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Name: Windlight

Gender: Male

Race: Pegasus 

Cutie Mark: Pair of head phones with a music note between them.

Personality:  He's the go with the flow kinda type and hates to stress over things if anything.    Loves to be social and hang out and being in the spot light.   Windlight is the lead singer in a punk pony band and a former Wonderbolt who if they need help or a fill in spot,  will step up to help out his friends.  Tends to also help with the Wonderbolts smaller shows on the side in the music and effects.




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Maple Berry ^ ^




Maple Berry was not like many other ponies, she was not born into the world screaming and crying for her mother’s embrace instead she was conceived in the mind of a young man and forged through his abilities with manufactured graphite and the dead remnant of an olden tree. The place of her “forging”, as she was told, was an aged oak desk in an old inventor’s workshop, a place in which she still works to this day.
After her “birth” She was named Maple Berry after the yellowish hue of her skin and the syrup-like shades of her hair and though it had been years since then Maple still remembers her father grinning, a cheerful smile, and holding her close. She has never forgotten the words he had said soon after…
” Starting today” The youth smiled
“You’re going to be my assistant.”


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Name: Flower Shine

Type: Pegasus

Gender: Female

Appearance: light green coat, pink mane and tail, blue eyes, sunflower cutie mark

Hobbies: Gardening

Additional Details: Flower Shine is a sweet and easy going pony but she won't be afraid to get tough with you if she has to.oc_request__flower_shine_by_painbowcrash

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Name: Spark Thunderbass


Type: Earth Pony


Gender: Male


Cutie Mark: Sound speaker with two lightning bolts


Appearance: Blue coat, black mane and tail with blue edges.


Hobbies: Music.




                                                                                     Signature Done By Me.

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NAME: protosippos theos


AGE: as old as equestria itself


TYPE: alicorn


GENDER: male


APPEARANCE: a 100 ft tall three headed alicorn, its middle head has a horn while the others do not.


CUTIE MARK: a Pegasus head looking left, unicorn head in the middle and earth pony head looking right


HOBBIES: trying to escape his interdimensional prison


HISTORY: he is the first pony, progenitor of all equine life on terra. after he went mad and his personalities split he was locked in the void by his alicorn children, but not before he killed almost all of them.


img-36578-1-img-36578-1-Samwise-Gamgee-s A wizard is never late, nor is he early. he arrives precisely when he means to. quote from starswirl the bearded

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Name: Blueberry Fluff
Species: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Age: Adult, about the age of the Cakes

Appearance: Short and chubby. Medium gray fur. Blue mane with purple outlines. Purple eyes, matching her mane outline. A light blue and purple ballet shoe cutiemark, with ribbons and a bow.

Personality: Very cheerful, but easily embarrassed. Often "attacks" others with her words when she feels embarrassed, but will always apologize after. Hates sweet things, but tolerates them to please her parents. 

History: Born in Sanfransicolt to candy-making ponies. Got her cutiemark when she showed her parents how she danced.

Special Talent: Ballet Dancing

Other: She's very clutzy when not dancing, often falling down.

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Name: Moondust

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Female

Age: Fifteen

History: Moondust was born in the village that Starlight Glimmer was, but moved to Canterlot when she got her acceptance letter to Canterlot University. She had a hard time fitting in at first, but met another pony named Carbon, who was studying organic chemistry. They became fast friends. Her major was astrophysics.

Cutie Mark: One of the most famous equations of all time, Moondust's cutie mark is E=mc2. This represents her talent for physics. 

Hobbies: Her favorite game is chess. She loves reading, and does so very often. Every Sunday she goes to see Carbon, who moved away from Canterlot after she graduated.

Profession: Moondust currently works as a research scientist in astrophysics.




unnamed (1).gif

gamer - bookworm - unhealthy obsession with alpacas

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Name: Sketchy Style
Type: Pegasus
Appearance: Kinda tall and skinny with a tanish body and Pinkish mane and tail
Gender: Female
Cutie Mark: A paw print


Personality: Loyal, and caring.


Special Talent: Drawing

Other: Somewhat clumsy and loves to spend time with her PFF 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't really roleplay usually. I made this one on a pony creator to troll TagTeamCast in his status update where he was claiming that he was the only one with an alicorn OC. It's nothing serious and I made it in about 2 minutes, but since this thread exists and I have nothing else to post here, I might as well post it :P




Name: Marshmallow (yeah quite creative I know)

Species: Alicorn (lol )


Age: 18y (same as my age... I'm quite the creative person tonight)

Lives in: Cloudsdale

Personality: She's a bit mischievous and likes to mess with people. She's a bit squishy too.

Special Talent: She does not have a visible cutie mark... oops lol. I'll think of one later

Back story:

History: I'll think of something later.

Sorry, I know it's already past years but your OC and my OC.. is like, sisters!! My oc is named Sweet Marshmallow while yours is Marshmallow.. coincidence? ?
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  • Name: Fluidty
  • Nickname(s): Flu, Fluy
  • Race: Unicorn
  • Age: 19 years
  • Sex: Female
  • Coat Color: Very light grey (white looking)
  • Eye Color: Purple
  • Mane Color: Black with colored strands (<-magenta)
  • Tail Color: Black
  • Cutie Mark: A weird looking quill and a weird looking  
    magnifying glass
  • Other (Body) Features: Freckles / dark circles / usually wears glasses, a hat and a tie.
  • Likes: Books / acting / music / their cats / coffee / basically everything that has to do with knowledge
  • Dislikes: To be disturbed / children / nutmeg / pineapple / papaya / homophobia / transphobia / racism / sexism
  • Character: Mostly pessimistic / depressed / mentally unstable / distrustful / aggressiv / introvert / if happy, then really happy (see picture)
Edited by Fluidty
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have tons of OCs and absolutely no access to any images of them right now. >.>'



But here... have a description of my most elaborate one- Glitter Moon.



Name: Glitter Moon


Pony Type: Unicorn


Cutie Mark: None


Hometown: Hollow Shades


Appearance: Dark grey fur with shades of lighter blue mane that curls kind of like Rarity's, but the style is short with a longer, curlier tail. Her mane and tail glow just a little bit, as does the mane of everypony in Hollow Shades.



Back story: Glitter lives in Hollow Shades, the one town that focuses more on Luna than Celestia. Some are even for Nightmare Moon, and wish for her return. Glitter's parents are some of these people. Glitter's aunt was disowned from the family for liking Celestia. She left Hollow Shades and has never returned. Glitter Moon wants to leave and find her, but knows her family would never accept her back into the family again if she did so.

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here is my new oc



gender: male

age: 25

sexuality: bi

job:construction worker/jenator (houses only)

talent: computers and game consoles work and play on them.

cutie mark: power button with a x in front of the power button.




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I never really finished my OC, but here is what I have.  :adorkable:





Name: Windshear


Age:  22


Gender:  Female


Species:  Unicorn


PersonalityWindshear is fairly shy and reclusive, preferring to spend her time alone reading or working on her next contraption rather than socializing. She has a lot of difficulty communicating with ponies she doesn't talk too often, but she is kind of a goofball around her close friends.

She has a rather odd sense of humor that neither she nor anyone else really seem to understand. Windshear also has a fondness for sarcasm.


Backstory:  Windshear is a unicorn who was born into a family of pegasi living in Cloudsdale. Fortunately the clouds around the hospital she was born in were enchanted so unicorns and earth ponies can walk on them without falling through in case of the rare occurance of a non-pegasus pony being born in Cloudsdale

Very soon after she was born, her family was forced to leave Cloudsdale, as it is not a safe place for a unicorn filly to grow up. Her family ended up settling down in Ponyville, and she has lived there ever since.

Having grown up among a family of pegasi, Windshear has always had a fascination with flying, but as she is neither a pegasus, nor particularly gifted with magic she has always been grounded. Due to her inability to fly like the rest of her family, Windshear has become somewhat obsessed with the idea of developing a flying machine so that she too can take to the skies.



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  • 2 weeks later...



This is my unicorn Moon Sugar

She is bisexual 


and has very little personality atm because I just like to draw her and not think to hard about her.

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It's you I love


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Type:Pegasus pony

Appearence:  Rainbow Factory

Cutie Mark: Pegasus Device, because Hide is the maker of The Device




Type:Pegasus pony

Appearence:  Rainbow Factory

Cutie Mark: Pegasus Device, because Hide is the maker of The Device


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Name: Rust

Species: Half metal Pegasus.

Cutie Mark: Used to be a wrench, is now blank.

Additional information: Rust used to be a Guard in Canterlot, She was injured during the wedding incident and subsequently lost her wings. Through the magic of Equestrian medicine, Rust received new wings and metal replacements for her missing bones. After this Rust was so enraged she went to the Changeling nest, intending to burn it to the ground, but when she got there she saw the starving Changelings and was so moved she decided to secretly bring them as much love as she could.

Special talent: fixing broken objects.


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Name: Wax n’ Wane


Nickname: Wane


Race: Thestral/Batpony


Age: 23 years


Sex: Male


Coat Color: Grey-Blue


Eye Color: Pale Blue


Mane & Tale Color: Purple


Cutie Mark: Pending to become a candlestick, place held with a book with a question mark


Other (Body) Features: Glowing front forelegs*


Likes: The Moon and just about everything to do with it / Mangoes / Night-Flights / Candlemaking / Carpentry / Metalwork


Dislikes: The Day and just about everything to do with it / Formal Wear / “High Society” / Durian Fruit


Character: Mercurial nature-

Under a Waxing Moon:

Chatty / Optimistic/ Air-Headed


Under a Waning Moon:

Aloof / Pragmatic / Melancholy


Under a New Moon, a balance of above.


Notes: For unknown reasons, the front forelegs glow at night, with the intensity dependent on the lunar phases (ie. brightest under a full moon, no light under a new moon).  While this strange phenomenon does not seem to affect his physiology, his personality appears to be related.


Bio: It's no secret that Bat Ponies love the night- however, despite this, Wane's foalhood, and onward into his adulthood, was a quest to figure out what his markings meant.  With Hollow Shades having no light to shed on the matter, he took off on a journey of his own to discover the truth behind it.  Since then, he's been around Equestria as a traveling craftsman, building, repairing, or remodeling structures from Fillydelphia to Manehatten.  All the while, he has been researching his condition, consulting libraries, magicians, mystics, and the occasional dermatologist.  Despite his largely migrant life, he's come to settle in Ponyville, a (mostly) quiet hamlet at the foot of Canterlot Mountain.


sig-4386719.964218__safe_solo_oc_princesPicture by the lovely Marina Dragonflame.

Edited by Wax n' Wane
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Ebb and flow, the power grows.

Wax and wane, the power drains.

My OC.

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Many of you already have seen this because, well, my avatar and sig and stuff, but here be Kyoshi, who is me:




He is my Ponysona, me in a pony form, so as a result:


He is bisexual.


He loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooves video games, that might be a shock to many but there it is.


He loves the simple things in life and mostly concentrates on the simple joys. 


He loves food, particularly pizza, cereal, and dark chocolate. :3 


He is very child-like in many ways.


He is often shy, introverted and doesn't have too good of social skills.


And some other details. That be me, Kyoshi. The pony who does things and stuff. 

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Name : Desert Jewel


Gender : female


Age : 20


Species: Earth pony


Living place : Alexandreknee in san palomino desert


Favorite colour : light blue



Personality : Desert Jewel research the peace of herself, her primary quality is the acceptance of the other as they are, she isn't a fighter, sometimes to avoid difficulties or conflict, she just drop them . She is also very kind and got pretty good social skill which makes easier the friendship with others. She is fan of many video games and TV series which lead her to her dark side, her laziness and her capacity to lose herself really fast, she accept other but don't accept critisism about herself. She always try to relativize and accept her mistakes which is sometimes really difficult, to accept her mistakes she isolate herself until she feel better.She is really attracted by all kinds of jewelry and her ears jewel with the pearl necklace are the most important things for her, they are a gift from her parents and from her best friend. She loves colours and she do her hobby, a job : painter and decorator. She want her life to be as colorful as her paintings


Hobbys : painting, watch TV and play video games with hooves of course, be with her friends, isolate herself sometimes, yoga, find new and beautiful jewelry, color life from the other


Sexual orientation : heterosexual


Dream : being in peace with herself


Social class : middle class


Talent : being able to relive the color of the life of people who watch her painting


Cutie mark : a blue diamond with a yellow W


Backstory : Desert Jewel was born in the san palomino desert in a place named Ponyxor, a well known place in this area. Her father and her mother were well known architect and initiate their children to the building when she was young which is gonna have a big influence on her . She discovered the wonderful world of the TV and of the video games hen she was 7 and still loves them today, her favorite game was and still « Filly Icarus Uprising ». She got a peacefull and boring childhood. During ths childhood, she discovered her passion for the jewelry. She started to discover her personnality during her teenagers years. Along with her best friend Alpha Orbit, a dark blue and black unicorn, she get the best moments of her life. Alpha, for her 15 birthday, gift her with a pearl necklace to remember their moments together. She was and still get touched in her hearth. Her parents offered her for her 20 birthday, 2 hears jewels, the first one to say « remember us » and the second to say « don't lose your path », they got a big sentimental value like the necklace. Since her 18 birthday, she work as painter for some project like the ponyxor museum or the ponhynx. She's still friends with Alpha Orbit who became a glass worker. She live a calm and peacefull life in her house in Alexandreknee.



Likes/dislikes : every music except rap, espescially love the peacefull music. Her friends, jewelry, she doesn't like swimming and people who have a too big ego, also she don't like extremist religious.


Religion :don't have any. She is atheist (also atheist isn't a religion)


Nickname : kind rock (nickname from Alpha)

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Name: midnight cloud

Species: earth pony

Gender: male

Cutie mark: camera with a moon behind it

Personality: very energetic and playful but trustworthy and loyal would die for his friends

Thing he says: you are defined by who you have around you as friends

History: grew up in a small town outside of ponyville and grew up fascinated with movies and got a camera when he was still a young Colt he still has that camera to this day

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My oc Chaos is me in pony form, I'll give a brief explanation about him!




Gender: Male


Age: 23


He is a very soft and gentle soul, quite introverted and quiet. Very loving and understanding. He is also a huge fan of chocolate and pizza! 


He cares deeply for the people (ponies) closest to him.


Anyways that's just a little thing about him. ^^

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