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Is Rainbow Dash a hated character?


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Ok number 4...really who does that? The main scene involving her in that episode serves to only more firmly establish her connection with her element. Many seem to overlook a key point in how Rainbow Dash received her cutiemark. Yes she found a yearning for speed and an extreme talent for flight, but look at what put her in the situation to do so. She was defending Fluttershy's honor, the whole race was to take her detractors down a notch or put them in their place. In essence the whole sequence was one of loyalty and self discovery. How in the world do you use that to justify hating a character without reaching? Though many of the arguments for demonstrating Rainbow as a bad person rely on reaching. "Oh she was scaring the fillies by telling scary stories around a camp fire" yep she sure is mean not like its a tradition or anything. "Oh did you see how she volunteered Fluttershy like that" yep demonstrating confidence in her friend which the others did as well, yep evil. 


Yes Rainbow can be a bit aggressive at times and gets lost in her own view of "awesome" but I think some have a tendancy to forget or simply overlook her good moments and qualities.


Very well said, Anadu. I think what people don't realize is that her having flaws adds to her character. If Rainbow Dash suddenly lost all the flaws that people complained about, she would be a two dimensional character and would lose a huge part of her personality.



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That is exactly why I think that Scootalove becoming canon is one of the best things to happen in this show in quite a while. We got to see Rainbow Dash's softer side which we only got to see hints of before, it presents great opportunities for character development for both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo which could possibly lead to an episode or two going a bit further into her past. Maybe there was somepony Rainbow Dash had admired when she was a filly much like how Scootaloo admires her, it sure wouldn't surprise me.


That is exactly why I think that Scootalove becoming canon is one of the best things to happen in this show in quite a while. We got to see Rainbow Dash's softer side which we only got to see hints of before, it presents great opportunities for character development for both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo which could possibly lead to an episode or two going a bit further into her past. Maybe there was somepony Rainbow Dash had admired when she was a filly much like how Scootaloo admires her, it sure wouldn't surprise me.


How much you wanna bet that when she was a Filly, who she admired was probably a Woderbolt? I could totally see that, she talks about becoming a Wonderbolt so much, I wouldn't be surprised if when she was a filly she wanted to be just like that.  I would love to see a episode of Dash being a filly. On to topic at hand, I don't think RD is a hated character. In fact some of the reason that people hate RD might be because she has such a cult following. RD is still one of most favorite ponies.

Facebook: Josh B.

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Rainbow Dash is probably my third favorite of the Mane Six (behind Twilight Sparkle and Applejack).  But nevertheless, there are aspects about her attitude that I DON'T like.


She seems to be a self-centered, arrogant character in a lot of her portrayals.  She's like Sonic the Hedgehog with wings.  Don't get me wrong, I like her, I just think there are aspects of her character that could be improved.


But overall, I don't think Rainbow Dash is a hated character.  In fact, from what I've seen when it comes to fanart and such, Rainbow Dash is probably the character I see the most of (aside from maybe Pinkie Pie).  That could just be because her color scheme is visually appealing, but I dunno.

Edited by Suzaku




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The issue isn't Rainbow Dash it's that people get that worked up and use the word hate. Yeah I get her not being everypony's cup of tea, but she is a important part of the show as are all the Mane 6. All the Twilicorn crap botheres me in the same way. Yeah I know I'm a big P-Twi (Princess Twilight) partisin, but I always think it's best to be opened minded about TV characters, and give certain ones the benefit of the doubt. You could be missing out if you don't. It's a good thing to do in real life too.

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Rainbow Dash is a very awesome pony, and I don't see tons of hate on her.  I love her personality, style, and voice, but she's still my 4th favorite Mane 6 pony.  I love Rainbow Dash, but just not as much as Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and my favorite little Rarity.


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Rainbow Dash is probably my third favorite of the Mane Six (behind Twilight Sparkle and Applejack).  But nevertheless, there are aspects about her attitude that I DON'T like.


She seems to be a self-centered, arrogant character in a lot of her portrayals.  She's like Sonic the Hedgehog with wings.  Don't get me wrong, I like her, I just think there are aspects of her character that could be improved.


But overall, I don't think Rainbow Dash is a hated character.  In fact, from what I've seen when it comes to fanart and such, Rainbow Dash is probably the character I see the most of (aside from maybe Pinkie Pie).  That could just be because her color scheme is visually appealing, but I dunno.


But the thing is, she is arrogant, but at the same time she is always supportive of her friends and has helped them and stood up for them on multiple occasions  Her being arrogant and self-centered sometimes is part of her personality, and there is nothing wrong with that. If you want to eliminate those parts of her personality, that's removing flaws that make her who she is.


That's like asking Fluttershy to finally be brave and not shy anymore, which are negative qualities as well, or asking Rarity to stop caring about getting dirty. Rainbow is must less arrogant than she was at the start, just as Fluttershy was more shy and Rarity was more uppity, but now they've all improved on that but haven't completely lost those traits.


That's why I think that it isn't fair to hate Rainbow because of that. I think it's okay not like her, that's an opinion, but saying that removing those traits would make her better is simply not true.

  • Brohoof 5



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Is Rainbow Dash a hated character? How could you say such a thing about the best pony in the show? Rainbow Dash is cool, awesome, and in my opinion a well-developed character overall. She has moments where she shines, and moments where she stumbles, but you could say that about any of the mane 6 characters. If you couldn't tell, I have a personal bias for Rainbow Dash as she is best pony wub.png.


On a more serious note, I wouldn't say that bronies hate Rainbow Dash. I think it's the fact that she has become the poster child for the show in terms of merchandise. Other than Derpy, Dashie is EVERYWHERE! I don't have a problem with it, but I bet you some people would like to have more variety in the merch offered.


You know who I rarely see on merch? Applejack. This pony needs more featured merch sad.png.  

  • Brohoof 2


#Squadgoals  :ph34r::P:lol::smug::rarity:;):sunny:        

"But that day...The day I discovered racing...I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible happen!"Dash

"Friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for."Twilight Sparkle 

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Me and my friends are hyper-critical of the show, in spite of its cute ponies and such, but I will say that RD has gotten better as a character by leaps and bounds in season 3.

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I don't like Rainbow Dash but don't hate her neither.

Her personality doesn't go well with me, and i don't see anything special in her, but that is my opinion.


She is a character that i don't give much attention.
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I have to disagree with #2. She is a tomboy. Unlike Rarity or Fluttershy, she's not very girlish. She's into a lot of guy stuff like racing and being an athlete. Granted there are girls like this, but they are often called "tomboys," like Rainbow Dash is. She isn't very good at baking (at least according to fanfictions) and unlike Fluttershy, Rarity, or Twilight, she can't just be sitting around doing nothing (citing "Read It and Weep") However, she can be particularly lazy. But in the episode "Read It and Weep" and one other one (I can't recall the name at the moment, but it was in season one) where she is helping Rarity, she seems to not like standing around doing nothing. In both episodes she says that she needs to be up in the air flying, that of course being her passion. I just don't see how someone can look at Rainbow Dash and not see her as a tomboy. One other thing: her being a tomboy, whether she is one or not, for the sake of argument, does NOT make her a lesbian! 

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I think that, since Lauren Faust tried to remove the utter girlishness from the G4 show, Rainbow Dash is a poster child for that. Not to say she's a "tomboy" but she is more egotistical than the other pony's. But it's just her base personality, and in my honest opinion, is something needed for the elements of harmony.

  • Brohoof 1

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

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1. I guess it is kind of true that Rainbow Dash got a fair bit of hate after the MMDW, but Fluttershy also got some hate after Putting Your Hoof Down, so it's not just her. And it doesn't last for long anyway, I don't know of anyone who stills dislikes Fluttershy just because of how she acted in one episode.

2. Tomboy isn't really an offensive term, imo. And she is one. 

3. I personally think that she is a pretty easy character to ship with; I like all of her shippings within the Mane Six, because generally they make a lot of sense. It is true that she's often seen as a lesbian, but that's understandable. 

4. I've never heard of anyone hating on Rainbow because of that episode, but I guess I haven't been in this fandom long enough to say; I've mainly just been watching from the sidelines and not participating up to now. But I've still never heard of that.

5. I don't think they hate it due to the character; I've read MLD and didn't like it, it's very overrated. I love Cupcakes though, even though the plot isn't that good, I enjoy a story that makes me want to puke. XD


I like Rainbow Dash, but she's not my favourite character. I don't think she's really hated as much as you say, but I have seen some people saying she's a 'bitch' and such. 

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It should be noted rainbow is a more aggressive character especially when the stakes are important. We have seen this before in the pilot when Rainbow accused Twilight of being a spy, she didn't do that just to be mean she knew something horrible was going on and wanted answers to why. Same with the crystal ponies. It seems she may be unaware of the rashness of her own behavior in such instances. Though it has been shown that she can catch herself or be shown as such as she did in Hurricane Fluttershy when telling Fluttershy to suck it up she quickly realized what she was saying. It does seem obvious to me that she does indeed care for the emotions of the other ponies she has demonstrated consern for Fluttershy in particular. However she can sometimes be blind to how her action affect the emotions of others.

  • Brohoof 4
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Personally, I dislike rainbow dash for many different reasons. However, if I were to say those reasons, then I would be hit by a wave of hate from those who like her. that's sad isnt it, from a group of amazing people who are Suppost to love and tolerate each other, but instead hate one another for stupid little things like who are favorite ponys are, even I'm guilty of this and for that I apologize. But I digress; my point is that yes, people don't like rainbow dash, but she's not singled out as much as you think. Rarity, for some odd reason, appears to be singled out the most.

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Personally, I dislike rainbow dash for many different reasons. However, if I were to say those reasons, then I would be hit by a wave of hate from those who like her. that's sad isnt it, from a group of amazing people who are Suppost to love and tolerate each other, but instead hate one another for stupid little things like who are favorite ponys are, even I'm guilty of this and for that I apologize. But I digress; my point is that yes, people don't like rainbow dash, but she's not singled out as much as you think. Rarity, for some odd reason, appears to be singled out the most.


Man, no one would hit you with a wave of hate over you not liking a character. Rainbow Dash is by far my favorite character, but I know there are people who either don't like her as much as I or don't like her at all. Which is fine. I think you're exaggerating quite a bit on how hard people would be on you. Then again, I'm just one Brony and I can only speak for myself.


Rarity? I'm not sure. I think it may be between her and Applejack, since they seem to be the least liked of the Mane Six. Applejack is an obvious choice because of all the background pony jokes, although I think those have died down since Season Three where she had more of a presence.



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I'm just going by my experiences. And everywhere I go if I say something like "I dislike so and so" I get hate from everyone, and often am hated for along time for speaking my mind. Maybe it's just me, I really don't know, that's just my experience. Sorry if I offended anyone, that wasn't my intention.

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I'm just going by my experiences. And everywhere I go if I say something like "I dislike so and so" I get hate from everyone, and often am hated for along time for speaking my mind. Maybe it's just me, I really don't know, that's just my experience. Sorry if I offended anyone, that wasn't my intention.


Well, that's why I said I can only speak for myself. I have never hated on anypony for liking a different character than I, although I may playfully tease them.


But don't get too worked up about it, if that is your experience just know that it's not just a few Bronies who do that, it's everypony. Every show has people who bash you for liking or disliking characters, and Bronies are people too and just figures that some of us would do the same thing.


And no, you didn't offend me! Just wanted to start a dialogue with you to see if maybe you were overreacting. But if that's your experience, I'm sorry, man. Have a free Rainbow Dash as a consolation prize:



  • Brohoof 1



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I'm just going by my experiences. And everywhere I go if I say something like "I dislike so and so" I get hate from everyone, and often am hated for along time for speaking my mind. Maybe it's just me, I really don't know, that's just my experience. Sorry if I offended anyone, that wasn't my intention.


Never be afraid to speak your mind and what you think about something. Sure, you might have people that will go against you a bit harder than others, but generally speaking we're all understanding people who will all be nice to one another. Love and tolerate, remember? smile.png

  • Brohoof 1


" I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

My Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Pagehttp://www.fimfiction.net/user/The%20DJ%20Rainbow%20Dash

-Signature art designed by the lovely vinyl_scratch 13


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Thanks, Rainblow Hash. It's been so long since I've been on the forums, and so long since I've talked to a brony who doesn't hate me. (I seem to have a bad reputation amount bronys) I really appreciate you being nice. I forgot how great the forums are. Thank you.

Edited by Lazer a.k.a. 3 piece suit
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Thanks, Rainblow Hash. It's been so long since I've been on the forums, and so long since I've talked to a brony who doesn't hate me. (I seem to have a bad reputation amount bronys) I really appreciate you being nice. I forgot how great the forums are. Thank you.


Huh, really? A bad reputation among Bronies? Well, you seem like a nice enough fellow to me, so no hate from this Brony. Regardless, I'm happy to be the one to restore your faith in our lovely forums. Celestia speed, Lazer, and I hope your experience with Bronies and best pony debates is a lot better from here on out!

  • Brohoof 1



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The reason I personally don't like Rainbow is pretty big for me. I see the least character growth in her. She isn't as bad as my detest for Rarity, but Rainbow just seems like the kind of character who just don't grow much. She's just a character with a sportsy personality that hasn't gone anywhere really.


That is my 2 cents about RBD.

Edited by Hayzelestia


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The reason I personally don't like Rainbow is pretty big for me. I see the least character growth in her. She isn't as bad as my detest for Rarity, but Rainbow just seems like the kind of character who just don't grow much. She's just a character with a sportsy personality that hasn't gone anywhere really.


That is my 2 cents about RBD.


Eh, I'm sorry, but I'm going to disagree with you here. Rainbow Dash has changed a lot from her time in the first season.


I think everypony of the Mane Six has grown immensely from the beginning, but I realize that an opposing view point can exist for all of them. I just don't see Rainbow Dash as having no character growth. We're talking about her actually becoming emotionally understanding and confused toward Fluttershy in "Hurricane Fluttershy", and actually holding back being rude to her, and then we have her becoming Scootaloo's mentor and even opening up to her.


That is not "no character development" to me. All the characters have had their moments where their growth has been showcased. What I think it is that you're talking about is that Rainbow's core personality has not changed, but that's to be expected. Even if Rarity has learned to deal with getting into a sticky or dirty situation, she still shows a disdain for getting dirty.


Same with Twilight. She may have changed a lot from her first appearance, but her core personality is there.


Rainbow Dash is the sporty athletic one, and, even though she has shedded a lot of her anti-reading, anti-smart, and egotism, she still has that because that's what makes her Rainbow Dash.


Sorry if I seem like I'm attacking you, it's just that I don't think that's fair to say about her as a character.

  • Brohoof 2



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Eh, I'm sorry, but I'm going to disagree with you here. Rainbow Dash has changed a lot from her time in the first season.


I think everypony of the Mane Six has grown immensely from the beginning, but I realize that an opposing view point can exist for all of them. I just don't see Rainbow Dash as having no character growth. We're talking about her actually becoming emotionally understanding and confused toward Fluttershy in "Hurricane Fluttershy", and actually holding back being rude to her, and then we have her becoming Scootaloo's mentor and even opening up to her.


That is not "no character development" to me. All the characters have had their moments where their growth has been showcased. What I think it is that you're talking about is that Rainbow's core personality has not changed, but that's to be expected. Even if Rarity has learned to deal with getting into a sticky or dirty situation, she still shows a disdain for getting dirty.


Same with Twilight. She may have changed a lot from her first appearance, but her core personality is there.


Rainbow Dash is the sporty athletic one, and, even though she has shedded a lot of her anti-reading, anti-smart, and egotism, she still has that because that's what makes her Rainbow Dash.


Sorry if I seem like I'm attacking you, it's just that I don't think that's fair to say about her as a character.



You misunderstood, I said "little", and "not much personal growth". Not "no growth at all". When I look at the other characters like (Obvious Twi as she is main character), and Fluttershy i can't help but feel cheated out on Rainbow Dash and Rarity.


The personalities may be the same, but Fluttershy grew confidence, anxiety, courage, and fought her inner demons. The most I've seen from rainbow is understanding her friends feelings. But nothing as deep or personal as that. Maybe i am biased, maybe not. But I know I just feel cheated on thier background as a character. =/

Edited by Hayzelestia


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RainbowDash comes off abit egotistical/always in a rush. She's a cool character but not my favorite..I guess I could say I don't hate her but i'm not fond of her too much.

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