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What is your deal-breaker when it comes to relationships?


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I won't date a person if they're:


-homophobic (because I'm bisexual)

-Going to treat me anything less than what I deserve


-Anti-Brony (because that's just silly)

-Passive aggressive

-Have a history of cheating

-If they're known to hop from relationship to relationship

-Can't laugh or joke with me

-Gets overly jealous

-Doesn't allow m to have friends


I've dealt with many of those things in the past, and never again.

Edited by PartyWithPinkie
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1. Liars

2. Alcoholics/Drug user - Except Prescription

3. Violent Tendencies

4. Tries to invite another person into the relationship (eg. a threeway relationship/open)

5. Isn't a brony  (Because reasons.)

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I don't date girls who.... 

- are prejudice in any way


-is mean to other people just for the sake of it

-is a creationist

-are waaaay too clingy 

-can't accept me for me


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So many against drugs and alcohol here. I guess my opposite believes will make me unpopular ^^

A deal breaker for me is someone who is not open minded. Because that would heavily cripple my curious nature.

What if they were a heroin addict?

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Overall, I like to think am pretty accepting.


But, here's a list:


- Don't make me change just for you.

- Don't be vulgar or confrontational, or even come across as it; you come across as that, whether sincere or not, the deal's broken.


Other than that, yeahh :D 

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What if they were a heroin addict?

Being a heroin addict inn itself isn't a breaker for me. It would be the side effects that could make the break.

I guess that was your point though. So yeah, depends on the side effects. If it's a unhealthy obsession, I'd try my best to help and support. If it would lead to a closed mind, then there is nothing I can do to help. An that terrifies me.


But this thread can be interpreted either as being in a relationship, and what breaks it. Or what breaks going into a relationship.


So if i'm in one, I'll stay loyal until their mind closes.

If were talking going into one. Then there is multiple breakers. Looks for one.


I might have interpreted it wrong ^^

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I'm pretty open to anyone or anything but I refuse to date or even get involved with any of my boys from the car group I'm in. I'm one of the only girls in there. And I know that it's easier for me to just be one of the guys and they see me in a similar light. Until a guy try's to get my attention and I definitely don't want it. Those boys got my back and will tell then to fuck off lol. I prefer feeling safe and protected all the time as opposed to any weird dating or sexual awkwardness with these boys I conceder myself closer to that any one else.




Sorry is some of this didn't makes sense. Pain pills messing with my brain right now.

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  • when they get too clingy (like in public, luckily hasn't happened)
  • when they get mad because i didn't text them back within 10 minutes at 2 AM or because my dad had a chore for me or because i HAD NO SIGNAL! i like talking and texting and whatever but sometimes I need to get my homework done or I just want to play some video games or sleep or eat!
  • drugs
  • alchohol
  • when they are depressed because no one loves them and she thinks no one would notice if she died (true story but i won't name names)
  • using me
  • two timing
  • if they are a bit to sensitive (i know people who make fluttershy seem like she takes offense to nothing)
  • when they get to demanding (i know we've been dating for 2 and a half weeks, but that doesn't call for celebration.)
  • and if they listen to heavy metal or music with obsurd amounts of profanity


the biggest one is if they know zip about planes or even hate planes. (as long as they know at least 5-10 different planes that qualifies. (for example spitfire, corsair, B-17, SR-71, that kind of stuff))

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I am a "druggie" if you can call it that. I enjoy smoking pot


I also smoke cigarettes.


I have been there done that, there aint much you can do to piss me off.


The deal breaker..... Not caring about me. Asked my man to take me out for 99 cent ice cream... he just got paid and said no. We haven't been out for over 6 months,,,,,,, *deal breaker*


Yes I am angry about ice cream :(

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I am a "druggie" if you can call it that. I enjoy smoking pot


I also smoke cigarettes.


I have been there done that, there aint much you can do to piss me off.


The deal breaker..... Not caring about me. Asked my man to take me out for 99 cent ice cream... he just got paid and said no. We haven't been out for over 6 months,,,,,,, *deal breaker*


Yes I am angry about ice cream :(




Well I guess someone has to take this lovely lady for some fancy ass bomb ice cream.




I would love to take you ;)

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Being Used

Being Abused




(Apologies to PurplePony, I meant no offence, but what you said brought back some very bad and painful memories)


EDITED: Being used for sex or money, I have had this happen with all but one of my exes. As soon as I stopped buying them things (spenidng all my money on them and none of it on me), or as soon as i stopped having sex with them, they either left me or cheated on me. 

Edited by Raiden NightSong
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For me, something Im going through right now. PLEASE either reply to me, or tell me why you dont feel like talking. Im fine is you say, "you know, I really dont think were meant for each other." but GOD let me know whats on your mind. Instead of using cover ups and making me wonder about every single situation that could happen or why you might not like me as much as you did before. Also, basically hiding important things. I guess I just like to be in the know.

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Physical Abuse - Hit me once and I'm gone.

Animal Abuse - Not even once.

Cheating - If we have a monogamous relationship, then, no, you can't have a "side piece".  When I find out (and I will), it's over.

Drug use - If for no other reason that it's a waste of resources.

Won't hold a job/won't work - Yeah, I was sole breadwinner for well over a decade... temporary out of work is different from not working, not looking, not trying.  Unless, you are, you know, independently wealthy. 

If we live together and you won't help clean the place we live... we're gonna have words.

Psychological/Emotional Abuse - I'm hard enough on myself.  I don't need/want someone else running me down.

Lies - I may be hurt by something you say/do... but if you lie about something and I find out, it's going to make the situation MUCH worse.  Just be honest... I may shed a few tears, but I'll likely get over it & we'll move on.

And, at this point in my life, if you have kids under 18 or want kids... that's a dealbreaker for me.  Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. 

Edited by Kallisti Imani
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Mental and physical abuse, even though I'm a guy, mess with me mentally or physically and you won't see me ever again.


Cheating, I don't care if you have a one-time swing with someone, it happens. But if you're seeing someone else and keep me on a leash, don't expect me to do anything for you ever again.


Close-mindedness, this includes changing your opinion about someone just because you find out something about him/her that doesn't even concern you at all. If you don't want to try to try new things out or don't like debating about conflicting ideas, then the relationship is going to come to a stop at some point.


Constant pessimism, I'm fine with when people are down, but being down all the time, never looking at the bright side, complaining all the time and being extremely passive. No. Just no. I've had my share of really depressing moments, and I don't want to be constantly reminded of them. I do take problems of others seriously, but I slowly break when I'm surrounded by depression for long periods of time, it turns me into a really big jerk because the only way I can take it is by switching off my feelings for everything.


Passive, if you don't want to get your problems straightened out, if you don't want to get out of your couch and do something, if you don't want to work on the relationship at all, you can look for someone else.


Besides those points, I generally like everyone.

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Oh, I'm sure there's a million things I can think of that I would consider a "deal-breaker".


Only a few off the top of my head though:


- Cheating

- Lying

- No respect

- Not a Christian (just can't do it! ^^")

- Drug user

- Not being there for me


Those are only a few things I can think of right no. ^^"

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  • 3 months later...

Most deal breakers have been already listed so i will just list the most important ones to me.


-  Accept me for who i am.


- Do not expect me to change because you 'say so'.


- Don't be a cheating whore,do not date me if your going to cheat,you are wasting my time and my affection.


- Do not lie to me,i don't like lies. I rather you be brutally honest then kindly misleading.


- Do not drag me along. If you are done with me,just say so. Do not pretend to care if you no longer don't.

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1. Addictions (drug, alcohol, gambling etc)


2. Immaturity


3. Disrespect for me and/or interests


4. Close-mindedness


5. Inability to be logical/driven mostly by emotions, not reason


6. Religous fanaticism


7. Law-breaking history or tendencies


8. (A lot of) emotional baggage or trauma (not that I can't be friends with people like that, but I don't really have the time or interest to deal with that in a relationship)


9. Rude, mean, or malicious behavior towards others

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Idunno xD.  There are things I'd like to list.  But, in my one whopping irl relationship (on the internet xD ), I basically allowed myself to become utterly unimportant.  It was all about her.  And there was a different unrequited affection-type "relationship" irl (predating the other by years) wherein I just allowed myself to be used.  I can, with utmost honesty, say that my current relationship - with a colorful animated pony - is by far the healthiest one lol.  I'm not the type that's cut out for the "real" stuff.  This is the first time I don't feel like a taken-advantage-of doormat.  Here's a list for FUN:


1. They aren't a blue pegasus pony

2. They think mayonnaise is the best tasting condiment

3. They inexplicably hate Hayao Miyazaki

4. They want Cersei to sit the Iron Throne

5. They are a homocidal maniac

6. They will only listen to songs by boy bands

7. They skip to the middle of movies to "get to the good part"

8. They won't play SMB3 with me

9. They eat babies

10. They think Winger is the best rock band ever

11. They point it out when I try to list too many things and can't come up with something good

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- Someone who isn't into animals -- ESPECIALLY someone who hates cats!!! :(

- Someone who is a big health nut and/or is overly critical of my weight or their own weight (I have a past with eating disorders, so that's just too triggering for me)

- Someone who is a misogynist/anti-feminist/MRA/etc.

- Someone who is highly religious (nothing wrong with religious lifestyles; it's just not my thing!)

- Someone who is generally immature / still lives with their parents / never had a pay rent or bills / doesn't have a job

- Someone who is a gun-enthusiast or a hunter

- Someone who is insecure or weirded out by my bisexuality

- Someone who always has an aura of snarkiness, rudeness, or negativity

- Someone who shows little interest in lifelong education or intellectualism

- Someone who makes me feel stupid for liking the things that I like (ex: "You like MLP? Pffft, what a gay show.)

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