not that far away, just a couple more days!




I almost thought this meant the Discord episode would actually involve Spike and Rarity. Had to check the feed to see if I missed something.

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Wow. After reading some the information on this topic just makes it completely unbearable for me to wait for season 4. I do hope Rarity gets her own proper episode this season.

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Pinkie Pie is seen travelling with the Apple Family on what appears to be an apple delivery. Thoughts on what might be going on in this episode?  


They're singing about their family, and Pinkie seems to be included in their family here.  I think maybe Pinkie is missing her family, and the apple farm reminded her of her old life, so she asked if she could come along with them (perhaps they are going to Pinkie's family's farm?).  Maybe Pinkie is sad that her family isn't as close or fun as the Apple family.  

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