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Bronies Take Over The Internet. We Be everywhere!


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As we all know the MLP and the brony community have become a huge internet sensation even more so than the furies. I consider myself a furry and was one before I became a brony.

(Although at least 3/4 of the bronies I know are furies)

When I mean everywhere it comes down to message boards such as forums and just looking at YouTube video comments.

For example, I can be on a forum or YouTube video completely unrelated to ponies or things that appeal to most bronies or furries such as anime, technology and things in that general subject area and within the first one hundred comments I can at least 10 avatars with something MLP related such as a character.

This just proves how popular the show is and that bronies are basically the norm now and they deserve more respect from people who make fun of them.

Whats your take on this influx of bronies on the internet and in general?l Are you noticing bronies on sites or videos you would never expect them to be on?

Edited by furgrid
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Well, to be fair, the bronies that post MLP stuff on unrelated things around the internet do nothing to help our image, so I don't like that. I do honestly think the size of the fandom is overestimated by a lot of bronies, but that's just my take on the issue, and not one that I care a whole lot about. It doesn't really personally impact me, so I don't really have an opinion.

  • Brohoof 9
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Actually this is exactly what brings hates on bronies. We are everywhere. And I don't mean pony avatars, nobody normal really cares. But this forcing MLP on other messageboards, spamming other people that they "have to watch it". Accusing everyone who just does not like MLP to be hater. Other thing - there are not THAT many of us. Sure, it is very big fandom, but not as big as some people claim it to be. 


Also about people making fun of bronies - most of those people are trolls. Normal people don't really care about bronies, in some cases they are not even aware of our existance.

  • Brohoof 10


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The internet is deceptively large and even more deceptively diverse.


If you were to base real life on anecdotes you've experienced through the internet, you'd think that everyone and their mother was an atheist or at the very least laveyan satanist. That people who are transgendered or asexual are EVERYWHERE, when statistically trans people only really make up .3% of the American population (as of a study in 2009, I don't know if I'm allowed to link it). That almost everyone who is politically minded are either anarchistic libertarian or extremely left leaning. You'd never be able to understand why Serenity or Firefly was ever cancelled because they are universally hailed on the internet as the greatest shows not named Dr. Who ever made. And you'd swear by your first born children that Japan is the greatest place on Earth.


In reality, the amount of people who are even familiar with 99% of internet Meme's are depressingly low. Unless you are in select parts of the biggest cities you might not even KNOW anyone of a non-binary gender identity. And almost everything you know as being the prevailing social and political opinions from the internet are so far from the norm that it's scary.


I'm rambling but my point is, don't get too exited about the popularity of Bronies based off of youtube comments. Just enjoy that at least here in cyberspace, you're among A LOT  of friends. But anything outside of your computer screen is going to be a big culture shock.

  • Brohoof 2
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Don't expect people will respect you on your saturday cartoon choices when you can't respect them not wanting to get involved in it~♪


I wholly agree with Sir Hugoholic and Kraken B. Trippin. They got pretty much the big stuff spot on.


In the internet, it is very easy to unknowingly surround yourself with only those that agree with most of your views. Never take the meager statistics of what appears directly to yourself and apply it to the wider world at large.

  • Brohoof 4


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um quite late news there but yeah, we bronies has gotten a looooot of people to join us. So many that people don't really care as much anymore. I see bronies everywhere on the internet, even at places I don't expect them to be at. ..Though I expect to find bronies anywhere nowadays so nothing really comes as a surprise anymore. Back in the days you went like OMG YES I FOUND A BRONY! *BROHOOF* now there are so many so you're like "oh cool a brony... whatever" when you find one :P


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This is only enforcing the negative image against us :(


I have a Rarity avatar on every site I use that I got under ghostfacekiller39 on, which, is everything but Facebook, and, no one says anything because I only talk about MLP when the subject is actually MLP :P I also just ignore people who flame me and, what do you know, they don't persist when I don't respond.


I don't think this would help our image, m8 :D

  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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I have to say, I have been running into them more often these days. I don't know if it's because I'm paying more attention to the brony fandom now or if bronies have just become that widespread; probably a little of both. It's like I'll enter a chat and a couple of people are talking about ponies, or some how there's a minor pony tie in joke that gets mentioned, and that member that you felt like you kind of knew turns out to be a brony. It gets me everytime, like, "wait, what? You're a brony?". None of the stuff I've run into was really obnoxious, by the way.

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Well sometimes in YouTube comments not related to mlp I'll sometimes see people with pony avatars, sometimes people just ignore them but I really don't like it when i see a flame war and they use the avatar to attack them.



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  • 1 month later...

Well sometimes in YouTube comments not related to mlp I'll sometimes see people with pony avatars, sometimes people just ignore them but I really don't like it when i see a flame war and they use the avatar to attack them.



Usually when this happens, the brony attacked in the comments gets a ton of likes and the brony army backs up their fellow brony with positive comments and the haters are outmatched.

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Yeah there always seems to be at least one brony in every site I have some presence in no matter how unrelated to pony. I think this is less an indicator of the size of the fandom and more an indicator of it's diversity. It's not that we're the biggest fandom ever or whatever, but more that bronydom attracts people from all walks of life, who do all sorts of things otherwise.

  • Brohoof 1
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Maybe it has to do with the way fandoms are set up these days; in the sense that one fandom can be a gateway to another and other fandoms are very aware of other fandoms. Example: I came across MLP through my interest in comedy AMVs, and I started noticing all the people who made the AMVs I liked, also liked this weird kids show with ponies ;) . So even if an anime fan doesn't like MLP, they probably know some quotes just due to the nature of fandoms and the internet.

I know there's a place you walked
Where love falls from the trees
My heart is like a broken cup
I only feel right on my knees.
I spit out like a sewer hole
Yet still receive your kiss
How can I measure up to anyone now
After such a love as this?

       The Who

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Well for one, I want you to proove to me that the number of bronies stand as you say they do, and for two, no you are not the norm, there is no such thing as a fandom becoming the norm, even fandoms as successful and Iconic as starwars, startreck, doctor who, and poke'mon are not the norm. he moment you claim that your fandom has been more sucessful than any of those I had better see some numbers.


the thing is...the brony fandom may be sizable for it's age, but I wantyou to do something, take a while and count out 1 million of something, do this sucessfully and CONGRATS! you have officially counted 0.041571081%  

of the internets users, maybe doing this you will realize that no matter how many bronies there are, the number of users is well...literally unfathomable

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There will never be as many bronies as there are Trekkies, especially since many bronies were Trekkies first. Trekkies are everywhere. Bronies are just...more noticeable lately. That's all. No one will ever eclipse the sheer presence of Trekkies on the internet. 





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We're not everywhere- 


Remember that this show has only been airing for 4-5 years. Unlike Star Wars and Star Trek, which have been around for 20+ years.


But for a show that's only 4 years old- it has a pretty large fanbase


Quoted from Herd Census:


Thus, we can state with a 95% confidence that between 4.0% and 6.8% of the internet-using US population strongly identify as bronies, or approximately 7 to 12.4 million people.




  • Brohoof 1

May the force be with you, always


Subscribe to my youtube channel, It'll give you a laugh, hell maybe two

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We're not everywhere- 


Remember that this show has only been airing for 4-5 years. Unlike Star Wars and Star Trek, which have been around for 20+ years.


But for a show that's only 4 years old- it has a pretty large fanbase


Quoted from Herd Census:




The herd census is full of crap, they took less than one thousand participants in a survey, received a percentage, and applied it to over 2.5 billion...no matter how fancily they worded it, this is the most inaccurate survey I have ever seen. and has no credit as fact whatsoever.

  • Brohoof 1
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The trick to have a high fandom population is:

1.)Having decent cannon content is a must.

2.) Covert expansion, subliminal meaning and interest.

3.) A pact with Satan... Probably...

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Well sometimes in YouTube comments not related to mlp I'll sometimes see people with pony avatars, sometimes people just ignore them but I really don't like it when i see a flame war and they use the avatar to attack them.


Not completely on-topic to this, but it just reminded me how hostile people are on YouTube to bronies. I had a Luna avatar for the time being for about a month, and all I simply did was comment that this humor was my cup of tea on a DBZ video, and oh, whataya know, some insecure hater claiming he loved to pick on bronies called me a ponyfag. I got this hate further on in non-pony related videos as well. I agree we're everywhere and people are getting the idea that we're forcing and not a fandom to be involved with, but honestly, when the person is trying to be passive and non-pony related to something that doesn't need to be discussed on the topic, and a hater is galavanting their ego away and calling us annoying as hell, It's uncalled for. Just because you don't have the same ideas about MLP, doesn't mean It's overall shitty media to be a fan of. Hey, It's popular for a reason, and I think everyone should accept that and lay low when it needs to be done.

  • Brohoof 1
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There are quite a lot of bronies.  It seems to me that as far as fandoms go, ones that are based on movies are larger but only last months (fads).  However, TV show fandoms (bronies as well as the animes) maintain a decent population but is able to maintain a fandom for many years.  Although I fear that bronyism has reached its peak, I guarantee that at least a small group of people will identify as bronies through 2040.  As far as size goes, the estimates are insanely high.  I believe that there are one to three million bronies, as opposed to ten million as has been estimated before.  Yes, I am in fact one of those new bronies.


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Mixed thoughts here. On 1 hand I'm glad MLP fandom is growing and spreading. On the other hand maybe we are a bit too annoying. >.> don't hate me now for this. I do like ponies and I'm glad I'm a fan and all that but I don't see ponies as such an important aspect of my life. TBH lately I've been losing the spark for ponies. T.T Oh gee, this is bad. I find new interests fast and lose old ones even faster. I need new inspiration...

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