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gaming What video game franchise do you want to never see again?

Black Licorice

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People are going to dislike this but:



-Assassins Creed


-Grand theft auto


Now let me explain. It isn't that the above 5 are bad, it is just that they are getting stale. I love videogame franchises that always have something new to offer and I think Game Freak rereleasing the same pokemon game 7 different times with just ONE or TWO new things is ridiculous. I heard the next pokemon game will use CGI with animations recorded from sensors that an actor acts with. I find that to be a (LITTLE) creepy.


Now if the question was "What game series would you like to have a reboot" (when they completely re-haul the entire series) then my list would have been much longer.

Edited by Judgement
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Well, besides the first person shooter and realistic sports games that just won't evolve anymore (where exactly is all the money in that AAA budget going, hmmmmmm?), there's one series I never want to see again. Not because I hate it, but out of mercy.


Backyard Sports. As much as I love the classics and some of the early 3D iterations, Atari just beat it to death from 2005 onward. After the lazy-ass Football 2006, I completely left the series behind and I don't regret that one bit. Baseball 2007, from what I understand and have seen, was a complete disaster. Poorly programmed, poorly designed, terrible graphics, horrid voice acting, and all the signs of game that clearly did not go through any kind of quality control. It pretty much went downhill from there, and Atari just wouldn't stop releasing shitty game after shitty game in this series. Thankfully the last game in the series came in 2010 and there's no sign that they're making a new one. It's dead and buried, and I'd prefer it'd stay that way.

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Also, let's see


CoD: Generic, overrated, violent, stupid, etc.

Mario: Overdone as #$%$. I won't lie, though, I LOVE Mario and Super Mario Galaxy to death.

Kingdom Hearts: Look at Mario.

Final Fantasy: ...we're on at least 17 right now.

Skylanders: The ONE franchise that I hate to death and think it ruined something. (In this case, Spyro.)

Edited by Shift
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saints row....i dont know what will they think of next...i bet saints row 5 will be on heaven....and you will fight against satan, then later in the game you will go against god himself and take charge of the whole existance....GTA franchise is way better than saints row


I was a fan of Sr 1 and especially Saints row 2 - the best gangsta game ever!

3rd part was unpleasantly surprised me, and 4th part just killed me. RIP Saints row 2006 (Sr1) - 2009 (SR2)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gznoHiJN5Kc yo niggas Saints row 2 will always live in my heart. Johnny Gat, Shaundi and Pierce, Carlos - best characters in game!

Edited by zev_zev
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Topics like this always make me sad. People always pick the stuff that's most popular or done the most so they end up shunning the games that are given the highest quality budgets usually. People seem to pick them because it isn't their thing or that it's just more popular than they think the series should be when more often than not these franchises are popular for a reason and people don't want to acknowledge that they might actually be in the minority.

My feeling exactly.  I feel like certain stuff becomes to "mainstream" and that turns some people off about it.


 I love Assassins Creed (cept Revelations..it sucked).Yeah it's the same overarching storyline, but each time they get a new main character and locale its like new IMO. Which is why revelations sucked (Die already Ezio)  I love the Elder Scrolls games, in my opinion Bethesda can keep making them for as long as they want.  And as for Pokemon, they can pretty much have my money for as long as they want.    


Really surprised that no one's mentioned Zelda (that I've noticed).  I like most of them though.  Skyward Sword I never finished but that had a lot to do with the stupid motion plus controls and less with the rest of the game.  


I will admit the Halo franchise is  stale.  Halo Combat Evolved was a gaming milestone and for me Reach was cool cause I liked the story.  And not gonna lie the 6 different spartans drew me the same the Mane 6 drew me to MLP.  Halo 4 I didn't finish...didn't like it much, the new enemies are just annoying.  

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I was a fan of Sr 1 and especially Saints row 2 - the best gangsta game ever!

3rd part was unpleasantly surprised me, and 4th part just killed me. RIP Saints row 2006 (Sr1) - 2009 (SR2)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gznoHiJN5Kc yo niggas Saints row 2 will always live in my heart. Johnny Gat, Shaundi and Pierce, Carlos - best characters in game!


i guess i can agree that saints row 1 and 2 were decent for me, but i love Grand Theft Auto franchise more, my first game was GTA 3, i was so addicted to it at the time that i couldnt stop just slaughtering cops and pedestrians with an M4 that was more like a rapid fire killing machine....good times in general, when i tried GTA 4 i was blown by the physics and gameplay

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I'm honestly really surprised at how many people keep saying the Mario franchise needs to end. Am I the only one here who actually enjoys each iteration of the Mario games? Yes, they're heavily standardized, but almost every level provides a unique challenge. I actively look forward to new games in the series, personally.

I agree. In fact, Mario is the best Nintendo franchise. #Thisisfactnotopinion:P
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I agree. In fact, Mario is the best Nintendo franchise. #Thisisfactnotopinion:P

I mean, I see their point about it having been done "to death" - for any given sub- series, such as 3D World, the games do largely look the same, and each game is basically about "look, this time you can climb walls!" Etc. But like I said, each level is a unique puzzle, especially with the hidden stuff that encourages you to get 100%. I think it speaks well of Nintendo's designers and programmers that they can keep on putting new and imaginative things into each game in the whole 30+ years Mario's been around.

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Legend of Zelda. Why try to make a miserable series glorious? You can't do it...

Elder Scrolls. Worst games I have ever played. The one pathetic game that slips it's ways into public appraisal. Bethesda does a lot better in Fallout.

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Plants vs Zombies, Angry Birds, Candy Crush, essentially any game with cartoony graphics designed to empty wallets through microtransactions.


Everyone wants to exploit the microtransaction tap. Deceivingly give away your game for nothing, suddenly and unexpectedly raise the difficulty curve at a point and BOOM! Profit! Heck, why stop there? Why not block off levels every so often and either have the user get 5 stars on every prior level or pay 2.99 to unlock the new ones? That sounds fair, right?


It's things like this that cause me to avoid these games like the plague, those colourful graphics can't fool me. There are a few notable exceptions because the developers are trustworthy and actually have some integrity.

  • Brohoof 1
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Kingdom Hearts. Unless you make a PC version for all of them STOP DOING IT! Seriously! To play the whole series you need 10 consoles... freaking ripoff!!!

Thank you some one else! Ive Been a fan of the game series for years, but I just cant keep up with all of it since they put it on different consoles.

Grand Theft Auto because while it can be enjoyable (though I tend to avoid it) I think its little more than overrated.

Wanna rob people, end up in cop chases, how bout go look at strippers? Play every single grand theft auto game there is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to say something really...well...flame-war ish...but hear me out please...




Yes. I said it. Please don't kill me...


Before I continue though, lemme just say, that mario is my favourite franchise of all time...


My favourite consoles are the NES and the N64 specifically for that reason.


Paper Mario ranks as one of my top favourite Video games of all time, alongside games like Mario 64,


Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and of course the original SMB games on the NES and SNES...


but todays mario games??? I'm...so sad...


Too much animation, too much focus on graphics quality, slow gameplay and gimmicky consoles


really boil my kettle...it's not about the game anymore, it's about powerups, and re-hashes, and


poor storylines...what happened??? The last good mario game I played was Super Mario 3D, on the 3DS, and the only


reason I liked it was because it felt like super mario 64...(and the 3D effect is actually kinda cool...still a little too gimmicky though)


I mean look at this...




Even the covers express how bad its gotten!!!


Remember this?




or This?




Really Nintendo! What happened???


I'm sorry...but it's like, either go back to your roots and make an amazingly good platformer, or just go home...


The new games just don't feel like they used to...


And I do have to agree on the kingdom hearts thing...that's another one of my favourite games, possibly my most favourite of all time!


But for it to be on SO many consoles with the same story line???


Why couldn't it just stay on the playstation???


I dunno...but I digress...those are my opinions, flame away!


(And yes...I agree on Call of Duty, Borderlands, MWF, Halo etc. etc. That stuff's getting old!)

Edited by BrilliantVenture
  • Brohoof 1
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Castlevania. Just about everything up to SotN (not including the N64 games) was pure gold...and then the fanservice-y anime BS polluted the once-great franchise. I saw some cutscene from one of the "newer" titles (think it was from '08?) where the female protagonist gawked enviously at her opponent's bouncing, enormous J-cup breasts before proclaiming "They're huuuuuuuuuge!" I wish I were joking. That was the exact moment where CV died for me. Please kill it with fire.

Edited by Thrashy
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Oh boy, I cant choose, I just cant choose!!

Basically - everything made by every AAA studio since 2008 (heck, probably even since 2007), with very few exclusions. 

This includes every and any shooter with cover system, every crappy overbloated RPG and every stinking big franchise.  

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Same as nearly everyone else, Call of Duty.


Honestly, Its so old now. I don't see the fun in it. Its just obnoxious that most people play it anymore to try and think they're some badass gamer.

I'm going to say something really...well...flame-war ish...but hear me out please...




Yes. I said it. Please don't kill me...


Before I continue though, lemme just say, that mario is my favourite franchise of all time...


My favourite consoles are the NES and the N64 specifically for that reason.


Paper Mario ranks as one of my top favourite Video games of all time, alongside games like Mario 64,


Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and of course the original SMB games on the NES and SNES...


but todays mario games??? I'm...so sad...


Too much animation, too much focus on graphics quality, slow gameplay and gimmicky consoles


really boil my kettle...it's not about the game anymore, it's about powerups, and re-hashes, and


poor storylines...what happened??? The last good mario game I played was Super Mario 3D, on the 3DS, and the only


reason I liked it was because it felt like super mario 64...(and the 3D effect is actually kinda cool...still a little too gimmicky though)


I mean look at this...




Even the covers express how bad its gotten!!!


Remember this?




or This?




Really Nintendo! What happened???


I'm sorry...but it's like, either go back to your roots and make an amazingly good platformer, or just go home...


The new games just don't feel like they used to...


And I do have to agree on the kingdom hearts thing...that's another one of my favourite games, possibly my most favourite of all time!


But for it to be on SO many consoles with the same story line???


Why couldn't it just stay on the playstation???


I dunno...but I digress...those are my opinions, flame away!


(And yes...I agree on Call of Duty, Borderlands, MWF, Halo etc. etc. That stuff's getting old!)


You said it fellow Brony. 


As much as I LOVE Mario, I hate the newer ones. I never waste my money. Last Mario game I bought, was Mario party 8, and I was so done. From the NES to some games on the Wii and DS were good. Like, I like Mario Kart wii and the remake of Mario 64 somewhat, but i'm so done. Honestly, the last best Mario adventure game would be Mario sunshine. 


And as well as the Paper Mario series...I LOVE PAPER MARIO WITH A PASSION. But, the newest one on the 3DS doesn't seem to interest me.

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Kingdom Hearts. It's just mash-ups of a bunch of inferior versions of Disney films. If I want Aladdin, I'll watch the superior film over playing the lousier game. CoD and its ilk need a break too, but 'never again' isn't necessary there...Sonic can die, full stop.


Also the Final Fantasy franchise... just finish it already. 20 freaking games... just ripoffs i tell you.

...Ripoffs of what, exactly? The previous games in the franchise? That's not how ripping off works...


Saints Row 3 sucked


"One game sucked. GOD, THIS SERIES NEEDS TO END FOREVER." ...Yeah, okay. That's reasonable.


Anything M rated. I'm disgusted in anything that's as violent and awful as those.


"Things I don't care to see should stop existing!" ...Yeah, okay. That's reasonable. (At the risk of invoking Godwin's Law...I'm sure many dictators would support your mindset here.)


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Same as nearly everyone else, Call of Duty.


Honestly, Its so old now. I don't see the fun in it. Its just obnoxious that most people play it anymore to try and think they're some badass gamer.


You said it fellow Brony. 


As much as I LOVE Mario, I hate the newer ones. I never waste my money. Last Mario game I bought, was Mario party 8, and I was so done. From the NES to some games on the Wii and DS were good. Like, I like Mario Kart wii and the remake of Mario 64 somewhat, but i'm so done. Honestly, the last best Mario adventure game would be Mario sunshine. 


And as well as the Paper Mario series...I LOVE PAPER MARIO WITH A PASSION. But, the newest one on the 3DS doesn't seem to interest me.

Funny enough, I just beat the original Paper Mario tonight! Me and the wife try and play through it once every year or so...it's still one of the best games I've ever played...but to me, it got a little too dark as it went on...all I have to do is post the music from "River Twygz Bed" and no one will sleep tonight...but I digress...The remake of mario 64 was pretty cool, in fact that, and mario kart DS were the main reasons I wanted a DS so badly (And I still haven't gotten one...hmmmph!) But I will say I didn't like mario kart wii all that much, mainly because I only really played with the wii-mote steering wheel at a relatives house, and couldn't understand why something that was supposedly "the best virtual reality wireless controller thing ever" was so laggy...that was my main problem with the WII is that for me, any game I ever played, always just felt really slow and unresponsive...and that was after flipping through the settings...


And on another unpopular note while ranting...I really hated Super smash bros. brawl...for a number of reasons.


(And before people post it, no...I haven't played brawl plus or minus...I've heard it's really really good and fixes a lot of the problems I'm about to name, but I haven't met anyone that has a copy, and considering the fact that I don't own a wii, I can't get it myself...so I'm kinda out of luck there)


But let's get to the reasons shall we?


The main reasons are pretty much the same as the others posted above...but with a slight twist...

I felt they were trying to hard to be cool...They made the graphics final fantasy quality, but again the downfall was the lag...

And I played it with both the wii-mote controller and the gamecube controller...I still couldn't do it! It reminds me of the controls in Rayman 2,

Laggy, a bit unresponsive, and a little confusing...plus at times, I felt like the hit detection was off...maybe it's just me, but at this point

I've played it enough to forumlate that it's just too laggy compared to the old ones, and to try and keep up with all the new "Features" was a bit of a pain...For me a good sequel to melee would have been melee with some new classic characters, and brand new stages. We already had enough items after melee, and I really don't think we needed anymore...


And that brings me to my biggest complaint about the game...the lack of creativity and sheer pandering to fans.

To me, this was embarassing...Did SSB really need sonic or snake? did it need Pikmin? And while R.O.B. is a neat peice of nintendo history, did it really need a character in the game??? What'll they do next? let you play as the powerglove or the NES Miracle Piano?

And on the subject of uncreative things...the absolute BIGGEST complaint are some of the new items, the BIGGEST being the smash ball...yes...the smash ball...THEY MADE AN ITEM OUT OF THE LOGO! like...are you kidding me??? What if they took Fighting is Magic and made the My Little Pony Logo a weapon??? It's like they're running out of ideas!



I dunno man...it's crazy to think of...but when it comes down to it, it's all opinion, I know some people love it, and that's fine...people can like what they like, but to me...melee was the last game of the series...


Wow...that was a long rant...but I guess it's relevant when you count the fact that I would rather them end SSB rather than keep making more...So yeah...rant over lol.

Edited by BrilliantVenture
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