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Ghost Stories, Folklore, Legends and the Generally Supernatural


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I base my viewpoint on the Bible's viewpoint about the soul dying when the body dies. 
 When a person comes into being, the soul is eternal.  its whether after life you spend it in Heaven or Hell.


If any bronies who live in Oklahoma think they have a haunted house. PLEASE invite me over for a proper investigation.    I'll bring soda and a banjo for lovely reverie
  actually i have a very good friend in Oklahoma :P. He's part of a paranormal research team: O.P.I.S.  here's their site, http://opisstillwater.wix.com/opis


 there's links to other teams across the nation there too. If i were in OK id totally bring my fiddle if you brought your banjo xD  hes a very scientific sort, and has debunked a few of their own findings, so i find his conclusions honest and not just hoakie wishing.

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When a person comes into being, the soul is eternal. its whether after life you spend it in Heaven or Hell.

I would normally argue why this is just flat out wrong but, for the sake of the thread, I won't.  I stand by my previous statement.

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I've had two ghostly encounters; one, I was on a school trip to Hampton Court and was separated from the rest of the class, being the only one who was actually interested in the history. I heard footsteps running past and thought, "Darnit, the teacher's here to tell me to go back," turned round and there was nothing there... but I could still hear the footsteps. O_o


Link here for Hampton Court ghost stories, if you're interested: http://www.hrp.org.uk/HamptonCourtPalace/stories/ghosts


The second was on a family holiday when I was walking the dog past some ancient ruins when she stopped dead, put her hackles up and started growling and snarling at something in front of us on the path... something I couldn't see, but she sure could! After a minute or so, she went back to normal and I could walk her on again. Obviously, something was there, which the dog didn't like one bit.

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Hello everypony!


This has been on my mind for quite some time now. How many people does actualy believe in ghosts?

I don't believe in those supernatural creatures and ghost. I just don't feel like i have any evidence that they would exist. But i do know some people that do believe in these things and i accept that. But when i ask them why they really don't give out any good evidence. One of them is just showing me these youtube clips, I can't do much more then just sigh to those... Other guys just say "I can feel it"... But i find that hard to believe aswell.


They usually just ask me what evidence i have against it after i asked them. All I can really say is that I really never seen any ghost like things happend. Never seen any kind of supernatural creature either. So I'm just curious on what you think.


Looking forward to what you have to say! 


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I don't think Ghosts are real in the traditional sense of these ethereal beings that dawdle about and try to scare people, but I do understand that there is a supernatural reality around us that is of great importance, even if it is difficult to imagine and harder-still to grasp.

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I agree with Count Bleck. I do believe in supernatural phenomenon but not necessarily the ghosts that go out of their way to scare you. From personal experience, I've actually lived in a couple of haunted houses. The only one that I remember though was when I was 6 years old. I would look at my window at night time and see a shadow figure in the window with what looked like a detective's hat on it's head and a trenchcoat. Just from the torso and up I would see it. Before we moved, my parents were cleaning out the basement and found a secret room that stored alcohol. We're thinking it was a house used for alcohol distribution during the prohibition days. Pretty cool having that sort of history in your own home. According to my parents, the house we lived in beforehand had a poltergeist and my mom would feel pressure on her bed as if someone was sitting there but yet no one was there. You could actually see where the pressure was from the sheets. It would be more accurate if it were from my own personal experience, but I was just a baby so I can't remember. 

On the subject of the paranormal, does anyone believe in guardian angels? Also, do you believe that your relatives that have passed on actually visit you in dreams when you do dream about them? My mom and I have had a couple experiences of my grandfather visiting us in dreams, telling us he misses us and telling us about what decisions would be appropriate to make in the future. 

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I've never actually believed in ghosts or anything like that, nor have I actually ever had any kind of experience with that of the supernatural.


That said, my grandparents old house is over a hundred years old, and about half my family including myself refuses to sleep in the very back of the house. In fact, I've often claimed it was haunted just so that I wouldn't have to sleep there alone!


That said, the closest thing to a supernatural experience that has ever happened to me in that house was my inability to operate the television set.

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I've never seen a full body apparition of a ghost but I have seen a green flash of light when I went on a ghost hunting trip with my sister to a haunted jail.


I believe that if you see something like that it's a spirit trying to manifest itself. 


So yes I am a firm believer in ghosts :)

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Hey, thanks for all the responses so far!

Seems like some ponies do experience ghost like things...



I called up one of my friends on skype to try to get some kind of story about his experience with these sort of things.

All he really got is that his cats foodbowl was in the kitchen when he was going to bed. Then when he woke up it was in his room with some kind of scratch on it... Now, I do find this really hard to belive... But at the same time, it comes from the guy that hear "voices" when we're just out walking...


I kinda wanna get him to, well maybe, try to check out if there's something. How to put this lightly... Wrong with him....

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Hey, thanks for all the responses so far!

Seems like some ponies do experience ghost like things...



I called up one of my friends on skype to try to get some kind of story about his experience with these sort of things.

All he really got is that his cats foodbowl was in the kitchen when he was going to bed. Then when he woke up it was in his room with some kind of scratch on it... Now, I do find this really hard to belive... But at the same time, it comes from the guy that hear "voices" when we're just out walking...


I kinda wanna get him to, well maybe, try to check out if there's something. How to put this lightly... Wrong with him....


Has he been hearing these "voices" all his life? Are there several voices? Has he had any visual hallucinations or are they just auditory hallucinations? Hallucinations can come from a variety of things including medicine being taken or potentially schizophrenia. It can start at a very young age. I recently read a story about a man battling schizophrenia from the age of 14-present, but fortunately the medical system has antipsychotic medication to reduce and even potentially eliminate the hallucinations. Either way, I'm sure your friend will be fine especially if he finds the appropriate help for his issue :)

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Has he been hearing these "voices" all his life? Are there several voices? Has he had any visual hallucinations or are they just auditory hallucinations? Hallucinations can come from a variety of things including medicine being taken or potentially schizophrenia. It can start at a very young age. I recently read a story about a man battling schizophrenia from the age of 14-present, but fortunately the medical system has antipsychotic medication to reduce and even potentially eliminate the hallucinations. Either way, I'm sure your friend will be fine especially if he finds the appropriate help for his issue smile.png

Well, I don't know that much about it. Mostly that he hears something like every hour or so. But it's still kinda worrying.

Trust me, I've told him that he should check if there is something... But he simply just gets offended by that. Now i haven't meet him in around 2-3 months since i have pretty much isolated myself. (Still talk a bit with him through skype). So i don't really know if things gotten worse or better.

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Well, I don't know that much about it. Mostly that he hears something like every hour or so. But it's still kinda worrying.

Trust me, I've told him that he should check if there is something... But he simply just gets offended by that. Now i haven't meet him in around 2-3 months since i have pretty much isolated myself. (Still talk a bit with him through skype). So i don't really know if things gotten worse or better.

Oh okay gotcha. I don't mean to frighten you, but if he doesn't get help he could end up really hurting himself, especially if the voices tell him to. I just finished my mental health rotation for my nursing program and I can't count how many people I've run into that have heard voices and tried to kill themselves. If you're interested in looking into it a bit more, there's this book called "The Day the Voices Stopped" by Ken Steele and it takes you right into the mind of someone experiencing auditory hallucinations (in this case, the person in the book was schizophrenic).

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I'm not sure. I don't believe those shows where they go into haunted places are real. And if ghosts are real, I believe they are lost souls that need our help. So, if ghosts are real, they are all good and there is no bad spirits. But in short...


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No I don't believe in ghosts. I don't think that they are even remotely... Wait... What's that on my shoulder...?. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!



In all seriousness though, no, I don't believe ghosts exists. And even if they did, I'd know who to call: GHOSTBUSTERS!!!

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I don't believe in ghosts, but coincidently, just yesterday I learnt that my school is allegedly haunted!


Apparently 30 years ago, a teenage girl heart stopped and she just dropped dead on the toilet floor. And then recently a cleaner reported seeing a ghost in the same toilets she died. And computers would mysteriously turn on and off since the toilets were opposite the ICT suite. I'm not going to call anyone who does believe in them crazy, but really, Il believe it when I see it.

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I don't want to, but due to rather unexplainable events (even when I throw as much logic and science as possible against the scenario), I am forced to come to the conclusion that there is some sort of invisible presence. A book thrown to the face from a bookshelf several meters away in an empty house.

I don't want to believe in it, but how else do I explain that? I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, heck, maybe it was a dream. I just wanted to share my personal experience and what I'm basing my logic off of.

Edit: for the sake of my sanity and to keep everything logical, I am discrediting everything I said above. While I do own the book, I am convinced this must have been a dream. Dreams can be quite realistic and I have at times lived a day of my life in my sleep.


I found my copy of lost worlds by michael bywater just now downstairs and not on the shelf where it should have been placed as according to my explanation. Nobody in this house has the motive to move it, including myself, thus the implications are obvious. It couldn't have flown off the shelf because it was never there to begin with! It must have been one of the few I kept downstairs for reference that ironically was lost.

Normality has been reestablished and I can finally be satisfied with a logical explanation backed by evidence.

Edited by Celtore
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  I believe in ghosts, and when I was young I was pretty scared of them.  I'm not as scared of the idea of ghosts as I used to be, but if I ever saw one (which I hope I don't) I'd feel uncomfortable.  


  Actually, my sister told me she saw the ghost of my grandma ironing in my room shortly after she passed away.  Whenever she visited, she stayed in my room and her coat was left in my close, so there was probably some connection.  My sister didn't tell me at the time because she thought I'd get scared, and I didn't learn of it until we had moved.  Even though I'm close to my family, I'm glad she didn't tell me because I may not have gone back into that room for quite some time.


I don't want to, but due to rather unexplainable events (even when I throw as much logic and science as possible against the scenario), I am forced to come to the conclusion that there is some sort of invisible presence. A book thrown to the face from a bookshelf several meters away in an empty house.


I don't want to believe in it, but how else do I explain that?

  That's freaky. Sounds like something from a movie blink.png .  

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I'm not a believer in ghosts at all. I'd have to see something like that to be able to believe in them... XD

I've read a few stories about encounters with them, but I'm pretty sure it's all just a way to make money :P

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A book thrown to the face from a bookshelf several meters away in an empty house.

I'm not gonna say that you are lying... But i do find that rather suspicious. Because that sounds a bit like something that would happen in some kind of Scooby Doo movie. Now if it is true, hope it didn't hurt that much.



 Actually, my sister told me she saw the ghost of my grandma ironing in my room shortly after she passed away.  Whenever she visited, she stayed in my room and her coat was left in my close, so there was probably some connection.

She wasn't just seeing things? Sorry if you think I'm acting a bit rude but, from the way i read it, she was still kinda small? Since I'm still really doubting the existence of ghosts, I'm just trying to find some kind of explaination to the whole thing.

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I believe in spirits, energies and other entities/occurrences like that. As for "ghosts"... not so much, mainly because the term is used so bloody loosely its hard to define what exactly it is lol from what it looks like, to what it does and how it behaves... So I generally like to say I don't, because its so loosely used blunt people define many different types of entities simply as a ghost... rather annoying.

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Nah, I don't believe. I don't believe in spirits to begin with. I don't see any reason to believe that our consciousness is anymore than chemicals interacting in our brains, when the brain ceases to function, it's gone.


Now a 'ghost' could turn out being something other than that, but I have not seen any compelling evidence to believe in ghosts of any kind.

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Well one time I went to sneak into a graveyard at night and I got some freaky pictures.


I took these pictures and I see some pretty creepy stuff in them.


I didn't believe in ghosts until I took those pictures. Since then I have believed. I'm an Atheist yet this proof is just too elaborate to ignore.


You can't tell me that doesn't look like a person.


On the left, where that blob is? I went back during the day, there is no tombstone there.

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Well one time I went to sneak into a graveyard at night and I got some freaky pictures.


I took these pictures and I see some pretty creepy stuff in them.


I didn't believe in ghosts until I took those pictures. Since then I have believed. I'm an Atheist yet this proof is just too elaborate to ignore.


You can't tell me that doesn't look like a person.


On the left, where that blob is? I went back during the day, there is no tombstone there.

Well first i wanna ask you WHY YOU SNEAK INTO A GRAVEYARD AT NIGHT!? (no offense)


The first picture looks like something atleast... That one i can understand what you mean with. Still not enough to get me to believe in ghosts and spirits. But I do understand why this made you change your mind.

The second one, it could very well be that I'm simply stupid, but I don't see any "blob", sorry....

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