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The Dentist


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I hate going to the dentist. I have to sit still in that uncomfortable chair, they stick that big ass light right in my face, then there's the tools... All it takes is one slip up and you have an injury only a lawsuit can cure. They chide me for not brushing my teeth 4 times a day or flossing. I haven't been to a dentist in 6 years and I plan on keeping it that way. The final straw for me was when my dentist thought he could chide me about my weight and school. Not a chance buddy.

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Yeah I have to go this month after not going for 8 years and im terrified. I have 3 cavities and half a molar missing. I know they will have to remove my molar and its gonna freakin hurt. Im gonna have them NOS me i dont care how much it cost. UUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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I'm not scared of the dentist, because i had to deal with the Orthodontist for years, which is WAYYY worst than the dentist.

The only way the dentist is bad is if they actually find something wrong. I get routine checkups and its usually kinda nice to have my teeth thoroughly cleaned. Every once in awhile i'll get a stinkin cavity and have to get it filled. Atleast i get something to numb the pain. I remember when i was getting my wisdom teeth removed, i was very nervous about the anesthesia (because i'm a bit needle phobic) They were kind enough to give me laughing gas before the anesthesia, to help calm me down and make me less worried about the needle.


Compare that to every damn orthodontic visit i ever had. Every single visit would end with me in a ridiculous amount of pain, even if they hardly did anything to me. Orthodontists actually inflict pain on you; while dentists only fix what you broke. There was a "Have you ever had braces" thread made not too long ago, i'll copy and paste my reply about my experiences with the orthodontist here. Long story short, I think orthodontists are sadists.


So in other words YAY Dentists, BOO Orthodontists!



"i had braces for like 3 or 4 years, it was freakin awful! to this day i still wonder if it was worth the money my parents spent, and the pain i had to go through.

basically, the top part of my jaw was "too narrow", so they put some horrible device in the roof of my mouth. every night, we had to use this little wire key thing (depicted in spoiler) and twist it 1-3 times until it clicks. the rotations cause the thing to spread wider. also on valentines i got the jaw expander. i recieved chocolates for valentines day though, and i made a deaded mistake. i ate a caramel chocolate with that thing on. it got trapped in the space above the expander, and i literally spent 10 minutes trying to remove it. anyway, the horrible device looked liked this.



i also had to get the herbst device, which is used to move the jaw forward or backward. its as evil as it looks. i'm not sure which of these devices were worse.


 how the HELL can orthodontists do this for a living? are they all just sadists that found a legal way to inflict pain on people? you can't look at these things and not think they look like a diabolical mad scientist torture devices."


Edited by crazitaco
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I hate going to the dentist. There are not a lot of things I can genuinely say I hate, although my dentist is a fairly nice person.


My body metabolizes medications at an extremely quick rate, so any numbing agent they give me doesn't last through the procedure. They try to inject more before I'm in excruciating pain, but they just aren't quick enough. It's horrible.

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I'm not really scared of going to the dentists, in all honesty, at least it's not as bad as the doctors. I don't brush my teeth that often as my teeth usually remain white no matter how long I don't brush. Whenever I do brush after a while though, my gums usually start bleeding. When I do brush, I brush for several minutes at a time, usually around 5. I have never had a cavity either. I also need braces, I just need to actually get them. 


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I used to be terrified of dentists, because one of 'em pulled out my tooth without proper numbing, when I was a young child. ;_;



However, a couple years ago, I did manage to fall asleep during a dentist appointment.. While her hands were still in my mouth. o__e

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I don't really take care of my teeth, forget to brush them often.


But one time I went to the dentist, they had to fix something and they forgot to froze. I was like ermagherd!!! Since then I always feel nervous when they do something. And I have cramps in my jaw all the time.


So I decided to brush them more often, like 1 time per two days when I don't forget.

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Well, i haven't had any terrible dentist experiences, but it does feel a bit nerve wracking sometimes.


Most of the time he just cleans my teeth though.


I was told i should get braces by my dentist, but i've also been told i have a "Perfect smile" not that i agree, but why bother if nobody notices it? 


I don't think perfectly straight teeth necessarily look amazing anyways.


And i'm a trumpet player, braces are the bane of my existence ;p.


So i've never had to get braces or any other surgical or major things, which is good, because i don't know if i could handle the pain frankly.


I brush my teeth twice a day typically, in the morning before school, and at night before bed. ocasionally i forget, but almost always i brush both times.


I floss rarely, not very often, but i've done it here and there.


I do care about my dental health, especially when the alternative is painful surgery's and pull teeth and crap.

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It's never bothered me. I just go to sleep right in the chair.


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The dentist freaks me out, I have to go to a kid's doctor and bring my MP3 Player with me and when I get drilled, I NEED laughing gas,

I don't really brush or floss too often either.. I just hate the minty flavor. 

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  • 7 years later...

I hate going to the dentist. Dental insurance barely covers anything, it’s so expensive and I swear they always try to find something wrong. At the same time I’m paranoid to lose my teeth. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

I get my 6 month cleaning. I was one of those kids who used to be afraid of the dentist, because of most likely the tools and the masked person. I grew out of it but it took me some time. I've only had two little cavities, but hey, at least technology has evolved so I wouldn't have those old style fillings. The new style fillings blend right in with your teeth. 

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  • 2 years later...

I hate the dentist and im going there tomorrow for a filling in my front tooth. Luckily their fillings are like unnoticeable compared to my actual teeth. I panicked once because I thought I broke a tooth and she was like girl no. It's your filling. It came out. 

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Happily, I've been to the dentist only ONCE in my entire life (as far as I can remember). I had my teeth cleaned when I was 13 and it was a horrible experience that made me hate dentistry for all time. It made me want to brush just so I'd never have to go back.

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2 hours ago, Dreambiscuit said:

Happily, I've been to the dentist only ONCE in my entire life (as far as I can remember). I had my teeth cleaned when I was 13 and it was a horrible experience that made me hate dentistry for all time. It made me want to brush just so I'd never have to go back.

You may well regret that.

I was the same way for a long time. I was kind of scared of dentists but it was more about anxiety and laziness.

Eventually I figured I had to deal with it. Oral surgery sucks! Now I go pretty regularly. They're always complaning about the way I brush and lecturing me about a SOFT toothbrush. That's all I have! It's all I've ever had! STFU about the soft toothbrush already!!!

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Eh, the dentist has never bothered me that much. I don't particularly enjoy it, but I can deal with it. :3

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At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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Well for years I went with not caring much I mean I brushed some not 2 times a day ever though but every time I go to the dentist they make everything start hurting and they say they help fix cavities and stuff but if I didn’t go I’d of bin fine now I got a painful mouth they just dissected. I’m trying to brush at least once a day but I canceled my appointment for a cleaning because they’ll probly find another ‘problem’  

tlr I hate them.

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