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OC reviews from me. (CLOSED)

Blue Moon

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Oc rating thread? 

Here is mine:




He has 3 lightblue bit signs arranged in a triangle.

It shows his knowledge and ability to handle money.



Background story:

Born in Cloudsdale without any known parents he lived as an orphan.

He had no real home, slept on random clouds and had to learn how to come along with nothing, which he managed pretty well.

He went to Cloudsdale school like most other Pegasus.

In his class he was almost the last to get a Cutiemark, handling money isn't a common Pegasus talent.

But after he became responsible for the class bank he got his Cutiemark.

Further he used his talent to raise a bank, which is currently in Canterlot known as JBB -Jenkin bits bank-.

The experience he made as a child were very helpful, he knows how to talk to ponies to get what he wants and to find the best solution for almost everypony.




He's a very strange pony.

Unlike most others ponies he doesn't celebrate, not at all, not even his birthday.

Also he doesn't drink any alcohol neither he smokes.

Because of this it was hard for him to fit in, to be accepted.

As hard as it was as easy is it now, since he has no problems to talk to strangers and because of his kindness most ponies like him.

He's loyal and will never betray his friends or costumers, not even for every bit in Equestria.

Due bad experience with females during his youth he's not really interested in a relationship.




He's 20 to 22 years old, since he was an orphan his real age is unknown.



He likes it to take long flights to the skies at night, to relax and calm down.

Reading is his 2nd hobby, he likes to read a book in his library on weekends.

You wo ldn't believe but his favorite music his metal, it's relaxing to him.

OC: N/A  Owner: MWMalcom


Let's start this off with the design. Well, overall, it looks very nice. The tan goes very well with the brown, and it just looks very nice. However, I have a problem with the Cutie Mark design. The dollar signs themselves look fine, but their color is too obtrusive. My only suggestion for this design is to change the color of the cutie mark. I'm not exactly sure what color, but something a little less bright should look much better. But besides that, I like the design.


I'll continue with the personality. It has a decent amount of sides to it; I'll give it that, but it lacks a lot of depth, and most of the traits don't really go well with the rest of his character. I'll start with him not celebrating. You never give any reason for that. Was there a past event in his life that turned him away from parties forever? Or does he have a trait that wasn't mentioned to explain this. I suggest going with the latter, and coming up with a new trait to describe this. As for him smoking, and not drinking; I like that you added a little touch to his character, but I don't understand how this would prevent him from fitting in. The majority of people in our world don't care if someone drinks or not, and that's hardly a trait that ruin someone's social life. Plus, you mention in his backstory that he knows how to talk to ponies because of past experiences as a child, and that wouldn't make sense if he didn't fit in and was a loner. I recommend removing the part about him not fitting in as it doesn't make sense, and isn't doing much for your character. Him being loyal is fine, I guess, but I think their should be more traits to this character. All we know is that he is not shy, kind, and loyal (I like how you compared this; it's clever), and that isn't enough. Him smoking was a nice flaw, but it wasn't based on his personality. I suggest adding a negative trait relating to him not liking parties. Perhaps he dislikes loud noises? Also, a trait related to banks and money would be nice as well. He must be fairly talented in mathematics. But I do like that you gave him some interests, and I do like that he isn't interested in relationships, but I think you should put that past experience in his backstory. Which leads me to...


His backstory! I'll start off with my first issue: him being an orphan. This isn't doing anything for the backstory, but you didn't overdo to the extent of it hurting his backstory. But like I said; it isn't doing anything, and I think it should be removed. Everything else is fine, but is too simple. It needs more to it, and I have a few ideas on what to add. First, that past experience that turned him away from relationships. That is certainly something that should be added to the backstory in my opinion. You should also go more in-depth with how he got his cutie mark. He probably wasn't just made responsible for the class bank out of the blue; you should give an example of his money handling skills. Some examples of him communicating with strangers would be nice as well. 

Overall, he is an OC with a good design that just needs an edit to the cutie mark, a more in depth personality, and a more detailed backstory.


Grade: C+

Okay, here goes. My OC's full name is Mintatheena. I might not give any important information, so note that. It's all fancy and stuff. She's in my signature.

OC: Mintaltheena (Minty)  Owner: Minty Wintergreen


I'll start off with the design. The mane color is a bit odd, but it looks nice, and I don't have any problems with it. It's pretty, and fairly unique. However, I have one teeny problem with the color choice for the coat. Now, I think a minty green color is a great idea for your OC, but you need to make the shade of green you picked just a teeny bit paler. You need to be careful with this part though. You have a nice green color right now; it just needs to be toned down a bit; just barely toning it down should be perfect. Don't tone it down too much. On a more technical note, I like how you described her wings in the appearance section; it's cute.


Let's continue with the personality. Well, my first problem is that it's very similar to that of Fluttershy's. I like the differences you put between them, but it's not enough. Try adding some more artistic traits to her personality to go with her talent with pastels. Also, you need to explain her low esteem in sports a bit more. If she had a low esteem, she would probably bring other players down which isn't a trait of a good sport. To fix this, you could either remove it completely, or say that she keeps her low esteem attitude to herself. You should also try to connect her traits a bit better, and/or go more in-depth with them. For example, you just randomly say things like "She fears rivals." You already mentioned before that she was basically frightened by everything in the world, so this part is redundant. Either remove it, or go more in-depth with it. You could briefly mention an event having to due with this, and then go more in-depth with that event in the backstory. I personally think a good idea would be to have her rival be someone who also did pastel artwork, and go from there. Another thing to go more in-depth on would be her temper. Try briefly explaining some past events that give a good representation of the traits, and for bonus points; you could explain them better in the backstory.


With all this talk about backstories, I think we should get to that now. Right now; it's really simple, and it already states something that was said in the personality section. Here are some suggestions for you. I think you should write something about her parents warning her about the world; just a little something would be nice. Besides that, you should try adding some of the things I talked about in the personality part of this review. And to finish this off, I think adding when she was born would be a nice way to introduce the backstory.


Overall, an OC with a good design that just needs a small few edit, a more complex and unique personality, and a more complex backstory.


Grade: C+ 

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I'd like to request you review my OC.


Here is a link to the profile for my OC, Harmonic. Although the profile isn't the best, mostly because I was still really new to the idea of writing such a backstory when I wrote that. For that reason, I'm definitely going to completely rewrite it at some foreseeable time in the future, but for now just grade what's there.





Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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Well, why not, I always enjoy light or hard reviews.


My OC is in the link under my signature.


I should mention, his cutie mark has yet to be explained, it's going to be explained in the backstory, but I'm still working on it.


Hope my OC is cool. ;)  

I'm trying out a new format; let me know what you think.






OC: Swift Star  Owner: DXSilverX


I'll start with the design. There are quite a bit of issues with Swift's design; first one being his exposed hooves. Now, they look fine right now, but it seems off for a pony of his body type to have exposed hooves. For example, all the big body type characters in the show such as Big McIntosh or Shining Armor all have exposed hooves. But none of the normal sized stallions such as Braeburn or Caramel have exposed hooves. What I'm trying to say is exposed hooves are exclusive to large body type stallions. Now, you have three options for this. One, you could just remove the exposed hooves, and give him normal legs. Two, you could make him a larger body type (I don't recommend this as a large body type pegasus would look weird.) Or three, you could ignore this, and keep it as it is now. Your last option is fine as exposed hooves look fine on your OC, but if you keep it as it is; it won't be very show accurate.


My next issue with the design is how white his coat is. Now, a pure white coat is just as bad as a pure black coat, and both rarely look good. If you are going to go with a white coat, make sure to make the white paler than the eye's sclera. If you don't tone down the white, it will continue to match the eyes, which makes it hard to differentiate the eyes from the coat which isn't good. Even Rarity doesn't have a pure white coat. I suggest picking a color like Rarity's coat color. 


Next issue with the design: the eye color. This part should be a simple fix, but here it is anyway. The blue in the eyes needs to be toned down a bit. It's too vibrant right now, and a teeny little toning down of the blue should work. Don't tone it down too much though, as the current shade of blue is on the lower side of being too vibrant, and you don't want to make it too pale. Eyes need some color, right?


Another minor issue is the cutie mark. Now, I know you said that you haven't explained the cutie mark yet, and it's going to be in the backstory once that's finished, but since it's currently not there; I have to mention it. It's important to have your OC's cutie mark make sense, and right now; it doesn't make a lot of sense. When you make the backstory, make sure to explain it very carefully. Also, I highly suggest describing what his cutie mark stands for in a more humble way. Legendary is a bit much.


Finally, my last issue with Swift's design is his mane color. This is my main issue with your OC, and if you are to heed any of my advice; this would be the one to pick. First off; the two colors are way too vibrant right now, and need to be toned down. Apart from that; the colors don't go together anyway, so I highly recommend choosing different colors. My personal idea is that you either just use one solid color, or pick two colors that are extremely similar (by this, I mean one color just be slightly darker or paler than the other.) That should fix the problem with the mane.


Next up: the personality. First off; him being mellow and calm, but menacing. In my opinion, calm would contradict with menacing and wouldn't make a lot of sense. I suggest replacing one of those with something else. Perhaps something having to do with his intelligence? You also should try to link his helpful, supportive, and intelligent traits a bit better as well as explaining them better. You kind of just list them, and leave it that. Now, you don't always have to go extremely in-depth with a trait depending on what it is, but you should always have something even if it ends up being small. But considering Swift's intelligence is a rather important part of his character, I highly suggest explaining that a bit better. How does he learn? Where did he learn all his knowledge? In what way is he smart? Is he a good strategist, knows a lot of facts on a certain subject, or something else? If he is an expert on a subject; what subject? You should try to answer these kinds of questions.


As for his shyness, I don't think it's the best idea. Shyness is used a lot in OCs, and I think you should replace it with a different flaw. He could be stubborn, or stuck up. Maybe he fears not knowing something, and ends up working too hard trying to learn more things. Try to come up with something other than shyness to make your OC different from the rest.


Finally; his speed. I personally think he shouldn't be fast. A more moderate speed should be better. He should either be intelligent, but not too fast of a flier, or not particularly intelligent, but a fast flier. Considering you put a lot of focus on his intelligence, I suggest going with him being not so fast. It's best to keep balance, and not use two special traits. However, you have a good start with him wanting to be fast and performing his feat. I think you should have him be really interested in flying and aerodynamics, and have him research a lot of that kind of stuff, but since he is naturally a slow flier; he ends up not being able to do it. But in the process, he discovers how much fun he has learning new things, or something like that. That should be nice if you do it right. One last note; I suggest removing "The Dark Eclipse." It seems too specific.


As for the backstory; there isn't one. When you decide to write it, I suggest keeping it relatively normal, but try to incorporate your OC's personality into it, and show how his personality affects how he reacts to certain events and surroundings.


Overall, an OC that needs a lot of fixes to the design, has a pretty good personality that should make a bit more sense, and needs a backstory.


Grade: C-

Edited by Blue Moon
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Wow your reviews are really good. I can't wait to read your review for Pink Mist! :) I wish luck to all the other OC'S out there too who still need to get reviewed.

Thanks for the complement! :D


Good to know that you like the new format. I'll make sure to do your review as soon as I can as soon as I finish the ones before you.


And thanks for wishing luck to all the OCs. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying out a new format; let me know what you think.






OC: Swift Star  Owner: DXSilverX


I'll start with the design. There are quite a bit of issues with Swift's design; first one being his exposed hooves. Now, they look fine right now, but it seems off for a pony of his body type to have exposed hooves. For example, all the big body type characters in the show such as Big McIntosh or Shining Armor all have exposed hooves. But none of the normal sized stallions such as Braeburn or Caramel have exposed hooves. What I'm trying to say is exposed hooves are exclusive to large body type stallions. Now, you have three options for this. One, you could just remove the exposed hooves, and give him normal legs. Two, you could make him a larger body type (I don't recommend this as a large body type pegasus would look weird.) Or three, you could ignore this, and keep it as it is now. Your last option is fine as exposed hooves look fine on your OC, but if you keep it as it is; it won't be very show accurate.


My next issue with the design is how white his coat is. Now, a pure white coat is just as bad as a pure black coat, and both rarely look good. If you are going to go with a white coat, make sure to make the white paler than the eye's sclera. If you don't tone down the white, it will continue to match the eyes, which makes it hard to differentiate the eyes from the coat which isn't good. Even Rarity doesn't have a pure white coat. I suggest picking a color like Rarity's coat color. 


Next issue with the design: the eye color. This part should be a simple fix, but here it is anyway. The blue in the eyes needs to be toned down a bit. It's too vibrant right now, and a teeny little toning down of the blue should work. Don't tone it down too much though, as the current shade of blue is on the lower side of being too vibrant, and you don't want to make it too pale. Eyes need some color, right?


Another minor issue is the cutie mark. Now, I know you said that you haven't explained the cutie mark yet, and it's going to be in the backstory once that's finished, but since it's currently not there; I have to mention it. It's important to have your OC's cutie mark make sense, and right now; it doesn't make a lot of sense. When you make the backstory, make sure to explain it very carefully. Also, I highly suggest describing what his cutie mark stands for in a more humble way. Legendary is a bit much.


Finally, my last issue with Swift's design is his mane color. This is my main issue with your OC, and if you are to heed any of my advice; this would be the one to pick. First off; the two colors are way too vibrant right now, and need to be toned down. Apart from that; the colors don't go together anyway, so I highly recommend choosing different colors. My personal idea is that you either just use one solid color, or pick two colors that are extremely similar (by this, I mean one color just be slightly darker or paler than the other.) That should fix the problem with the mane.


Next up: the personality. First off; him being mellow and calm, but menacing. In my opinion, calm would contradict with menacing and wouldn't make a lot of sense. I suggest replacing one of those with something else. Perhaps something having to do with his intelligence? You also should try to link his helpful, supportive, and intelligent traits a bit better as well as explaining them better. You kind of just list them, and leave it that. Now, you don't always have to go extremely in-depth with a trait depending on what it is, but you should always have something even if it ends up being small. But considering Swift's intelligence is a rather important part of his character, I highly suggest explaining that a bit better. How does he learn? Where did he learn all his knowledge? In what way is he smart? Is he a good strategist, knows a lot of facts on a certain subject, or something else? If he is an expert on a subject; what subject? You should try to answer these kinds of questions.


As for his shyness, I don't think it's the best idea. Shyness is used a lot in OCs, and I think you should replace it with a different flaw. He could be stubborn, or stuck up. Maybe he fears not knowing something, and ends up working too hard trying to learn more things. Try to come up with something other than shyness to make your OC different from the rest.


Finally; his speed. I personally think he shouldn't be fast. A more moderate speed should be better. He should either be intelligent, but not too fast of a flier, or not particularly intelligent, but a fast flier. Considering you put a lot of focus on his intelligence, I suggest going with him being not so fast. It's best to keep balance, and not use two special traits. However, you have a good start with him wanting to be fast and performing his feat. I think you should have him be really interested in flying and aerodynamics, and have him research a lot of that kind of stuff, but since he is naturally a slow flier; he ends up not being able to do it. But in the process, he discovers how much fun he has learning new things, or something like that. That should be nice if you do it right. One last note; I suggest removing "The Dark Eclipse." It seems too specific.


As for the backstory; there isn't one. When you decide to write it, I suggest keeping it relatively normal, but try to incorporate your OC's personality into it, and show how his personality affects how he reacts to certain events and surroundings.


Overall, an OC that needs a lot of fixes to the design, has a pretty good personality that should make a bit more sense, and needs a backstory.


Grade: C-

Thank you for the constructive criticism friend!


I do plan to upgrade him better in couple of weeks, and hopefully he'll be better than before.


Gotta say, excellent and very well thought reviews Blue moon! 

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Perhaps you would like to take a look at mine? The picture is my avatar image and here's the link to my profile page.




Hope you enjoy.

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hi could you review lightning blaze for me, thanks in advance if you do. (guy above is awesome so are his oc's) lightning is in my signature

Edited by muffinoverlord1337
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“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Sorry, but I'm really confused... I remember applying a while ago, and never got a reply. I looked through the pages to see where my post was, but I can't find it. And the weirdest part is this is in my "topics I've participated in" section.

Hmm, that's odd. Do you know if it got removed by a mod for some reason?




Thanks! :)


Good luck with editing your OC! :)

Edited by Blue Moon
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Could you review my latest OC Nitro Spark. 


As I've been making OCs, I try my very best to make them "fit in the middle", meaning not to backed down and not to high. 



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not that I know of. It wasn't bad or rude or anything. But I'm positive I applied a character here, but I don't know what happened.

Hmm, that is odd. Well, I guess I'll have to re-add you to the list. Since I don't know what place you were at on the list, I'll have to add you to the bottom. Could I get a link to the OC you want reviewed?

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Why not. ^____^;

Two ponies from my little Re:boot group.








Being the newb of the group, Plush has a lot more to learn in order to be a true Re:booter. She's quite the bubbly type, and being the youngest in the group, everyone treats her like their own little sister. Plus, she has quite an obsession with plushifying everything around her.. 






Scarred from the past, Sylex has decided to live the rest of her life silently. Being able to move around in pure silence, she could easily sneak around other ponies without being noticed, which makes her an important pony in the group.

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hello i was wondering if you could rate/edit my golem oc, it is a clay golem held together with energy and the star on it's chest is the source it's power


  • Brohoof 1

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Hi can you do a review on my first OC? The names Angelheart but i gave you a link to make it easier



OC: Angelheart  Owner: Crystal Empire


Hmm, haven't done a review in a while. Well, I'm not going to let that stop me. Let's start with Angelheart's design. It's interesting; I'll give it that, and the cutie mark appears to represent the name quite well. However, there are a couple things about your OC that bother me. I'll start with my first issue: the mane color and eye color. There isn't any difference between the two color-wise, and in this case; it doesn't look very good. Personally, I would darken the mane color a bit as it is a bit too light, and blends in too much with the actual coat of Angelheart. You don't need to go all jet-black on it, but a little darkening would be sufficient. Also, the color of her hoof thingies (I don't know what they're called) is a bit too bright, and needs to be toned down a bit. If you decide to apply my color suggestions to your OC, the design should improve greatly.


Now, before I get into the personality of Angelheart, there is one more issue I need to address with the design. Why does she have the body type of a princess? She isn't a princess nor an alicorn, yet she has a crown, and has the body of Princess Luna. I think you should make her horn smaller, and give her a normal unicorn body type. It just doesn't make sense for this kind of body to be present on a non-princess. Also, if you do this, it will fix the problem of the very bare neck. Right now, the neck is very empty, and looks bad, but if you give Angelheart a normal body; that problem should go away.


Now, we can get into the personality. Well. it's pretty boring and simple right now. C'mon, there's gotta be something more interesting in the personality of Angelheart! Let's see; she's nice, but she gets upset when a pony does something she doesn't like. Well, that's kind of a given, but I guess there isn't anything horrible with keeping it that way; it's just a bit weird sounding. If you think of a better way of wording it, I highly recommends it. Anyway; the rest of the personality. Well, you say she has an interest in fashion, and likes to donate. It's good that you added an interest, but I highly recommend going more in-depth with it. Does she pursue a career dealing with fashion or is it more of a hobby? Try adding more to this, and for bonus points; add some examples of it in the backstory. Also, you can do more with her love of flowers. Now, I don't think you should give her a gardening related talent, but you could put that she likes to wear flowers in her hair or behind her ear, and if you wanted to be really  detailed, you could put her favorite type of flower.


As for her helping people, and donating; this is fine and all, but it ends up not giving your OC a lot of flaws. Flaws are just as important as regular traits in a character as they keep the character more well-rounded and realistic. Maybe she has a bad habit of donating too much, and has a problem holding on to money for every long. Or, you could make her get upset when other ponies don't donate or get mad. Just pick a flaw that would make sense with your OC, and use that. And don't forget to go in-depth with it.


Finally, we can discuss the backstory. Now, I understand what you're trying to do. You're trying to make the viewer care for the OC by adding a tragic and supposedly sweet event in her life. Well, since we don't have a whole lot of actual events between the two that show how strong their relationship was, we can't really get sad when she dies; no matter how sweet it was. So, I recommend either providing some more detailed and exact events in Angelheart's life that give a good example of her mother and her's relationship, or not have the mom die, and think of something else. 


Apart from the death of her mom, there are a couple other things wrong with the backstory. First off, it's very bland, and not a lot of things happen. We don't know much about Angelheart's life apart from family, and that's not good. You need to add more events in her life. She's an 18 year old mare; her mom dying wasn't the only thing in her life worth mentioning. What about her career? Social life? Try adding things for those. For example, you could say she started to pursue a career dealing with fashion or something like that.


Finally, my last problem is how she got her cutie mark. You were very vague with how she got her cutie mark, and why it happened. Now, I saw what it meant in the cutie mark section. You should say that she did what her mother told her to do, and she gets her cutie mark. This isn't enough. She just tells her to stay true to herself which is loosely related to helping others. Now, personally, I think you should just go with a fashion related cutie mark, but it's up to you. If you won't do that, you need to explain how what her mom said and the cutie mark means go together much better, and you should be fine.


Overall, this OC's design is okay, but needs a few edits to the coloring, and the body type is wrong. Also, the personality is okay, but it has a lack of flaws, and you could go more in-depth with some of the traits. Finally, the backstory needs a lot of edits, and more to it.


Grade: C-

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Hmm... I've never had my own OCs reviewed before... I'm looking for advice on my OC, Chemm Blonde. Personally, I think she's pretty shallow at this point. I like her personality, but I just need some sort of backstory that would really cause suspension for most slice of life roleplays. I'm at a block as to what would be nice to expand her OC's story. If you could rate her and provide advice for that, it would be much appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, shes kinda half done, but i felt like posting her anyways for you to review her, feel free to review however much of it you deem worthy ;p.




And feel free to critique i'm always open to it(Even if i'm not always going to follow it ;p.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Well I'm probably not going to get my done any time soon, but I might as well make a request anyway.

Could you do a review of Swinging Breeze? He's not 100% complete, but I might as well get a review done now

Link in my signature

  • Brohoof 1


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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