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Worst and Best Reaction of Telling Someone You're a Brony

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Best was being told that it is cool to be untested in something different by someone at school. I haven't had many bad reactions but the worst was when someone who used to be a friend of mine said 'Bronies are gay! F*** My Little Pony'. I am glad to say that I am no longer friends with him anymore!

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Friend of mine notices my Rainbow Dash Brony t-shirt

Friend: Wait, you're a Brony?

Me: Yeah.

Friend: Welcome to the herd.

Quite frankly I was pretty surprised because I had no idea he was a Brony either.


Friend: What the hell is a Brony??

Me: A guy who is a fan of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.

Friend: That's gay dude.

I just ignored him, people like that aren't worth your time. :P

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Huh, there are some interesting stories here.  Might as well add my own (though it's not terribly interesting).


Best: Indifference.  It also convinced my sister to give it a shot, so I guess that would qualify for the best.  Er... well unless you count when I joined these forums, though I can't say that I was particularly surprised by a positive reaction.


Worst: When my friend saw me watching an episode on my laptop, he said, "Oh, I thought you were joking about that..."  This was followed by indifference.  I haven't really had any 'bad' reactions, though there are exceptionally few people that I've outright told.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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My Dad's reaction was probably my favourite. I had bought the season one box set around the same time I had started watching the show and my Dad had seen me with it. He had quite the quizzical expression on his face. I told him it was for a friends birthday but he just kept staring at me, unconvinced. I folded and he simply laughed at me trying to hide it from him.
He's a pretty accepting guy, which really surprised me. I used to keep a lot of stuff from him because I was afraid of how he'd react but ever since I came out as gay he's been so much more supportive of the things I do. 

As for the bad reactions. I occasionally get the odd stare here and there but most people don't have the balls to say anything directly to me. If they do they generally back away when I defend myself, which I guess they don't expect. 



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  • 8 months later...

OK so there has been very few people I've told , that im a brony and ill start wit the best then to the worst.


Best: A friend thought i was accusing him of being a brony, he then later told me he hates bronies. I said to him " well then you must hate me cause im a brony". He replied back saying " well that's different cause your one of my best friends". Then we had a good laugh and life has been normal ever since.


Worst: I ate 5 grams of mushrooms and in my confusion told my best friend and his room mate that i was a brony without even realizing it until me and my best friends room mate got into a conversation about how Princess Luna is my favorite character from the show. Lets just say it was very embarrassing on my part cause ive know my best friend since middle school. Plus i did some other things that night im not very proud of.


So yeah those are my stories not the best ones on here , tho i could make them better but its 2 in the morning so ill just stop here.

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Well I have told my mum I was a brony and she was happy with it (I guess)

But uh well one of friends who loves guns actually got to his closet and nearly pulled out one of his guns before I told him I was joking.

Thank god I'm still alive and we are friends but that sht was scary though


Credit to Rainbowdash72 for sig :D credit to Ivory for the amazing avatar :D credit to couleur for the wallpaper
if your in hell keep going

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Best Reaction: sitting in art wearing my pony hoodie. Guy at my table notices it and starts discussing the show with me. Now we're really good friends. :nom: he calls me twist, what a dweeb.


Worst Reaction: In Build A Bear both times. First when I was making Rainbow Dash for my 16th birthday present this like 30 year old woman gave me the biggest "what the eff is wrong with this girl" face, her husband apparently like set her straight though. When I went back for Christmas and made Pinkie Pie this old lady gave me this huge stink eye like I was some demon from the hottest depths of hell.

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But uh well one of friends who loves guns actually got to his closet and nearly pulled out one of his guns before I told him I was joking.

Thank god I'm still alive and we are friends but that sht was scary though

Well then, that is scary... 



Best Reaction: sitting in art wearing my pony hoodie. Guy at my table notices it and starts discussing the show with me. Now we're really good friends. 

That is awesome. I wish that would happen to me...

  • Brohoof 1
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My best would probably be finding out an old friend i had for a while on my skype contacts is a brony. We both seemed to be puzzled that the other one turned out to be a brony, so we talked for a while about the show and stuff. Good times.


On contrast, i brought my laptop to work one day, figure i should finish some of my projects while i'm waiting my shift. It had an MLP wallpaper, and one of the co-workers have spotted me and was like "Oh god, not MLP.." and stormed off. 

Edited by Random Insomniac
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I have only had bad reactions, and one case of the person in question (my mom,) not getting it.


My sister: Why is there my little pony in the suggestions on the ipad?

Me: That's cuz I watch mlp.

Sister: Stop being such a loser and get a life.

Me: ...(T.T)


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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The best reaction is when I did a short speech on bronies in my communications class. Everyone seemed relatively interested and laughed at the parts where I expected them to. I don't really have a extremely negative reaction from telling anyone, people seem pretty cool with it.

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Best reaction is probably my boyfriend. Because it means a lot from him and he was nice about it. I'm a girl so he thought it was cute and very girly and emotional, which he likes in a girl.

He wont watch it though and it's okay, I don't want to force it and he's happy with me watching it. I love the moments when he looks over and watches a scene out of random boredom ^.^ so cute


Worst reaction probably my best friend (a girl), who thinks it's really dumb and childish. But she will watch it with me sometimes, but she keeps insulting them :( 


I don't really talk to a lot of people rl, and I don't tell most about it. Only if I think they can handle it.

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best: my friend notices my phone with a mlp wallpaper

him: your a brony?

me: WHAT NO I HATE BRONIES! (tries to change wallpaper I was a closet brony at the time)

him: are you sure?

me:.......ok fine I am a brony DONT tell anyone

him: cool me too whos your favorite charather?(goes into a deep conversion about it)



my brother see me watching the show

 him: are you gay?

me: *gives him death stare*no

him: oh surrrreee


so yeah

oh and the time I yelled RAINBOW DASH IS BEST PONY  at school in the hallway and about 13 people came up to talk to me about the show



Chubby bully @ school: "Hey, don't you like My Little Pony or something?"


Me: "Yeahh. I'm a Brony."


Him: "What the fuck is that?"


Me: "A dude who likes My Little Pony."


Him: "Isn't that just for girls, though?"


Me: "I guess you can say that. I dunno, you've got a couple of tits, and I thought those were just for girls."



ohhhhhhhhhhhhh ownage!

Edited by WinterStreak1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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me:mom im a brony


mom:whats that


me: a guy that watchs my little pony


mom: i like fluttershy the best


me: XD







friend sees my rainbow dash iphone wallpaper at lunch


:friend then jumps on table and points at me saying


"see this guy he like my little pony cause hes a queer fag


me: pulls table cloth from under him he


friend: falls and sprains his leg

  • Brohoof 1


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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ohhhhhhhhhhhhh ownage!

lol, old post xD


I remember when that happened though. He threatened to beat me up and I was like "okay" :lol: 



He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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lol, old post xD


I remember when that happened though. He threatened to beat me up and I was like "okay" :lol: 


that actually happened to me too yeah kid punched and.......lets just say I wont the fight and got BANNED from the place for about a year

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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This actually happened.



Boss: Mentions I Like MLP when trading in a old G3 video game.

Lady trading the game in: Oh, so you're a brony?

Me: Yes, Ma'am.

Lady: It's cool to finally meet one.



Me: So, yeah, I'm a brony.

Coworker: .....alright *muttering* weirdo....

Me: I heard that. Adventure Time Fangirl. *twists face to resemble a troll's*

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Well here I go...



Flashback to about two years ago. I was in the mall with my mom going Christmas shopping. I just became a fan of the show, (My friend mentioned it to me, went on YouTube to watch the first ep., got hooked) so naturally I wanted to go into Hot Topic. However, my mom didn't know I liked the show. I recommended we go into HT, she agreed. I picked up the (wave 5?) glitter blind bags with Rarity on the front of it and said I wanted them for Christmas. Basically, the conversation went a little like this:

Me: So Mom, I like My Little Pony. The new one, you know, Friendship is Magic?

Mom: ...

Me: *braces for ridiculing*

Mom: Well, I think that's cute.

A long story short, she got into the show as well. Her favorite character is Flutters.


*Le me wearing a newly bought Derpy wristband.

Friend: Is that My Little Pony?

Other friend: Lol that's too funny.

Me: *Shamefully takes off wristband and puts it in backpack.*


So yeah. Story of my life.

Edited by ThatAwkwardBookworm
  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm. Seems interesting.



*After friend sees my iPhone wallpaper

Me: So yeah, I'm a brony.

Friend: You legitimately enjoy watching a show about cartoon ponies? Why?

Me: (Explains Discord)

Friend: Alright, I'll check it out.



Basically, a druggie at my school stabbed me, saying that ponies were gay and bronies should be killed.. I put him in the hospital with multiple fractures, including one in his femur. I got in no trouble.

Jesus christ, you got stabbed?!?!?

I only ever told my friend from a few years back, he said it was gay, but dude ended up becoming a brony himself.

Ultimate payback right there

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I have such an amazing group of friends that when I mentioned MLP they just thought I was cute. :3 My husband is fine with it, he thinks it's cute too. As long as I don't subject him to too many episodes a day. And I let him play Klingon Monopoly every once in a while instead of MLP Monopoly.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique."

(Avatar & Signature set by Arini <3)



The Queen is: Offline

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Since I'm a girl I don't get much hate for liking the show, but here:


BEST: (At lunch)

Me: "So I was watching  MLP last night and--"

Friend: "Wait, MLP? My Little Pony, right? You watch My Little Pony? Are you, a Brony?"


"No way, so am I!" And then we high 5-ed.


Most Fondly Remembered: I was in the living room watching an MLP marathon and thinking I had the house to myself, when suddenly my dad appears from the basement and catches me singing along to Evil Enchantress. We stare at each other for a moment, my dad's eyes switching from the TV to me, until he groans, rubs his forehead, and says, "You've gotta be kidding me. You are not watching a pony show made for eight year olds."


"What ever happened to Ash Ketchemallorwhatever? At least that show was cool."


"Actually, no. I don't wanna know why you're watching whatever this is. Where's my Aleve?"

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I never tell anyone I'm Brony I let my accessories do the talking for me


the worst reaction I got was at school a few people took notice at my landyard they asked me if it was just a joke I told them "I like My Little Pony so what" and one of them says out loud "I like jerking off to ponies too" that caught everyone's attention....  I told him "I'm not into that stuff" and I got back to work before people started thinking.... they asked me a few more questions about the fandom but then they kept changing the topic to pony porn so I easily lost interest


my best reaction is when I spark a tone of curiosity in the person who finds out or when someone says "hey me too"


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