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Fluttershy is the most overrated pony ever. I also don’t think she’s as cute as many say she is, Pinkie Pie is far cuter.


Spike At Your Service is worst than Princess Spike.


I hate how the show has made the mane six as the only ones capable of saving Equestria from becoming a wasteland.


Trixie was never an interesting character in the show to me, not helped by the fact that her debut episode was one of the worst. It was the fanfics that made her popular.


Spike singing the national anthem in Equestria Games was funny


I see Derpy Hooves and Dinky Doo as close friends, not mother and daughter.


Owl’s Well That Ends Well is an underrated spike episode.


I like the background colts and fillies more than the popular background ponies (Derpy, DJ-Pon-3 etc)


I can't stand Soarin's voice.


Mysterious Mystery Cure is my least favourite episode after Spike At Your Service.

Edited by Odd Ball
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I have a few more unpopular opinions:


The "Applejack is a background pony." joke is really getting old, in my opinion.


"Magical Mystery Cure" is my favorite episode of the entire series.


Twilight Sparkle is my favorite pony with or without her wings.


I used to find Pinkie Pie funny in Seasons 1 & 2 but, after seeing "Too Many Pinkie Pies" I've stopped feeling this way.

Edited by Sparklefan1234



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Twilight doesn't need wings and the S3 finale disappointed me.


I don't hate Diamond Tiara and I love Silver Spoon.


There's nothing special about Derpy and Discord wasn't the best villain.


There's nothing special about being a brony either.


I don't care about 4chan.


They tried too hard to make Fluttershy cute.


I didn't like Lesson Zero, Luna Eclipsed, or Magic Duel. On the other hoof, I did like Over a Barrel and Boast Busters.


Oh trust me! Anyone sane would not care about 4chan! That there IS a popular opinion! :P

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-There are stereotypes in the show, so stop denying it

-I don't get the hype for Luna, Fluttershy, Derpy, or most of the background characters

-I don't like episodes about the Apple Family that much, but ones about each character are better

-I admit, some Spike episodes aren't that good, but when people say "finally a good spike episode!!1!" it kinda grinds my gears. Not all Spike episodes are bad. I actually like quite a few of them, lol

-Twilight's new castle isn't that bad. Stop complaining about it

-I don't mind Flurry Heart

-There should be a male alicorn at some point

-I kind of wish there was a reoccurring villain in MLP, like in most cartoons. Would make things interesting

-I've always liked Gilda (even back in her old days)

-I have a softspot for cartoons, but MLP is like any other to me. Imo, I don't see anything really special about it that "affects" my life

-Season 3 wasn't that bad. At least it had a better premiere than the current one

-Don't understand most of the praise for the first season, it was average

-A Zecora episode would be nice

Edited by zigragirl
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  • I have no problem at all with Flash Sentry and think he's a decent enough guy to date Twilight Sparkle.

I don't think Lyra and Bon Bon would make a good ship.

All of my ships so far are straight (no clue why).

I still think Princess Celestia should have been Queen.

I wish Hasbro would stop trying to exaggerate the show as being something incredibly girly in their marketing and when in reality, each of the ponies have an awesome side to them that Hasbro seems to keep ignoring (until Guardians of Harmony). 

I wish there were more stallions and other male characters that are given more importance to the story. 

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-Princess Spike was an okay, fairly funny episode.

-Season 3 was the worst season of the show so far.

-King Sombra was the smartest villain seen so far.

-Luna is overrated.

-Celestia is underrated.

-Slice of Life was a confusing, weird mishmash of in-jokes.

-A Friend in Deed is a lousy episode that glorifies stalking.

Edited by pnylvr
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-Apple Bloom is best CMC and the most developed

-Starlight's redemption did not feel rushed but instead genuine. Her motive is understandable. 

-I like the CMC more than the Mane Six

-I am not too big on Derpy and I prefer to call her Ditzy Doo

-I call Doctor Whooves, Time Turner

-I never minded Twilicorn and in fact made me love Twilight even more (I also loved Magical Mystery Cure)

-I actually liked the Crystal Empire, the Crystalling, 28 Pranks Later, What About Discord?, etc 

-I really hate the Flim Flam brothers and their stupid songs

-Rainbow Dash, Luna, and Derpy get too much attention (I still love them though)

-Fluttershy is a very complex character 

-I never really liked Silver Spoon

-Limestone is best Pie sister

-I'm not a huge Trixie, Gilda, Lightning Dust, etc, fan

-I ship Pound and Pumpkin Cake

-I love Princess Cadance 



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A Friend in Deed is a lousy episode that glorifies stalking.




Aside form "Smile Song" the episode makes me cringe and wasn't that enjoyable to me after re watching it.



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- Night Guard Rainbow Dash needs more fanart.

- Friendship Games might have benefitted better from more time.

- The Cutie Re-Mark could have fleshed out the timelines more (although since the episodes are only 22 minutes long, this might be a bit too much to ask)

- The show's staff might want to refrain from making episodes where Rainbow Dash's friends teach her a lesson, because they only seem to cause drama.

- Sombra was actually a good villain.

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Flurry Heart is a great character! Am I the only one who appreciates her? :/


Celestia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Luna


That's all I can think of for now.

Edited by DJ Gumball



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- I really liked The Cutie Re-Mark, The Crystal Empire, 28 Pranks Later, and Do Princesses Dream Of Magic Sheep?

- Celestia is underrated and gets unnecessary hate

- King Sombra is overrated and I wouldn't mind never seeing him again

- I am a big Starlight Glimmer fan, even after she was reformed

- I don't want to see Sunset Shimmer outside of Equestria Girls

- I don't think Josh Haber is a terrible writer

- I kind of like Rainbow Falls (though I certainly don't love it)

- Trixie is best pony outside of the Mane 6, CMC, and princesses

- I don't mind Daring Do and A.K. Yearling being the same pony

- Twilicorn has my approval and I'm glad it happened

- I prefer the name Minuette rather than Colgate


I might add on to this if I think of more...

Edited by Prospekt
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-I think season 6 is a hell of a lot better than season 5. 

-I don't think "Amending Fences" is all that great. 

-Luna is my least favourite princess. 

-Josh Haber is a great writer. 

-I rather like Starlight Glimmer's reformation. 

-I don't think "Newbie Dash" is that bad. 

-Sassy Saddles is the best new character of season 5. 

-"Friendship Games" has issues but it's still a lot of fun. 

-Flurry Heart is adorable and the season 6 premiere was fantastic. 

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  • Spike at Your Service & Just For Sidekicks are some of the show's best episodes

I've never liked Trixie, and consider her one of the show's worst characters

I very rarely consider Pinkie Pie "out of character", even in some of her worst episodes (i.e, Filli Vanilli)

Magical Mystery Cure was the best paced episode of FiM

Three's a Crowd & Rarity Investigates are among some of the worst FiM episodes

I prefer AJ's Season 1 voice

I wish EQG 1's electronic theme would replace FiM's theme

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I've got several opinions, but I will post one that I have been thinking of lately.


I find villain redemption's to be a wonderful thing. When done properly of course, but the overall idea is something I fully support. To me, it goes perfectly with the concept of friendship, something that is quite important to this show I think.


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I think the song The Magic Inside is the most decent song the show ever has produced so far. I am not a big fan of most of the songs the show has presented (about 90% of them) and I was very surprised when I originally heard it!

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- Season 3 was the worst 

- Season's 3 + 4 completely ruined Pinkie Pie's character

- Sombra was a wasted villain with so much potential

- Starlight's turn around felt forced

- I hate the theme (although I think a lot of people do :lol: )


  "Sometimes I wish I could imagine myself 10 years from now, out of college, living life without boundaries.

             But, at the end of the day, it's just a step closer to the future. The future tends to unfold as it should... well, at least I think it does." - Kitty0706


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The thing that first comes to mind is that I don't like Sparity. At all. It's not about that they're different species but the age gap instead. Spike seems like primary school-aged to me and Rarity is a working adult. I don't judge people that ship them but at least it's something I myself wouldn't do.


This might sound dumb but for some reason it also bugs me when people call background characters their favorites based on their headcanon personalities.



- I am a big Starlight Glimmer fan, even after she was reformed

- Twilicorn has my approval and I'm glad it happened

- I prefer the name Minuette rather than Colgate


I also really agree with these. Especially the thing about Starlight Glimmer, even though my opinion differs a little since I didn't like her that much when she was a villain. But now that she's reformed, I can't help but almost consider her one of my favorite characters. Not to mention that she has a wonderful mane style too.

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Couple more. 


-The cutie map is a transparently lazy plot device which makes the show worse for its inclusion. 

-"The Mane Attraction" and "Gauntlet of Fire" are perfectly charming episodes without a whole lot exceptional about them. 

-I really don't think "Spike At Your Service" or "Rainbow Falls" are as terrible as people make them out to be. 


- Season 3 was the worst 

- Season's 3 + 4 completely ruined Pinkie Pie's character

- Sombra was a wasted villain with so much potential

- Starlight's turn around felt forced

- I hate the theme (although I think a lot of people do :lol: )

I thought these were all fairly popular opinions. 

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-Newbie Dash is my favorite episode of season 6 so far

-The CMC have not made a great episode since Crusaders of the lost mark

-I like Princess Celestia better than Luna

-I think Starlight Glimmer is a Very Poorly Written character 

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends"


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"Party of One" and "Lesson Zero" shouldn't have been made the way they were; they may have been intended for comedic effect but it just gave the GDs and haters more shock-fuel to use. Luckily, full-on animation takes a lot of work, imagine how bad it would've gotten out there if making animation were as easy as writing fanfics...*shudder*


Yeah, Hasbro needs to tone down the pink packaging and hyping the girly side of things; an auxiliary male Mane 4 wouldn't be bad, just don't give them buzzcuts, tattoos, stubble, and cigars. The voices and head-shapes distinguish genders enough already.


A gender-ambiguous or androgynous character could be fun, at least for one episode.


And I think Celestia is awesome. Bring on Prince Cosmos!


*shrug, grin* Hey, the title said "unpopular opinions". Just being honest.

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Rarijack is a crap pair and with the exception of Sisterhooves Social most of their episodes together have sucked, even without taking Rarity's insanely high standards into consideration. And I'm so freaking sick of the writers constantly whoring out this pairing, they hang out with other characters, don't they?

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