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What did you do for summer?

Lunas Husband

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Ah Summer, the sun is really hot, the kids are out playing, no school no cares. Just sit back and have some fun!


So what did you do for summer? Did you have a great one? was it ok?

Did you go out and send time with family? Maybe party? ahh maybe even do something so bad with a group of friends that you all have to keep quiet about it?! like on "I know what you did last summer!"

maybe you did noting sat around the house. Whatever it maybe I would like to know about it and did you have fun doing it.


As for me I don't do anything for the summer, because here in Kingman AZ it gets to be about 104-109....

Top of all that I have work, so yeah I don't get 3mounths off and doing anything, no I get to take 2 days off and do noting.


Oh and here is this, it makes me think of summer!


Edited by xPrincess Celestiax
  • Brohoof 4


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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My summer was boring and not interesting in the slightest...just like it is every summer. I stayed home and didn't bother to go anywhere. I have no friends and nowhere to go, so why bother? I just spent all of my time here and that's about it.

  • Brohoof 2



IF is best girl.

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At the very beginning of summer, I went on "vacation" to Florida in our RV, which I really really didn't want to go.


It so happens that this vacation was actually torture. It was hot. The RV got all messed up on the way back. We got stranded for days. Money issues because things are expensive to fix. That kind of stuff. It was horrible.


Came home. Didn't leave the house for a week. Was only forced out to go to eat. Continued this pattern the rest of summer.


Only other significant event was my birthday, which was probably the worst birthday I had ever had, considering I was forced to go to my mother's the entire 24 hours of the date. Screaming kids, nothing to do, having to deal a mother that deserves a reality TV show because she's just that horrible; you know the deal.


Other than that, I sat on the computer and did stuff. Every one was trying to get me to do other things so I could "have fun" and "enjoy myself," and when I finally bothered to comply a few times, I was miserable, and just wanted to go back on the computer, where I actually have fun and enjoy myself thoroughly the entire time in which I'm on it.


It was a pretty good summer, in total, just with some very horrible moments. Not enough to ruin it.


You'll be entranced by me ♥

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I sat around and played on the computer for the entirety of my Summer.


I went outside maybe, once? No.... less than that... half? Yeah.


Nah. I go outside everyday to walk through the forest, and star at the sky for hours. But whenever I came back from my trip, I'd get right back on the computer :derp:


Rabbit-Kin                                                                 ~Paris' Waifu

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I can't stand the heat.  So I stay at home everyday hugging my air conditioner.  Also, I have summer homework this year so I'm doing that.  I also play some games and lurk around here.   


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Most of the time I worked. It's still been quite a break compared to what I had the last semester, where between work and school I never had a single day off. =/


This last half of the summer I have got to spend a lot of time with my best friends, which has been really nice. =)

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I really want to say I had some epic, beach-party filled summer but just like every other summer I didn't. Only real thing that happened this summer was my family moving, which means the few numbers of true friends i had were left behind, on top of that moving house pets, and to a new school didn't help my situation at all. So really the only place I feel truly happy is on the internet doing pony related things, so that was my summer, absolute crap. :(  Not one for the records in my opinion. 

“The road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began,
Now far ahead the road has gone,
And I must follow if I can.”

http://soaranddash.tumblr.com http://politetosociety.tumblr.com http://www.fimfiction.net/user/TheEgghead

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I had fun this summer, while also wasting a ton of time on the internet. I always tell myself I'm going to do something productive, but instead end up relaxing the whole time. =P


I had a pretty good summer though. I got to go on some awesome vacations, and I went to my first convention, BronyCon. I've been able to hang out with my boyfriend and best friend a bunch and in better situations than at school, so that was really fun. I also had plenty of fun wasting hours on the internet. @_@ 


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I haven't done very much this summer. Aside from attending some really enjoyable brony meetups, this summer's really been a disappointment. I'm still procrastinating the internet web series I intend on producing, and I couldn't attend AnimeExpo or San Diego Comic Con (had to drop out of AX due to not being able to get lodging, and SDCC was already sold out by last April); heck, I haven't even gone to the beach this summer at all.


Even my visits to the cinemas have been incredibly rare; the only two movies I went to see in theaters since June have been Equestria Girls and The Kings of Summer. (however, I really want to see The Way Way Back, Blue Jasmine, and The World's End)

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I did...nothing.


I had my birthday party with some friends in July but that's about it. I don't really like going out so this Summer was kind of dull to me. I started my online schooling early out of boredom so that's all I've been working on.


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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Did some summer school, Jury Duty, music stuff, job hunting, went to Video Games Live and got to meet all the composers who work for Blizzard. Trying to get a panel together for future conventions, also trying to figure out how to start selling my music at conventions. I guess I'm growing up because my idea of fun is't relaxing anymore, but doing stuff I love.


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I did absolutley nothing except lie in bed all day. Which is normal summer procedure for me. I rarely went out (and still don't) because of the heat. So, it kind of sucked.

Edited by Callisto

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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Sadly, I did absolutely NOTHING this summer. X/


Because all my friends are drug addicts or sex obsessed, I couldn't hang out with anyone close by or who is at least normal.


Hot weather, nothing new, stupid friends, all make this another boring summer. X/  

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Well first bit of summer i went on a vacation for a while to a bunch of places, like the grand canyon, yellowstone, yosimity, vegas, and a few other places, then after that i kinda just lazed around a bit, had some relaxation at home, since I don't do much over summer, we had a practice or two for band, and i practiced my trumpet for the trumpet trio tryouts.


Then we had band camp, which was a week long, and I also tryed out for the trumpet trio for our show during that, and got the part, then i went home and rested after that, and for the most part the rest of summer has been routine.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Honestly, I sat on my ass, played video games, listened to music, and sat for endless hours on this forum. That was basically it. I guess the only noteworthy thing I did was my freshmen orientation/trip to my brothers apartment in Ames.

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I spent most of my time on the forums, making/listening to music, writing, reading, gaming, and working.


Not a lot of work though, because I barely get any hours. I'm quitting the job in the next few days, and I'll be glad to finally be done.


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I worked most of the time, although for the beginning of July, I had a two week vacation in Florida. I first stayed by Orlando (where the hotel was) and then I went to the Nascar race in Daytona Beach. It was really great! That was my seventh year going. And the I spent my last fre days in Miami. I ate at the hotel where they film "Burn Notice", so that was cool.


Then back to the grind for me.



Made by my wonderful boyfriend Kyoshi <3

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I am eligible for 2 weeks vacation, I took my first week the same week as my birthday back in January and I took my 2nd week the same week that Equestria Girls came out and that it had the 3 stages of hell match for the WWE championship between John Cena and Ryback. That last Sunday before I had to go back to work was the best day of my whole vacation, I saw a movie that was better than expected and I saw Ryback and John Cena beat the crap out of each other and some pizza for dinner. Aside from that though most of my summer was either working or writing this book I plan to get published. This week hasn't been a picnic because the receiver (back room manager) is on vacation and the person filling in for him dosen't know what she is doing which is really messing me up, but I suppose this week will be a cakewalk compared to next week when I as 2nd dairy clerk have to cover for the 1st dairy clerk who will be on vacation.

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Nothing interesting at all. I went swimming once I think and that is about it. I don't like summer that much. Given that I just stay at home most days and I cannot travel, the whole summer craze is overrated to me. Not to mention the hot and humid days. I don't see how anyone can truly enjoy those. Most of my entire life is this boring.



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I have used the majority of the summer to relax and unwind after a long and stressful school year. It has been a healing time for me, but as the next school year draws near, I am determined to make better choices to avoid making it anywhere near as stressful as the previous one was. 


Back in June, I went to an amusement park that I love with one of my best friends. We both had a wonderful time. I rode all of the roller coasters again, but I only ended up riding one new ride. There were some others that I was too afraid to ride. I'll ride those someday, though. I also ended up gaining an interest in the possibility of becoming a security guard there as a summer job at some point after I become an adult next year. I was able to talk to one of them over the phone, and he was able to give me some interesting information about the job. I have not yet decided whether or not it is actually something that I want to do someday.


 In July, I went to a fair with the same friend of mine. We rode several of the rides, including the most intense ones that were there. There was a new ride there that I had not seen before. It turned out to be fun, but, to me, it was nowhere near as intense as it looked. Our favorite ride there was a ride similar to a ferris wheel - except, instead of sitting in open baskets, you sit in closed baskets that can spin 360 degrees freely. The ride moves much faster than a ferris wheel. The big wheel turns quickly, spinning the baskets that you sit in somewhat, while you are also able to spin them yourself by leaning backward and forward. You also have access to a brake that locks your basket in place. This is useful for doing entertaining things such as locking yourself in a position that results in you being upside down when the wheel brings your basket close to the ground, which simulates the sensation of flying toward it. It is also fun to lock yourself upside down when the wheel is stationary, to see how long you can stand hanging upside down. The maximum occupancy of a basket is two people, which makes it especially fun to ride with a friend.


Throughout June and July, I volunteered at a certain place. It was my first time volunteering anywhere in person, and it required interaction with the public. It was an excellent experience, one of the reasons being that it helped to slightly reduce my fears of social interaction with people, particularly those I do not know well. I hope to continue volunteering there during the school year. I have applied to do so, but I have not yet found out whether or not I have been accepted.


Most Wednesdays throughout the entirety of summer vacation, I have spent time at a friend's house. For the majority of those visits, a mutual friend of ours was with us. He is moving away, so we decided to meet regularly during the summer so that we can spend more time with him before he has to go. 


Throughout the entirety of summer, I have continued attending taekwondo class, which is something I do throughout the year. 


All in all, this has been a fun, rewarding, and productive summer for me. While I have loved this summer vacation, I am looking forward to beginning 11th grade. I am excited about seeing my friends more regularly again, continuing my education (particularly in mathematics with two classes I have been looking forward to for awhile: AP Calculus AB and AP Statistics), and getting closer to the end of high school.

  • Brohoof 2



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This summer is winding down to the end here, lets here everyponies best story of the summer.


My story started not to long ago actually, It was me and my friend Roby, we had just gotten back from my other friends house, but at my friends house was a bit of a party, and we were both super stoned. I had a bottle of 3 olives vodka, and he was begging me to drink it. Finally i fell in, and we decided to drink half the bottle tonight. it started out good actually  i told him we were going to do shots to MLP and after we cleared half the bottle we were both really drunk, but my friend was shit face drunk. he kept telling me about how he wanted to smoke some chedo's but he kept doing this annoying thing with his hand were he would hit his painting on my wall and then hit a pillow and i told him if he didn't stop that was going to punch him kidding around like. unfortunately, he didn't take it as a joke he through a chair across my room, at that point i told him not to do anything stupid that would get his ass beat, and he came at me so i got up and i hit him in the face once. He dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes and i just held him on the ground as he was screaming at the top of his lungs at 2 am. i was so worried he was going to wake my naybors and get the cops called on me so i let him go, i didn't hit him at all but he kept saying stop hitting me i cant feel it i am to drunk. When he got up he started crying and telling me how he was going to go home and kill himself so i stopped him from leaving and calmed him down then i kicked him out of my house. i said their for like 30 minutes, not knowing if someone called the cops or not when i hear a banging outside my door. It was Roby just standing their hitting his head off the wall lightly and i told him to get off my property so this 17 year old almost 18 calls his mom to come pick his dumb ass up at 3 am. The next morning his mom calls my dad and tells him what happened last night and that Roby came home and was throwing up all over himself and sobbing, not only that, but she also told him that we had been smoking weed and staying up way to late. I told him never to come back to my house ever again, that's one of the quickest ways to lose a friend.

i have a more hart warmer story as well


Let me also tell the story of how i became a brony, since that was also this summer. When i first heard about MLP, if was a few years back. I didn't really think to highly of it, i used to question why people would watch such a thing. a few years latter i forgot how it came up, i think it was in a dream so i decided to check it out. One episode, that's what i told myself, that turned into 3 seasons and a movie, i watched it over the coarse of like 2 weeks. i was instantly hooked after the first episode, the show is just done very well. When i found the online community i was startled to see how many their were, but what was even more shocking is amount of pony content released. I started to use it as a creative outlet, working on wallpapers in photoshop and making my own fanfic. I also became allot more social when i started to watch the show.

thats how i got into MLP, and i cant wait for the 4th season to start this November 23.

this summer has changed my life forever, i am a different, better person then i before this summer started. I met more people in the last 3 months of my life then i thought lived in my area. This summer has been completely eyeopening, and one hell of a ride.

the story can be crazy, awesome, life changing, really anything that really stuck out this summer.

I have allot more great stories from this summer, but those stories, i will probably never forget.

Edited by Radost
  • Brohoof 1


"You WILL be heavily judged on how you treat others."

"Opinion is about perspective, peoples who opinions matter to me the most are those who have the ability to understand different perspectives while maintaining their own opinion."

"Projecting your insecurities on other people doesn't solve them, so don't."

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Wow really shocking story :(

Well I guess I have two great stories, one is actually a story and the other is just the best experience.

So this past weekend I went to visit my relatives whom I haven't seen since I was a baby. It was really different and special for them since I'm now 14 and really grown up from when they last saw me. I got to swim in a river for the first time, had fun with my cousins, and played the most interesting rounds of Monopoly ever!! Overall best weekend of my whole summer!!

Then I can say my second best memory is from the day I joined these forums :lol:

Right from the start I was warmly received and greeted by some awesome and nice people, and from that day I have made alot of friends and this place has turned into my home on the internet. My refuge when I'm having a bad day and just want to talk to good friends.

So yeah the day I joined holds a special place in my heart, and by far one of the most important and life changing days of my life. :) I just joined last month and I gotta say I NEVER THOUGHT MY SUMMER WOULD GET THIS INTERESTING!! :lol:

  • Brohoof 2


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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Lol, because my summer was interesting 

Let's see here:


It was my birthday so I invited my two best friends over and we started playing Mario Party 4. Well...let's just say...there was A LOT of yelling and cursing. Then we played Smash Bros. Brawl and things got more worse. We played video games all night while swallowing down Pepsi, pizza, cake, ice cream and popcorn. Then we got into a huge argument when my friend said that the Sun was a planet; my other friend and I started screaming at her nonstop; it was a mess. 


That's about it, if I were too be honest. 


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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