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gaming What videogame class would you be in real life?


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If real life were like a videogame, what class would you be?


Here are a few examples, but you aren't limited to these choices:

















My personal choice would be a Swordsman. I always liked the idea of being a Swordsman based on a Dexterity/Agility stat. I don't mean Rogue/Assassin-style either.

I chose this not only because I feel like I'd be badass, but I also am very physically weak in real life, so being a heavy fighter wouldn't fit me. A faster fighting style would be more fitting.

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I would be Alchemist or Knight.


Alchemist because I have been studying it for quite a while and I got a hang of it and also olden alchemy



Knight because I actually train with blades and everything but I don't like using a sheild

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That's a tough one. Since we would be these "classes", does real life involve dungeons and such or still just doing our normal life?


I'm normally the tank or healer, so I'd probably say I'd be a paladin type class if life involved dungeons and slaying massive beasts. Then I could take both roles whenever I want, even go battleaxe crazy if I wanted to.


Otherwise, it's complicated. I'd want mage powers, but with dual dagger skills as well (basically my GW2 necro only mage style). Magic would just be so much fun, plus cool robes/hats/capes. Freeze someone in place then teleport behind them for the finishing strike with my daggers.  :squee:

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Oh, this is easy. I've known this one for a long time. I always end up as the mystic, the druidical priest or such like.

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If life were like an RPG...  I'd probably end up as some kind of druid or shaman.  Maybe a priest/paladin if it involved something like the Sunwalkers from World of Warcraft.  (They're basically solar druids, as I understand it.)


I sorta have a hippy/environmentalist streak, and those classes tend to be pretty versatile, so...

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Classic D&D sorcerer.


Clearly i would be too lazy to learn magic like those wizards.... Pffft. Not that i dislike learning new things, i just can't really learn if i don't find the subject exiting. Has always been like that: Archaeology or biology? TELL ME EVERYTHING! Mathematics? Booooring. And wizard school sounds just... Meh...


So Sorcerer it is. All the perks of beeing a caster, none of the downsides. Hooray for bloodline magic! I would also clearly descend from a dragon or celestial... clearly.  B)


Sorcerers also get all the girls, or boys, depends on how you roll. High charisma ftw!  :D

Edited by Obsidian Sky
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Because I'm pretty sneaky, sis. (get that reference or nah?)

I'm tiny and fast and will go unnoticed, more than anything else.

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I would be a sniper, if its determined by how well we are at it in the game then that would be good. After yesterday anyway. Oh and I can play the camping game in real life if I want.

Edited by Brechard
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A Nightblade. Swiftly moving through the shadows, quickly dispatching his enemies.

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This is tough but my best option would be a rouge Because:

-I always  wear a black hoodie, long pants and gloves

-I am very agile and even do some free-running 

-It runs in my family to be good with knives

-I barely speak at all


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Well I don't know but for my villain-like act (I had never done anything evil i just act it) I would be some kind of evil but set I don't know.....

A Nightblade. Swiftly moving through the shadows, quickly dispatching his enemies.


Okay I got to agree with you I am pretty good with that stuff but still not so sure XD

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I'm a natural ninja, and I'm really quiet and undetectable when stealing food.

(plus my black belt)



But besides I'd give up my rogue title for one of these=



Edited by SwigglySwiggly
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Oh.....that sounds interesting.  i would want to be a UNSC Spartan IV, Recon Class (armored in Recon), from Halo.  Wearing that armor would make my day, :D  Basically this:



Edited by Promethean Alicorn
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Either a Mage or a Knight, I just can't choose! ^^


I love magic, and I love swords.




What about...


A Knight Mage?


Oh look at that, the awesomeness has been doubled. ^^

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