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Why do you like MLP?

Harmony Spark

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When I first watched the show, I had no clue it was a little kid's show. It was like a normal day show, I was quite surprised when I found out it was a show made for kids. Other bronies might feel the same way. We all have the right to watch and enjoy the show. It's a really good show and it has it's own fandom ready to fight day and night for it.

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"Why do you like a show made for little girls?"


Because it's by far THE BEST show for little girls I have ever seen. It showcases positive and complex female characters which give little girls a variety of role models to look up to. I grew up watching G1 and although it's not quite as bad as everyone says, and it does have some arguably positive messages for girls, there were certainly no Awesome and Powerful Princesses to be seen.

Although the world has changed a lot for the better since those days, there is still a lot of garbage in children's media that pressures both girls and boys to conform to narrow ideas about gender and the roles they should strive for when they grow up.

Friendship is Magic is working against the norm. It is respectful to it's intended audience. That fact that adults like the show is testament to this. FIM presents its young female (and young make) viewers with sophisticated content and lessons about life that encourage an open mind. I appreciate the fan service, but the thing that always makes me tingle when I watch an episode is thinking of how wonderfully these messages are affecting the next generation's worldview.

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I admit that I initially had an ulterior motive for watching the show.  That rhymes with "bony mutts." :nom:  And I immediately gravitated towards Rainbow Dash; even before I gave the series a real chance.  But, once I did give it a chance (partly due to the two aforementioned reasons), I began to embrace the show as a whole and found myself generally...  Entertained!  And not solely because, you know...


So now I watch it because of Rainbow Dash, because I find it entertaining overall, and...  Yeah, still because of the first thing I sort-of mentioned lol.  Provided the show wouldn't change as a result, I would still watch it even if its original intended audience was genius lab mice that navigated their mazes especially fast during its airing.  I'll be a member of any audience of my choosing.

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@@DYLZAL, Hey there, just letting you know that we did indeed have an already existing topic covering the same question, so I went ahead and merged your thread with it. Be sure to try the search engine to see if your thread idea already exists. Thanks! :)

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Unlike a handful of other shows (including adult ones), this one has good, distinctive characters, decent writing, good voice acting, etc...Plus, I can appreciate that it's a rather wholesome kids' show and is not trying too hard to be "hip and cool."

And, overall, it just makes me happy. :D


Edited by LostButterflyUtau
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The show is entertaining. It keeps making fresh, inspired material and has good characters and a fun fantasy world. It does a lot right and most of the time what "wrong" is present is overshadowed (like any good show)

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Reason why I like the show:


1. Cheerful atmosphere and feel

2. Relatable characters with unique personalities along with their own weaknesses

3. Lessons that are usually referred for children but actually lessons that adults might have forgotten through the "harshness" of life.

4. Smooth animation

5. Amazing voice actors that perfectly captures the personalities of each characters

6. Great and catchy songs

7.(Personal) created a bond between me and my sisters.


I tip my hat to the creators, writers and producers of the show.

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I had been watching cartoons for only a few years when I got into MLP. MLP's appeal to me is that it's the rare Western animated cartoon these days that's actually good.


TV animation in the last decade had really been in a slump. Poor executive decisions, the corporate culture that only focuses on getting the most money in the least time, and the "it's for kids" excuse as a justification for no quality control paved the way for a generation of cartoons that was very much hampered by cavalcades of crude humor and SpongeBob knockoffs.


FIM is a throwback to the days when cartoons had engaging characters, ambitious storylines, and cross-generational appeal. It shows that any show with an appealing storyline can attract a dedicated fanbase no matter what medium it's in or who it's aimed at. The diversity of people brought together by a show based on My Little Pony is so astonishing that it may as well be considered the eighth wonder of the world.


And yet, the number one question I always think back to when I watch MLP is, "What took them so long?"

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It's a cute, colorful show with a unique charm. I much prefer the colorful, cartooney, light-hearted shows, movies, and video games over the darker, gritty, serious ones. And this show is one of the best I've seen in that category.

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If I'm being honest, I haven't a clue. I smile whenever I see the show. Maybe it's just that I live and breathe cartoons. The Simpsons, Regular Show, South Park, Futurama, etc.


When my idol, Edd Gould, passed away in 2012, I was a really, really sad individual. If I'm being honest, I'm still pretty sad. Not so much about that anymore, just in general. But MLP has never, ever failed to make me laugh or giggle. I'm kinda battling inner demons and shtuff right now, and the show just seems to make those demons disappear, at least for a little while. So maybe it's because of that.


On the other hand, maybe it's the fact that I relate to Twilight Sparkle so much? Up until recently, I didn't make friends very well, and I'd always rather stay inside than join my friends for sports and such. Books are my second favorite form of media (behind cartoons, obviously) and I'm probably the one out of my social group who reads the most.


I guess I don't really know. I try not to dwell on bad things too much, and MLP helps me get my mind off of most things.


Have a quick sketch. I didn't clean it up or anything because I was in a rush, but I like it. I like to pretend that Twilight has an innate drawing ability.



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Everyone likes the show for their own reasons, but I'm sure that everyone also likes the show for similar reasons.


The show has unique and fun characters, wonderful voice acting, nice animation, a lot of funny and suspenseful moments, and it's just a good show all around!

It also teaches values. (Not that I learn from them. I learned how to share and accept people when I was in kindergarten) ^_^

But, I digress... The lessons are good to re-hear every now and again.


Every idea is fresh and always has something new to bring to the table.

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  • 5 months later...

I don't know. It's like any other show, I watch it and I either click with it or I don't.


I stumbled across a PMV on youtube (You're Gonna Go Far Kid) one day, then I researched about the show and bronies. Thought nothing of it, then about a month later came across another PMV, decided to watch the first episode, then well watched the whole series and here I am!


The way it looks, the way the characters are, how they sound, the humor, the references, it all contributes. 



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