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Bronies and Intolerance

Le Kvlt Dawn

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Okay, here's a few things that have been pissing me off about the fandom.

Let me start off with Twilicorn, so she grew a pair of wings. I don't give a flying a fuck, she's still the same Twilight. I wouldn't give an iota of a fuck if everyone in the mane six became an alicorn. Does it really take a single pair of wings to start a riot? Just take your prescription chill pills, and relax a bit. It's just a pair of wings.

Next up Equestria Girls, I'll admit I was a bit skeptical at first but then I gave it time. When, I watched the trailer, I liked it. I have feelings that it can give movies like High School Musical the finger. Other people seem to be completely iterated by the idea of it. I'll admit the the toys are kinda creepy, but other than that there really isn't anything bad about EG.

And finally, Rule 34. What someone does in their free time is none of your business and you have no right to intervene. What happened to "love and tolerance"? You want people to tolerate your love ponies, but you can't tolerate other people's love for ponies. That's hypocrisy, not to mention that there's a lot of R 34 stuff for other children's shows like Pokemon and Adventure Time. I mean, what do you expect? This is the internet, of course you're going to find all kinds of weird stuff on here.

So what do you guys think? Agree or not?

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I definitely agree with what you had to say.

It annoys the hell out of me whenever I see bronies saying, "Love and Tolerate", but then despise small changes. By small change, I obviously mean Twilicorn. Your reaction was mine as well, she sprouted wings...so what?

As for Equestria Girls, I'm looking forward to it. I'm rather positive about it and I honestly think that it will be good. 

Once again, rule 34, doesn't bug me at all. There's rule 34 in EVERYTHING. Even inanimate objects, it's not really that big of a deal. 

I also hate how certain bronies seem to think that cloppers are wrong and disgusting. They're not in my opinion. It's not really that big of a deal. 

So, all in all, I 100% agree with what you had to say.

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in all seriousness, i do agree with all of that, i dont understand all the hate, i loved the trailer for EG, and i love twilicorn (though Nightmarity is still best pony x3)

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I definitely agree with what you had to say.

It annoys the hell out of me whenever I see bronies saying, "Love and Tolerate", but then despise small changes. By small change, I obviously mean Twilicorn. Your reaction was mine as well, she sprouted wings...so what?

As for Equestria Girls, I'm looking forward to it. I'm rather positive about it and I honestly think that it will be good.

Once again, rule 34, doesn't bug me at all. There's rule 34 in EVERYTHING. Even inanimate objects, it's not really that big of a deal.

I also hate how certain bronies seem to think that cloppers are wrong and disgusting. They're not in my opinion. It's not really that big of a deal.

So, all in all, I 100% agree with what you had to say.

It's great that you agree with me. The main thing that annoys me is the hypocrisy. How the same part of the fandom yelling out "bitch, try to love and tolerate me" is the same part of the fandom saying "Twilicorn is fucking stupid, cloppers are an abomination to this fandom".




in all seriousness, i do agree with all of that, i dont understand all the hate, i loved the trailer for EG, and i love twilicorn (though Nightmarity is still best pony x3)

I too like the way Twilight looks with wings. In fact, I like the way she looks with wings more than she did before. And I too liked the EG trailer.
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Far as I'm concerned, your tastes belong to you alone. The true meaning of tolerance would be to respect those with different opinions. A fan who isn't a fan of Alicorn Twilight or has concerns about Equestria Girls is no less of a fan than someone who wholeheartedly embraces both. Likewise with clopping. I don't see much of a reason to get upset over anyone else's habits or tastes. A big part of being a community is recognizing that we don't all have to agree, and ultimately putting differences in opinion aside because we have something that connects us.

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I agree that bronies need to calm down and wait to see how things turn out before acting like Chicken Little and preparing for the apocalypse. However, I disagree that it's an issue of tolerance.

Okay, here's a few things that have been pissing me off about the fandom.
Let me start off with Twilicorn, so she grew a pair of wings. I don't give a flying a fuck, she's still the same Twilight. I wouldn't give an iota of a fuck if everyone in the mane six became an alicorn. Does it really take a single pair of wings to start a riot? Just take your prescription chill pills, and relax a bit. It's just a pair of wings.

The problem isn't that she's still the same Twilight. The problem is whether she'll still be the same Twilight. Frankly, we know jack shit about Twilicorn. We don't know if she'll stay the same, but we do know that the implications of becoming royalty threaten Twilight's character. Furthermore, the common complaint isn't simply about Twilight becoming a princess, but the abrupt manner by which she become a princess. It's all about the execution. I don't understand how this is an issue of tolerating Twilight at all, when it really is about how Hasbro shoehorned Twilicorn into the last ten minutes of the season, in the middle of an ongoing show, with little warning, and for the sole purpose of selling more toys. That's the issue. 

Next up Equestria Girls, I'll admit I was a bit skeptical at first but then I gave it time. When, I watched the trailer, I liked it. I have feelings that it can give movies like High School Musical the finger. Other people seem to be completely iterated by the idea of it. I'll admit the the toys are kinda creepy, but other than that there really isn't anything bad about EG.

Just as you have the right to like it, others have the right to criticize it. It's too early to judge the true quality of the movie, since it hasn't been released yet, but there was enough on the Equestria Girls trailer to give a good idea of what it could be about. If we go by the trailer alone, Equestria Girls looks like just another chick flick with strangely colored people. That's reason for concern. Should we trust the writers who have delivered more often than not? Sure, but that doesn't mean we can't voice our concerns about what could go wrong. 

And finally, Rule 34. What someone does in their free time is none of your business and you have no right to intervene. What happened to "love and tolerance"? You want people to tolerate your love ponies, but you can't tolerate other people's love for ponies. That's hypocrisy, not to mention that there's a lot of R 34 stuff for other children's shows like Pokemon and Adventure Time. I mean, what do you expect? This is the internet, of course you're going to find all kinds of weird stuff on here.
So what do you guys think? Agree or not?

IMO, Rule 34 is not a problem as long as it isn't shoved in our faces and forced down our throats. I have no issue with cloppers. How they get off is their business, and theirs alone. That also means, however, that I do have an issue with those who spam pony porn or sexual fantasies everywhere. Mutual respect, really.


I feel that the phrase "love and tolerance" is thrown around way too often, and without regard for what tolerance really means. Tolerance is respecting the viewpoints of another, regardless of your own position. It does not mean that you can attack another for having different beliefs. It's not intolerance for someone to have issues with Twilicorn or EqG. It's intolerance when someone has issues with someone who likes or dislikes Twilicorn or EqG. 


EDIT: minor fix

Edited by Тwilight Sparkle
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Though still pessimistic about Equestria girls (Lauren Faust has NOT helped by fanning the flames) I have to admit the idea of another world that Celestia KNEW about and sent her old stuent too is very interesting. However Twilcorn still a bit skeptical about, especially as I think she is too evil to become an Alicorn (Watch Crystal empire and too many pinkie pies, she is SOOOOO selfish, and in pinkie pies she kills like 50 ponies) but my main annoyance about it is the people who say it isn't a big deal and it's just a pair of wings. I know that the fandom needs to calm down but being an alicorn isn't just a free pair of wings my boy. It is becoming a bloody demigod!

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7187_420110168079292_142107311_n.jpg(made by Doctor Whooves)

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I agree! I may have joined the fandom late but to me it seems the word ''Love & Tolerance'' is losing meaning. I hated how people reacted with Equestria Girls, we gave MLP:FiM a chance, why not do the same with Equestria Girls? And Twilicorn.... Oh boy..... I don't know what to say about that honestly. 


As for Rule 34. I don't like it myself but I don't hate people who like it ( or clop to it ) I can't decide what they want to like and if they want to like it, whatever. Their business, not mine. I'm not gonna yell at them for liking something I dislike. 


One thing I disagree with is how a lot some bronies approach haters. If we're suppose to love & tolerate, why do some people get into a huge argument with haters? I understand saying things like ''Here is why the show is good *enter reasons here*'' and then explaining why you like the show,  but when I see a argument go on for a VERY long time (I'm talking about taking up like half the page of youtube comments or something) and the brony eventually starts throwing insults at the hater and hating him for not liking it, I get a little annoyed. If he doesn't like MLP or bronies, why should you care? Deal with it. Tolerate it. Not everyone is going to like the show and not everyone will like bronies. Don't go crazy at them for it. DEAL WITH IT. Well, at least I think you should deal with it anyway.


This is just my view on things though. I know some people are gonna disagree with me but, whatever, this is just what I think. I'm interested to see what other people think of it.

Edited by PinkiePieStyle16
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Maybe we all need a little lesson in what tolerance, toleration and acceptance actually mean.

You don't have to 'love and tolerate the sh*t out of everything'. Everyone approves and disapproves things because of their education, their experiences and morals. You are allowed to 'hate' things. But you also don't have to rage about things. I think one of the problems in our modern times is, that it is very easy to express and organize your opinions in front of others and in groups.  

Where do you read and her the most about all the things people don't like about the show or the fandom? For me, it is the Internet. It's quite easy to rage about things, if you are just one of countless anons. And it is also easy to not care what others think, when they are so far away.

Those who say all new things about the franchise/show are great and don't understand any criticism or scepticism about it are as blindfolded as those who bluster themselves in wrath and hate.

But you always have this people in fandoms. Fanatics, toadies and bumlickers and butthurt ones among questioning fans and people who just want to have fun.

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I totally agree with everything you have said AtDawnTheySquee. It didn't bother me at all when I saw Twilight turn into a Alicorn. Since that is what her destiny was all along. Bronies do need to chill out about this. Some say this ruined the show but it didn't they're following the story perfectly. And for Rule 34 stuff it doesn't bother me at all actually. I've seen a lot of it and I did like what I saw. I saw some Rule 34 pony images and it's fine. If people like that stuff that is there choice people have no right to say what people can and can't look at. It's what they like and that is fine with me. As for the movie I to was skeptical at first and I liked what I saw. I stood up and told people they shouldn't hate on this movie since they never seen it. I'm looking forward to seeing this movie a lot. I can tolerate this movie a lot. Bronies need to give things a chance and learn to butt out of peoples lives and choices they make and the things they like. No one has the right at all to control someone's life and likes.

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I agree completly to what you have to say about people freakin' out over little thing that you mentioned but i abosolutly can't stand when people talk shit to me. i know love and tolorate but when a bitch needs a slappin' i give the slappin'

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Inb4 inevitable wave of negativity.


I completely agree  People in this fandom look far too deep into everything to the point where they see bullshit things that are not even there.  Any slight change to anything ever and everyone acts as if someone just drove a car into there house and its the end of the world.  I used to love coming on this forum, It was a place where I could always find people to talk to about nice things in the show and just discuss who is best pony and relax.  It was a nice escape from the drama of life, Now there is more drama here then there is on a weeks worth of television. Why cant people just shut the buck up, cheer up and stop pointing out the floors in literally everything and stop being so damn negative and angry about everything.

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Meh. I just look at things and say " I don't care ". Really, a detached attitude is a really good approach to all this. People love the new twilight? Let them love the new twilight. People like the equestria girls movie? Let em love it. As for whatever you're.... Interested in otherwise, I say whatever floats your boat. It's not affecting us, so why hate?

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I think the fandom is scare about change and they don't like change at ll and can't accept it. And yeah I hate all the E-Drama that is going on in forums it makes sad that people like to start wars for no reason and over little things. I miss the days where we could chat about nice things not break up fights and wars. That is why I'm not as active anymore. I don't wanna be involved in wars and e-drama.

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I respect that people have concerns about AliTwi, EqG and all that whatnot, but when those concerns come to act as dividing barriers between bronies and effectively split us into warring factions, it definitely raises some red flags. Shouldn't we all be united regardless of our differences, let alone differences in opinion regarding the show/movie? Isn't that kind of what the show itself has told us time and time again?


I've said it before and I'll say it again, I have no problem with AliTwi. I think it opens up a whole new world of storyline possibilities, which is always a good thing in my book. As for EqG, I have no opinion on it as I haven't seen it. Cloppers? You're into what you're into, and as long as it's not hurting anyone (which it's not), then nopony has the right to tell you what you're into is wrong, or that you are the ones giving bronies a bad name. Moral relativity, and all that.


And before somepony out there gets what I'm saying wrong, no, I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to voice your negative opinions. What I am saying is that it is your responsibility to act like an adult and agree to disagree in spite of your opinions. Stop letting your hatred of this, that, and the other thing devolve into all-out flame wars that end up pitting you against your fellow bronies, for it is you who are giving the rest of us a bad name.


Peace. sleep.png

Edited by Lowline
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I wish I could grab every brony causing unnecessary shitstorms over a cartoon show and make them watch this. Even more so, I wish I could record some of the over-the-top reactions they have about Twilicorn and EqG and make them watch themselves look ridiculous.



I personally think people don't actually mean what they say. It's been pretty tame these last weeks, and causing some drama is always a fun way to get some reactions.


Anyway, there IS a difference between tolerating something and being a complete doormat to it. You don't have to like it, hell, you can hate it. But don't do anything foolish like sending death threats or intentionally trying to provoke anger.. You only end up looking like an idiot.

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I'm not intolerant of people who think that an alicorn Twilight is a good idea. I'm intolerant of people who are intolerant of the idea that I DON'T think it is a good idea. I could be proven wrong if the Season 4 writers really get their act together. But as things stand in the inter-series vacuum it left me seriously depressed and I don't like people saying that somehow this is due to my narrow mindedness.

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I totally agree with your point! Where are the times when love and tolerance actually ment something?

I was on 4chans /mlp/ board the other day and I saw a few posts about how they think they are something different and better than the rest of the community and at the same time they say they want the while love and tolerance thing back too...

Same with most Bronies and Cloppers...

We should stop hating on each other, we get enough hatred from Brony-haters/trolls!


It makes me sad that pics like these:








,wich is from the beginnings of My Little Brony, do not longer apply in our community...

What do you say? We should reunite the Brony-community again!

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I hear you on that the community now is falling apart big time. Bronies complaining over stupid little things that shouldn't be complaining about. I miss the old days where the community was a nice friendly stress free community. Now it's a cut throat community where the bronies are pissed off because of twilight turning into a princess. It's not a big deal but hey bronies today will bitch and moan over anything. But I doubt this fight will ever end. Rage will never be calmed down and fights will always happen. It's sad that a once good community is now turning into if you like the new twilight I will hate you forever group. 

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Yeah I pretty much agree with you. I'm not totally crazy about Twilicorn or EQG, but I don't go around crying about it. I'm going to wait to see what happens before I decide to be upset about it or not. And if the movie is bad? Oh well. Forget about it and move on.


As for R34, Who cares? R34 fans aren't hurting anyone. As long as they aren't posting it everywhere and shoving it in peoples faces it doesn't matter.


What really bothers me is all the hate and anger bronies are showing towards each other now. Every site I go to, there are always bronies fighting with each other about something or another. Acting like haters and causing drama. It's kind of sadimg-1513132-1-huh.png

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I don't get why people think the brony community is going to heck, it's not like we instantly started wanting to kill each other.

I may have a burning hatred for MMC and EqG, but I'm still here aren't I? I've seen a lot of arguments between bronies on subjects like EqG and MMC, but none of them have really gone too far, compared to a lot of other subjects it's just petty arguing.

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Okay, here's a few things that have been pissing me off about the fandom.

Let me start off with Twilicorn, so she grew a pair of wings. I don't give a flying a fuck, she's still the same Twilight. I wouldn't give an iota of a fuck if everyone in the mane six became an alicorn. Does it really take a single pair of wings to start a riot? Just take your prescription chill pills, and relax a bit. It's just a pair of wings.

Next up Equestria Girls, I'll admit I was a bit skeptical at first but then I gave it time. When, I watched the trailer, I liked it. I have feelings that it can give movies like High School Musical the finger. Other people seem to be completely iterated by the idea of it. I'll admit the the toys are kinda creepy, but other than that there really isn't anything bad about EG.

And finally, Rule 34. What someone does in their free time is none of your business and you have no right to intervene. What happened to "love and tolerance"? You want people to tolerate your love ponies, but you can't tolerate other people's love for ponies. That's hypocrisy, not to mention that there's a lot of R 34 stuff for other children's shows like Pokemon and Adventure Time. I mean, what do you expect? This is the internet, of course you're going to find all kinds of weird stuff on here.

So what do you guys think? Agree or not?

I agree the only Alicorn Twilight stuff is absolutely absurd, It's merely another stage of development in the character and the start of a new journey for her and her friends, it's really rather silly to get all worked up about.


Oh yeah and I saw the thing about cloppers coming a mile away. To that all I have to say is this: Practice what you preach, you hypocrites!


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That picture sums up most of the brony community right there. It's sad that other bronies can't accept the fact bronies like rule 34 pony porn. There is nothing bad about it. So what if other members of the community likes pony porn it doesn't make them less of a member of the community at all. They're still one of us and they will always will be. This community has gone way down hill as of late and the love and tolerance level has dropped a ton. This community has fallen a part and it's getting more broken as time goes on. And it's very said to see happening. It pains me that bronies aren't accepting of other bronies likes and differences and choices. We need to be more tolerant towards what they like. 

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If you were tolerant enough, you'd tolerate the "haters" of both those things. If you dont like what they say or do, and you want to make yourself seem the bigger person by doing that "loving and tolerating" bullcrap, then you show them how you can tolerate them, and that you chose not to be bothered by this.


I hated Season 3 over all, Twilicorn was horribly brought up, the characters became horrible when they dont get the same amount of attention through out a season. That's my opinion, i have none of EqG yet.

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Being against twilicorn and having some doubt about Equestria Girls isn't being intolerant it is having a different opinion but how you handle and voice that opinion determines whether you are being intolerant or not. Yes some people have overreacted but simply criticizing or having doubts is not overreacting it is simply having an opinion. Twilicorn is a lot more than just about Twilight having wings it is a change in social status and a power boost so saying her having wings won't change anything is a disingenuous and inaccurate argument.


I am neutral on Equestria Girls because though it looks ridiculously cliched and will probably bomb, it won't affect the show and will be to see for a few laughs so I am a little less sympathetic to people panicking over that but twilicorn will affect the show whether for the better or worse none of really knows for sure yet but I think I have every right to say it was way too soon and was introduced poorly in the season finale. Saying that people are intolerant simply for having a different opinion, is being a tad intolerant. I am seriously sick of the condescending tone some people who are pro this or pro that have taken, is it really necessary to endlessly complain about complaining? Love and tolerate should be something to strive for not some weapon to use against people you disagree with to guilt trip them into supporting your position.


For cloppers though I am with you 100%, if clopping isn't someones thing I can respect that but scapegoating cloppers like they are the spawn of satan is ridiculous especially because MLP is far from being the only childrens show or show with non human characters to have R34. What someone does behind closed doors is nobody's business but their own, most cloppers simply take care of their private business and leave it at that but the anti cloppers are acting like cloppers are breaking into their houses at night and jerking off to pony porn in front of them.

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