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Tried Olaf today, verdict? He's okay, his E beat the crap out of the enemy. I might need more games to give full verdict.

I used to play a shit ton of olaf back in season 2. He was really strong then. Now he is a lot more fragile throughout the game so building tanky is necessary. If no build tanky then stay top and push to force 1v1's. He's really fun when you know when to go in.


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Yay, first perfect ARAM game http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1638892721/210896521?tab=overview


So much harder since you can't upgrade your items.


I had like 7k gold at the end.


ARAM is fun between season. Made me rediscover the fun of Xin and show me that I can build Cait and Jinx the same way.


Jungle: Amumu and Xin

ADC:Jinx and Cait

Support: Janna or Morg (passable skill)

Top: Kayle (passable skill)

Mid Annie (passable skill)




Awesome avatar from ask-drpinkieandmisspie Awesome signature by [member=~Sassy Dashie~]

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I keep getting more and more proud of my Akali :D the 13/0 game I went mid v Lux. had her zoned out of farm before I even hit 3 <.< First time Rengar showed up I killed him then dove the Lux.


Second game was v Heimer in top lane. Any time I pulled his ult I'd just shroud and walk away until A: ult turret died, or B: CDs to finish him after his rockets xD

Edited by Eavath
  • Brohoof 2

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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When I got on two days ago, a friend went with the new champ Kalista and I followed up with thresh. It was great, we got ahead and he would be able to throw me in as I combo.  It also means that if I get stuck somewhere where I can't peel for her, she can throw me to safety and I can lantern her. It was defiantly an enjoyable combo. 


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so today

i was feeling kinda shitty, mood-wise

decided to join the blind pick queue (which is weird because i never pick that one, i absolutely hate it)

go mid, lock akali

mediocre start, gank a lot to keep up

first teamfight comes around





and that's the story of how my mood and heart rate skyrocketed in like 5 seconds

Edited by Baymax
  • Brohoof 2
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Nothing much has really happened to me these days, although I did get a Pentakill with Vayne when she was free :0

Oh and, another thing.



*2 weeks later*



[insert get rekt joke here]

"Walk always in shadows, so that you will see your foes before they see you."



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Alright everyone, I need some advice:


I am working on practicing my CS, as it is QUITE atrocious (a recent game I had, I believe I ended a roughly 30-45 minute game with 99 CS). So, today I did my first "Custom CS Round" and I got 287 CS in a little under 35 and a half minutes. Now, this of course is no real example for a game, especially one if I was behind in, so I'm not using this as a finale by any stretch. However, I would like some advice on how to get better at CS'ing, at least with Gnar, as my current group of friends swears up and down I am good with him and should try and make him my main. So, any suggestions? Here is what I went in the game with, so you can get an exact measurement of how well I did vs what I had/didn't have:




Champion: Gnar



Quints: 2 Flat AD, 1 Armor Pen

Reds: Flat Armor Pen (full)

Yellows: Flat Armor (full)

Blues: Flat Magic Resist (full)




Offense: Double-Edged Sword, Sorcery, Butcher, Brute Force, Feast, Spell Weaving, Martial Mastery, Executioner, Blade Weaving, Dangerous Game, Devastating Strikes, Havoc

Defense: Block, Recovery, Unyielding, Veteran's Scars, Juggernaut





CS Style:

As little ability use as possible, maybe a total of 10ish for whole game, tried to split time between gnar and mega gnar, and last hitting was the focus so as few multi-hits on a single target as possible


And just a recap, it was 287 Minions in exactly 35:19




So if anyone has any suggestions or recommendations, please, I would love to know so I can continue to get better with him and get stronger

Speaking of Gnar...



I'd like to point out I went up against the Ahri this game, which was a really fun match up :lol: She tried to say it "Wasn't fair" but for some reason I feel like, if she had played smart, she would have wrecked me


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Alright everyone, I need some advice:


I am working on practicing my CS, as it is QUITE atrocious (a recent game I had, I believe I ended a roughly 30-45 minute game with 99 CS). So, today I did my first "Custom CS Round" and I got 287 CS in a little under 35 and a half minutes. Now, this of course is no real example for a game, especially one if I was behind in, so I'm not using this as a finale by any stretch. However, I would like some advice on how to get better at CS'ing, at least with Gnar, as my current group of friends swears up and down I am good with him and should try and make him my main. So, any suggestions? Here is what I went in the game with, so you can get an exact measurement of how well I did vs what I had/didn't have:




Champion: Gnar



Quints: 2 Flat AD, 1 Armor Pen

Reds: Flat Armor Pen (full)

Yellows: Flat Armor (full)

Blues: Flat Magic Resist (full)




Offense: Double-Edged Sword, Sorcery, Butcher, Brute Force, Feast, Spell Weaving, Martial Mastery, Executioner, Blade Weaving, Dangerous Game, Devastating Strikes, Havoc

Defense: Block, Recovery, Unyielding, Veteran's Scars, Juggernaut





CS Style:

As little ability use as possible, maybe a total of 10ish for whole game, tried to split time between gnar and mega gnar, and last hitting was the focus so as few multi-hits on a single target as possible


And just a recap, it was 287 Minions in exactly 35:19




So if anyone has any suggestions or recommendations, please, I would love to know so I can continue to get better with him and get stronger

Speaking of Gnar...



I'd like to point out I went up against the Ahri this game, which was a really fun match up :lol: She tried to say it "Wasn't fair" but for some reason I feel like, if she had played smart, she would have wrecked me

There is no secret to farming. It's a mechanic that needs to be practiced over and over. If Gnar is your main I suggest playing him a LOT. Auto-attacks vary champion to champion and it takes time to really get used to it. I think Phage is a good item to pick up for farming, because it has a small reward when you kill stuff (the MS is awesome).

  • Brohoof 1


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Alright everyone, I need some advice:




Flat Armpen makes learning how to really CS marginally hard (I used to run it on all quints and all reds). Swap at least your reds out or make all of your quints flat AD and it would help a lot. The main thing about farming is knowing approximately how much of the minion's health bar your abilities and auto attacks are going to hit for.


Try not to use too many abilities to farm, unless you'll either get 1) 3+ minions from the same ability or 2) you'll also get some poke in along with it.


I'm honestly one of the worst CSers of my group, but that's because I'm too focused on killing people to be bothered by it most of the time ^^"

Edited by Eavath
  • Brohoof 2

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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There is no secret to farming. It's a mechanic that needs to be practiced over and over. If Gnar is your main I suggest playing him a LOT. Auto-attacks vary champion to champion and it takes time to really get used to it. I think Phage is a good item to pick up for farming, because it has a small reward when you kill stuff (the MS is awesome).


Flat Armpen makes learning how to really CS marginally hard (I used to run it on all quints and all reds). Swap at least your reds out or make all of your quints flat AD and it would help a lot. The main thing about farming is knowing approximately how much of the minion's health bar your abilities and auto attacks are going to hit for.


Try not to use too many abilities to farm, unless you'll either get 1) 3+ minions from the same ability or 2) you'll also get some poke in along with it.


I'm honestly one of the worst CSers of my group, but that's because I'm too focused on killing people to be bothered by it most of the time ^^"

Thank you both for your advice (and sorry to Reloaded for the long response), I'll be sure to use it next time I get into a custom and try practicing CS. And don't worry Eav, I'm certainly not practicing CS'ing because I'm known for my god-like creep score myself ^^"


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Alright everyone, I need some advice:


I am working on practicing my CS, as it is QUITE atrocious (a recent game I had, I believe I ended a roughly 30-45 minute game with 99 CS). So, today I did my first "Custom CS Round" and I got 287 CS in a little under 35 and a half minutes. Now, this of course is no real example for a game, especially one if I was behind in, so I'm not using this as a finale by any stretch. However, I would like some advice on how to get better at CS'ing, at least with Gnar, as my current group of friends swears up and down I am good with him and should try and make him my main. So, any suggestions? Here is what I went in the game with, so you can get an exact measurement of how well I did vs what I had/didn't have:




Champion: Gnar



Quints: 2 Flat AD, 1 Armor Pen

Reds: Flat Armor Pen (full)

Yellows: Flat Armor (full)

Blues: Flat Magic Resist (full)




Offense: Double-Edged Sword, Sorcery, Butcher, Brute Force, Feast, Spell Weaving, Martial Mastery, Executioner, Blade Weaving, Dangerous Game, Devastating Strikes, Havoc

Defense: Block, Recovery, Unyielding, Veteran's Scars, Juggernaut





CS Style:

As little ability use as possible, maybe a total of 10ish for whole game, tried to split time between gnar and mega gnar, and last hitting was the focus so as few multi-hits on a single target as possible


And just a recap, it was 287 Minions in exactly 35:19




So if anyone has any suggestions or recommendations, please, I would love to know so I can continue to get better with him and get stronger

Speaking of Gnar...



I'd like to point out I went up against the Ahri this game, which was a really fun match up :lol: She tried to say it "Wasn't fair" but for some reason I feel like, if she had played smart, she would have wrecked me

Im with Reloaded on what they said about CSing. Learning a specific champ helps a lot since everyone is different. I can farm decently well with Ashe, but I cant farm for shit with Tristana. Lulu is also hard for me to farm with.


I find attack speed helps me more over damage cause I can just attack more and not miss as much. Im also so used to kiting around things that its a natural habit at this point and I actually mess myself up early on since I have no attack speed. :z

So, overcomplicating things isnt good either. xD


Ive gotten ok at csing in the later game, but I need to work on my early game farm like crazy. What's really funny, is that contrary to Eavath who cant farm cause he just fucking doesnt ever, I can't farm and I'm the one in the group who will actually scream about my lane opponent poking too much and trying to fight instead of farming. xD

You should hear me when a Jinx uses her q rocket to poke me. x)

  • Brohoof 1


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I somehow missed a penta cause I apparently shot my rocket backwards?

I have no idea how or why it shot that way (Unless I accidentally hit my minimap as I often do), but whatever. Ive got 3 with Jinx anyhow. One won't kill me.

Edited by Haven


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I got tired of all of the normal ADCs after carrying with Quin in Bot lane. I wanted to do something fresh I hadn't done in a long time. Sona ADC <3



  • Brohoof 2

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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I haven't played a lot on my 30 lately, but I plan to beef up my Amumu jungle and top and eventually finally hop into Ranked with him.

Amumu is my god. <3 Love that champion, I have so much fun with him!

All I need to do is wait for Vault to open and get Regifted Amumu, nowww.

  • Brohoof 1


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I got another Penta with Akali :D Sadly, we lost because I didn't gain my momentum until it was way too late ;-; But even still, dat 3rd penta swag <3

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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So... Decided to play Talon again after awhile... This is what happened...


I remember why I liked him so much...




My favorite moment was when I was at Dragon and I dived into their entire team and got a triple kill lol




Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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