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  1. 1. Do you support Twilicorn?

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    • Indifferent

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I'm voting indifferent, only because I have mixed views on the subject. On a good side, Twilight becoming an Alicorn represents her understanding of magic has increased dramatically. Her cutie mark even changed after her transformation. To me, this not only means the Mane 6 has strengthened, but also that Twilight might start helping her friends not only in physical or emotional ways, but also in a sence of understanding. Imagine if all six of the mane six, in S1/S2, Had majority understanding of their specific element, but did not have the full understanding of what their element truly meant. What if Twilight creating her own magic, furthuring her development and understanding, and becoming an Alicorn, is only the beginning? I'm not saying that all the mane six will become Alicorns, but I'm saying that in the future season/seasons, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie will slowly begin to understand their element completely, leading to a metamorphosis, much like twilight, into something, well, more. This could also lead to a completely different threat to Equestria in the future, one which could only be beaten once all six ponies had fully understood their elements.




But on the bad side, Now that twilight is an Alicorn, a princess, she will have much greater and pressing duties to attend to, much like Celestia and Luna, and may not be able to make as much time to spend with her friends as she normally would. Which I actually predict to be one of the first episodes of the next season: Twilight can't make time for her friends, and the others are continuously let down. Also, even though It's a cartoon show, and will never happen, now that Twilight is an Alciorn, her lifespan is dramatically increased. All the other mane six will age considerably faster when compared to Twilight, which may or may not make an episode later down the line (S5/S6). Also, since Twilight is a princess, she might become a new target for any new villain that might arise. Not that I'm saying Twilight can't handle herself, but even in S1, we were shown that the Princess isn't always safe. (S1 E1/E2, Celestia was missing, leading to Nightmare Moon almost taking over.) One other bad thing that might or might not arise from this new situation is the fact that Twilight has new qualities her friends might want to explore. I mean, when I was a kid, if one of my friends had a brand new action figure, or a toy car that I didn't have, I wanted to play with it alot more than I wanted to play with what I had. Imagine if it's the same with the mane six? Rarity might want to swoon over Twilights new royal title, or might want to continuously make Twilight "dresses worthy of a princess!", Rainbow Dash probably would want to soar through the Equestrial skies with Twilight, etc.  Or maybe, just maybe, (I know this will never happen, BTW) her friends will slowly begin to resent her for being royalty. (again, this will never happen).



Anyways, that's my view on the whole "Twilight is a princess" thing. Sorry it's so long, but I had a lot to say. :D Thanks for taking the time to read it all, if you did.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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I'm quite indifferent about this.

We can't really go back now that Twilight is an Alicorn, let's just accept it and go on. We don't know what the writers hav in mind lol. And if Hasbro decide to remove Twilicorn, it would be quite a mess I guess.

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I never was against anything about Twilight turning into an Alicorn, I mean I kind of like to see Twilight change in a cool way.


I don't see any problem with it and I think her being that will make new potentials in the season and so some cool new things.


Most think that this would be different and no one really likes change, but I think this change could be a good one.


Twilight will face many challenges as a Princess now so it gives many potentials for future episodes.


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I personally think it is way too early for Twilight to be an alicorn, because she still has a lot of learning to do.  I mean, the other princesses have their own issues, but they know how to handle them fairly well.  Twilight get's mad easily, and doesn't seem to care when it happens.

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Her cutie mark even changed after her transformation.
I've heard that was an animation error. I'll have to verify that when I get home. afaik, her cutie mark is still the same as before. 
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Yes. i do.


i'm hoping Alicorn Twilight will make the show more interesting 

plus it's kind of a nice thing when you think that most shows don't even reach these levels of story advancement. (i may or may not be wrong about that)

  • Brohoof 1
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My opinion is very, very simple.


Princess Twilight stated that everything was going to be fine at the end of Magical Mystery Cure.


Ergo, everything will resolve itself in due course, therefore we can safely ignore Princess Twilight's new status.


As for the episode itself, my only complaint was that it had too many songs shoehorned into it.


I enjoy hearing lots of songs with just as much or more dialogue in between, but once the balance tips into the musical area, I don't enjoy it as much due to preferring that the songs and speech can blend together as is usually the norm in the other episodes.

Edited by Tommy9151
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Ergo, everything will resolve itself in due course, therefore we can safely ignore Princess Twilight's new status.

That line was obviously the writers way to reassure the fans which is understandable, but it dosen't guarantee anything. Things may be fine, though I still have lingering doubts and concerns I am leaning toward the fact that things probably will be fine but no matter how well things go over I think it is impossible to ignore the change completely. There will be some changes, we got a small taste of what might be in Equestria Girls and it is reassuring but there there is still far more we don't know than we actually do know. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I felt like Hasbro was running out of ideas but, this opens new doors of opretunite. Yes I thoght it was rushed in one episode and the problem was solved to easy but It was still a great seasons end.


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I actually think this is a good thing and will be an awesome addition to the show. This show is actually progressing and changing, something a lot of shows just refuse to do. Most shows just stay stagnant and episodes have no continuity, and sure MLP isn't perfect with continuity but Dash is getting closer to being a wonderbolt, Fluttershy was barley scared in Keep Calm and Flutter on, and now Twi is a princess! My Little Pony actually has the balls to go against modern cartoons and change things, I'm excited to see what will happen with this  ^_^

  • Brohoof 2



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Hey all, just expressing my opinion about Twilicorn,


Personally at first I was surprised, didn't see it coming and rather embraced the idea, but it also lead me to think that this was the last season of MLP FIM so I was scared naturally. But after hearing there's defiently a season 4 coming out I totally relaxed with the idea! Thing is, is that I strongly belive that now Twilight is an alicorn and a princess, season 4 is gonna branch into a new form of stories and challenges for the characters that might be in a bit more depth then before, not just in friendship but in leadership too which is also important in life I believe.


But I'm kinda hoping that other things will occur too, like the rest of her friends get rewarded for their efforts being such great friends, like Rainbow dash becoming a wonderbolt finally, Rariety finding her true love or "Him", Applejack becoming rich in her apple farming with her family, Fluttershy becoming well known as the animal expert in all of Equestria, and well PinkiPie is always happy no matter what she gets, I'd like to be surprised on her rewards lol. Or what about the cutiemark crusadors getting their cutie marks?


Uh oh... I guess I've got a bit of high spectactions for season 4. I noticed some ponys here didn't like that Season 3 had so much music. Personally I loved every single music piece it came up with and Season 4 doesn't look like its gonna let me down there either. Maybe I'm an easily entertained pony and don't see the more 'obvious' problems with the series then others do. I'm an animator though, I love the animation of this franchise, and I love the music so I guess im a bit like Pinki Pie in regards to Twilight being a princess hehe, very optomistic and hungry to see what happends in Season 4.




Edited by Lightning Bliss

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I have to admit I never even watched the last few episodes of Season 3. I kind of got the feeling things were headed downhill - and a "super-permanent character twist that changes everything", plus a high school drama that barely associates itself with the show (Just say it's a new IP by the same creators! It's fine! I won't be mad!) pretty much gave the impression it was high time to stop watching the official show.


A lot of those 'permanent character arc' ideas people come up with for fanfictions I always thought were a bit ridiculous. "What if Rainbow becomes a wonder bolt?" "What if Rarity has to move away?" "What if X character dies?" "What if Discord came back and decided to be good?" To me, that's just not what kind of show it was. It's looney and simplistic, just a canvas to put down a lot of new ideas based on the characters available. If you want to try something new, great, either invent a new character for an episode, or come up with a completely new series.


Ironically, things were going about the same way with Burn Notice for me - the show was often about semi-humorous ways of using trickery to win something out of various bad guys, and the show always spent about 10 minutes an episode on figuring out the main character's burn notice. Then, the last few seasons, everything started getting ultra-super-serious, no more Macgyver stuff, and all about making hard decisions and considering who to betray. That stuff's interesting for some people, but it's a completely different tone of show.

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I have to admit I never even watched the last few episodes of Season 3. I kind of got the feeling things were headed downhill - and a "super-permanent character twist that changes everything", plus a high school drama that barely associates itself with the show (Just say it's a new IP by the same creators! It's fine! I won't be mad!) pretty much gave the impression it was high time to stop watching the official show.


A lot of those 'permanent character arc' ideas people come up with for fanfictions I always thought were a bit ridiculous. "What if Rainbow becomes a wonder bolt?" "What if Rarity has to move away?" "What if X character dies?" "What if Discord came back and decided to be good?" To me, that's just not what kind of show it was. It's looney and simplistic, just a canvas to put down a lot of new ideas based on the characters available. If you want to try something new, great, either invent a new character for an episode, or come up with a completely new series.


Ironically, things were going about the same way with Burn Notice for me - the show was often about semi-humorous ways of using trickery to win something out of various bad guys, and the show always spent about 10 minutes an episode on figuring out the main character's burn notice. Then, the last few seasons, everything started getting ultra-super-serious, no more Macgyver stuff, and all about making hard decisions and considering who to betray. That stuff's interesting for some people, but it's a completely different tone of show.


It's alright, I understand why you don't like the later episodes of the show. And the funny thing is, there actually was an entire episode about Discord turning good in late Season 3, Keep Calm and Flutter On. :P

Edited by Matt Engarde


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Well Twilicorn could be a spectacular addition to the series, or it could mean the corruption of a character. I mean as long as the producers keep Twilight maintained, and not being a god-like protagonist then I feel Twilicorn will be a great character.


And now about the season 3 finale. I found the final episode of season 3 to be a little rushed, but that is okay. It was still an enjoyable episode for me nonetheless. And when Twilight turned into an Alicorn I was just completely mesmerized, and what really made it for me was Princess Celestia singing. Although I think the other Mane 5 should have acted more in shock (I mean their friend just turned into an Alicorn.) But all-in-all a great episode in my opinion. :3

  • Brohoof 1
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I hope you'll forgive me if I didn't read every response (God knows I don't have a lot of time these days :P) but after thinking about it a lot myself I think that yes, the ultimate decision to make Twilight an Alicorn/princess was a good one.

A few days ago I went to Cincy Comicon and was at a panel where they were interviewing Katie Cook (the writer of the comic book series [which if you haven't read yet, you're missing out!]).  Anyway, the question actually came up, what did she think of Twilicorn?  I rather liked her answer, which I will do my best to paraphrase:


"I am a huge fan of the decision to make Twilight a princess because, being a mother myself, it adds to her qualities as a role model.  Currently she is the only princess I know that earned her position, really and genuinely worked to become royalty.  She didn't inherit it or marry into it.  I think that says a lot about the character.  That's the kind of character I want my daughter to aspire to be."  ~Katie Cook

That's the best I could do from memory, but I agree.  While it was somewhat rushed in the season finale (I felt, anyway), nonetheless we have experienced Twilight's trials with her and witnessed her in the learning process, and I for one believe that she really did earn it.  And this indeed is part of the charm within the show.  It has such a focus on the moral or ethical decisions of the characters and their interactions with each other that it ends up being a wonderful and encouraging example of, for lack of better wording, a good world.  A world where good always prevails, etcetera etcetera, but at the same time dedication and hard work is rewarded.  Of course, I am a bit concerned about what this means overall for the character, as to what it will change about her and her position in the show, and that's a valid concern.  The best we can do is trust the writers at this point.

Well that's my hastily written two pence anyways :)


 Analyst - Writer - Musician - Voice Actor

"A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities..."  ~J.R.R. Tolkien

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I personally think it is way too early for Twilight to be an alicorn, because she still has a lot of learning to do.  I mean, the other princesses have their own issues, but they know how to handle them fairly well.  Twilight get's mad easily, and doesn't seem to care when it happens.


Using that logic, a child would never become a teenager until they had learned a set amount. Fact is life happens whether we're ready or not. Besides, Twilight has had tons of issues and they all had a happy ending.


You know who else gets angry quickly and doesn't care about it? Gandalf. I don't recall him ever apologizing for being angry (although he has better reasons for it).


Maybe it's a magic user thing.




Fixed a couple typos

Edited by Benphar

I find it ironic that we often cause what we fear will happen. Just look at Anakin Skywalker!

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Using that logic, a child would never become a teenager until they had learned a set amount. Fact is life happens whether we're ready or not. Besides, Twilight has had tons of issues and they all had a happy ending.


You know who else gets angry quickly and doesn't care about it? Gandalf. I don't recall him ever apologizing for being angry (although he has better reasons for it).


Maybe it's a magic user thing.




Fixed a couple typos

I know, but Lord of the Rings is not a movie about social skills.  This is.  Part of the point of the point of Twilight becoming a princess, is that she thought she was ready, for she did a great job in building bonds with friends, and had learned the required social skills that she had lacked when she was in Canterlot.  I still think she has a long way to go.  Also, that was probably just a poorly chosen example.  Sorry about that.

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Her first responsibility will be to keep a very bonds she formed with her friends and was the reason for her transformation.


Her duties would be in addition to the responsibilities she already has, as in keeping the spirit of friendship strong. Also note that because she is a recently crowned princess she will be in training for greater responsibilities and even with rulership.

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I know, but Lord of the Rings is not a movie about social skills.  This is.  Part of the point of the point of Twilight becoming a princess, is that she thought she was ready, for she did a great job in building bonds with friends, and had learned the required social skills that she had lacked when she was in Canterlot.  I still think she has a long way to go.  Also, that was probably just a poorly chosen example.  Sorry about that.

Yes, but the process of becoming comfortable as a Princess and with her new responsibilities will help her to grow and learn all that she has left to learn.  You don't keep your training wheels all the way until you start to ride cross-country, the best way to learn sometimes is by doing!  And as EquestrianScholar said, one of her greatest responsibilities will be keeping her ties with her friends; I mean, without them the Elements of Harmony would be worthless so in a way they are all just as important as she is :)


 Analyst - Writer - Musician - Voice Actor

"A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities..."  ~J.R.R. Tolkien

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   I completely support Princess Twilight Sparkle, in fact it was a factor that at last persuaded me to become a brony, even after watching the show for two years. It could be argued that this was going to happen at some point, as we see her progress as a character and a leader, from season one through three. I see it as a promotion, no matter what the rank the pony with it is still the same pony, just with more responsibilities, that Celestia had been giving Twilight from the very beginning if you think about it.

  • Brohoof 1
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What's your opinion on Twilight Sparkle's ascension into an Alicorn Princess?
Personally,I think that it was a good idea.  Not only does our bookworm now have wings,but it leaves open area for character development.  I like the idea that she's a princess now,and I don't understand why people are saying that with Faust around it would have been different when she was going to make Twilight a princess anyway (she said so while being interviewed).
So,I may like it,but what's your opinion on Twilight's ascension?


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