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Apple      Bloom

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I be turning 19 today. So yes, that's a year older. :lol: And sure. But 2012 was actually a great year for me. :D Joke aside, thank you Star. :)


Happy birthday! I turned 20 a little over a month ago, so that makes me a year older than you :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Okay, Livesteam slows down my computer. join.me works better for simple tasks. I see why Starshine Haste never used it.




Nevermind. It seems to be running right now.


I wanna watch! :3




>2 in the morning


I guess this is what boredom does to you.


Come watch me try to talk to weird strangers.
  • Brohoof 3
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Wait, when did Skyrim get boring?


After playing it for a few weeks straight on Xbox.


I just got through adding a bunch of mods to it, and getting it to run smoothly on my computer. It looks better, runs better, and has more modding availability than the console version. Why didn't I do this in the first place

  • Brohoof 1
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Berry is doing a live stream of him messing with peeps on Omegle.

You can join if you want. :3


Eh, too late. And don't brohoof my stuff man. Not cool.
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i had my first "dream" composition this morning. as in, a melody i heard in my dream that i transition into the computer. i don't know what else to do with it now, since i'm stuck with it.


You can eat a bucket of ice cream and licked it clean, not something you can do to a mare.


that's what you think. >:3


i'm listening to the Half-Life 2 soundtrack and


it's awesome.


That would actually be awesome IF we could get the respective people to do so.

But most don't like singing for where others can hear.


Maybe we should pull a Vissy and secrectly make them and record them without them knowing, while being in plain sight.



Ku ku ku ku ku~


waitwat pull a vissy

what is this


>Implying he was doing naughty things.



Can't a man enjoy himself in his own house pantsless?

Is it wrong to just chill without pants on?

Why he gotta be doing something just cause he's not wearing pants?


I, sir, am appalled!


i only wear underwear inside the house unless i need pants on.


Welp, as long as you're not wearing any skirts... :wacko:


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GOOOOOOOD MORNING GCT! How're y'all doing?! :D


Happy birthday Arcy, have a fun day with all of that fun stuff that you'll be doing today. I need to get to sleep though, goodnites for all my fellow forumites.


Happy birthday! I turned 20 a little over a month ago, so that makes me a year older than you :)


Thanks a lot guys! :D I would have answered before, but aparently; Saturday ALSO decided to open up with a sudden 1-second-long power cut. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png Anyway, THANK YOU! :wub: And Whimsical...er...brohoof for brony birthday consecutive years? :lol:


@, SOOOOO sorry I wasn't able to answer you before, but the power quickly, shortly and suddenly got cut and I didn't want to risk turning the computer on again that night. Anyway, here's what I would have.


Viscra is someone who likes cute things. A LOT of cute things, and while she may be one of the "dirty joke starters" over here, one would rather not ber represented by that. :lol: If you can find a filly, while looking all adorable, that would suit fine I think. And if she's wearing a diaper, that's a plus for Viscra.


As for Jinx, being the one of the "stoics" over here, maybe a colt looking all serious at the end of a cliff. However, his name also represents bad luck, if you can manage to make a siggy that shows a colt in a situation that the moment you see it, it means "woah...tough luck bro" that'd be set, I think.



Did I miss something?

Edited by Arcanel
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Eh, too late. And don't brohoof my stuff man. Not cool.


Of course its too late. You replied to that at like 5am.




Posted Image






Also, I passed out sometime around this time last night.

Then woke up like 10 or so minutes before you ended.

That was so much fun! XD

15/10 Would do again.


i had my first "dream" composition this morning. as in, a melody i heard in my dream that i transition into the computer. i don't know what else to do with it now, since i'm stuck with it.


Hmmm, just give it some time and maybe you'll think of something.

If you can't think of anything right then, don't force it.


that's what you think. >:3


I already went over this with him. ;)

waitwat pull a vissy

what is this


When you secretly and efficiently do something to someone within plain and obvious view, but without them noticing. Edited by Hven
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Good morning/afternoon/whatever.

I woke up about half an hour ago (3:30pm) and now I have no idea what to do.

I wanna make a video, but the one I've wanted to make has been lingering in the back of my head for about a week because I don't know how I'm going to say what I want to say.


Anyway, I already posted on your profile, but Happy Birthmas Arcy :3

  • Brohoof 1
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Good morning/afternoon/whatever.

I woke up about half an hour ago (3:30pm) and now I have no idea what to do.

I wanna make a video, but the one I've wanted to make has been lingering in the back of my head for about a week because I don't know how I'm going to say what I want to say.


Anyway, I already posted on your profile, but Happy Birthmas Arcy :3


You could watch the new episode. :3

Which I still need to do as I woke up an hour ago (10am) and forgot all about it.


And just say it?

Im guessing you mean as in how to correctly explain something?

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ou could watch the new episode. :3 Which I still need to do as I woke up an hour ago (10am) and forgot all about it.

Well, you're gonna have to wait until the Youtube video. I watched MOST of it (missed a few minutes), and I liked it a lot! (then again, there hasn't been a pony episode I don't like :wub: )
  • Brohoof 1
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Well, you're gonna have to wait until the Youtube video. I watched MOST of it (missed a few minutes), and I liked it a lot! (then again, there hasn't been a pony episode I don't like :wub: )


Yea, which I can't find one.


Or I can just wake up early enough tomorrow and catch it. :P

Hell, it might even replay sometime today. Just gotta check.

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Yea, which I can't find one.


Or I can just wake up early enough tomorrow and catch it. :P

Hell, it might even replay sometime today. Just gotta check.


The episode ended less than an hour ago. It might take a few hours before you get a definite, good Youtube video.


It's gonna be a video about myself, but it's a weirdly complicated one.

Complicated how? :huh:
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