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Who would you date from EQG?


who would you date?  

250 users have voted

  1. 1. who would you date?

    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Applejack
    • Fluttershy
    • Rarity
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Scootaloo
    • Sweetie-Belle
    • Apple Bloom
    • Big Mac
    • Flash Sentry
    • Derpy Hooves
    • Trixie
    • Vinyl Scratch
    • Photo Finish
    • Sunset shimmer

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Between Derpy and Sunset Shimmer. Maybe Also like to date Pinkie Pie, she can be too much at time but believe she can do some gymnast skills to show off, Vinyl, purple pig-tail girl and Lemon Zest. Rainbow Dash may not be type of girl to date but she good at sport sure she has some gymnast skills.

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I'd date any of the humane 6, but especially Pinkie Pie. It would be so much fun.

I'd date any of the Dazzlings but Adagio the most, she was the most attractive to me.

I'd date Lyra or Sweetie drops, but maybe they wouldn't like that.

And for the Shadow Bolts, any of them, but Lemon Zest the most.

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I'm going with Sunset Shimmer as after her reformation and seeing her as Daydream Shimmer, I'd be more than willing to go on a date with her.

Ooh, you just want to hear those tempting words muttered into your ear: "You must be new here."




I feel a bit awkward stating that I'd be inclined to date one of the Canterlot High School students, given that I'm about 10 years older than most of them. So how about Principal Celestia or Vice-Principal Luna? Talk about smokin'!

Yeah. Perhaps I might consider dating Principal Celestia or Vice-Principal Luna instead. I'm holding off on asking Dean Cadance in the major chance she and Alumnus Shining Armor are already in a relationship, if them exchanging a glance to each other in Friendship Games is any indication.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it's 100% human (no cartoon looks like their enormous head) I have the hots for Sunset Shimmer I got turned on by any girl wearing a leather jacket (as personal anecdote, one time I crossed by a 95 Y.O. Granny on a wheelchair wearing a leather jacket... felt confused back then and even today).

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My girlfriend would be Native Human Twilight


My boyfriend would be Flash Sentry.


My reasons for why are that I want to know more about them and they are so nice! Whoever said "Nice guys finish last", They were very wrong! Nice people are awesome!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sunset Shimmer. I like where there going with the character these past couple of EG films. She's someone I'd be really to have as a date. The potential long conversations of her past and many hidden talents we've yet to see is something I applied to some of the people I met in College.

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i myself am tied between rainbow dash, twilight, or applejack i dont actually know why the personality i think its becouse they are so nice and i am similar to them in some ways  

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Here's who I would date:

1. Rainbow Dash as her personality would make her a fun girlfriend.

2. Aria as for some reason I just like "bad" girls.

3. The great and powerful Trixie!!!!

4. Sour Sweet. I guess I like crazy girls.

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  • 1 month later...

Date? Rarity. I could certainly see myself pampering her like a queen (cause I'm good at that) at times. And then all the other girls would be like those puppy love crushes you have at school who turn out to be really amazing friends once that whole crush thing has died down and you get to know them as a person, not just someone you admire.

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