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I watched Misery, which is based of a book by Stephen King. It just happened to be on my TV store, and since I'm such a big fan of Steven King's work, I had to watch it. 


Great movie, quite dark though, but most Stephen King stuff is. 

  • Brohoof 3
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"A Raisin in the Sun" with Sidney Poitier. I've been feeling a Poitier kick lately, having just watched "The Defiant Ones" last week, and "In the Heat of the Night" the week prior to that. This one surprised me in that I'd been used to Poitier playing the film's hero. Here, though I found a selfish, short sighted man who nearly brings his family to ruin through his own recklessness with money. The ending was truly beautiful though, as Walter rejects his own self interests in money for doing right by his family.

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The Good Dinosaur


It's a decent movie with someone young learning to be an adult on his own, and the relationship between Arlo and Spot is touching, but I do have some problems with the movie.


Normally, I don't care to watch trailers and whatever they try to advertise since the movie isn't the trailer. I'd just rather skip to the movie to see what it has to deliver and not be concerned about whether the trailer was reliable. In this case, the possibility of (non-avian) dinosaurs never becoming extinct was still brought up since that's what happened within the first few minutes. However, nothing is actually done with that concept. You can use any other animal and tell this exact story. I would have liked to see how Pixar would show life on Earth if the Mesozoic Era kept going. There's plenty of biology that the viewer can learn.


I suppose the movie is instead settling on a story about dinosaurs becoming civilized, but the portrayal of the humans doesn't make sense. It's not impossible for humans to show up, but I doubt they'd take the roles of dogs/wolves since a human's sense of smell isn't nearly as good as a dog's, not to mention humans are hardly physically similar to dogs. I also question how the T.rex family would have such a lousy sense of smell that they a human's is already superior. Arlo should've just been paired with a dog-like animal.


I think the movie could be improved if both humans and dinosaurs evolved into more advanced beings. Spot being able to fully understand Arlo as shown in the movie doesn't make much sense since Spot is a dog for the entire film outside of that scene. The humans and dinosaurs could have their own language but be unable to understand each other. Instead, they both can excel with visual communication which would help that scene make more sense.


Overall, I do like the movie. Arlo being cowardly and taking a lot of physical punishment makes his journey home feel like a true accomplishment, but it is quite underwhelming for the reasons listed.

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The last movie I watched was The Birds.

...Well, I watched half of it. I had already seen it in full before, but my sister wanted me to watch half of it with her the other night. My parents were telling me how, during the time this movie originally came out, it was terrifying to them. Now, however, they just laugh at it.

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I watched Big Hero 6 last night. I'm a massive fan of that movie, and I really love the characters. Baymax is so cute. :catface: So, my second time watching it... I really enjoyed Big Hero 6. A pretty great film, in my opinion. Also, Immortals.

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Blended. I don't usually watch Adam Sandler movies, but I did this time just to make my friend happy... ugh I cringed through most of it. And that's saying something when I actually go out of my way to say the word "cringe" because I can't stand the word. :P Off-color humor isn't really my thing and though there were some cute moments, so much of the movie was just plain stupid and cliché.

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It was sort of a weird, uneven movie period for me this past weekend. I began with Drive (excellent film), followed by S.W.A.T. (mediocre film), then Exit Wounds (terrible film), and finally The Aviator (excellent film). All in all, it was sort of like having garbage pressed between two delicious loaves of focaccia bread.

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"Only Yesterday" was a beautiful movie. I'll have to watch it again soon.

It truly is a great film, its just so wonderful seeing this woman's life and the life journey the movie takes the viewer on.

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