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Your a Villain in Equestria, how would you Take over the World?


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1. Befriend the Mane Six. Specifically, Pinkie Pie, since it's almost an automatic system
2. Attempt to assassinate them, but then realize I can't do it, since i'm not a heartless monster.
3. Realize that the Mane Six hold the most powerful magic in Equestria. Being friends with them means I already own the world, but without the responsibilities of being a Princess. After I explain it to them, they'll automatically distrust me. I'll hang around until their lives come into danger, then save them. By proving i've given up my evil ways, i'll become the element of Sincerity.
4. Find true happiness and ultimate power without ever lifting a finger against the ponies. There's nothing in Equestria that's worth the possibility of facing Celestia's "mercy" anyway.
5. Send a letter to the princess. I think I learned something about the magic of friendship.

Edited by Shimmer5000
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I would plan this years in advance. First I would cast a want it need it spell on a parasprite. The cover it in poison joke. then cover it in the the cutie pox virus. Then switch it's appetite.  Then clone it a billion fold.


Next, I would announce an attack on all major cities. With the entire place on alert, I would unleash the swarm. the guards would be attracted to the swarm, ditch their posts, and get close to the swarm, getting their weapons eaten and themselves covered in joke. This process will be repeated until the military is negated w/ destroyed weapons and various symptoms. 


With diseased guards on the outside, the citizens will be trapped. That's when I switch the parasites appetite back, and have them strip the cities of their food.  The cities will be unintentionally under siege (or quarantine) by it's own guards. And the joke/pox virus will be spread to the populace. Equestrian environment and economy will collapse overnight. 


Next, the princesses. Simple enough: sneak attack. Surprise them point blank w/ a cockatrice. Or a whole flock of cloned cockatri. With want it need it spells.  No where to look but into those eyes, or just stay in one place away from them. Ponies will be stoned or joked. 


Once they surrender, I'll call of the swarm and the flock, so they can get the herbs to cure the joke. And the cutie pox will vanish anyways.


Neal before me horse people. 

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Once the Ion Cannon takes out most of their cities, I send a MOAB straight for the tree of harmony. Now that their magical powers are lost, and my LOIC has blown away most of their defenses, I can begin landing my force of Power Rangers (as they negate the plot armor that the mane 6 wear with pride). After my shock force establishes a beachhead, I can begin off loading my force of young farm boys looking for adventure (again negating any remaining plot armor Equestria's forces may carry). Soon after I will take my seat as Emperor of Equestria, and usher in an era of trade and commerce not seen since.

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Ok so this might be a tad overly complex.


1: Create a ton of work for cadence and twilight by implanting dark magic seeds in the equestrian food supply. The effects of the seeds vary from pony to pony.

2: after several weeks of this id kidnap spike and shining armor, and putting them each in completely differant areas well outside of equestria, and sending ransom notes to candence and twily. They would be forced to split up,and being worn ragged, it would take them a looooong time to find them.

3: guessing id have about 2 months before twily and cadence return, id gain access to shape shifting magic, and infiltrate Canterlot castle.

4: By alternating my appearance between a Guard, Luna, and Celestia, id start trying to create trouble between the royal sisters.

5; once the final straw is broken, and Luna and Celestia are at each others throats, id sit back, relax and watch the cat fight.

6: after one of the sisters fall, the other should be weak enough for me to take down, and eventually both would be turned to stone, and hidden.

7: once twily and cadence return, id assume Celestias form.

8: Id trick Cadence, Shining, and Twily to perform a spell that would lock their magic, then turn them to stone.

9: at this point there is nothing in equestria powerful enough to stop me, so i do the reveal thingly, and take my rightful place, as KING OF EQUESTRIA!!!!!!!

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Are we talking like Human me or some made up superpowered me?


Cause if it was human me I would just quit while Im ahead and try to integrate.


If I was some powerful villain I would take the Sith Lord approach. As in I would feign being an ally and work up a war from the inside that would end with me as the shadow ruler over the new world order.

Edited by Buck Testa
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  • 4 months later...

1. Ensure Admiral Ozzel doesn't come out of hyperspace too close to the system. 

2. Blockade the system with a small fleet of Imperial II class Star Destroyers

3. Bombard the planet with Turbo-Lasers fired from space, as well as bombing runs made by TIE-Bomber Squadrons.

4. Prepare Colonel Veers for the ground invasion.

5. Land on the surface of the planet, with organized formations of AT-AT walkers, AT-ST walkers , Stormtroopers, and TIE-Maulers on the ground, and TIE-fighters in the air, sweeping through the entire planet in one large blitzkrieg.

6. In the case of unnatural, or otherwise magical entities, Darth Vader will be deployed to dispose of such threats. 

7. After the system has been conquered, all previous governing bodies will be terminated, and will be replaced by an Imperial representative. 

8. The denizens of the planet will be allowed to vote for ONE person of their species to represent their planet in the Imperial Senate.  


Thats my take on it. 

Does the Onion grace my presence?

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Okay first off if I am a Villain I am assuming I am a pony, so I shall say I am Void, first off, I would turn into Chrysalis, find the Hive of Cyan colour code (Chryssie's Hive) and use Chrysalis's Hive mind to take the Changelings in squads to each pony filled area and being secret mass conversion of everypony, eventually Changeling to Pony ratio will be leaning towards more Changies then, once that happens, I train the Changeling armies to turn into powerful creatures like Hydra's and Maticores and such, then with my army of mythical creatures I attack Canterlot with my army that I have built up, nothing can stop millions of Toxic Smoke breathing Hydra's, Poison loaded Manticores, Fire breathing Dragons, Tank like Cragadiles and other awesome big beasts.

Yeah, I think I would conquer the Equestrian planet easy peasy
.  :comeatus:

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Simple. While kind and moralistic, the ponies of Equestria are far too accepting to deal with a real villain with a real darker personality. One could learn all there is need to from Twilight and Celestia after gaining their trust, only to cast them aside with the aquired knowledge at the correct moment.


The most dangerous antagonists are the ones that aren't obvious villains.

Edited by Sanctified Absence

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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Assuming i was as normal as anypony else, i would most likely take the slow and safe route. Here's a (Very) simple way of how i would do it, since the real way would be way more complicated.


First, research. Research on absolutely anything that could turn out to be useful, maybe even a few mind spells if i was a unicorn.


Second, get to know and befriend those not crazy loyal to the alicorns, but still work for the crown, and maybe manipulate them into being my eyes and ears in the capital and the more important cities or towns.


Three, recruit mercenaries and those who do not like the alicorns into doing my bidding, most likely through promise of power or making them fear me. 


Four, kidnap the noble's family members and make them tell me as much as they know and even work as spies. If they dont cooperate, threaten to kill the kidnapped.


Five, try to get as much influence as possible throughout the land, making ponies believe that im a good guy and my word should be respected.


Six, slowly make my way up through the social standing and somehow get a job as Royal Advisor or the likes.


Seven, Find an artifact that may have enough power to defeat the alicorns and usurp the throne.


Eight, Prepare and Wait til a good moment to stab the princesses in the back and announce that they have a new ruler.


Nine, Find any and all that still have loyalties to the Alicorns and swiftly execute them, aswell as take any artifacts that may aid them and store them in the royal vault.


Then, rule with an iron hoof. Assuming the princesses are blind and dont notice the operation.


And finally, work to find a way to create an army, best if unstoppable, then declare war on all other countries on Equis. After that, the world will be mine! :lol:



If i would get to Equestria as my Question Mark guy, though...




Then, Rule the empty wasteland that was once a proud world filled with living things. :D 




Wow, i really went on a roll here.

Edited by Lord Bradley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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I would arise from the fiery depths of Hell where I was once sealed by forces now long gone. I would tempt weak-minded fools with promises of power and have them sow the seeds of distrust in Equestria. I would start civil unrest from the shadows and engulf the nation in brutal civil war. During this war, I separate the Mane 6 to prevent them from uniting and summoning the Rainbow Power.


As the nation weakens and corpses begin to litter the streets, I will raise all the dead with my infernal magic. The dead will then dispose of the last shreds of resistance from the regular population, taking care to focus on the divided Mane 6. With most of Equestria under my thumb I finally reveal myself to the Princesses. They will attempt to use their alicorn magic but fail miserably. I will tear them apart and raise them as my thralls, as I did with all others who stood in my way. The Rainbow Power will go dark as I have already made sure the Mane 6 could not unite against me. Discord will try to stop me, but his power is laughable compared to those of the Prince of Darkness. To inflict maximum torture upon him I turn him into crystal. As it is a highly ordered form of being, his chaotic nature will hate it.


Then at long last, the nation will be mine, and eternal tyranny will be upon the citizens of Equestria.


...Yeah. I'd never do this, obviously, because I like Equestria and it should remain peaceful and magical. Not to mention I could never hurt the Mane 6, the Princesses, Discord or any other pony/being in Equestria. I like acting all dark and dangerous but if you take a closer look you'll see my fangs are foam and and my Wings of Darkness are badly made from a refrigerator box.

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I would infiltrate the mane six by pretending to be their best friend and kidnap them, then take over equestria by mind controlling everyone, starting with celestia, luna and cadence

- "Um... I was just wondering if it's okay if I hold you down against your will for a little bit?"


:fluttershy:Fluttershy is Best Pony! :kindness: 



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Subtly sow discontent, make the princesses look incompetant and make myself look like the hero of the people while having my secret police get rid of evidence of my involvement/plant evidence on the princesses.

The above post clearly was meant to offend, and if you feel insulted by it, please use the 'close browser' button and discuss it with someone who knows not to take the internet too seriously.



Sig by  Escopeto

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First of all, i would hide the source of my powers split between several spots (Maybe use effigies, phylacteries, relics, kind of like the Horrocrux thing in Harry potter). Step one complete - this ensures i would retain my powers should the inevitable comes to pass. Next - i take the time to study the other big players and their powers - 


1. Celestia and Luna. The royal sisters are a prime example of Alicorn Vitality and strong magic users. An open feud with them is dangerous if not outright fatal.

2. Princess Twilight, Cadence - Twilight has the hidden reserves of magic in her sleeve, and Cadence is still a powerful Alicorn if even i can't recall her displaying much of her magic.

3. Discord. The ability to warp reality is a big setback, likely the most dangerous of them all.

4. All other major villains competing me.


Now that i can formulate a good strategy, i lie in wait, carefully machinating events and tailoring a future... my future. I either enchant or dominate the diamond dogs and perform digging operations across all of Equestria, weakening the rock formations under settlements, common routes, and specifically Tartarus. I dig, and i wait. 


I hire Griffon mercenaries to become sleeper cells and organize a riot in Cloudsdale on my command.


Eventually, the time arrives - the day will be remembered as my day, perhaps it'll be have a certain nice name to it in history books.


I order my minions to simultaneously tear down the ground under which Equestria is built - literally sinking the land down into pits, villages, major cities, everything collapses into carefully planned pitfalls.The big march starts, add in a massive breakout from tartarus while time is opportune to starve my enemies resources and energy while they're at their weakest. The attack is brutal and relentless, and comes without a warning. It gives me and my lieutenants and minions a brief window of opportunity which allows me to separate everyone, and deal with Discord, the Element bearers, The royal sisters and everyone else (in that order preferably) while they cannot form a coherent strategy to take me down.

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Why would I ever want to be a villain? Why would I ever want to bring harm upon a bunch of adorable colorful ponies?


The only thing even remotely villainous that a version of me in that world would ever have any inclination toward doing is preventing the Winter Wrap-Up, and I'm pretty sure that I would never even want to do that in the framework of that world, because in that world - unlike where I live - every winter is a winter. Every winter is full of pretty fluffy snow and cold weather. So unlike where I live, where sometimes winter doesn't really happen some years (this year. T.T).


In Equestria the seasons are all balanced, yay, perfect four seasons... But if that changed and winter started becoming skipped over like it does where I live IRL, I would be right there to stop Winter Wrap-Up. Lol.


Otherwise, I just can't imagine me being villainous in any other way. Sorry for the lack of imagination, but really... I see no fun in imagining such a thing.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I'd go lawful evil if I were to take over Equestria.


I'd work in the background, as a noble to several kingdoms. I'd pull strings, spread false rumors, and manipulate people in positions of power as well as tempt them with greed to start conflicts, wars, and general discontent within the kingdoms themselves, all the while offering wise "advice" to help the situations. Giving strategies from Sun Tsu's "The Art of War" to each kingdom as they praised me for my military prowess. Equestria would slowly corrupt into a land of conflict with me being the spark that ignited the fire...


I shall cause the ponies to act like humans do, motivated by a lust for power, a self-centered attitude, and an apathy for all other life but their own.


The wars and corruption will spread, growing only more intense. I'll disappear into the night to stay out of danger until the dust settles. Finally... after everypony dies from fighting for their stick in the dirt, I'll return and replace that stick with a flag... And all ponies will gaze upon me and remember... remember what each kingdom thought was my brilliance in the days long past, and they will praise my return and crown me the grand dictator supreme. *evil laughter*


Did I just become pony Satan?

Edited by Hocus Pocus

~Hocus Pocus

Ya weni mareh mirekyarahire
Juri yu mirekerason

Kire hyari yoriherahe nyurahera
Nunnyura unera yurawera nihmerani

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Hmmm this is actually an interesting idea. Major villains like Sombra or Nightmare Moon are not the same types of characters that RPers like myself usually cast ourselves as. It's not unheard of to play anti-heroes or even outright villains, but even then, the story follows the character "on the ground" accomplishing his or her goals in a manner similar to Spike and the Mane Six do.


It's completely different to take on the various roles and forms of the arch villain, the diabolical mastermind, the relentless conquerer, and everything in between.


For myself? Hmmmm . . . well I suppose in such a scenario I'm essentially playing a corrupted version of my own ponysona.


My first instinct would be to affect a kind of pirate motif to contrast my typical heroic swashbuckler, but that's not quite up to scale with world domination.


So instead, I would become- Commander Tempest! I would build an army of pegasi modeled after the Hellenistic pegasus tribe of old. I would create a mobile citadel in the sky, christened as "New Pegasopolis" which would act as my base of operations, transportation, and personal Death Star. (High walls, lightning cannons, tornado moat, the works.) The first stage of my plan would be to block out the sun and moon entirely, covering all of Equestria in the overcast. Second would be to conquer or raze Cloudsdale and Las Pegasus. My first victory would bolster the morale of my ponies and it would reduce the chances of anypony warning the surface of my presence. Even if somepony did manage to slip through, it would be too late, I would already control the sky before most of Equestria even knew I was there.


Next, Celestia and Luna, obviously the biggest physical threat. They would come to challenge me directly only to find a procession awaiting them. Into my command chambers with my order of knights they would stride and demand I relinquish my campaign against Equestria. Then I would dramatically reveal my secret weapon. The Gauntlet of Mars! A binding enchanted item. The one who "throws down the gauntlet" so to speak may issue a challenge and the competitors are magically bound to the rules and consequences of the challenge. I, Commander Tempest, would then challenge both Princesses to single combat, no magic, no weapons. Purely skill against skill, the loser surrendering into the other's charge.


I would win. Just to establish myself as a threat and show what a badass I am. So Celestia and Luna would be my prisoners and Canterlot, and by extension all of Equestria, would be mine for the conquering.


"Soon, a new order will arise, my knights. Equestria is just the beginning. The ponies will be trained properly in the arts of war. You are the pinnacle of my vision for the pegasi, soon you will partake and bear witness to my designs for the others. Imagine, earth pony strength, fortitude, and ingenuity put to the task of driving the machine of war from infantry to industry. Unicorn magic used for unimaginable tactics and enchanted weapons. At last, Commander Hurricane's vision will be realized, a society bound by honor, discipline, and commitment. I will lead the way, bringing the ways of our glory to the world, my sword shall be EQUESTRIA ITSELF!"



Then . . . . the Mane Six would defeat me. It is inevitable. What would likely happen is that Rainbow would wrestle control of the Gauntlet long enough to issue her own challenge, a race around New Pegasopolis. Hey, if I'm going to be beat, getting blasted by a Sonic Rainboom is a pretty awesome way to loose.

  • Brohoof 1
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I would create a series of other powerful villains that each contained a major weakness for the Mane Six (except for Rarity who I am secretly gay for and is bae). And when they are eliminated(except Rarbear) I will then do a surprise attack on the princesses, and gain control of Equestria with a mind spell, to evil things up even more. I would then slowly move to other parts of the world, leaving heirs on mine on the throne of the conquered areas as I am gone. And I when I am done, I will reign supreme! MUAHAHAHA~! ha.. no.

 "Pay attention to these petals, Steven. The petals' dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real time based on the physical properties of this planet. With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem and perform your own dance!"

What do you think of me?:


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I would spread a scentless gas that doesn't take effect until days later, that turns you into a mind slave. Spread it all over Equestria. Done.

dont forget to take a pony as your queen and rule with her *coughs*Rainbow Dash* :lol:


                            Brony 4 Life

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My master plan for conquering Equestria!


Step one: Establish a reputation that would remove any suspicion that you are in fact plotting to take over the nation. Something shy and meek, easily written off. This will allow for going about the next steps with little to no interference


Step two: Learn a method of controlling the ferocious monsters in Equestria, possibly through some sort of hypnotizing stare...note to self, establish special talent in dealing with creatures.


Step three: When the creature control ability, lets call it a "stare", is sufficiently mastered use it on progressively more powerful creatures...note to self, full grown dragons are highly resistant to the stare, rather traumatizing results, lets try a younger subject next time, it worked on an Orthos though, perhaps it will on Cerberus with more practice


Step four: Earn the trust of the spirit of Chaos. He will prove to be a valuable asset in the plan.


 Wait a second this isn't my master plan...Its Fluttershy's!



  • Brohoof 1
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Ohke, my attack plan:


1. Search for the mirror pond.

2. Make a lot (LOTS) of copies of myself.

3. Get some sables. 

4. Sneak in the palace and steal the elements of harmony. (or one of 'em, doesn't matter)

5. Try and assassinate every pony in the palace, if fail, just charge.

6. Hope I have made enough copies.

7. ...

8. Profit.


(I'm more of the sneaking kind... Also BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! >:3)


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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