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On 1/7/2021 at 10:15 AM, Dark Qiviut said:

On those grounds, the Terrible Trio's punishment is more than justified based on the sum of these reasons:

  1. Overthrowing the Equestrian monarchy.
  2. Capturing royalty, the majority of Celestia's & Luna's successors, the Pillars of Magic, the headmare of a school with Equestria's strongest international relations, and Discord.
  3. Conspiring with each other to turn the three pony tribes against each other and further help collapse the country, accidentally triggering the revival of the windigoes.
  4. Stealing the most powerful magic (the late Grogar's) and using both that and his bell as weapons against Equestria's leaders.
  5. Attempting to assassinate the Mane Six & Spike.

No crime that could ever be committed could justify that punishment... It reminds me of Stephen King's "The Jaunt".

Super messed up lmao.

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- unicorn twilight>>>>>>alicorn twilight

- Celestia is kinda useless

- young 6 are boring and bland as heck

- sunset shimmer is super underrated and should've appeared more in the show as a pony

- the fact that we didn't see Little Strongheart in the show anymore rly made me sad. Feel like they missed out on a lot

- luna's non-flowy mane>>>>flowy mane

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I never cared that much about Grogar, so the big finale twist didn't bother me that much. It seemed to me that he would probaby just be another generic cartoon villain; at least the Chrysalis/Cozy Glow/Tirek team up was silly. 

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  • 3 months later...
On 2020-12-31 at 3:06 PM, kicmarlene said:

Here we go again: 

- Not a big fan of Spitfire and some of the WonderBolts, especially after watching the Rainbow Falls episode (S4 E10). Soarin is probably the only Wonderbolt I like besides Rainbow Dash. 

- I used to despise Diamond Tiara and SilverSpoon but now, I'm just neutral with these two. It's not easy for me to like them after all the bullying. Like the girls made fun of a disabled pegasus!

- Yakity-Sax is the worst episode of season 8, the worst Pinkie Pie episode and THE WORST EPISODE OF THE WHOLE SERIES ( idc what y'all say).

- I don't understand Derpy Hooves popularity.

- Zecora is the character with the most missed opportunities.

- Fame And Misfortune (S7 E14) was a great episode and is better than Slice Of Life ( S5 E9).

- The Beginning of the End (S9 E1-2), Sparkle ( S9 E4), Between Dark and Dawn (S9 E13), The Ending of The End part 2 (S9 E25) and the Last Problem (S9 E26) are the only memorable episodes of season 9.



I don't think any of these are unpopular opinions... I think the vast majority agrees with all of this.

On 2021-01-17 at 2:01 PM, Starforce Glimmer said:

I don't understand why people hate Starlight or Maud so much. I also think Discord being Grogar was just fucking stupid lol.

Not an unpopular opinion lol.

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On 2021-01-07 at 8:28 PM, Megas said:

Maud Pie was like that one joke  your friend made that started out really funny at first but when he kept repeating it over and over it stopped being funny and just annoying

The Yaks was that joke that was never funny and no one liked but your friend never got the message and thought the only way it could be funny was to repeat it over and over.
This goes double for certain characters that long overstayed their welcome

Fully disagree.

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I'm not completely sure if all of those are unpopular opinions but I got the feeling that at least many would not agree with me about it:

  • The episode mare do well is not as bad as many people say (it's also doesn't belong to the top tier ones)
  • I liked the ending of MLP
  • Spike is a loyal and awesome character
  • I have neither a problem with the ending of season three or Alicorn Twilight. She earned her wings
  • I liked the Golden Oak Library more than Twilight's castle
  • I feel indifferent to Flash Sentry. So I don't understand why he's so disliked. But to be fair I'm also not the biggest fan of Equestia Girls to begin with
  • I didn't mind that Grogar wasn't the villain in season 9. I loved how they weaved this with Discord development.
  • I don't think the student six are the strongest characters of MLP. I would also agree that they are very shallow especially compared with the mane six. Still I never understood why they seem to be disliked/hated that much.
  • I don't mind Sombra's voice in season 9


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2021-05-13 at 6:52 AM, Astral Soul said:

I'm not completely sure if all of those are unpopular opinions but I got the feeling that at least many would not agree with me about it:

  • The episode mare do well is not as bad as many people say (it's also doesn't belong to the top tier ones) AGREE
  • I liked the ending of MLP AGREE
  • Spike is a loyal and awesome character AGREE, Not Unpopular
  • I have neither a problem with the ending of season three or Alicorn Twilight. She earned her wings AGREE
  • I liked the Golden Oak Library more than Twilight's castle AGREE, Not Unpopular
  • I feel indifferent to Flash Sentry. So I don't understand why he's so disliked. But to be fair I'm also not the biggest fan of Equestia Girls to begin with AGREE
  • I didn't mind that Grogar wasn't the villain in season 9. I loved how they weaved this with Discord development. DISAGREE
  • I don't think the student six are the strongest characters of MLP. I would also agree that they are very shallow especially compared with the mane six. Still I never understood why they seem to be disliked/hated that much. AGREE, Not Unpopular (Your first two sentences answers your third one)
  • I don't mind Sombra's voice in season 9 AGREE



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Is it unpopular to say that I like the student six? They're all really charming, and it's a shame we didn't get more of them... especially given how hit-or-miss the mane six episodes were in those last two seasons. 

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I've got a few:

- Rainbow Falls isn't as bad as people say it is.

- 28 Pranks Later is a fun, decent episode, even if it does go against Rainbow Dash's character development to a degree.

- Flash Sentry did nothing wrong.

- Ocellus is best member of the Young Six.

- Growing Up is Hard to Do has quite a lot of plot holes, which I didn't know pick up on until seeing the "In a Nutshell" version of the episode by Round Trip over on YouTube.

- Friendship University was pretty much a pointless episode.

- Spike moving on from his crush on Rarity proved that he was growing up.


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On 2021-01-03 at 9:03 PM, CozyGlower said:

Grogar wasn't your "im gonna underestimate and gloat over the mane 6 for 90% of my screentime" type of guy, no, Grogar actually understood how powerful friendship was and acknowledged twilight and her friends' powers.

Same reason why Sombra pre-S9 (Comics included) was one of my favorite villains.

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I'd already talk about my unpopular opinions when it comes to MLP on a similar thread, but there's one unpopluar opinion that I had to address (and if you disagree with me, that's perfectly fine):

After rewatching A Maud Couple and Yakity-Sax from Season 8 recently, and upon on reflecting on some things, I just had to say, I felt really really really sorry for Amy Keating Rodgers.

She has been getting so much flack after all the episodes she written over the years and it baffles me(the Derpy incident was a major example). Mostly, when it comes to writing Pinkie Pie. The reason why people hated her writing because she either making Pinkie too naive or too oblivious and not recognizing someone's feelings. The most infamous example was Filli Vanilli back in Season 4. Filli Vanilli is a really good episode and it's a great development for Fluttershy. However, people hated that episode when it first came out because of Pinkie Pie making Fluttershy cry. It make Fluttershy fans either disgusted, uncomfortable, or both because of what Pinkie did.

You know, it's funny because a couple of days ago, I listened to a podcast done by DustyKatt called "Stay Brony, My Friends" in which Dusty interviewed Rodgers a long long time ago, after Filli Vanilli came out. For what I understand, Amy didn't really intent to make Fluttershy cry when she wrote the script. She was given a note by one of the script readers to make Fluttershy cry to driven the emotion of the character and the story. Amy reluctantly agreed, and add that to the script.

Don't get me wrong, as comfortable as the scene was, I can understand why she had to put that in there. Although, looking back on it, I felt the hate was a bit over-exaggerating. It wasn't like Pinkie did it out of malicious intent or for the sake of her own amusement just to make Fluttershy look bad. Plus, as someone who has social and stress anxiety, it is kinda relatable for people who goes through these things.

Also, am I only who finds it very hypocritical that Fluttershy fans hating on Pinkie Pie due to making Fluttershy cry when Fluttershy herself had said and done some worse stuff more than Pinkie Pie in other episodes in the show? Because to me, people tend to forget that and treat Fluttershy like a perfect angel, when in reality, she's not. There are some times that she needs to be called out in other episodes like Putting Your Hoof Down and Fake It Til You Make It due to her inexcusable behavior. But I digress.

Regardless on how you feel about Amy writing Pinkie, at least she did a much better job at writing Pinkie than The Fox Brothers and Nick Confalone ever could. My god, those guys completely don't understand on what make Pinkie Pie so great and they had to make her either completely out of touch of reality that's going on right in front in her or being obnoxiously clingy about something or someone(especially Maud Pie). For me personally, I don't like it all because it gives off the impression of Pinkie being a brat in order to get what she wants. I know that's not their intention, but when it comes to story editing department by Josh Haber, it does come off that way. But that's a different rant for another time.

Overall, I do feel bad for Amy Keating Rodgers because after she left, the fun and the charm of Pinkie Pie was pretty much gone along with her and I felt the hate was so undeserved, IMO.

Edited by JMTV99
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My unpopular opinions:

- I prefer adventures over slice of life storylines.

-The Last Problem was an incredible ending to the show and gave a fitting send off to each character.

-Sparkle's 7 was a better 'milestone' episode than Slice of Life.

-The MLP movie was very entertaining and is seriously underrated.

-Trixie is adorable, despite her big ego.


Edited by corvettezora
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- The Student 6 is endearing although I wish they were given more time to develop

- Putting Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy in stone was a good idea. They had no intentions of reforming and had no regrets for what they did, so it was better to keep them from harming others

- The End in Friend was a good episode even though it was mainly about Rarity and Rainbow arguing. They seem like characters who would disagree from time to time, so it didn’t feel completely unnatural or “plot driven” to have an ongoing conflict

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1 hour ago, ExplosionMare said:

- The End in Friend was a good episode even though it was mainly about Rarity and Rainbow arguing. They seem like characters who would disagree from time to time, so it didn’t feel completely unnatural or “plot driven” to have an ongoing conflict

My main problem with that is that these are characters who presumably have been friends for a while now, and who we had seen get along for seven whole seasons of the show, so it's hard to believe that they have no common ground.

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2 hours ago, ExplosionMare said:

The Student 6 is endearing although I wish they were given more time to develop

- Putting Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy in stone was a good idea. They had no intentions of reforming and had no regrets for what they did, so it was better to keep them from harming others

I agree.

I know the show is called my Little Pony but I do enjoy seeing more of the non-pony races like Dragons and Changelings. So it would have been a better opportunity to see more of the Students.

Child or not, Cozy Glow is a prime example of how Not even children are exempt from being irredeemable. She already was sent to Tartarus and didn't get better and continues to be a, as Pixar's Soul puts it.

“I’m a manipulative megalomaniac whose intensely opportunistic.”
“This one might be a handful. But that’s Earth’s problem.” – Jerry

Besides, since they're turn to stone and not outright destroyed, there is always an opportunity for them to come back.

On 2021-06-16 at 10:08 AM, corvettezora said:

My unpopular opinions:

- I prefer adventures over slice of life storylines.

-The Last Problem was an incredible ending to the show and gave a fitting send off to each character.

-Sparkle's 7 was a better 'milestone' episode than Slice of Life.

-The MLP movie was very entertaining and is seriously underrated.

-Trixie is adorable, despite her big ego.


I agree too. Although it's a little tricky to tell if something is meant to be an unpopular opinion. I thought the majority of the fanbase LIKED the Ending of the show for example


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


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On 2021-06-16 at 10:08 AM, corvettezora said:

Sparkle's 7 was a better 'milestone' episode than Slice of Life.


I agree but both episodes got old fast for me after a couple of rewatches. :twismile:


Trixie was never "reformed" because she was never a villain in the traditional FiM sense. At least this is what I think. 

Edited by Sparklefan1234
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Here's more of my unpopular opinions:

I may come across as a bit of a suckup, but I just had to say it:

- I really don't understand why people think that Josh Haber is the next M.A. Larson. Just because he gives Spike's wings, and wrote the final episode of the show that doesn't mean he's the next M.A. Larson. I find that incredibly biased, unfair, and a major disservice to Larson himself. Plus, I don't find Haber that great of a writer, too be honest. He may wrote decent episodes, but his writing are plying it way too safe for his own good.

-Speaking of Larson, I feel so bad for him after he got so much flack for Fame and Misfortune since he want nothing to do with it. Similar to Amy Keating Rodgers, he did not intentionally write the townsponies as a representation about his feelings on the brony fanbase. Slice of Life is. Say what you will about that episode with it's meta fanservice, but at least it had a lot of energy, fun, and a lot of heart put into it. Fame and Misfortune didn't. It had less humor, less substance, and left you a very bad taste in your mouth. On top of that, when I recently watched his con interviews from various brony conventions in 2017, he felt the show just wasn't the same after Hasbro give him so many restriction notes.

It's really no wonder why he left the show. He didn't have much creative freedom than he was during the early days of the show.

You can have whatever opinion you want about him and the episodes he's written, but he really deserves better.

Finally, I would rather have Larson being the full showrunner/story editor throughout Season 5-9 than Josh Haber ever will.

On 2021-06-16 at 1:08 PM, corvettezora said:

I prefer adventures over slice of life storylines.

Meh, I prefer both, but it depends on the execution.

On 2021-06-16 at 1:08 PM, corvettezora said:

The Last Problem was an incredible ending to the show and gave a fitting send off to each character.

To a degree, yes. But I like it just for the song and the final scene. The rest? Not so much.

On 2021-06-16 at 1:08 PM, corvettezora said:

-Sparkle's 7 was a better 'milestone' episode than Slice of Life.

To each their own. Sparkle Seven had its good moments and I do appreciate the voice actors was able to get the chance to shine with their characters and stuff, but it's nowhere near its good as Slice of Life, in my opinion. I can somewhat understand why people think Sparkle Seven is better.

On 2021-06-16 at 1:08 PM, corvettezora said:

The MLP movie was very entertaining and is seriously underrated.

Never seen it. So I can't really say.

On 2021-06-16 at 1:08 PM, corvettezora said:

Trixie is adorable, despite her big ego.

She can be sometimes, I guess.

18 hours ago, ExplosionMare said:

- The Student 6 is endearing although I wish they were given more time to develop

Good for you. I personally don't like them. They're basically just the carbon copy of the Main 6, except different species. I'm all for diverse MLP characters if they're well written and interesting, but the Student Six didn't really do it for me. But hey, at least they had fans, and I had no problem with that.

18 hours ago, ExplosionMare said:

- Putting Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy in stone was a good idea. They had no intentions of reforming and had no regrets for what they did, so it was better to keep them from harming others

I don't know. I just find it incredibly underwhelming and left Discord gets away with it.

14 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

I agree but both episodes got old fast for me after a couple of rewatches. :twismile:

Fair enough.

14 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

Trixie was never "reformed" because she was never a villain in the traditional FiM sense. At least this is what I think. 

I think Trixie was a metaphor of people being fake and disingenuous on what their made of, and it blew up in her face. 

On 2021-05-13 at 6:52 AM, Astral Soul said:

I'm not completely sure if all of those are unpopular opinions but I got the feeling that at least many would not agree with me about it:

  • The episode mare do well is not as bad as many people say (it's also doesn't belong to the top tier ones)
  • I liked the ending of MLP
  • Spike is a loyal and awesome character
  • I have neither a problem with the ending of season three or Alicorn Twilight. She earned her wings
  • I liked the Golden Oak Library more than Twilight's castle
  • I feel indifferent to Flash Sentry. So I don't understand why he's so disliked. But to be fair I'm also not the biggest fan of Equestia Girls to begin with
  • I didn't mind that Grogar wasn't the villain in season 9. I loved how they weaved this with Discord development.
  • I don't think the student six are the strongest characters of MLP. I would also agree that they are very shallow especially compared with the mane six. Still I never understood why they seem to be disliked/hated that much.
  • I don't mind Sombra's voice in season 9


I agree with all of your points except for one.

I thought the Grogar twist was a massive cop out.

Edited by JMTV99
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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think that Rainbow Dash should have become a Wonderbolt. 

I think the idea of her getting over that childhood dream and finding her own path of fulfilment is way more interesting and truer to her character. 

In fact, I think the idea of her becoming a daredevil or stunt performer like the Washouts is far more suitable. It incorporates her behaviour from earlier in the show better and has better potential for episodes.

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10 hours ago, Rainy Day said:

I don't think that Rainbow Dash should have become a Wonderbolt. 

I think the idea of her getting over that childhood dream and finding her own path of fulfilment is way more interesting and truer to her character. 

In fact, I think the idea of her becoming a daredevil or stunt performer like the Washouts is far more suitable. It incorporates her behaviour from earlier in the show better and has better potential for episodes.

You know, that could work. I mean, Wonderbolts Academy already hinted at in which Dash want to quit being a Wonderbolt due to the team's reckless behavior. It would've been interesting if Dash started her own team similar to the Washouts.

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On 2021-06-26 at 9:14 AM, Rainy Day said:

I don't think that Rainbow Dash should have become a Wonderbolt. 

I think the idea of her getting over that childhood dream and finding her own path of fulfilment is way more interesting and truer to her character. 

In fact, I think the idea of her becoming a daredevil or stunt performer like the Washouts is far more suitable. It incorporates her behaviour from earlier in the show better and has better potential for episodes.

That's pretty interesting. I always think about what would have happened if twilight didn't bother to stay in ponyville and went back to canterlot.

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  • 4 months later...

I have absolutely no affection for the background ponies. The early to mid 10's were a different time for fandoms in general, and a lot of other fanbases had a strange fascination with background characters, but MLP is a particularly egregious example. This became less and less of a thing after 2014 or so, but I still do see quite a lot of people who have background characters as their favorites. This is not a wrong opinion, but it is one I find absolutely baffling.

Spike is an essential member of the Mane 6. Seeing the Mane 6 without him makes them look rather naked. Much less so for Equestria Girls; Sunset Shimmer basically replaces him as a secondary protagonist, but for the mains series, I think Spike is a key character.

I am honestly rather disappointed that The Best Night Ever was the only slice of life season finale outside of The Last Problem. Though it was not the best episode ever, or best finale really, I do still think we could have used one or two more finales that didn't involve some spic clash with a villain. I have always believed that the more grounded elements of FiM is where it shined the most, with a few exceptions. I honestly think Tirek was the last truly memorable villain anyhow.

Speaking of which, I am not quite sure how unpopular this is, but none of the villains after Tirek have truly done anything for me. Starlight Glimmer is probably the best of them for having the most character, but I never truly warmed to the idea of her being a main character. I don't hate her with the visceral passion others do, but I am not a fan of her either. The other villains had their own problems, but all suffered from a lack of real screen presence.

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23 hours ago, The Recherche said:

I have absolutely no affection for the background ponies. The early to mid 10's were a different time for fandoms in general, and a lot of other fanbases had a strange fascination with background characters, but MLP is a particularly egregious example. This became less and less of a thing after 2014 or so, but I still do see quite a lot of people who have background characters as their favorites. This is not a wrong opinion, but it is one I find absolutely baffling.


It seems kinda fitting that people like the background ponies so much, because this show is a toy tie-in and there are way more toys than main characters. But honestly I don't get it either. 

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