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Name: Smokey Gold

Age: 25

Race: Earth Pony

Cutie Mark: Three yellow paw prints that show Smokey's talent for tracking anything. He got his mark after tracking down the bandit who had killed his father into the Lost Lands...

Appearance: Built: Smokey is a bit shaggy in his fur and appearance given he spends a lot of time in the outdoors. Heavy built in the front and lean legs, his color is a dirty bronze like shade with his forelocks a bit lighter in color. With heavy hooves a bit from his long days on the trail in hunting...

Eyes: Smokey has a color of eyes known as China Pink, bright in constant to his dulling coloring which he was often made fun as a colt a bit and given the name: Pink Eye....

Mane: Kept a bit short and split, he just mostly puts his hat on and not much on looking clean and proper. The color is light tan and golden which matches his tail, which is kept short given he moves around lot and runs.

Markings: He has a few scars from the creatures he has hunted, one is a deep jagged scar on the left side of his neck about 7 inches.

Clothing: He keeps on a hat to keep the sun out of his eyes and it was a gift from his only friend Emerald Dawn back in their school days....

A tan skin vest that belong to his father that was killed but, also holds some items like extra bullets and a few meds.

He will at wear a heavy duster coat if its cold and he is out in the elements and such.


Personality: Good Side: Precise
Straight thinker
Calm and collected exterior
Has a soft spot for young-lings
Steady Worker
Extremely loyal to his friends

Bad Side: Skeptical
Grudge Holding


History:Backstory: Born in Appleloosa, Smokey only knew his father given his mom died in giving birth to him but, his father never blamed the little colt for how he came into this world.

Dustlane raised Smokey mostly by himself, and being a single dad and also running a farm is not the easiest of things yet Dustlane always had time for his son, who was always following trails and tracks and getting lost at times but Dustlane always found his son.

Seeing his son followed the tracks of animals, he started to teach him how to track and live out in the wilds a bit and Smokey took to tracking like a bird to flying! Soon Smokey could tell you what animal it was, how old and such details! Dustlane was proud of his son's growing talent, also how he would throw himself into anything from working around the farm and helping to just be himself and wanting to see what was around the next corner.

The farm grew and prospered under Dustlane but not all good things can last in given a drought hit the wild west town that lasted for years, killing off many of the plants and the main trade of the Lost Lands Town...

With a lack of trade, jobs going down hill and no other outsiders coming to the town, laws begin to be broken and crime rose in the Last Lands. In which Dustlane did try his best to protect his farm and his workers , but thieves began to steal, taking his cattle and such and food. Under such an event was when Dustlane took a stand, his pair of Twin Colts 45 which guns being outlawed in Equestria was a rare sight and tried to protect his farm from a bandit named Greyhound, the two had a shoot out and Dustlane lost his life, leaving his 16 year old alone....

Smokey found his father in the dust, his guns gone and the nearly wind blown tracks of the bandit who had killed his father for just over nothing but greed. The colt put on his father's tan vest with the blood stains showing dark and went into the house and took out the long ranged rifle and went into the Lost Lands, following the tracks and using his skills to find the pony who had killed his father.

After a week, he tracked the bandit and a few of his gang to Windy Canyon, under the cold light of waning moon the teenager took to a high ridge under a few dead trees and waited till the light of the sun would give him the clean shots he would need to take them down.

As dawn broke, casting out the shadows in the canyon, Smokey took his position and waited as the light started to reach the bottom of the canyon and wake up the bandits. Greyhound stood up, a bit dull from the liqueur last night and made his way to the stream close at hoof , but when stepped into the line of the shot, pain rips into his left flank as a bullet hit home.

The echo of the shot bounced off the rocky walls and woke the other two as the dull cries of Greyhound followed the bullet but two shots hit home as the other two were hit in the upper back legs, sending right into the earth unable to run or find meager cover.

Greyhound was once more shot down, his left front leg getting his point blank by the bullet from the sharpshooter, who was just waiting for the bandit to try to run for it and just to shoot him. Yes Smokey wanted to kill this unicorn trust for taking his father away and he had a clear shot to take his life as the bandit turned his in looking around in fear but did the young colt take that shot? No. Dustlane had taught his son a code of honor and even if he took the shot, the lost of his father would not go away and Smokey would have been as bad as this bandit trash.

Smokey put his rifle down, tears in the edge of his eyes as the tracker made the choice to leave, knowing none of them was going far with their legs all shot up. Making his way into town and the local Law Keeper, the colt told the stallion everything as a group of the villagers was rounded up to hunt down and bring the bandits to law's justice!

Once the bandits were caught, Smokey had found his cutie mark had appeared , but it was not with the joy most his kind would feel. With no one looking after him, Braeburn Apple took in the young tracker till he would come of age.

Smokey worked on his tracking skills, mastering the skill and took to hunting also on the side of the wild creatures who hurt the local town. Even with guns outlawed by the Crown, the Tacker found a loophole to let him keep his guns and soon become one of the best sharpshooters in Appleloosa . Yet Smokey was growing the need to see the bigger world and once his 18th birthday, the tracker with only what he need to pack took to the open road...

Changing his last name to Gold, he went by Smokey Gold and over the last years has walked from the Griffin Kingdom to the Lost Lands, taking the jobs he wants, hitting on the fillies and hunting and tracking for the right amount money. Never staying long enough to make any long time friends, this sharp shooter has only a few rare ones....

Currently Smokey Gold is working for the Prince of the Crystal Kingdom is tracking down some Diamond Dogs who have stolen some trade goods.....


Other Info:

Job: Tracker/Hunter
Weapons:Twin Colts 45/Peacemaker
Long Range Rifle
5 Throwing Knifes
Twin Pair of Machetes
Birth Place: Lost Lands/Appaloosa
Clan: None
Parents: Dustlane: Father-Dead
Bonnet: Mom-Dead


Friends: Emerald Dawn





Current Location: Crystal Mountain trail
Cutie Mark: Set of paw Prints
Talent: Tracking and Hunting
Skills: Tracking/Hunting/Traps/Sharp Shooting/Hoof to Hoof combat/Herbs/Farming/Drinking


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OC is WIP, So far I have a purple-gray pegasus with mane and tail the color of parchment with a dark purple stripe in both.


I tend not to go to deeply with parents, and I am not sure this is canon, but her father is a bank manager and her mother is a teller in cloud city, as cloud city Pegasi.


She enjoys making new friends, and writing poetry, her cutie mark is a quill and parchment, but over all she loves to fly with her friends, travel and adventure.


She is helpful and kind and tries to cheer others up.

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@iDashingRainbow, I moved your OC post to our OC thread in Sugarcube for you. The place that it was in is usually focused around art created from scratch. Fun fact, most of the artists there even go out back and chop down their own trees for pencil (is a fact I just made up) :blink:

  • Brohoof 1



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Name: Moonlit Ace
Type: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Appearance: Grey Coat with a green and white mane, brown eyes. He usually always wears a Stetson atop his head, like Applejack.
Cutie Mark: Two playing cards: A Jack of Spades and an Ace of Hearts, with red green and blue poker stacks of poker chips on top of them.
Hobbies: Gambling, Archery, and overall just having a good time.
Additional Details: He's mostly straight, leaning heavily towards mares. But when it comes to having fun, he doesn't really care which gender the pony is, He'll pretty much get with any other pony that moves. He'll also usually stay up past Luna's moon and just walk around outside in the nighttime, it's very comforting and relaxing to him. 



  • Brohoof 1


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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1f1b7e0e-d59a-4d2f-b219-18c770a8a076_zps(This image was my 1st edition drawing.)
Name: Nova Star
Sex: Mare
Age: Young Adult
Species: Earth Pony
Eye Color: Green
Coat Color: Pink
Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Pink and white, usually long, and styled like Fluttershy.
Physique: slightly chubby but strong
Cutie Mark: Black double star (not yet finalized)
Origin/Residence: She travels for work quite alot, so she lives in many locations and often stays with friends she has made throughout the world. She is currently resident of Ponyville, and is staying in the spare room at Derpy's house. 
Occupation: Astronomer
Motivation: To someday work with Princess Luna. To fly.
Character Summary:
Nova is an astronomer, she is mostly hired to do star mapping in Equestria when she is not working on her more intensive personal studies. She is hired to create star charts to assist ponies for the growing season as well as for other needs. This is a difficult job that requires alot of travelling. She usually finds places to stay, with friends, whom she has accumulated along the way through letters and travel. She's highly intelligent, and is very funny. Some might not take her seriously because of her sense of humor and eccentricity, but that is there loss.
Since she has traveled so much, she tends to have a great deal of world knowledge about different cultures, customs, and stories. 
During her free time, she engineers flying machines for herself. It is her dream to fly like her pegasus family members. Because of her dream, she can be somewhat of a risk taker and ignore personal safety. This has led her to have several injuries and accidents in her life. It was one such accident when she was younger that was how she met her best friend (a draconequus), when she fell out of the sky, landed in his mouth while he was yawning, he then almost choked on her. One of her other best friends, and younger cousin, Sparkler (a pegasus) will often assist her with her flying machines, and is unfortunately just as reckless as Nova. 
She is very close to her family and is the oldest of her cousins, but has always been the odd one, given most of her family is made up of unicorns and pegasi. 
Edited by Antidaeophobia
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I have 2, so I'll post them both:


Name: Overdrive
Age: 19
Type: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Appearance: Grey Coat with a green and white mane, brown eyes. He usually always wears a Stetson atop his head, like Applejack. Crimson coat with a chocolate brown and Vegas gold mane, blue eyes. Often can be seen with a pair of welding goggles adorning his forehead, as well as a chain around his neck.
Cutie Mark: A wrench, illustrating his talent as a skilled mechanic.
Hobbies: Rehearsing with his band, Backdraft, listening to classic rock & metal records, relaxing at home, hanging out with friends.

Additional Details: OD's a fairly calm pony. It takes a lot to get under his skin. He takes a lot of pride in the work he does, and he loves his daughter, Violet Skye dearly.



Name: Violet Skye

Age: 13
Type: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Appearance: Violet coat, navy blue, black and neon green mane and tail, baby blue eyes. She wears diapers 24/7 due to a medical condition.
Cutie Mark: A shooting star. She has a knack for amateur astronomy.
Hobbies: Listening to music, helping her daddy Overdrive, partying, relaxing

Additional Details: Violet Skye originally was born and raised in Manehattan. She came out of a very abusive family, and ran away one day. Overdrive found her on his travels, and opened up his heart and home to her. Now, she lives in Ponyville with her daddy.

Edited by Overdrive


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Name: Candy Star


Age: 15


Gender: Female


Species: Earth Pony


Cutie Mark: A mexican candy called konpeito, it represents her talent as a candy maker.


Personality: Candy Star is good-humored, tolerant, and approachable. Also easy-going, calm, serene and peaceful. Ponies don't expect her to be overly emotional; they would be very surprised if she lost her temper. Candy Star is also of a cheerful nature, which allows her to easily make many friends.


Backstory: Candy Star was born in Tall Tales, a city in which she has known for years, but her family, wanting the best for their daughter, set out to find a better place to raise her. They're choice? Ponyville. Here she could meet others her age and get along just fine with them. when she comes of age, she is taught some responsibility when her parents buy a store for her to work at. This store would be whatever she wanted it to be, and as they suspected, she chose a candy shop of all occupations. But they supported her goal and gave her everything she would need and left for Tall Tales again.


Hearing this, Candy Star felt sad, but knew it wasn't right to go back and try to live with them again, she was a grown mare and needed to act like one. Through those tough times, she persevered and made a living. Candy Star makes trips to see her parents countless times when she had to close shop for the day and is happy to learn they are on their business trips. 

Now with new friends, Candy Star pushes forward with her motto in tow: 

"Friends help each other, no matter what!"


Other: Candy Star's first flaw is that she can't stay out of another pony's business and intrudes when uninvited. This has caused a few ponies to avoid her in public, but she is still learning about what ponies don't like. Candy Star is also quite the friend when you get to know her, as her friends can attest. Candy Star can be a bit annoying when she gets even a little excited, Star Shine has seen this first hand and hates it when she becomes like that. Candy Star helps others when they feel useless, but cheers them up with a few stories she makes up to get them in a better mood.



Edited by Candy Star


//// My persona and OC: Candy Star //// Ask me anything: Ask Candy Star //// My Music ////


//// My DA: (OC requests available) ////


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I have two of them, and both are James Bond parodies. Both are also twins:


Name: Pierce Goldeneye

Race: Unicorn

Sex: Male

Age: 30

Appearance: A grey Unicorn stallion with a grey mane who looks older than he is, with golden eyes. Always wears a tie and a watch and never takes them off.

Cutie Mark: A Red feather with sparkling stars.

Hobbies: Espionage, going into intense chases.

Additional Details: Being licenced to kill, he is legally allowed to terminate lives if required. He may sure look peaceful but he's not, as your eyes can deceive you. Always wore a tie since age 2. His missions usually include intense chases and lots of deaths. His left eye weeps blood because of a defective tear duct. Has an Irish accent.

Theme Song: Jack White ft. Alicia Keys - Another Way to Die

History: http://bronies.wikia.com/wiki/Pierce_Goldeneye




Name: Timey Marey

Race: Pegasus

Sex: Female

Age: 30

Appearance: A lavender Pegasus mare with a luminous yellow mane who looks younger than she is, with dark blue eyes.

Cutie Mark: A hourglass.

Hobbies: Espionage, going into intense chases.

Additional Details: Also being licenced to kill like her brother, she is legally allowed to terminate lives if required. She doesn't really have a taste in fashion, calling them "boring". Her missions usually include more dreadery than her brother. Her right eye weeps blood because of a defective tear duct. Has a British accent.

Theme Song: Eva Almér - Forever (I Am All Yours)

History: http://bronies.wikia.com/wiki/Timey_Marey



Edited by TimeyMarey007



Also check out my OC vectors!

omg this is some outdated stuff


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I have a whole team of them, so I'll be as short as I can be...


Commission - The City Forgotten (by Ruhisu).png


Going from left to right...


Name: Sojourner

Race: Earth Pony

Sex: Female

Age: Young adult

Occupation: Archaeologist, Adventurer, Museum owner/curator


Name: Corsair

Race: Pegasus

Sex: Male

Age: Adult

Occupation: Mercenary leader, airship mechanic


Name: Pathfinder

Race: Unicorn

Sex: Male

Age: Young adult

Occupation: Cartographer & map-maker, Navigator, Museum owner




Name: Stargazer

Race: Crystal Unicorn

Sex: Female

Age: Young adult, if you don't count the disappearance of the Crystal Empire

Occupation: Astronomer, Professor, Museum Employee

  • Brohoof 2

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Lion Tamer

From Maneich Germaney


Her and her lover Sage Leaf





Sage Leaf


Earth pony

Astral's lover

Cockney accent. From some shanty town, not sure which yet.

A 'closet' witch and herbalist.

  • Brohoof 1


*Slurping up a pink whale through a big straw while in a swimming pool filled with trash and some kinda gravy*.
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I wish I had a better way to show mine than GeneralZoi's pony maker(a great tool if you ask me though) however here we are...


Name: Leatherneck

Type: Unicorn

Appearance: An average male unicorn

Cutie Mark: Crossed rifles in the shape of an X (currently hidden by his armor)

Hobbies: Study of combative magic

Additional Details: He is devout believer in the rumors of the so-called New Lunar Republic, although he has yet to see any signs of it anywhere in Equestria. Hailing from the distant land near to where zebras are from, his ancestors fled Equestria after the destruction of the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters and the banishment of Luna. He was raised to be cautious, if not resentful, of the reign of the remaining sister. Upon hearing that Luna had returned, he left the land of his birth to return to Equestria to see if the rumors were true. He has no knowledge of the link between Nightmare Moon and Luna.

Your oc reminds me of a character from AdventureQuest. the resemblance is striking.

  • Brohoof 1


//// My persona and OC: Candy Star //// Ask me anything: Ask Candy Star //// My Music ////


//// My DA: (OC requests available) ////


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Here's my ponsona... It's just a quick, bad vector I did  a while back XD  I might need to change her design because I remember seeing someone on this forum whose avatar looked almost exactly like my ponysona. :(


Her name is Miracle Mirth and she is a counsellor, meaning that she helps ponies through problems in their lives and offers advice. She can also assist ponies with mental disabilities.


Her special talent is being able to open up a brighter future for her patients :)


As for her personality, she is generous, caring, and emotional. However, sometimes her caring for others leads her to forget about herself and she ends up creating her own problems.


Here are Hot Pink and her little brother, Tickle Me Pink (or Tickle for short)

Everyone in Hot Pink's family has a name associated with "pink".

I made these two with Pony Creator because I can't draw with a fractured arm. >_>

I haven't thought of backtories or anything for these two yet :P



Edited by Pineapple Bloom


"My past does not define me, because my past is not today."

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Not sure if this is the right board but oh well. If it's not, feel free to move it.


Like the title says, post your OC ponies here. Anything goes. It could be your ponysona, just some random character, or whatever.


Please give a name and at least some kind of description if possible.


Here's mine:


Name: Dave (came from an inside joke in a Mumble group)

Type: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Appearance: blue coat with black, wavy hair and brown eyes. He usually wears dark blue shades.

Cutie Mark: Three white five pointed stars.

Hobbies: Obsessing over female ponies, and staring at "dat plot". He's always trying to ask them out but usually fails miserably due to a serious lack of "game".

Additional Details: Although he pursues most all females, his love interest is Fluttershy. When she is around he gets nervous and tries to avoid her. Due to his lack of confidence he may never be able to ask her out. His cutie mark represents his interest in astronomy and his dream to go star gazing with Fluttershy.




"dat plot" 

My sides were banished to the Moon.


Name: Shadow Beam

Type: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Appearance: Very dark grey coat with white painted simbols and messy mane and tail. He has blue eyes.

Cutie Mark: Black background with white simbols (3 curved lines, 4 triangles, one square and another triangle)

Hobbies: Stargazing and training.

Additional Details: He had been lost in the Everfree Forest for seven years and stays awake at night, therefore sleeping during most of the day.

Personality: Kinda introverted, but still a nice pony. He loves to improve himself.

Occupation: He gathers rare ingredients and objects from the Everfree Forest and sells them.





Name: Astro Shine

Type: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Appearance: Grey coat with messy dark grey mane and tail with two irregular white stripes.

Cutie mark: Black background with a moon and stars and with wide grey borders to emulate the sight from a telescope.

Hobbies: Studying and stargazing.

Additional details: He works as astronomer and gives free lessons of astronomy to the ponies of Ponyville.

Personality: Quiet but friendly pony. Always willing to help the ones in need. 

Occupation: Astronomer





Name: (The pic is outdated) Calm Spirit, his nickname is "Dettho"

Type: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Appearance:  Dark slate grey coat with long dark blue and violet mane and tail 

Cutie mark: Classical psychiatrist/counselor couch with a chair at its side

Hobbies: Reading, helping ponies with their mental problems and doing research on various matters.

Additional details: Even the simplest of things can take him to a long session of deep thinking.

Personality: Very quiet and shrewd pony. Every single thing can intrigue him, even a fork could make him question the very structure of society. His ability of deep thinking and being able to see situations from different points of view makes it possible for him to easily understand everypony personal problems and help them to get through them.

Occupation: Psychiatrist/Counselor.




Edited by ShadowBeam
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I have eight OCs at the moment. Six are works in progress. Here's a general overview of my two active OCs, complete with links to their entries in the Character Database (most of the stuff presented in this post can be found in the database anyway; sorry about the large images):
Compass Meridian (profile)

Active in the following RP(s): Equestria Forward

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Pony

Race: Unicorn

Occupation: University student

PersonalityDue to his family's transient nature when he was a foal, Compass Meridian found it difficult to cultivate strong, solid relationships with other ponies. As a result, he tends to be more reserved and shy towards ponies he's never met and those he isn't good friends with. However, around ponies he sees as good acquaintances, he becomes a totally different pony: bubbly, cheery, confident, and easy to talk to about anything.

Despite those two "sides" to Compass Meridian's personality, one aspect he keeps consistent is his excessive attention to detail in his work, and due to this, he doesn't have a very high tolerance for mistakes.


304179cd73aa0445e2ad524aa1e0126b.pngHigh Voltage (profile)

Active in the following RP(s): Equestria Forward

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Species: Pony

Race: Unicorn

Occupation: Senior linepony at an electric utility company*

PersonalityHigh Voltage's personality matches the nature of her abilities: spontaneous, very energetic, and powerful. These qualities draw mixed reactions from other characters; some find her annoying at times, but many others find her commanding and energetic personality to be welcoming in the face of disaster. Also, despite her bubbly personality, when she gets serious, there is practically nothing in the world that can take her focus off the task at hoof. This dedication and focus on the "bright side" of things has won her the approval and accolades of friends, co-workers, and TPL* management, even if her normal "genki" personality is a bit off-putting at times.


* As talked about on High Voltage's profile page and in Equestria Forward, she works at TPL, or Tropicala Power and Light (TPL), the incumbent investor-owned electric utility for most of Tropicala, a region in southeastern Equestria.

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Name: CC


Pony Race: Mixed (Unicorn/Clydesdale): The horn represents his unicorn connection and the his hoofs, face, and tail represents his Clydesdale connection. I made him that way because my cultural background is mixed and the unicorn is the national animal of the country one of my parents is from and the Clydesdale is a popular animal in that same country.


Age: 18


Backstory: Similar backstory to my personal one and his personality is the same.


Additional Information: His mane represents what my hair looks like.

Edited by CC_Maud_Pie

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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Name: Arzon
Type: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Appearance: Light Grey with Dark grey Hair and tail and a "Glowing Star" scarf
Cutie Mark: Tornado
Hobbies: Training with his wind manipulation skills, drawing.
Additional Details: He can manipulates wind. He likes to befriend with everypony except the evil one. He wants to beat Rainbow dash or Applejack for anything.





Arzon in stickman version



Edited by WindDash14


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Name: Autumn
Type: Earth Pony
Gender: Female
Appearance: See images
Cutie Mark: Geometric art thingy
Hobbies: Art, specifically minimalist and geometric
Additional Details: Married to Blue Moon; mother of Clear Skies.


She's currently a WIP, but I do have some basic details and some images:



Edited by Blue Moon
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Name: Paint Brush
Type: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Appearance: See below!
Cutie Mark: Paint brush painting out a pink heart.
Hobbies: Art, practicing magic, being with her friends, pranks.
Additional Details: Her magic has been delayed since she was a filly. She can still perform basic spells like levitation, but anything beyond that would result in magic surges. She uses her faulty magic to take advantage of her custom art style, but during her spare time she reads magic books to work on her magic.



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