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Apple      Bloom

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No, I mean that, before I could finish and post the thread, I accidentally pressed Ctrl+R or E, I dunno, and it either reset or went to the previous page. I HATE IT WHEN MY FINGER PRESSES THE CONTROL BUTTON INSTEAD OF THE SHIFT BUTTON BECAUSE STUFF LIKE THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS ARGH! :angry: And no, it didn't autosave, as far as I know. How would I check that anyway? :huh:


Ive done the same thing when normally posting. Sometimes, if you're lucky it will still be there or got autosaved.


Umm, im not sure how to check that when making a topic. :x

I've never made one.

Not a single one.


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I might have to come to Sweden to try some now.

lol, Ill keep that in mind


Aight. Bout to go find them and see if the download still works now.



lol as long as I still had some underwear to use I could just throw it away into the woods.

If not, then I guess Id be screwed and would have to try and clean it...


I might have to look into that map builder. Sounds pretty interesting.

Aaah, so the actual map you look at in game is the same map used to build it. Thats pretty neat.

Also, Thats Ep1M1 from Ultimate Doom: Knee Deep In The Dead, isn't it?

That level has many memories for me.

And dat music! :o


Ooo, I like the way it looks. :wacko:


Is it hard to pick up and learn how to do?


first of all, if you ever see said jam in the store, try eating some food with it. anything that's akin to meatballs should work fine.


secondly, tell me if you can't find it.


third, i'm unsure what you mean by that. if you went no 2, you'd HAVE to clean it. if not, then yes it should be able to be thrown away, but a cleanup would still be neccesary.


yes, the whole map-thing is how a level is built up as. then you just draw the map, define height, textures, things, make doors, etc. in it.

and yes it's e1m1 :3


lastly, i don't think it's that hard to pick up if you keep at it. CodeImp the creator has a few tutorials up on his Doom Builder website about how to make specfic things such as drawing simple shapes, making functional doors, switches, lifts, and, some advanced source-port stuff such as slopes. it's far easier to create maps for Doom than it is making levels for most other games you can think of.

  • Brohoof 1
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$270?!?!?!?! :blink: WHAT THE HELL?! THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS! :angry: But just curious,did you went to the psychologist because you really wanted to or something else?

I was extremely depressed at that point in my life. My parents wanted me to get a mental health check-up. I was easy to anger and had a few emotional break downs. I've gotten a lot better ever since I stopped taking the anti-depressants.

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>Downloads zip file

>opens it

>sees a notepad document


>mfw upon reading the title

Posted Image

>mfw after actually opening it

Posted Image




keep reading. you might find something... interesting.


as a side-note, i actually have a picture of myself on this forum where i am completely nude. yep.

  • Brohoof 2
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Whoa, 40 missed pages...

I really don't wanna read that much. (Unless of course, I missed out on something incredibly awesome)


Literally just got back from the Scrawl shoot. (It's 8pm now)

I was sat around doing nothing for most of the day because for a huge amount of the afternoon, we were shooting at a hotel.

The only interesting thing I got to do was be a sound recordist for a scene that had literally 3 lines of dialogue.


Also: Tesco turned down my job application, so 'hooray' for still being unemployed!


[Flumps into his hammock]

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keep reading. you might find something... interesting.


as a side-note, i actually have a picture of myself on this forum where i am completely nude. yep.


>if you are not Haven from the forums, then kindly GTFO or Viscra will pad you with diapers. (actually i still would even if it is Haven reading this, but not as forceful :3)

> (or you can name it to Viscra's Padded Butt if you want to, as long as you're able to use it that's fine).

> i mean, if you look down, you should notice that you're wearing a diaper again. you silly, little filly, not noticing what i am doing to you when showing you installation instructions. :3

>Haven fun (cwutididthar)



Posted Image



Lol I remember you saying that a few days ago.

Don't know if I saw it in the picture thread or not.


And, Bob Saget! This thing will be off of me and gone eventually.

Whenever I get un-lazy again...


Now I just need the wad files and I'm all set!

I really just need to buy the games off of steam.

Wish I had done it during that sale they had...

Edited by Hven
  • Brohoof 1
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i thought you already have the games installed?

enjoy your padding much? :3


Eenope. Lost my only cd with them on there and have been looking ever since for another.

I said that way back when we first started talking about Doom.


They are are on sale right now on Steam for only 3 dollars each, so I shall be getting them this weekend hopefully.

Do they sell prepaid cards for Steam?

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Thanksgiving has got to be the most boring day of the entire year. I feel like I want to nap the entire day away right now, even though I'm not even tired. I take back what I said about barely ever having that feeling. Either I'm in a funk or Thansgiving is cursed.


My money's on the latter.

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Eenope. Lost my only cd with them on there and have been looking ever since for another.

I said that way back when we first started talking about Doom.


They are are on sale right now on Steam for only 3 dollars each, so I shall be getting them this weekend hopefully.

Do they sell prepaid cards for Steam?


well... i suppose i could give you all my Doom games if you wanted to, despite it being illegal.
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"Today's a day about family" says the one in this household who kicked all the kids out of a room so she could watch a TV show with tons of swears in it. Gotta love this day so far!

  • Brohoof 1
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well... i suppose i could give you all my Doom games if you wanted to, despite it being illegal.


Nah, don't worry about doing that. Don't need you doing anything illegal. Ill let some jackass over the internet do that in the form of a torrent or something else for me if I don't buy them.

Thanks for the offer though.

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Posted Image


Oh hey look, it's @Evilshy.


let's all quote this post to give him ridiculous notification amounts.


If by "ridiculous" you actually mean " very few" since this thread is going to be dead all day until later tonight and no one else is going to do it. Then yes.
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Lol speaking of diapers, I totally could have used one yesterday at work. I had to go SOOOOOOO bad, but one guy drove off in the work truck without saying a word to me or this other worker leaving me with no way to a bathroom.


I counted all the times I wet the bed this year. Two.


One Bad Apple, which will be a CMC episode. there's already a preview...BUT I HAVE REMAINED STRONG AND HAVEN'T SEEN IT!


Did somepony say Bad Apple?!!




Happy Turkey Genocide day, everybrony!


It's not a genocide if we keep some of them alive.


It's a conspiracy!!!

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And other Chans? :wacko:

Didn't know there were more.

They as good as 4chan?


Well gee Haven, it is call 4chan. Go Google it. 0chan, 1chan, 2chan, 3chan, 5chan, etc. And many, many others.


Also, I just finished Thanksgiving. Just waiting for dessert time. Y'all know I love pie! Well, most fruit pastries, but pies are pretty important.

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Also, I just finished Thanksgiving. Just waiting for dessert time. Y'all know I love pie! Well, most fruit pastries, but pies are pretty important.

Is it.... Berry Pie? ^_^


one of the better things to read... waitwhat?


Viscra.... You've got to get a new hobby at some point. May I recommend... Table tennis?

  • Brohoof 7
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