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Apple      Bloom

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Look at that Cadance.

Don't you just want to hug her T.T?



I'd rather hug the Sweetie Belle in my avatar. xD She's just so cute (I know I mentioned her before, but still).




Okay, I need to wake up at 9:30, so I better leave now while I can.

I have to wake up at 6:40 AM. Still awake.

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Goodnight all.

Good night!




Good night!



Everyone is going to bed :<



I'd rather hug the Sweetie Belle in my avatar. xD She's just so cute (I know I mentioned her before, but still).




I have to wake up at 6:40 AM. Still awake.


Hug all of the CMC! ALL OF THEM!

  • Brohoof 1
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Doing alright, myself :P Just brought my leather recliner upstairs... Blah... That was a pain, just getting it undone...

Oh wow, I can imagine :blink:Awesome that you got it done :)Also, I think I'll just go back to being ~ds8~ tomorrow sometimeUpon furthur realization...It actually does sound a lot better than Pony Zukin :/GOD, what was I thinking :unsure:
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I had a haircut earlier, and now my head feels lighter :D

in case anyone is interested, here's a demo version of the song i've worked on in audio engineering class for a month or so

I likey. :3

  • Brohoof 1
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But I have a small problem...


I can't seem to center my signature


I've tried using the

[/ center] tags (I'm on mobile BTW) and they just don't seem to want to work anymore :/


They just disappear like I never even put them there in the first place :/

Edited by ~ds8~
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Then that makes two of us. :lol:


And hai!



Also, Hai @Electrobolt!

oh god there are visible quotes in the reply bar now?

anyway, haven! if you're getting a notification of this (dunno how this new version works), then i have to say this: this here album is the perfect Autumn album, even though it's closing in to Winter, i find it fitting to listen to in this damp weather: http://dtrx.bandcamp.com/album/afs

I had a haircut earlier, and now my head feels lighter :D

I likey. :3

haircuts are nice, though i luv my long hair in the back~

any comments on it? i really like it and would love to get feedback on this demo version of it.

  • Brohoof 1
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