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Does Rarity's characterization influence your opinion negatively?

Tenor Clef

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231 users have voted

  1. 1. what do you think of Rarity

    • Awesome pony! love her!
    • She is a great character
    • Yeah she is a good pony
    • Do not care...
    • not a fan
    • Ugh, not that pony
    • Lets discuss a different pony.

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^ Dat plot...


But anyways lemme find out someone hates Rarity


I will eat their soul in a bun with sauerkraut and mustard


How can one hate this -----> :please:

  • Brohoof 2
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Hating Rarity- hating ponies in general- usually start's when people take what are complex characters and stereotype them. Rarity is Whiny and petty, Fluttershy is pathetic and cowardly, Pinkie Pie is loud and annoying, etc. Rarity, at least to me is a complex character, much more so then the stereotypical fashion obsessed girl that a few people make her out to be.

  • Brohoof 2
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She's not a personal favorite of mine, if that's what you mean.

I don't hate her, however.


If i'll be completely honest, her character had a bit of a rough patch the first season, and it feels it dragged on for a bit after s1, too. She had some nice lines and dialogue though, and her singing voice is my favorite singing voice ever.

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I actually wrote a blog entry a while back on one reason Rarity potentially gets some flack amongst bronies:




That only covers one aspect, though. Other than this, I'm really not sure. I actually was quite surprised to find myself liking Rarity. I stated in my blog post that Rarity isn't my favorite pony, but that doesn't mean that I don't like her. On the contrary, I like her a lot. She's just not high on my list. When I first watched MLP, I saw Rarity and thought, 'Ugh, one of those characters.' But actually, no, she isn't snobbish and stuck up like I thought she was going to be. It's true that she's into high society, culture and doesn't like getting dirty, but I don't think that makes her stuck up or unlikable. She has her moments where she shies away from associating with things that don't fit in with her image. However, for the most part, she sticks by her friends and is truly friends with them in a genuine and non-facetious way. For example, while Rarity's idea of a party and Pinkie Pie's idea of a party are two different kinds of parties (a ball vs. your 7th birthday party,) Rarity still attends and enjoys Pinkie's parties. She doesn't think herself above that kind of activity, especially if it means spending time with her friends. In terms of compatibility, I think she's most likely to get along with Fluttershy and Twilight, both of which are rather well exemplified. However, she still hangs out with the others, like, getting excited about RD's birthday.


tl;dr, She's not stuck-up and snobbish; she's classy and fabulous :D



To amend my blog post, I think my opinions have changed a bit, especially after season 4. Rarity isn't my least favorite anymore. After I made that post and re-evaluated her depth of character, she moved up to 5th on my list. A lot of that has to do with the fact that I think AJ's as boring as mashed potatoes. Not that I don't like her either. But I definitely think the writers have become lazy with AJ's character. Anyway, Rarity, 5th; AJ, 6th. That's it.


*le edit again*

Also, I really like her mane  :lol:

Edited by Clover Heart
  • Brohoof 2

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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I just recently expoused about several of the reasons I love Rarity in the Rarity fan thread, so if you want more details, check out the latest page there; but needless to say, I adore her and she's at all times been either my first or second favorite pone since I got about halfway through season 1.  


Why do people hate her?  I think it's mostly because;


A) She's presented initially as 'that sissy prissy fashion-loving character' that's 'there for the actual little girls watching the show' and nothing more.  Silly fillies who love the pony community but don't actually watch the show (or at least not key eps that show how great she is) might keep assuming that that's the case and not learn that it's ANYTHING BUT the case.


B) There are scenes here and there where she can come off as a bit of a jerk!  Like poor Spike with the garbage in, what was it, Party of One?  And several other little times but aside from the obvious like when she was Discorded no more are coming to me at the moment.


C) She can also be presented as kind of woefully obsessive over really crappy ideals of romance and childish obsession like what she felt for Blueblood and Trenderhoof.  The Trenderhoof bit in particular really threw me for a loop and was the least I've ever liked Rarity in the show's whole run, plus how gross she was as 'Countrarity' (not only was it disappointing to see that since her and AJ are both cute as their normal selves and AJ got even cuter as Apple Jewel, but Rarity went NOT CUTE AT ALL as her country self, but it was a kinda mean jab at southerners in a sort of way for such a nice pony to do).. though I know that was only the writers' fault and Rarity herself as presented throughout the show wouldn't generally be anything like that in either of those ways.


D) People really sensitive toward certain portrayals of women seem to loathe when she uses her 'charms' to win the day like in Dog and Pony Show or even in smaller ways like how she got the chariot drivers in Best Night Ever or flirted around in Putting Your Hoof Down.  I can kinda understand this but I'm of the opinion that as long as men are by and large simpletons enough to be swayed by womanly charms so easily, why not take advantage of it?  As long as she's not ruining some poor guy's life or something by doing it, it comes down to fun cartoon antics a la Bugs Bunny dressing up like a girl and messing with Elmer Fudd.


...All those said, I think it all really boils down to "people either don't watch the show enough or only see some 'bad parts' of her they dislike and let that outweigh all the good'.  If they'd really watch the show more or pay more attention to episodes that really show how great she is (by FAR more common than other portrayals) she'd be a lot more beloved, while all the other ponies are a lot easier to openly like even if you DON'T watch (much) of the show, compared to Rarity who you kinda have to watch a bit and see more about to realize she's more than she at first appears.  Thus, she gets more flack than the other mane6.

Edited by hip-indeed


(Sig art © uc77)

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 She's presented initially as 'that sissy prissy fashion-loving character' that's 'there for the actual little girls watching the show' and nothing more. 


Okay, this is the thing that confuses me. Rarity's introduction in Episode 1 is... her being hard at work. She distractedly tells Twilight that she's "in the zone", which tips the viewer off to the fact that she's an artistic type. The next thing we learn about her is that despite her posh accent, she's never lived in Canterlot but has always aspired to do so. 


I thought it was one of the better introductions. 

  • Brohoof 5

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Okay, this is the thing that confuses me. Rarity's introduction in Episode 1 is... her being hard at work. She distractedly tells Twilight that she's "in the zone", which tips the viewer off to the fact that she's an artistic type. The next thing we learn about her is that despite her posh accent, she's never lived in Canterlot but has always aspired to do so. 


I thought it was one of the better introductions. 

Oh it's a fine introduction and looking back it's easy to see it on all those positive lights.  Of course even the first time viewing it for me I liked it well enough with her beautiful voice and Spike's confirmation that she is indeed meant to be specifically 'charming', which is cute to even think about.  And of course her being hard at work rather than just laying over a couch talking on the phone with a valley girl accent about fashion wasn't lost on me (not that I'd mind a valley girl pony... though we got a second or two of one in Putting your Hoof Down..)


The thing is, when you're a grown man and you're watching this show for the very first time, you know nothing about it and are simply going by what people have said and your love of the smooth animation and cute character designs.. well, y'know, Rarity seems like she's going to be "THAT type of character", basically, even with that 'could have been far worse' intro.  Yeah she's better as soon as episode 2 and it's not like she was even BAD in episode 1, but her character archetype is a bit worrisome at first for ye olde generic american male (not that that really describes me much but still), until you realize she really, truly is written and handled so well and has so much depth to her, more than even a PERFECT episode 1 introduction could have conveyed.

  • Brohoof 1


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*In annoying voice*
Because Rarity is a GIRL! She can't defend for herself, and she cares more about fashion than her friends. I mean, how is she gonna fight?

Well, Rarity isn't a fighter. If you payed attention to A Dog And Pony Show, it was shown that Rarity can handle herself in a tight situation, but through verbal usage instead of brash methods. Also, great observation about her being a girl. I used to think all of the Mane 6 were guys. -_-

Also, she doesn't care about fashion more than her friends. Yes, she loves fashion, even having a business out of it, but she still really cares for her friends.

If only more people knew that.

  • Brohoof 2

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I feel like Rarity ends up facing a lot of hate because she is the most feminine pony of the Mane 6. This provides her with a unique challenge when it comes to appeal. I find that she struggles to win over both male and female audiences: the men think she's too prissy and froufrou to identify with, and the women think she's too stereotypically girly and therefore a "bad" representation of women.


I feel like both men and women are taught early on that people with feminine personalities are silly and to be looked down upon. Feminine traits are consistently marketed as less desireable than masculine traits in our society. This make people with feminine traits an easy target for harsh criticism and disapproval, even when it's not exactly deserved.


What people need to realize is that "feminine" is not synonymous with "bad."


Yeah, Rarity loves fashion. Yeah, she doesn't like to get dirty. Yeah, she cares about how she looks. Yeah, she is a romantic. So what? Are any of those traits inherently bad? I don't think so. Admittedly, she does have flaws... but, newsflash: so do all of the other ponies.


I love Rarity. Haters can keep on hating.  :proud:

Edited by Jennabun
  • Brohoof 3


pleasant pegasister fluttershy fangirl cupcake connoisseur

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Echh. This topic is back. :eww:

Anywhom, usually when someone hates on Rarity, it's clear to me how much attention they've given her in the show - which, is no more than "Oh, she's girly." and then stop paying attention after that.


Ignorant, really. I'm sorry for the harshness, but people try to dislike her sometimes, and that's just a real pity. I remember laughing at some of the claims made against her back when I defended her all the time, because they were just so clueless. I understand not relating to her so you can have a bit of trouble understanding her at times, but really, I don't relate to Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, or Fluttershy very much, and I still like them because I was simply willing to give them a fair shot in comparison to the rest of the mane 6 and I didn't let a first impression hinder my opinion of them.

Oh, well. It's their loss. She's a wonderful character and people who are willing to turn a blind eye based on a bad first impression are really no better than the things they claim her to be - shallow and vain, not willing to give ponies they feel are beneath them the time of day.

Saddening, honestly, but eh. Just gotta shrug it off.


  • Brohoof 4


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

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it's sooo stupid hating for no reason is stupid also look at her fanclub clearly it's a message to the fandom that rarity has such a great number of supporters and if i was a shipper i'll ship her with my love (you should already know by now who's my love) 

Edited by Deathstroke
  • Brohoof 1
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Echh. This topic is back. :eww:


Anywhom, usually when someone hates on Rarity, it's clear to me how much attention they've given her in the show - which, is no more than "Oh, she's girly." and then stop paying attention after that.


Ignorant, really. I'm sorry for the harshness, but people try to dislike her sometimes, and that's just a real pity. I remember laughing at some of the claims made against her back when I defended her all the time, because they were just so clueless. I understand not relating to her so you can have a bit of trouble understanding her at times, but really, I don't relate to Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, or Fluttershy very much, and I still like them because I was simply willing to give them a fair shot in comparison to the rest of the mane 6 and I didn't let a first impression hinder my opinion of them.


Oh, well. It's their loss. She's a wonderful character and people who are willing to turn a blind eye based on a bad first impression are really no better than the things they claim her to be - shallow and vain, not willing to give ponies they feel are beneath them the time of day.


Saddening, honestly, but eh. Just gotta shrug it off.




I will bump it until i think the control group is big enough... :muffins:

  • Brohoof 1
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Im not buying the result of this poll.


The reason so few admit to hate Rarity here has probably to do with the fact that the poll is not anonymous. Most Rarity haters are probably too big cowards to vote for their true convictions.


Not long ago that has been the common opinion of Rarity:


Sorry, not buying it.

I think many members like her, but only a few of them think she's best pony. I often see her at the bottom of their mane 6 rankings, many people consider her as their "least favorite mane 6", but that doesn't mean they don't like her.

For example AJ is my least favorite mane 6, but I really like her. :)


Again, I have yet to see some Rarity hate in the forums.

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  • 4 weeks later...

While I dont particularly hate her, she does come at the bottom of my preferred Mane 6 merely because I can relate to the others more.


To be fair I have seen her do good, I have seen her be self-centered. Just my two cents.

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She's not a bad character, but she annoys us more than usual with her crazy drama queen way to be.

Not even G3 Rainbow Dash who had the same personality annoyed me so much.

But her design is pretty good, in comparison with the some of the others.

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