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First Kiss

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First Kisses  

169 users have voted

  1. 1. Have you had your first kiss?

    • Yes
    • No

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Lol, my first kiss was in kindergarden. It was short and .. yeah.

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I am sure that is not the case, you just have to have a little bit of faith. =)


I would like to point out that my quotes aren't working and this was in reply to GuardianFenix saying a girl would rather see him dead.

Edited by LightsCameraAction
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Does my Mom count?

What about your mom lol


I have never had a romantic kiss, and I have no idea if I ever will.


Chances are kinda hindered and you tend to be viewed as less attractive when you're asexual, sad as it is.


Not that I'd be attractive either way but you know what I mean

  • Brohoof 1

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599


Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: http://mlpforums.com/topic/86811-the-multiversal-matchmaking-corner-romance/

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Interesting topic for me, as I'm not sure what to answer on the poll.


I submitted an acting demo to my college's film building, and ended up getting picked more than once as a lead actor for some student projects. One of them had me as an abusive, slowly-becoming-alcoholic husband, and some of the early shots involved kissing the wife in bed. I had never kissed a girl before, and so of course a part of me was pretty curious / unsure how it would go.


Truth is, when the knowledge is fully there that it's not based on feelings, and is just for acting (actually, the girl in question had a boyfriend, whom the director requested permission from before filming the scene) - it didn't feel like much at all. No rush, no intense feelings, etc. Mushy skin, and a little bit of a sense of the other person's teeth being there. I'd imagine over time, it's become largely a cultural thing - not to say you won't feel it, but that it's just a nonverbal way of intimately saying "I care THIIIIIS much about you."


So I'm unsure of whether to answer 'Yes' because I believe it's a lot more than physical - and that when it's truly meant for you, you feel it.

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I'm absolutely not a touchy-feely person (I really don't like touching other people, and I generally don't like it when people touch me), so no, and I imagine if it ever does happen it will be ridiculously awkward.  I suppose it doesn't help that I've never been in a romantic relationship either.

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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I don't think I have ever kissed anyone. That's right, folks I am a 31 year old who has never kissed anyone and never have even had a "real" date, lots to envy about me huh? ;) it's most likely my shyness, that has really stopped me from all of that, I am a very, very, very, shy person.

Dude... put your self out there... just a little.. some girls like shy guys

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Nope. Never had one. Never had a hug from a girl either. 


I haven't really been in a real life relationship before. I tried twice in real life but it never went anywhere. They didn't like me. So I resorted to the internet. Had a few relationships online and they've definitely been much happier than any real life one I could get in. Have I kissed on the internet via the simple action symbols? Nope. Not even then. 


I don't really like kissing though. At least I think. I've never had it happen so I guess I can't really give a preference. BUT, I digress. Because all that means is I'll find a wonderful, sweet, caring, kind, lovely girl sometime in the future. I just have to wait, but I'm okay with that.


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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I dunno if its just me but I find "making out" pretty gross, with all the tongue stuff. "Pecks" can be pretty great though, when used in the right context. My first kiss was an awkwardly drawn-out make-out session, and it was pretty bad for a kiss but it was nice as a new experience and stuff.

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I think there's two types of first kisses, though for some people, they're one in the same.  There's a first kiss that is just a kiss, and then a first real kiss.


I had honestly kissed a small handful of people before I actually had my first real kiss - as in, one that made you feel giddy and all that, and it took a few years to get that.  It was with a friend who I've known for years and finally visited (they live overseas, so we had not ever actually seen each other).  My first kiss overall was unremarkable - in the sense that that circumstances were far from ideal and not worth mentioning.


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Anyways, First Kiss?

I'm one of the more anti-socialite people that avoid contact with others and relish the the moments of being alone. But in contradiction I love to socialize online and play multiplayer video games to fill that void.


So my first kiss you might ask?


I had my first kiss at 13 and it was a real kiss. I'm 16 right now and still in a relationship with the same girl who I had my first kiss with. The first kiss was also done in private away from public eyes because we both didn't like attention.

I've never had any girls try to hit on me and if they did, I'm pretty naive. I'm pretty sure that no girls have really ever taken interest in me either and that was because I tried my best to turn girls away from me.



I'm still against the whole touchy-feely thing though.

H-Heres my character sheet! I-It's not completed fully yet though!!! http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/motionne-flow-r5943

I r-really would like some feedback on it too... i-if no pony m-minds...


"Your wings will burn time and time again. Tears trailing down your cheeks as you seek past your lasting pain. One day I'll find them... I'll find my wings..."

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Yes, I've had my first kiss, and I do not regret it one bit.


I remember... It was an autumn night, and her parents went out to the backyard for some reason (it was at a house with a large backyard, to say the least), and at that moment, I can remember we both had the want to do it, but couldn't find the urge to make the move because neither of us had a first kiss yet.


So, we awkwardly held hands for some time, and then went outside in the front and finally did it.


We still didn't know how to do it even then. xD

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I wish I had a girlfriend to share a first kiss with, but I don't unfortunately. I'll probably never get one. Most think I'm to weird and nerdy anyway. Oh well, congrats to the "sucessful" relationships :(

Edited by ninjamon102938
  • Brohoof 1


special thanks to Lunia for this AWESOME signature


MY OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/valiant-gamer-r5975

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I may be half way through high school and never had a kiss ( or been on a date) but I still have a chance. Sometimes I think i'm missing out on something, but i'm probably not, right? right....?

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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Having you're first kiss is like... being a firework lighten up and blasting off to the high sky. Either people feel like that when they received their first kiss or its just me.

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Back with a guy I was friends with in school. We basically just decided to try it, cos, well, why not, right? xD

Ah, young love. So sweet innocent. Something I never experienced. Not love. I mean kisses.

  • Brohoof 1

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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Again as I stated earlier, I wish I knew how it felt


Well you will know when you have it :)  


I'm not in a relationship and I know it's hard but theres someone out there for everyone as for what it feels like, again I don't know because I don't think I've ever really loved anyone that i've kissed, but i've only had a couple so... just non serious school relationships really >_< 

  • Brohoof 1

 - Signature from Kyoshi's page -



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