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Was Equestria Girls better than you expected?


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*******For those who haven't seen Equestria Girls yet, this thread will contain spoilers******



Well, I recently finished Equestria Girls, and I must say the style grew on me, and it turned out pretty good! Of course, there's only so much you can put into an hour movie, so many things weren't explained. Some parts (in my opinion) were a bit predictable, and I didn't really like the goofy-look of Sunset Shimmer's evil form.


But other than that, I liked it, but I really think they should make another movie to clear things up. There's still a lot of questions I have, especially of Flash Sentry, and how he won't be appearing in season 4. :( And Sunset Shimmer's quick change to being a good guy was just randomly thrown in...But I enjoyed it a lot, and I hope they make another movie or include Flash Sentry in some way!!!! I also want to learn more about Sunset Shimmer.


But overall, I LOVED this movie, and I would love to see more of this!!! I think it was great, and I was sad when it ended! I think Equestria Girls went very well, and I hope to see more! The style was cute, and I loved the story. :3


So was this movie what you expected? Better than expected? Worse than expected? 

  • Brohoof 13
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I personally was very neutral going in to see it, because I really don't see why people complain about it (in my eyes it's a plus) and it was a very good movie, it's hard for me to sit down during an entire movie even if it's short like this one and it was good enough to enable me to do that. Flash sentry IMO should be in S4 due to the fact that since twilight is an alicorn and that serves as royalty, well, a princess needs a prince. Queen needs a king, etc.


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Much better than expected if I do say so myself. My favorite part had to be the humor. "The GREAT and POWERFUL TRRRRRIXIE!!! ... Needs some peanut butter crackers." I hadn't thought that I'd laugh so much! The storyline was okay too. The fan shoutouts were amazing!


The only thing I didn't like was Brad. The "romance" felt too forced, too sudden. Whenever Brad was around, I knew it was gonna get cheesy. Thankfully, they usually put some humor into it right after Brad left, to detract from the awkwardness.


So, yeah, it was good. A nice break from no ponies whatsoever. Oh well, back to the hiatus.

  • Brohoof 3


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Well, aside from the human designs (which personally don't appeal to me)  I tried to go into it completely open minded - my ultimate verdict would be "it was okay", but really it could have been a lot worse. The art style did not in fact give me the brain aneurysm I was expecting, but I still don't like it very much. As for the story, I thought it was...fine. A little rushed, and some elements weren't as deeply explored as I felt they should have been, but it was only an hour long movie; more of an extended episode than anything else.


Ultimately, I'd say the whole thing was enjoyable enough - I remember laughing a few times - but nothing extraordinary. 


Although, I do remember at one point seeing human!Twilight look at her pony reflection in a mirror and thinking "Oh yeah, I forgot this was originally about ponies!"XD. Spike and Twi also had some cute sibling-esque moments. 

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





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Worse than expected, but not by much. The problem was after watching the trailers for it I got super psyched to see it and my expectations were set at an unreasonably high level.


I liked the movie quite a bit, though.


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It was WAY better than I expected. I expected this to be something like High School Musical or something but it was more of "Twilight can't fit in." The songs were great, too :3


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I was worried about it for the first few minutes, but it was better then I expected for sure. It was actually pretty good, but I thought it was gonna be kinda like decent or eh.


Atleast thats what I though :P.


Also the art style was one part I didn't like and never thought I would get use to, but ironically enough not to long into the movie it no longer bothered me really.


So yeah it was better then I expected.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

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I was pleasantly surprised at how good the movie was. I already expected for it to be a well done movie, but it definitely exceeded my expectations for it.


The movie stuck to the core values of the FiM series. It had a wonderful message/moral, it had great songs (Daniel Ingram you're awesome), and it stuck to its cartoonish humor. Although many may have thought that it was going for a High School Musical type approach.



I will agree that the ending seemed a bit forced and quick (Twilight: FRIENDSHIP LASERS MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER INSTANTLY!), but I'm assuming they were set on a time quota for the movie to hit (no longer no shorter) and they had to wrap things up quicker than they would have liked.

  • Brohoof 1



Sig made by me. Surprisingly it came out somewhat decent.

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I thought it was a lot better than I expected!
I feel like the only person who really liked the human designs, and I had a lot of fun spotting the humanised versions of all the other characters, like Vinyl, Big Mac, Granny Smith etc.

The only parts I didn't really like were the songs (apart from the 'Helping Twilight Win The Crown') as they weren't very memorable, and Flash Sentry, who was a pretty boring character (I believe some people call him a 'Gary Stu').

Other than that, it was pretty entertaining, the voice acting was great (as usual) and it was pretty well animated.

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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I went into Equestria Girls thinking it was going to be terrible, but after the movie I knew I was wrong. I was a bit worried a couple minutes in, but the humor and all of the Brony references pulled me in. The songs were pretty cool, and the art style was not that bad. Overall for an hour long movie it was really good. I'd really like to see more Flash Sentry.

  • Brohoof 1
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WAY Better than I expected it to be, I thought it was going to High School Musical just in a Doug-like Parrell universe, anyways, it was great.

Edited by Kris Adams

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I had no expectations for it, so I thought it was great, although the end was a little too predictable and girly. Overall, I'd give it a strong 7.


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A Lot better than expected. Not fantastic mind you, but it pleased me none the less and I'm a bit upset with myself for not having as much confidence going into it, but I didn't get as riled up by it's first trailer like some people did. The best part was that the characters stayed intact while still fitting them into a brand new, albeit a bit overdone setting. Also the animation was fantastic and Human Rarity is so adorable. Of course now all the fanart of humanized ponies are now totally ruined :P

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I thought Equestria Girls was an amazing movie. After only a few scenes in, I realized that I was going to thoroughly enjoy it. The humor was sharp as ever, and the animation actually seemed pretty good... somehow the trailers made it look worse IMO. I quickly got used to the things I was apprehensive about (Spike being a dog, the high school setting, the Fall Formal) which actually all turned out to be good additions to the plot.


My favorite aspect, probably, was the emotion of the whole thing. How the human mane 6 (or five in this case) had been broken apart, and how Twilight helped to restore their friendship. Additionally, how Twilight grew close to each of them throughout the film. I will admit that, when it came time for Twilight to go back through the portal, I didn't want her to go. It made me quite sad, really.


I wanted a lot more of the Equestria Girls world... in fact, I still do. I would be so okay with more Equestria Girls in the future, whether it be another movie or an ongoing series!

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That pretty much sums up what I was expecting out of this.


And it was SO AWESOME! biggrin.png


I'm not one to pay attention to little details, so I didn't find much to hate in it. I think it really captured the charm of the show! tongue.png


By the way, Spike giving Twilight the backhand made me laugh more than it should.

Edited by ReGen
  • Brohoof 1


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I was completely neutral on EQ. I figured it could go either way, and the best way to know was to see it for myself. When I did watch it, I was pleasantly surprised. Even though I had no expectations, I still feel like it was better than I expected. It had some good humor, some good songs, and a villain that actually threatened to kill Twilight.


I can now say that I am looking forward to watching this movie again.


Also, I wasn't prepared for Optimus Pinkie. Took a bit to get over that part, couldn't stop laughing.

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I won't lie. I hated the thought of Equestria Girls! Why ruin the perfectly good characters we already know and love??




After seeing the movie I admit it wasn't quite the disaster I thought it was going to be. Although the plot was paper-thin and there were a lot of things left unexplained. (How did Sunset go from a demonic monster to suddenly crying and pleading for mercy??) I know it's aimed for children, thus the "quick fix" happy ending, but I think they could have done  a bit better...


All in all I was surprised. I think the songs and the humor did it for me. I feel like a true brony who could pick out the references enjoyed it the most (Finding human-versions of the characters was most amusing :P) It was cute and entertaining to watch, though I still think the original is best wub.png

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Yeah, it was better than it could have been, but at the same time, it also could have been much, much better. I know some people really hate the idea of the story being placed in a high school, but to me, a high school setting isn't necessarily a death sentence.  Yes, there are lots of bland/awful high school-set movies/TV shows (such as High School Musical and Gossip Girl), but there's also Mean Girls, Heathers, Carrie, Superbad, The Breakfast Club, hell, the first three seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, just to name a few - and several of them even utilized big school dances as plot points! So, I think Equestria Girls was basically on the right track and had some good things in it, but there were also a lot of missed opportunities. I don't know why it had to be only 70-some minutes long. Most kid's movies are around 90-100 minutes and I think a longer running time would have definitely benefited the story. Most of all, I wanted more development from the Mane Five. If they weren't friends with each other anymore, then who were they friends with? Did they each have their own clique that they felt comfortable with, but were less happy than they'd been when they were friends? What prompted them to break up/grow apart in the first place? If it was just Sunset's fake texts, then that's dumb. What would have been more realistic is if Sunset and other people started teasing them for hanging out with each other instead of with the cliques they should have been in, causing them to question whether their friendship is worth it. Rarity and Rainbow Dash I could actually see as potential members of Sunset Shimmer's clique, especially if Rarity is indeed the girl who ran against Sunset Shimmer for Fall Formal Princess previously. Hell, maybe she was even Sunset's beta female until she decided to run, after which Sunset Shimmer completely ruined her reputation. 


So, yeah, it's passable for what it is. The songs were fun and catchy, the humor was there, and Twilight's fish-out-of-water story was well-played. But, overall, I'm actually disappointed in a way and that's just dealing with the high school dynamics - the plot holes regarding the alternate dimensions and Sunset's plans were even more frustrating. Also, I've mentioned this before, but Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon should have been Sunset Shimmer's sidekicks instead of Snips and Snails. 

  • Brohoof 4
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It was actually far better than I expected and I already knew it would be good. Sure, some things were flawed or missing. Shimmer's explanation about what an Element of Harmony does in an alternate world is a good example, because that was never actually explained. Some parts also felt rushed but given the time table, it works. My only other really complaint was Snips and Snails, they were just too evil and competent, but at the same time it did make them a bit more meaningful than before.


Beyond that, I absolutely adore the film. The animation is still fantastic, the characters were all great, the songs were really catchy and enjoyable (Helping Twilight win the crown being my favorite), Spike was better here than he is normally, and so many other things! It was so much fun and I can plainly tell that DHX and Studio B had fun making it. Some have said that DHX and friends clearly did not want to do this film, they said that before it came out. That is obviously false, because there is a lot of heart put into the film. The way they handled Twilicorn is another HUGE thing to me. With this film, they showed that Twilight is still Twilight and that she is not a 'Mary sue'. They even made her nervous at the beginning but she became comfortable with it by the end, which is a nice touch.


Also, I might be the weird one here, but I enjoyed Flash Sentry's character AND Sunset Shimmer's demonized form. Her voice was pretty intimidating and her design was not bad at all, in my opinion. It could have been A LOT worse than that. Plus, she tried to kill Twilight, that is pretty devious.


Overall, I have said is already, but the film soared past what I expected. It was cute, fun, and just plain awesome. I do have one other complaint though, that is that the film apparently is not connected to the real FiM and season 4. This is disappointing, because they introduced Twilicorn in a great light and Twilight having a love interest is a cute idea. I just hope some things from the movie carry over somehow.

  • Brohoof 4



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I thought it would be okay, maybe good at best. However, the movie forgot every single thing that was good about Friendship is Magic and instead gave us a lazy, soulless, plot hole filled mess.

  • Brohoof 1
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I was slightly sceptical of the whole thing, but I watched it anyway- If I didn't have an open mind, I wouldn't have got into the fandom to begin with! It was enjoyable, but I agree with the fact that some stuff needed to be expanded on. I want to know WHY the crown turned Shimmer into a demon for one thing.


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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Yeah, it certainly was. I had been slightly wearily of it, but after watching it - wasn't too bad. It wasn't a perfect movie but not a horrible one in my opinion.


I support Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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