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Who would you have as president?

Lady Rarity Pony

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Well, let's break it down...

  • Applejack: I'm sorry, but do we really need another president with a southern accent? One that would probably say 'nuculer' and end up in a war with the Buffalo over an apple orchard?
  • Fluttershy: As much as I like her, we really don't need a president who's afraid of her own shadow. That's what we have France for. :P
  • Pinkie Pie: Admittedly a genius (see Pencil's thread), her bubbly nature and constant partying would probably be a bit too much for most Americans to handle and could also risk offending foreign dignitaries who disapprove of 'raucus American partying.' She could possibly make a good Vice President. If Biden has taught us anything, it's that the role of the VP is to have fun and let the President clean up any mess that comes as a result. :lol:
  • Twilight Sparkle: Overall the best choice I believe. She is level-headed and intelligent, well educated and kind. She is very goal-oriented and would have a definite plan for helping the country recover. No beating around the bush with pointless political rhetoric. She would make a checklist of steps to fix the country, then set about doing them. Of course, woa to us if she was ever late to a meeting. She could degenerate and start a nuclear war with Russia. But as long as she succeeds in her agenda I'm sure we'd have nothing to worry about. ;)
  • Rarity: The obvious economic choice, she would likely discover a deposit of gems somewhere and use them to boost the US economy. But she probably wouldn't be popular enough to stay in office, even if she fixes things, being who she is. She is the 1%.
  • Rainbow Dash: She's hot-headed and eager for action. While these are admirable traits in an athlete, they're not so good in a political leader. She's the pony that flew into a dark cave and kicked a full grown dragon in the face. I would fear for US foreign policy with her in charge. We'd likely see our armies deployed around the world and start toppling bully dictators left and right. While this may be an admirable goal, it hasn't gone over so well for us in the past, and probably won't in the future. It's best to give that one a rest.
  • Spike: The birthers would never let him win. Dragons aren't citizens. :o

Big Macintosh: Logical, calm, resolved, a hard worker and doesn't talk all that much. A perfect candidate. Capable of intimidating people by being big, great at being an honest family fellow (being am amiable big brother), and can fend for himself (Lesson Zero has him explode a pile of Ponies, if you don't remember.)

Edited by Blue
  • Brohoof 1
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Twilight would get nothing done, Rainbow Dash would start a war, trixie...trixie is awesome, spike would be lazy, Rarity would spend too much money on extravagant things, Fluttershy would die at her inagruation due to a heart attack (rip <3), Pinkie would be Pinkie, AJ seems close minded-ish to me.



Of all of them, I choose none. I don't like choosing the lesser of any evil. xD


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Fluttershy. "I'm going to raise the taxes. Oh... If that's okay with you." "no it isnt" " ORLY? THEN YOU WILL DIEEEEEEEEEEE oh... Okay"


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Fluttershy. "I'm going to raise the taxes. Oh... If that's okay with you." "no it isnt" " ORLY? THEN YOU WILL DIEEEEEEEEEEE oh... Okay"




"Pakistan, don't launch nukes at India! If....that's okay with you."





Edited by Fizzydog
  • Brohoof 1


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Twilight would get nothing done, Rainbow Dash would start a war, trixie...trixie is awesome, spike would be lazy, Rarity would spend too much money on extravagant things, Fluttershy would die at her inagruation due to a heart attack (rip <3), Pinkie would be Pinkie, AJ seems close minded-ish to me.


I'll have you know that beautification of deprived inner cities is a vital component of her fabulous economic recovery program!

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President? :huh: Don't you mean Empress of the World. B)

Twilight Sparkle,

Apple Jack as her No. 2,

Rainbow, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie as general advisers,

Spike as... Assistant and mascot. :)


"In this wild and woolly universe, there are three things you can count on: your brains, your bros and your bike!"

"The difficult we do immediately, The impossible takes a little longer."

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  • 2 weeks later...



the only pony with REAL political background ~ the cutie mark shows all .


This. So much. I'd love for the Mayor to be President. Then she could be President Mayor! ...They really need to give her a proper name. Maybe Billy because of the bill on her flank.
  • Brohoof 1

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I give her 10 years before the entire world is destroyed in a nuclear blast because she pressed the wrong button.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Seeing as this thread already existed under show discussion, I've merged the two topics and their associated polls.


To reiterate on my preference for a head of state, I'd likely opt for Twilight, due to her judicious nature, relatively level headed attitude, and overall intellectual abilities. However, seeing Derpy run the country would be pretty intriguing to say the least.



Posted Image

Derpy is the best extremist.



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I'd probably go with Twilight because she seems to have the most managerial skills, especially when it comes to organization. Although from watching Lesson Zero, if something falls behind schedule… we all know what would happen XD. Derpy would be my second choice. Honestly Derpy for pres just sounds so American lol.

Awesomeness = at least 20% Cooler.

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Twilight may have unbeatable organization and management skills, but she has absolutely no tolerance for stress at all (Swarm of the Century, Lesson Zero), she tends to become over-obsessed with minor things (Feeling Pinkie Keen), and she has previously refused to take action simply because she was worried about how others perceived her (Boast Busters). A president needs to be able to cope with stress, focus on the most important issues, and not worry so much about their public image, so she's out.


Pinkie is a closeted genius, and is one who shows tremendous courage in the face of danger (Swarm of the Century, Friendship is Magic Pt. 2) - both good traits of a leader. However, she is quick to jump to conclusions and take extreme action (Party of One). Plus, she has voluntarily gotten herself involved in situations without having any idea what they all entailed (Baby Cakes). Finally, when she tries to de-escalate high tension political issues, her methods have proven to be counter productive and make matters worse (Over a Barrel). Leaders need to be able to quickly but fully analyze situations before taking action, and need to be great negotiators to avoid unnecessary conflict, so Pinkie's out too.


Applejack is a very hard worker, and has excellent business skills. She definitely knows how to be successful. However, she tends to be very stubborn and unable to accept help, which leads her to exhaustion, and thus poor decision making (Applebuck Season). She can be unnecessarily vague about important details (Friendship is Magic Pt. 2* - see spoiler). Finally, whenever she is faced with a disadvantage, instead of trying to find ways to overcome a disadvantage or obstacle, she asks her opponents to put themselves at a disadvantage simply out of fairness (Fall Weather Friends** - see spoiler). Leaders need to be willing to ask for help instead of taking a "I can do everything myself" approach, they need to disclose as much as possible when possible in order to avoid unnecessary confusion and concern for safety, and when faced with a challenge, they need to be able to work within their limits instead of trying to limit the challenge itself. AJ's out.



* I'm specifically referring to the cliff scene in FiM Pt. 2. When Twilight was hanging off the edge of the cliff, AJ could've easily said "Rainbow and Fluttershy are right below you, so let go and they'll catch you". Instead, she remained extremely vague, and told Twilight to "Trust me and let go", which kept Twilight in an unnecessary state of concern for her own safety. There is no reason why an elected official needs to keep citizens in the dark when their safety is at stake.


** During the running of the leaves, AJ bound Dash's wings, as she was unhappy with Dash using her flight ability as an advantage. If AJ was in charge of a country who was at war, and her nation only had tanks while the opposing nation had high-altitude bombers, asking the other nation to keep their planes on the ground out of fairness probably would not work out too well.



Fluttershy's kindness would definitely be welcome in the political world, but some of her other traits would make putting her in any form of political office (especially president) to be extremely undesirable. Her overall shy behavior would definitely impede foreign relations, and her characteristic lack of assertiveness would prevent her from standing up to what's right in most situations. Without communication and assertiveness, you can't lead well, so Fluttershy's out too.


So that leaves Rarity and Rainbow Dash... And that is a very tough choice to make.


Both ponies don't mind (And in fact, welcome) attention. They love being in the spotlight, which is very important for a leader - they need to welcome attention instead of shying away from it. They also both strive for perfection, and are not ponies who'd give up easily when things look down. Those are all excellent traits for a leader to have.


Rarity is a successful business owner. She obviously is good with finances and organization, and she knows how to make the necessary political connections required to succeed. She has shown that she is willing to make sacrifices of herself in order to benefit the whole (FiM Pt.2 - Steven Magnet scene). She is willing to make compromises to try to make others happy (Suited For Success). Finally, she knows how to take a negative situation and turn it around (Dog and Pony Show, Sisterhooves Social), however this is both a pro and a con for her, as she tends to achive such results through lying (Sisterhooves Social) and manipulation (Dog and Pony Show), so even though the results are positive, the means of obtaining said results are questionable.


Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof, has loyalty, dedication, and passion. Dash is one who would remain loyal no matter what, even if it meant giving up her own dreams (FiM Pt. 2 - Shadowbolts scene). She also is not one to give up easily, no matter how impossible the odds are (Sonic Rainboom), and will always stand up for what is right (Cutie Mark Chronicles). Dash does have her flaws as well. She does have a rather brash attitude, but that may not always be a bad thing (I hate when things are sugarcoated - sometimes harsh honesty is a better idea). She also subscribes to the "shoot first, ask questions later" philosophy (Fim Pt. 2 - opening, Dragonshy), which really is not attractive for a leader at all.


In the end, however, I would have to say Dash. Above everything else, loyalty is the absolute most important trait in a leader - if a president is not loyal to their country and its citizens, then it really doesn't matter what else they could bring to the table, as there is no guaranty that they'd stand up for rightness and justice.




the only pony with REAL political background ~ the cutie mark shows all .


True that she may have a political background, but I wouldn't say that she's very good at it. She's nowhere to be found during massive emergencies that threaten the safety of the town (Swarm of the Century), and she seems to lack basic organization, planning, and problem solving skills (Winter Wrap Up).

Edited by joeyh3
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This. So much. I'd love for the Mayor to be President. Then she could be President Mayor! ...They really need to give her a proper name. Maybe Billy because of the bill on her flank.


Billy is my boyfriend's name. so I'd find that quite commical ;D

we shall make it canon ! (: ~

  • Brohoof 1

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Fuschia Celebration Pony!

that's what I would have said at first, buuuuuuuuuuuuuut I got to go with, Book Enthusiast pony or Meek Animal Lover

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