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Would you be able to guess your fellow brony is actually a man or a woman?

Unpredictable Ranger

Which brony are you?  

105 users have voted

  1. 1. And you are a...?

    • Male brony whose MLPforums representation is a female pony
    • Male brony whose MLPforums representation is a male pony
    • Female brony whose MLPforums representation is a female pony
    • Female brony whose MLPforums representation is a male pony
    • Transgender brony whose MLPforums representation is a female pony
    • Transgender brony whose MLPforums representation is a male pony
    • Bigendered brony whose MLPforums representation is a female pony
    • Bigendered brony whose MLPforums representation is a male pony
  2. 2. Else, if your representtion is not pony-related, which one are you?

    • Male brony whose MLPforums representation is male but it's not pony-related
    • Female brony whose MLPforums representation is male but it's not pony-related
    • Transgender brony whose MLPforums representation is male but it's not pony-related
    • Bigendered brony whose MLPforums representation is male but it's not pony-related
    • Male brony whose MLPforums representation is female but it's not pony-related
    • Female brony whose MLPforums representation is female but it's not pony-related
    • Transgender brony whose MLPforums representation is female but it's not pony-related
    • Bigendered brony whose MLPforums representation is female but it's not pony-related
    • Male brony whose MLPforums representation is unisex/neuter but it's not pony-related
    • Female brony whose MLPforums representation is unisex/neuter but it's not pony-related
    • Transgender brony whose MLPforums representation is unisex/neuter but it's not pony-related
    • Bigendered brony whose MLPforums representation is unisex/neuter but it's not pony-related

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So the majority of MLPforums members and staff are male, is that accurate? Or is the community having a fair balance between boys and girls/men and women?


If you sent all of the bronies into equestria you could solve their gender balance issue.  The mix is highly skewed male vs female.

  • Brohoof 2

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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I'm a dude, my avatar is Rainbow Dash with a pipe.


I like Rainbow Dash, so she's in my avatar.


That about sums up my reasons for that. It's pretty much impossible to guess ANYPONY'S gender solely on their avatar on any forum, really. On other non-MLP forums I see folks with female and male avatars that are of the opposite gender all the time, and that is only compounded when most of the characters on MLP are female. The Mane Six are all female and since most avatars are of them, it only figures there'd be a lot of male Bronies running around with female avatars.


But the folks on here are mostly right about OCs usually being a pretty good representation of someone's gender, although I don't have any OCs myself. There are a few Bronies who prefer female OCs because they have a smoother and more pleasing design, which I won't argue with at all.

  • Brohoof 1



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I'm a guy and I have a pixellated Twilight as an avatar, cause my favorite pony is Twilight and I'm a 8-bit nerd! It's really simple.

  • Brohoof 2

Your signature is harmful towards the rights of Hasbro, and has been terminated as a result.

You have the obligation to accept this.

Do you accept it?


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I don't have a pony avatar, so... I picked male pony? happy.png


Hm, I don't know about you guys, but I guess my Captain America avatars have been confusing you into thinking I'm a boy? tongue.png But, yeah... I can actually have a pretty lucky guess most of the time if one is a Male or Female. Except that Eeveelution crew. They always throw me off...

Edited by IncognitoKiwoy
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*I use a Trixie avatar

*I have a male ponysona

*The name of that ponysona is the same as the root for my username

*I am presently using a slightly changed username (the Trixied) to venerate Her G&Pness.


Meh, I selected Male/female representation, although I think a poll about OCs would be more insightful.

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Starswirl the Trixie, does that mean I need to change the poll again? How would the change(s) be, change the question and answer options or just leave the poll as it is?

Equestria's Lone Ranger and dedicated ex-prosecutor...




Watchin y'all.

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@@Starswirl the Trixie, does that mean I need to change the poll again? How would the change(s) be, change the question and answer options or just leave the poll as it is?


It's fine for now.  Many results are already in for the "representation" question, so you can't really change it at this point.  I just think a poll asking about OCs would be more interesting.

  • Brohoof 1



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Hrmm... To be honest the avatar that I am using is just something I threw together as an experiment when trying to figure out GIMP. I just haven't drawn anything more appropriate to use, as I don't actually have a OC or ponysona as of yet. I *think* it's male, but I'm a poor enough artist that I'm not 100% sure. dry.png


Out of curiousity, how did you pull off that rainbow text?

  • Brohoof 1


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Well, I'm male, and Octavia's female...  To be fair though, if you're male and want your avatar to be a canon character, there aren't a whole lot of same-gender ponies to choose from, and none of them are exceptionally appealing to me.


I also can't really say how much I correctly identify someone's gender, because I don't tend to give them a gender until they outright say it.  Though, I have fallen into the trap of assuming certain members as male (and being proven wrong) just because statistically most people here do seem to be male.  So maybe it's not that I don't assign people genders; it's that I assume that they're male until proven otherwise.

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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@@Fhaolan, I can see your avatar is a colt (stallion?) just fine. The rainbow text was using tektek.org (for the BBcodes).


As for me, I am using a supposedly cannon male character (it's said that the character will be appearing in Season Four) because I love the character. Can't wait for the upcoming season!

Equestria's Lone Ranger and dedicated ex-prosecutor...




Watchin y'all.

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My gender is outright stated in my sig, so I don't see myself surprising anyone, though the "pegasister" thing might confuse some.  My avatar is Sweetie Belle because she's one of my favorite ponies (second favorite after her big sis, in fact) and I *love* this animation of her from Sisterhooves Social. 

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by Thunderstorm

Check out my Rarity fansite!

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Well I'm a male brony and my avatar/sig is of a female. I am a fan of Vinyl Scratch and music in general so that's the reason I have her as my sig/avatar. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by me avatar by Azura.

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You already have tons of options already, but a lot of us don't even use a pony avatar (such as myself), so it might be beneficial to add  something that would remedy this.  I read your OP about 5 times over and I can't really understand what you're asking.  :S


I automatically assume that the user on the other end is male unless something tips me off.  I tend to notice that women tend to use emoticons A LOT more then men.  I also notice that they often shorten words such as 'you' or 'are' to 'u' and 'r'.  Then there is the use of capitalization, or lack of it, that really tips me off.  In about 80% of cases I find that these users are women.  If not, they are 12 year old guys that text all day.  I often times can see that they like to customize their message a lot more and they back their messages with much more emotion and compliments.


If all of these are present and they are male, they are either young or (not trying to be rude) homosexual. 


If you haven't guessed by now, I am indeed male that uses a cute little Probe as my avatar.  :3

  • Brohoof 1


"Dumping someone is like throwing a kitten into a pool of lava." - Day[9]

'I see!' said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.

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If all of these are present and they are male, they are either young or (not trying to be rude) homosexual. 


Or European...





Nothing more to add, really. Odd that the link doesn't count towards the character limit itself. I didn't expect that.


Oh, more relevant version:


  • Brohoof 1


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Male with female avatar

I naturally assume most people here are male until I check their profile and see they are female, or if their username is female-oriented. This is because most bronies are indeed males who's favorite ponies/usual representation are female, you know? ^_^

  • Brohoof 2


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@, I see, editing the poll yet again. I always forget that there are also others who don't use pony pictures as avatars.


Anyway, from my first impression in here, what was your guess on which gender I am (question for everypony, not only towards -sYGQ-IronPuddinG)?

Equestria's Lone Ranger and dedicated ex-prosecutor...




Watchin y'all.

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Anyway, from my first impression in here, what was your guess on which gender I am (question for everypony, not only towards -sYGQ-IronPuddinG)?


I'm going to go all overanalytical. Because that's what I do. biggrin.png


Well, your avatar and forum name are for a hybrid of Steffan Andrews and Mitch Larson, so unless you're actually one of them (or both sharing an account) having us on (which wouldn't be that farfetched) then we can't use that. Your current status indicates that you are able to see the Aurora Borealis from where you are currently, which according to the current NOAA POES report is too far north right now for you to be in Vancouver. So that's no help. I would guess you are a creative person however, possibly a musician, given you focused on two of the creative types responsible for the show, rather than characters *in* the show.


The first post in this thread has the most information. You're interested in how avatar gender influences the impression of poster gender, stating 'most of us' having an avatar of opposite gender, sounds like it might hint to a female poster. However, in this particular fandom that's not as indicative as it would be in others. The approach you've taken, a poll, and the specific phrasing of the original statement using the words 'intriguing', and 'Oh man' speak to a male poster, in my experience.


So I would peg you as male... but not with confidence. For more clues, I'd have to deep dive into your posting history, and given the structure of this website that would be annoying. And creepy. Okay, I think I achieved creepy just in this post itself, but that's the risk you take asking leading questions like that. wacko.png

  • Brohoof 1


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@@Fhaolan, nah, I'm okay with that. Not creepy at all, given that it's the internet and you are nowhere near me (even if we are staying nearby, I don't see any danger that you'd possess).

Equestria's Lone Ranger and dedicated ex-prosecutor...




Watchin y'all.

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Well, since all bronies are male and all pegasisters are female, I'd know everypony who calls themselves a brony, must be male.


Noooot exactly true, but I won't argue it for the sake of not derailing the thread.



@, I see, editing the poll yet again. I always forget that there are also others who don't use pony pictures as avatars.


Anyway, from my first impression in here, what was your guess on which gender I am (question for everypony, not only towards -sYGQ-IronPuddinG)?


Male.  Your sentences promote exposition rather than emotion.

  • Brohoof 3


"Dumping someone is like throwing a kitten into a pool of lava." - Day[9]

'I see!' said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.

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I've actually started a habit of not attempting to guess the gender of my fellow forum goers. I started doing that since I thought Vexx3d was, in fact, not a woman xD


But to kinda continue on topic: I'm a guy, but I've made my OC a female because a continuation of a character I've had for years now ^^ (this particular one, about 5 years now, another for maybe about 8ish? Give or take a year :3)




I automatically assume that the user on the other end is male unless something tips me off. I tend to notice that women tend to use emoticons A LOT more then men. I also notice that they often shorten words such as 'you' or 'are' to 'u' and 'r'. Then there is the use of capitalization, or lack of it, that really tips me off. In about 80% of cases I find that these users are women. If not, they are 12 year old guys that text all day. I often times can see that they like to customize their message a lot more and they back their messages with much more emotion and compliments.


We must be conversing with WAY different members of the female gender, because 95% of the women that I converse with on a daily basis actually have impeccable grammar xD

Edited by Potayto Sek
  • Brohoof 1

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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For me, it's pretty easy to tell if someone is a male or female on the internet in general.  I won't go into detail, but I'll just say it's because I enjoy sociology and technological development and how it affects society (i focus mostly on video games) and I am a big egghead.  

I like consistency so anywhere you see Chihirolee(with or without a number depending on website specifics), that's the one and only me.  I haven't changed my internet name in over 6 years.  Anything pony, I am Treble Bolt, with the same pony avatar as you see on this post.  I am a female, so of course I am a female, however "pegasister" I do not call myself, look at my self description and personality if you want to argue that one...just not on this topic please

  • Brohoof 1

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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