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I'm not sure how unpopular this is, but I feel many people would disagree with me. Despite Twilight Sparkle being one of my favourite characters from the show of all-time, I do find her to be OP. Before you point fingers at me and say it's just because of her alicorn transformation that we all have spent far too much time and energy chattering about, it's more than just that.

  • Before becoming an alicorn, she was arguably the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria.
  • She is the favourite apprentice of Celestia, so is practically an immortal goddess.
  • Celestia knew from the start she was "special."
  • She is also the niece-in-law of this goddess because of her brother who married her ex-babysitter who is also a Princess.
  • Meaning she was royally tied even before becoming an alicorn, being in-laws with all the Princesses.

Regardless, I really do love Twilight. I love how no matter how powerful she is, though, she'll never lose her adorkable personality.

Edited by Dismajo
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I can't really say anything unpopular about the show. I suppose I don't like AppleJack or Rarity, but those are somewhat common opinions. I guess the episodes get kind of boring after seeing them four times?

This signature was removed for being too obnoxious and arrogant.


By the way, if you're talking to me in a thread, please quote my previous post. Otherwise, I might not respond to you.

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-Princess Twilicorn is bad and we should feel bad

-I still think Twilight was exploded by the elements of harmony in MMC and the rest was a dream while in purgatory.

-The less fan-pandering and corporate meddling, the better. I want the writers to just do their thing without people influencing them and/or telling them what to do.

-I really love CMC episodes. They remind me of childhood, back when times were simpler.

-I see no appeal in Trixie, other than that one "The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't trust wheels" quote. Even I'll admit i chuckled.

-When Chrysalis made her first real appearance in the Canterlot Wedding, my initial reaction was one of revulsion and "AH, SHE'S HIDEOUS!" I've kinda grown to like Chrysalis now, but i just found her weird and creepy for a pretty long time.

-Zecora is best pony, and yes. i do mean pony. i think zebras should be classified as one of the pony "races"

Edited by crazitaco


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  • 2 weeks later...

-I was formerly opposed but now neutral on alicorn Twilight but still have some lingering doubts and though I am cautiously optimistic am still sympathetic to the people who are opposed to it.


-MMC was the worst episode in the entire series and a complete and total insult to one of my favorite ponies.


-Gilda is not the spawn of satan that she is often made out to be by the fans, yes she was wrong but so was everypony else.

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- I don't like alicorn Twilight


- Rainbow Dash is far from overrated


- Applejack's done as a character unless the producer's bring out what happened to her parents


- Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are also done


- I dislike Rarity but I do have to admit it's a brilliant character


- Luna isn't overrated on the show. Only by her fans.


- Celestia is a TERRIBLE leader for her kingdom. Just look at the amount of misfortunes she brought because she couldn't solve her own problems.


- Since Twilight is a princess now, Celestia has become redundant.


- Discord was ruined


- Trixie started as a terrible character, but was saved this last season




Edited by RiseofSpectrum
  • Brohoof 1

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-  Luna isn't high up on my favorites list.

-  Lightning Dust is my favorite "villain".

-  I want Pinkie Pie to make more sense at times.

-  I really wanna see more Rarity episodes.  O__o

-  Want less focus on Twilight Sparkle (love her, but there are many other ponies).

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- Fluttershy is honestly my least favorite character in the show.  She's an obnoxious little doormat who gives people the wrong ideas about helplessness and low self-esteem being "cute"


- I think the writers and producers of the show are pandering more and more to the fanbase, thus weakening the show as a whole


- I hate Trixie


- Rainbow Dash is overrated and one-dimensional


- I don't like the fan-made personalities given to any of the background or "secondary character" ponies


- I think Celestia is much better than Luna


- I don't want the Mane Six to have any love interests at all


- Zecora's constant "talking in rhyme" is annoying


- I think Spike is primarily a character used for comic relief and exposition and the series could be just as good if not better without him


- Tom needs his own feature episode

Edited by Suzaku
  • Brohoof 3




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-It took me half of the first season to become a brony


-I didn't hate Mare Do Well


-I found the Crystal Empire extremely disappointing


-I prefer Celestia over Luna


-I hate Just for SIdekicks with a passion


I only became a brony after S2 started, so there was a lot available and I didn't go in order. I had to watch a couple episodes to get pulled in, too.


I didn't hate Mare-Do-Well. I DID feel like it started a big anti-RD rush of episodes, though.


I found the Crystal Empire a bit... not-very-Crystal. I was expecting more... Crystal Tokyo from Sailor Moon, but I've compared the two shows a lot.


I love Luna, but I don't see anything wrong with preferring any one princess to another.


I HATED Just for Sidekicks. Not only was it hard to write about, but I found the episode really.... frustrating?




MY opinions:


I very often find myself HATING Spike.


I feel like Rarity is so underdeveloped story and personality-wise I do not like her. She seems so cliché needy diva girly girl that it annoys the hell out of me.


I hate Scootachicken jokes. Likewise, Fluttertree bores me. DictionaryBelle, too.


I wasn't unhappy with Alicorn Twilight, because I expected her to become a princess by like... Season 2.


I don't see any of the M6 having a lesbian relationship. I have no problem with same-sex relationships, but none of them seem interested, personality-wise. As such, I don't see it happening, and don't really support any of those fanships.


I've taken stances on basically every controversy involving Scootaloo in my fic, some aren't necessarily popular. I've never gotten flack for my thoughts, but I have stands on her history and character.

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-Rainbow Dash is the worst pony. Because she's arrogant, loud and obnoxious.


-Magical Mystery Cure was great


-Mare Do Well was fine.


-Feeling Pinkie Keen was not promoting Willful Ignorance and you're a paranoid little putz if you think otherwise.


-Equestria Girls is fucking horrendous and I will be remarkably pissed off if it's ever treated as canon


-Fluttershy is a really poor character that has nothing going for her besides being cute.


-The show was truly not better when Lauren was around. In fact I'm pretty sure it was even more cliche.



It was like animating a fan-fiction.

That's exactly what it was, just an animated Rainbow-worship fic.

Edited by Mzukiller
  • Brohoof 2

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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-Rainbow Dash is the worst pony. Because she's arrogant, loud and obnoxious.


-Magical Mystery Cure was great


-Mare Do Well was fine.


-Feeling Pinkie Keen was not promoting Willful Ignorance and you're a paranoid little putz if you think otherwise.


-Equestria Girls is fucking horrendous and I will be remarkably pissed off if it's ever treated as canon


-Fluttershy is a really poor character that has nothing going for her besides being cute.


-The show was truly not better when Lauren was around. In fact I'm pretty sure it was even more cliche.



That's exactly what it was, just an animated Rainbow-worship fic.



Double-Rainboom was terrible. But I do have to admit I'm surprised at some of your statements. First of all, Rainbow Dash is not a one-dimensional character (though I do find her at times as obnoxious as an her american patriot, though other times, this plays to her charm). Magical Mystery Cure was terrible, specifically, for being rushed. The overuse of songs made the plot accelerate just so it could fit in an episode. But, overall, I'm not happy about the episode, not even approaching Alicorn Twilight, which I would find it alright if the season finale was a 2-parter carefully done. Mare Do Well was terrible, mostly because the mane 5 were more focused on outperforming Rainbow Dash rather than show her she's being too arrogant. Other than that, I pretty much agree with you on everything else. Though, Fluttershy isn't the only pony who's pretty much done as a character. The same can be applied for Applejack and Pinkie Pie.

  • Brohoof 1

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Double-Rainboom was terrible. But I do have to admit I'm surprised at some of your statements. First of all, Rainbow Dash is not a one-dimensional character (though I do find her at times as obnoxious as an her american patriot, though other times, this plays to her charm). Magical Mystery Cure was terrible, specifically, for being rushed. The overuse of songs made the plot accelerate just so it could fit in an episode. But, overall, I'm not happy about the episode, not even approaching Alicorn Twilight, which I would find it alright if the season finale was a 2-parter carefully done. Mare Do Well was terrible, mostly because the mane 5 were more focused on outperforming Rainbow Dash rather than show her she's being too arrogant. Other than that, I pretty much agree with you on everything else. Though, Fluttershy isn't the only pony who's pretty much done as a character. The same can be applied for Applejack and Pinkie Pie.

1. Agreed

2. I don't hate her because she's one dimensional, I hate her because she's the kind of bragging asshole jock that I've dreaded encountering IRL. That and I get sick of hearing her proclaim how awesome she is when in reality, if you're so damn cool, so talented, why aren't you a Wonderbolt yet? I don't think she's one dimensional, I just don't like her dimensions.

3. I'll agree that it was rushed, and compacted, but it was not terrible.



Mare Do Well was terrible, mostly because the mane 5 were more focused on outperforming Rainbow Dash rather than show her she's being too arrogant.

I've said it once, I'll say it again: I sincerely doubt that Rainbow Dash would've listened to them. She would've gone right back to the Superhero nonsense. They did the right thing by...embarrassing her, her ego will survive. I swear, the way people paint the picture makes it sound like they made Dash run home in tears.


Plus, who the hell wants a climax to be nothing but talking? That's so dull I can taste it.


4. Applejack is an Everyman and Pinkie Pie just needs better material, since she risks becoming just plain annoying.

  • Brohoof 2

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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1. Agreed

2. I don't hate her because she's one dimensional, I hate her because she's the kind of bragging asshole jock that I've dreaded encountering IRL. That and I get sick of hearing her proclaim how awesome she is when in reality, if you're so damn cool, so talented, why aren't you a Wonderbolt yet? I don't think she's one dimensional, I just don't like her dimensions.

3. I'll agree that it was rushed, and compacted, but it was not terrible.



I've said it once, I'll say it again: I sincerely doubt that Rainbow Dash would've listened to them. She would've gone right back to the Superhero nonsense. They did the right thing by...embarrassing her, her ego will survive. I swear, the way people paint the picture makes it sound like they made Dash run home in tears.


Plus, who the hell wants a climax to be nothing but talking? That's so dull I can taste it.


4. Applejack is an Everyman and Pinkie Pie just needs better material, since she risks becoming just plain annoying.


Bleh. Mysterious Mare Do Well had one of the worst-written Mane 6, including Rainbow Dash (she capitalized on the whole superhero thingy way too early), though not as a bad Mane 6 as Boastbusters. I'm not saying a climax with talking is better, I'm saying: just don't make that episode, you know?


Another thing about Rainbow is precisely her obnoxious part showing she's an "incomplete" character. She has grounds to cover in terms of development. Applejack doesn't, and Pinkie Pie just does not develop at all. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand...

  • Brohoof 1

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Another thing about Rainbow is precisely her obnoxious part showing she's an "incomplete" character. She has grounds to cover in terms of development. Applejack doesn't, and Pinkie Pie just does not develop at all. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand...

I'm not attacking you specifically, but that is a really poor excuse. And even then, I don't want anymore Rainbow Dash, I am not interested in seeing her brag her way to the top. Speaking of, that's a reason why I didn't really like Lightning Dust, she's just there to make Dash look like a better person. The whole episode felt apologetic for MDW when I saw it. "Didn't like that? Well here's 22 minutes of Rainbow Dash being a role model" Lame!


There's no other way to say it: RD is totally overrated, downright unlikeable in my case. But everyone's supposed to love her because she's the "awesome" pony, the "cool tomboy". Character Development be damned, because she's never changed. She's been the same jerk since the show started.

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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I'm not attacking you specifically, but that is a really poor excuse. And even then, I don't want anymore Rainbow Dash, I am not interested in seeing her brag her way to the top. Speaking of, that's a reason why I didn't really like Lightning Dust, she's just there to make Dash look like a better person. The whole episode felt apologetic for MDW when I saw it. "Didn't like that? Well here's 22 minutes of Rainbow Dash being a role model" Lame!


There's no other way to say it: RD is totally overrated, downright unlikeable in my case. But everyone's supposed to love her because she's the "awesome" pony, the "cool tomboy". Character Development be damned, because she's never changed. She's been the same jerk since the show started.



Are you actually serious? Out of the Mane 6 the only one who hasn't developed was Pinkie. So let's put your comment into perspective: You don't RD when she brags around, and you don't like RD when she has an actual episode where she develops. And then you say she's been the same since the show started? TOP LEL.

  • Brohoof 2

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the only one who hasn't developed was Pinkie.


I take issue with this comment.

  1. In Party of One, she developed the optimistic side of herself - that one should never assume the worst about their friends. Since then it's taken a hell of a lot to make her sad. The Pinkie Pie we saw get stressed out so quickly in that episode would never have been able to handle the trouble of the Cake twins for as long as she did, and certainly wouldn't have been able to shrug off neglect as she does now.


    The episode itself also showed signs of deeper character. Before that, we always saw her as a simple party animal.


  2. In Baby Cakes, she had to put aside her smile-seeking ethic and do something that wasn't fun. For Pinkie, that's huge, as she is clearly a youthful and fun-loving pony. And by the end of the episode, the twins, who at first didn't see Pinkie as much more than a playmate, had warmed to her to the point that they sleep-talked her name in bed. She developed carer's skills.


  3. In MMMystery on the Friendship Express, Pinkie Pie started off without paying attention to detail and simply pointing accusations at people. Once Twilight used deduction methods and then made an accusation, Pinkie learned it was the right way to go about things and followed suit. That's another example of her developing.


  4. In Too Many Pinkie Pies, she clearly demonstrated her development from A Friend In Deed. Remember when she didn't acknowledge that Cranky wanted some peace and quiet and continued to try and entertain him? And then in TMPP she immediately acknowledged that Rainbow Dash wanted some peace and quiet and proceeded to be quiet instead of questioning further.

I'm cool with people with their opinions on whether or not they like a character's traits, but to say that Pinkie Pie hasn't developed just isn't right. 

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I take issue with this comment.

  1. In Party of One, she developed the optimistic side of herself - that one should never assume the worst about their friends. Since then it's taken a hell of a lot to make her sad. The Pinkie Pie we saw get stressed out so quickly in that episode would never have been able to handle the trouble of the Cake twins for as long as she did, and certainly wouldn't have been able to shrug off neglect as she does now.


    The episode itself also showed signs of deeper character. Before that, we always saw her as a simple party animal.


  2. In Baby Cakes, she had to put aside her smile-seeking ethic and do something that wasn't fun. For Pinkie, that's huge, as she is clearly a youthful and fun-loving pony. And by the end of the episode, the twins, who at first didn't see Pinkie as much more than a playmate, had warmed to her to the point that they sleep-talked her name in bed. She developed carer's skills.


  3. In MMMystery on the Friendship Express, Pinkie Pie started off without paying attention to detail and simply pointing accusations at people. Once Twilight used deduction methods and then made an accusation, Pinkie learned it was the right way to go about things and followed suit. That's another example of her developing.


  4. In Too Many Pinkie Pies, she clearly demonstrated her development from A Friend In Deed. Remember when she didn't acknowledge that Cranky wanted some peace and quiet and continued to try and entertain him? And then in TMPP she immediately acknowledged that Rainbow Dash wanted some peace and quiet and proceeded to be quiet instead of questioning further.

I'm cool with people with their opinions on whether or not they like a character's traits, but to say that Pinkie Pie hasn't developed just isn't right. 


1 and 2 are interrelated, so I'll give the same answer to both. Patience and trust are two different things, so it's wrong to assume trusting your friends more means you've more patience to deal with kids.

As for 3, I'll accept it for the time being. I don't have the patience to watch the episode right now.

And as for the final point, Pinkie Pie has not developed AT ALL in Too Many Pinkie Pies. By the end of the episode she STILL had problems with making a choice, and her response when confronted was "aw screw it, I'll take a nap". Though, after reading this statement better, I realized "oh, that's not your point". And yeah, I'll take it. You've proven me wrong.


Though I still find Pinkie to be underdeveloped.

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I am neutral towards Spike


Fluttershy is the most one dimensional character, she has no redeeming qualities to her at all.


Cadence and Shining Armor are horrible characters.


I am neutral towards Alicorn Twilight, the ones against it are butthurt that MLP isn't going THEIR WAY. Wake up! You don't control the show!


I am neutral towards baby ponies


I detest Celestia


I like Luna, but not in the unhealthy way that many fans get so into


I hate the reimaginings, like Gamer Luna, fuck dat shit, along with Fluttertree, Rarity is a marshmallow, and Scootaloo is a Chicken.


I don't really care much for the background or secondary characters.


This Day Aria was forgettable and boring.

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1 and 2 are interrelated, so I'll give the same answer to both. Patience and trust are two different things, so it's wrong to assume trusting your friends more means you've more patience to deal with kids.


They are, but one can lead to another. Party of One was a general realisation about the value of optimism, not just in the form of trust but optimism in general. Patience and trust both branch out from optimism. Imagine it like this:




She simultaneously learned about trusting your friends and hoping for the best (as a result of learning to trust your friends), so she learned how to hope for the best in other situations, like being patient (Baby Cakes).



Though I still find Pinkie to be underdeveloped.


That's for the better though. If she were developed to a T, there'd be no un-redeeming character traits that prevent her from being two-dimensional. It also means upcoming episodes can hold promise, with new ways to develop her. I do think that other characters receive more development due to having more initial flaws, so gradually developing Pinkie means she can provide more show content :)

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Are you actually serious? Out of the Mane 6 the only one who hasn't developed was Pinkie. So let's put your comment into perspective: You don't RD when she brags around, and you don't like RD when she has an actual episode where she develops. And then you say she's been the same since the show started? TOP LEL.

The truth is: My hate is irrational. Even trying to make a reason besides "her personality pisses me off" is hard as shit. And spare me that "lel" garbage, I get enough of that on 4chan. Kinda funny how you can be so composed and then out of nowhere just break into troll speak.


@So gangsta

I am neutral towards Alicorn Twilight, the ones against it are butthurt that MLP isn't going THEIR WAY. Wake up! You don't control the show!

Totally agree



I detest Celestia

Why? If we're going by her canon personality she's gotta be one of the most likeable supporting characters on the show.



This Day Aria was forgettable and boring.

Since boredom is subjective, I'll give you that. But you'd have to have amnesia to forget it.


I get opinions, and how they're almost always different, but sometimes it'd help if you could reason about them.

Edited by Mzukiller
  • Brohoof 1

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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The truth is: My hate is irrational. Even trying to make a reason besides "her personality pisses me off" is hard as shit. And spare me that "lel" garbage, I get enough of that on 4chan. Kinda funny how you can be so composed and then out of nowhere just break into troll speak.

 Relax, mate. I don't go much into 4chan (last time I did was about 2 months ago), but my brother finds himself saying "top lel" several times. I said it out of mere assimilation.

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This thread makes me glad we fans don't control what is on the show.

Pearls of Wisdom - When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me".

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  • 8 months later...



My biggest guilty pleasure is probably the fact the fact that one of my favourite songs in the whole series is "Find the music!"



And Rainbow Dash is my least favourite of the mane six.... I mean, don't get me wrong, still love her! Just my least favourite from a very goof bunch :)


Season 4 is my favourite :)

Edited by AppleCrackers
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Rainbow Dash is my least favorite out of the Mane 6.

Trixie is one of the worst ponies in the show.

I think Snips and Snails aren't too bad when they aren't sucking up to a pony (i.e. Trixie, Sunset Shimmer)

Maud Pie is overrated.

Every background character is overrated.

Cupcakes is a bad poor excuse for a creepypasta.

Twist isn't a bad character

Season 1 is overrated. It's better than Season 3, but I had a better experience watching Season 2 and 4.

There are only 2 episodes I legitimately say I dislike, other than saying they are "average" or "weak". Those being Boast Busters and Spike at Your Service.

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Hasbro doesn't care about us


I like Rainbow Dash for the exact reasons everyone hates her


Celestia is best princess


I like season 3 and 4 more than 1 and 2


I like it when ponies are sad


Fanon Berry Punch is a great character

  • Brohoof 6


^Click for my Deviant Art^

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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