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Apple      Bloom

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Do you know why sometimes when I try to use this function it just plain refuses to work no matter how many times I click it?


Kyro, open a trouble ticket! :D And that pony in your avatar needs a drink before dying of thirst. ^_^


(Seriously though, if you load posts by clicking the "x new replies" notification, then the mention feature doesn't work. There are several other times that it fails as well.)


Fine, I'll post in the goddamn thread...


My life is complete. I can now go on to the next world... Or just a nap. :P

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Kyro, open a trouble ticket! :D And that pony in your avatar needs a drink before dying of thirst. ^_^

I wonder if you're aware what my avatar is actually from. You might have missed all the discussion that went on about it.



(Seriously though, if you load posts by clicking the "x new replies" notification, then the mention feature doesn't work. There are several other times that it fails as well.)


Oooooh, okies, okies. That makes sense. Must be a limitation of the code. You would know better than I.

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I counted all the times I wet the bed this year. Two.


Because we wanted to know that


Well, I didn't, but...


No fair, me wanna feel nolstalgia.


Then you should have posted in this thread back then.


Goddamn it! I hope you Atleast cleaned up afterwards.


Clorox wipes did the trick.


I'm not liling.

I seriously don't think I have.

Maybe, idk.


I know you're not liling, you're lying.


No u

I need no protection from there.


Now I KNOW you're a liar.


I still do. Mainly cause I finally learned how to not fuck up everything with what I'm eating.


I have yet to learn that secret.


Me too oh so much.

I get out very little as well, but that doesn't halt mine from taking all mah shit.

I actually started freaking out one time she took my computer after I had joined here. I've never been so bored and anxious to get mah stuff back. The only punishment that actually had an effect on me.


I would do the same.


Well gee Haven, it is call 4chan. Go Google it. 0chan, 1chan, 2chan, 3chan, 5chan, etc. And many, many others.


That's not quote how it works exactly, but there is a 2chan, 7chan, and 420chan (you can guess what that one is about), plus a whole multitude of others.


so guys, here's that pinkie plush i bought a few days ago:




kill it kill it kill it


I just found a personal favorite:





Fine, I'll post in the goddamn thread...



Edited by bluetrace
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I wonder if you're aware what my avatar is actually from. You might have missed all the discussion that went on about it.

I'm kinda guessing that it isn't really thirst, but let me keep my delusional state. :lol:


Oooooh, okies, okies. That makes sense. Must be a limitation of the code. You would know better than I.

I wish I knew everything, but I have still only scratched the surface of all of the moving parts involved with this site and server. It really is an interesting operation behind the scenes. Both myself and Feld0 learn more every day. :)

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I'm kinda guessing that it isn't really thirst, but let me keep my delusional state. :lol:


Sure...you could define it as a kind of thirst...


I wish I knew everything, but I have still only scratched the surface of all of the moving parts involved with this site and server. It really is an interesting operation behind the scenes. Both myself and Feld0 learn more every day. :)


Aye. And you've both been doing such a wonderful job. If it weren't for the fact that I felt it would stress me out too much--and might kill my desire to stick around the forum--I'd volunteer to take up a modly position again to help ya'll out. Sadly, though, if I did that the same thing that happened before would happen again: I'd just burn out. (Besides, Zoop kept telling me not to do it. He doesn't want me to stress myself out too much. Good friend he is.)
  • Brohoof 4
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Then you should have posted in this thread back then.

Don't worry, I'll brohoof some of his old posts too.

That's not quote how it works exactly, but there is a 2chan, 7chan, and 420chan (you can guess what that one is about), plus a whole multitude of others.

But I Googled it... It totally works.
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Then you should have posted in this thread back then.


Nah. I only lurked hardcore back then.



Clorox wipes did the trick.


lol thats good to know.



I know you're not liling, you're lying.


But, liling is lying. And Im not doing both. D:



Now I KNOW you're a liar.



I am not!

I am appalled at you, Bluetrace!

Proof or its not true!



That's not quote how it works exactly, but there is a 2chan, 7chan, and 420chan (you can guess what that one is about), plus a whole multitude of others.


I want to find these chans now.



I know right! :wub:

I also meant to say I got a Carrot Top blind bag the other day.

You jelly at all?

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I can still help.


Poor, Kyro and Thought Bubble.

She shall never ger her.....drink....


Dear lord.


But I Googled it... It totally works.


It works, but they're not like, numbered. 4chan came before 1chan. It's just kind of a thing to name your chan with a number.


There's also fapchan, ponychan, tf2chan...



I am not!

I am appalled at you, Bluetrace!

Proof or its not true!




I want to find these chans now.




I know right! :wub:

I also meant to say I got a Carrot Top blind bag the other day.

You jelly at all?


I am incredibly gelatinous. I didn't even know they had a Carrot blindbag

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can you inform her i'll deliver her drink tomorrow? i might be have that in stock then.


Sure, why not.



Hey, Kyro, Vissy said that she shall deliver Thought Bubble's drink to her tomorrow if she has them in stock.


can you inform her i'll deliver her drink tomorrow? i might be have that in stock then.


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Sure, why not.



Hey, Kyro, Vissy said that she shall deliver Thought Bubble's drink to her tomorrow if she has them in stock.


Thought Bubble will be very happy to hear that. She'll be waiting~
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Dear lord.


Posted Image

Don't you freaking judge me!






There's also fapchan, ponychan, tf2chan...








I have found 2 things I like from there now.



I am incredibly gelatinous. I didn't even know they had a Carrot blindbag


Eeyup. Named Golden Harvest instead of Carrot Top, but its her.
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it's so funny because she looks like she really wants a drink.

you know.

a drink.


Yea........a drink...... >.>


Well, I have some cider... Oh wait, you mean that kind of drink...

Never mind then. [Disposes of cider in the furnace]

Edited by JayBee
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Well, I have some cider... Oh wait, you mean that kind of drink...

Never mind then. [Disposes of cider in the furnace]


Is it bad if I know a picture that is oddly related to this post and the recent ones?......



*Backs away slowly*

Edited by Hven
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