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Tank the Tortoise: Will he ever return?


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He is way to awesome to just write out from the show, he should definitely return sometime.


I got a great idea, what about an episode that is only about the animals? Like going on an adventure or something! And finding Ahuitzotl!!!

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I hope he returns, he's my second favourite of the Mane6 pets.

I suppose they'll bring him back in Hurricane Fluttershy or one of the non-announced episodes. I would expect to see him beside RD's side in Hurricane Fluttershy :)

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You know who else I thought would at least turn up in "Read it and Weep"? Scootaloo! Frankly I find it kinda amazing that they didn't even have Scootaloo show up in the hospital room with a Get Well Card or something for Rainbow.


You're definitely right about that. Scootaloo should have been in the episode at some point, and yet she wasn't.




Which is probably just as well. We already have enough Scootaround jokes as it is without canon adding fuel to that fire.

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He is way to awesome to just write out from the show, he should definitely return sometime.


I got a great idea, what about an episode that is only about the animals? Like going on an adventure or something! And finding Ahuitzotl!!!


That would be damn boring cause animals can't speak

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I don't really care if he gets his own episode or not, we need to just see him hanging around. Just way too cool of a character to write out. Also, having him disappear forever sort of undermines the lesson rainbowdash learned about friendship, if she just forgot about him the next day..

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This show needs more pets. Angel and Tank FTW!



"The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

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You know who else I thought would at least turn up in "Read it and Weep"? Scootaloo! Frankly I find it kinda amazing that they didn't even have Scootaloo show up in the hospital room with a Get Well Card or something for Rainbow.


Didn't you see her? She stole Rainbow's bed-pan to add to her shrine of awesomeness. I just creeped myself out a little with that.


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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If I recall those were shorts that came with movies, not actual episodes, and yes, they were quite boring


No! There have been some episodes where the Pokémon get separated from their Trainers and tries to find their way back while the Trainers tries to find them as well. They sometimes meet a Pokémon and pisses it off. Watch "Turning Over A Nuzleaf" for example and you'll see that it's actually a lot of fun and have awesome possibilities. Like showing how much they care for each other, building up friendship and trust... I love that kind of stuff!


And that they can't talk doesn't really matter, it's fun seeing them communicate with gestures and stuff :3

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Oh, my gosh Scootaloo is a stalker now. Now that's a scary thought!LOL


If Rainbow ever gets close to Soren and starts dating, things could go all "Fatal Attraction" in Ponyville!


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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He will eventually, but then Scootaloo will have a death battle and will be RD's new pet :P
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Tank had an awesome personality, he was growing on me, I like him, and then I saw that last scene with the flying machine, and it was way too much for me. Now I've got a strong negative bias towards him...


And was he wearing a leather helmet? Ya'll realize where leather comes from, right?... I'm starting a thread about this :P


Didn't you see her? She stole Rainbow's bed-pan to add to her shrine of awesomeness. I just creeped myself out a little with that.


I'm pretty sure Dash could still walk, especially at least to the restroom...


I don't really care if he gets his own episode or not, we need to just see him hanging around. Just way too cool of a character to write out. Also, having him disappear forever sort of undermines the lesson rainbowdash learned about friendship, if she just forgot about him the next day..


Rainbow Dash was knocked pretty hard in the head by the falling boulder... That's why her personality is changing and she like reading. It also gave her memory loss. She's completely forgotten about Tank. :P


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I'm pretty sure Dash could still walk, especially at least to the restroom...


For some reason, I feel like you are speaking in a different language. What is a bed-pan? When did scootaloo steal it? What's the realtion between that and Dash's ability to walk? I don't understand a thing! (Probably because I simply have no idea what a bed-pan is)

Edited by Eenohay
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For some reason, I feel like you are speaking in a different language. What is a bed-pan? When did scootaloo steal it? What's the realtion between that and Dash's ability to walk? I don't understand a thing! (Probably because I simply have no idea what a bed-pan is)


This is like that awkward moment when a little kid asks you what "six" is, and you think the "i" was an "e". Eh. Not quet as bad.


So sometimes hospital patients are so badly injured they can't leave the bed. And they still have to use the bathroom. There's diapers, and then there's bed-pans... You get the idea.




Was anyone else greatly disturbed the Tank's flying machine? I guess I'm just a picky person with tech. and such, but, I mean, I'm perfectly okay with a lot of cheesiness, but that was a bit far even for me :P


I think, Rainbow Dash should just accept Tank for the slow tortoise he is XP

Edited by EASA - Dr. Braun

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


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This is like that awkward moment when a little kid asks you what "six" is, and you think the "i" was an "e". Eh. Not quet as bad.


So sometimes hospital patients are so badly injured they can't leave the bed. And they still have to use the bathroom. There's diapers, and then there's bed-pans... You get the idea.




Was anyone else greatly disturbed the Tank's flying machine? I guess I'm just a picky person with tech. and such, but, I mean, I'm perfectly okay with a lot of cheesiness, but that was a bit far even for me :P


I think, Rainbow Dash should just accept Tank for the slow tortoise he is XP




Heheheh, I feel so ignorant

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I'm pretty sure Dash could still walk, especially at least to the restroom...


For some reason, I feel like you are speaking in a different language. What is a bed-pan? When did scootaloo steal it? What's the realtion between that and Dash's ability to walk? I don't understand a thing! (Probably because I simply have no idea what a bed-pan is)



AHHH! I was only joking!!!



                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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AHHH! I was only joking!!!





Well, if that's the case, it'd be funny to see how indignant Rainbow Dash would get over being diapered, if her injuries were that bad. I mean, you think she's emberrased about READING? XD


Brings this to mind:

Posted Image


Lol, I just remembered MLP is a little girls' toy line... I can only imagine how much this is happening around the world...


More relevant to discussion:

Posted Image


I think Tank will return, eventually, just not until Rainbow Dash gets a lot more screen time.


I mean, look at Owlicious, or any othe other mane 6's pets. They don't show up except on rare occassion.

Edited by EASA - Dr. Braun

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Maybe Tank could be Scootaloo's pet,since neither of them can fly.


And about bedpans,2 years ago I was in the hospital,cofined to the bed and unable to move. I had this tube and bag attached to myself for one sole purpose. I didn't use or needed a bedpan.

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