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Dark Qiviut

Which possible weakness or flaw stuck out to you most?  

28 users have voted

  1. 1. Which possible weakness or flaw stuck out to you most?

    • Length of the main conflict
    • Behavior of the ReManing Five
    • The overall quality of reasons to go to the Grand Galloping Gala
    • Princess Trollestia's background role
    • The overall execution of the moral
    • The quality of the comedy
    • The quality of the dialogue
    • Other (explain below)

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In continuing the trend of Fizzle's "Pick a Flaw" threads, we now move on to another Season 1 episode, The Ticket Master. This is the first with two authors: Faust (her last episode as writer) and Rogers (her first of many). This episode was rather important because it set up one the overarching goal of Season 1: attending the Grand Galloping Gala.


But like the pilot, TTM's reception's rather mixed today, so it's time to ask: If you have to pick out one flaw or weakness that impacts — or could impact — your viewing or the episode's overall quality, which one will it be? Please choose one of the options and explain yourself below.



For the other "Pick a Flaw" threads:


Season 1:

  1. Friendship Is Magic, Parts 1 & 2


Season 4: (@@Doctor XFizzle's threads will be italicized.)

  1. Simple Ways
  2. Filli Vanilli
  3. Twilight Time
  4. It Ain't Easy Bein' Breezies
  5. Somepony to Watch Over Me
  6. Maud Pie
  7. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
  8. Leap of Faith
  9. Testing Testing 1, 2, 3
  10. Trade Ya!
  11. Inspiration Manifestation
Edited by Dark Qiviut

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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I know that the remaining Mane 5 really wanted to go to the Grand Galloping Gala, but even though they had good reasons, trying to butter Twilight up to gain the ticket without thinking about how Twilight felt, it comes off as a bit odd.

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I would have to say the actions of the remaining five. Normally I would give this a pass on characterization, but they weren't even being remotely subtle about their intentions (Rarity was the worst in this regard, right behind Pinkie singing about it). It got even worse when Pinkie blabbed to the crowd and they all though they had a chance at the tickets as well. Were I to harbor a guess time wise, I would say that Twilight hasn't been living in Ponyville for very long by this point, a month at the most and likely doesn't know many ponies outside of her friends and maybe a dozen or so individuals. If she's having a hard time deciding between her five best friends, what made them think she would give them to a random stranger no matter what you offered her in return? Especially when they chase her through town and corner her like a rabid mob!

Edited by PoisonClaw

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I picked "The overall quality of reasons to go to the Grand Galloping Gala". To put it bluntly, everyone else looked selfish compared to AJ. There's really no other way to put it, and it doesn't help that she was the first two ask. In an episode that makes you want to choose who you want to invite to the Gala, I think it should be on even ground. I think it would've been much had her reason been something along the lines of "I want to meet the greatest rodeo stars in Equestria!"



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Again, probably gonna get flak, but I didn't really like this episode. I don't care about the whole subtlety issue, but there are a few nonsensical bits in the plot, and an overall mean-spirited tone with a somewhat lacking resolution, as in it was just like the narrative went against itself. It basically said: "If you can't choose a friend it might be best to choose no-.......Welp, they all get to go now...Yay?" 


Alright despite all that rambling I'm gonna go with the characterization/behavior of the Mane 6, like Owl's Well That Ends Well they come across as petty. While I'm not going to talk about OoC behavior and all that jazz, I can say that I don't enjoy putting emphasis on that side of them.

Edited by DryColt84
  • Brohoof 1

"Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


"No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike 

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All of the reasons for the remaining cast to want to go to the Gala were really shallow and in Pinkie and Fluttershy's case a little stupid (for lack of a better term); Pinkie wanted to be involved in a huge party-which is something that we've seen her throw in the premiere over something as arbitrary as someone new walking into town and as pointed out, Fluttershy didn't even care about the gala and was more interested in the animals-essentially wasting the ticket since she wouldn't even be involved in the party.


The rest were being pretty selfish; Rarity just wanted to meet a hot guy so she could have a chance of hooking up with him and potentially becoming royalty, Rainbow Dash just wanted to meet her idols because she was convinced that for some insane reason just watching her in action without any sort of training would inspire them to let her join on the spot, and Applejack was only attending to get more money which wasn't really necessary since we learn later that they have a strong financial relationship with Filthy Rich.

Edited by TimeLordRainbowDash
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While the premise has of course been done to death in many other cartoons, I still love plots like this as I always like conflicts that center around some question of fairness.


That being said, it wasn't exactly convincing that Twilight would have such a difficult time deciding, as at this point in the series she really isn't that emotionally attached to her friends.  It would have helped if Twilight had actually analyzed and weighed the reasons, and then worry about upsetting her friends.

  • Brohoof 1

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It's tied between their reasons to go to the Grand Galloping Gala, and their behavior (of the Mane 6 - Twilight).

But I think some of them (especially Fluttershy and Rarity) were a bit out of characters. (but it's normal since it's one of the first episodes ever)

=> Their behavior.

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I'm going with the reason they had to go. Besides Applejack, the reasons were kind of petty and selfish. Also there is the dialogue since the show was just establishing itself so there is bound to be a lot of corny and explanation dialogue.



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This is my least favorite episode in the show. >_> It was not only boring, but it frustrated me to watch the ReManeing Five acting they way they did.


I'm going with the reason they had to go. Besides Applejack, the reasons were kind of petty and selfish. Also there is the dialogue since the show was just establishing itself so there is bound to be a lot of corny and explanation dialogue.

I agree with this as well.

  • Brohoof 1


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After Twilight decided not to give the tickets to anyone, she immediately got some more, which solved the problem.


Umm, if Celestia has enough tickets for everypony, why did she send only two? Plus, it undermines the moral of the episode that you must sometimes make sacrifices in the name of fairness for your friends.


Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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And now since a few people already posted, I'm going to answer my choice, which is the length of the conflict.


Quite honestly, it lasted way too long, After the sixth pony explained her reason to attend the Grand Galloping Gala, Twilight should've given it thought, requested the Mane Six to rendezvous at Hayseed Restaurant, and then decide to either give it to Applejack (the only one with a good reason) or send them back with a harsh critique of Celestia for sending out just two tickets. By this, you end the conflict, thus:

  1. Not have the characters behave childishly and pettily.
  2. Resolve the insanity before the insanity starts. Granted, most of the gags are funny (especially the Benny Hill reference), but they were filler.
  3. Not allow Trollestia to basically get away with the confusion and delay she all but initiated.

In other words, the length of the conflict is tied to all the other flaws. Shorten the length of The Ticket Master to ten minutes, and you not only resolve the other issues, but also use the second half to create another ten-minute episode.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 1

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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Two words: slooooooow pacing. As I have mentioned in the past, "The Ticket Master" was the first of the episodes to actually be written -- hence why certain elements are not in effect despite their introduction in "Friendship Is Magic, Part 1 & 2". But that they wrote "The Ticket Master" with the intention of having shows divided into two separate twelve minute episodes is quite apparent in the pacing. The central conflict could not effectively carry all 22 minutes, and thus we have really drawn out segments of the ponies attempting to convince Twilight that they deserve the remaining ticket.


I am ready to dismiss problems found in the episode on the basis of early installment weirdness. Doing so does not mean I think "The Ticket Master" is otherwise strong -- it isn't very memorable outside of Pinkie Pie's songs and Trollestia -- but I'm not worked up about the episode, either.


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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The reasons the mane 6 wanted to go the gala were kinda dumb imo, plus we all know how that all turned out for them... :huh:

Overall though I actually really like this episode. The chase scene is the best. :lol:

Edited by Radiance64


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  • 1 month later...

The reasons the mane five wanted to go to the gala were pretty poor except Applejack whose reason seemed out of place compared to the others. I think fluttershy's was the poorest as her reason had nothing to do with the gala. All she wanted to see were the animals on the castle grounds.


Other than that, I actually kind of liked the episode. It may not be a top favourite of mine but I enjoy it from time to time.

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I say it'd be the overall execution of the moral, but this episode has a lot more good than bad.

The rest were being pretty selfish; Rarity just wanted to meet a hot guy so she could have a chance of hooking up with him and potentially becoming royalty, Rainbow Dash just wanted to meet her idols because she was convinced that for some insane reason just watching her in action without any sort of training would inspire them to let her join on the spot, and Applejack was only attending to get more money which wasn't really necessary since we learn later that they have a strong financial relationship with Filthy Rich.

Question: What NON-selfish reasons would you have for wanting to go to a huge, apparently awesome ball up in the snazziest city in the country? Applejack's is about as selfless as it can get there.


As for the script, I took a look at it a while ago and...



Rarity: The princess would be so taken with the style and elegance that she would introduce me to him, her nephew: the most handsome, eligible unicorn stallion in Canterlot. 


Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash, were you following me?

Rainbow Dash: No. I mean, yes. I mean, maybe. Look, it doesn't matter. 

Pinkie Pie: And then I said, "Oatmeal, are you craz--" oh.
Savoir Fare: Have you made your decision?
Twilight Sparkle: I CAN'T DECIDE!
Spike: Twilight, he just wants to take your order.
Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow, you're not trying to get extra consideration for the extra ticket by doing me extra special favors, are you?
Rainbow Dash: Me? No no no, of course not.
Twilight Sparkle: Uh-huh.
Rainbow Dash: Seriously, I'd do it for anypony.
[Hard cut to frantic background characters caught in the downpour]
Applejack: I got apple pie, apple fritters, apple tarts, apple dumplings, apple crisps, apple crumblers, and apple Brown Betty. Uh, the dessert, not my auntie.
Fluttershy: Oh no, I'm doing this because you're my very best friend. Right Angel?
[Angel glares]
Fluttershy: Oh, yes, we are just doing this for the ticket.
Pinkie Pie: Oh, you didn't know? Twilight has an extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala!
Ponies, in unison: The Grand Galloping Gala?
[offscreen: Have I ever told you how much I love your mane?]
[offscreen: I'll wash your dishes.]
Daisy: Would you like any help with your gardening?
Shoeshine: I have a cartload of extra carrots.
[offscreen: I'll paint your cart.]
Applejack: Twilight, sugar, I didn't mean to put so much pressure on you, and if it helps, I don't want the ticket anymore. You can give it to somepony else. I won't feel bad, I promise.
Fluttershy: Me too. I feel just awful that I made you feel so awful.
Pinkie Pie: And me too. It's no fun upsetting your friends.
Rarity: Twilight, it was unfair of me to try to force you as I did.
Rainbow Dash: Yes! That means the ticket is mine.
Spike: [reading from Celestia]
"My faithful student Twilight,
Why didn't you just say so in the first place?"



It isn't half bad.

  • Brohoof 1

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  • 2 weeks later...

After Twilight decided not to give the tickets to anyone, she immediately got some more, which solved the problem.


Umm, if Celestia has enough tickets for everypony, why did she send only two? Plus, it undermines the moral of the episode that you must sometimes make sacrifices in the name of fairness for your friends.

I always saw Celestia's "Trollestia" stuff as simply being a "trickster mentor". She's not trolling, she just has a way of setting up things , like creating a conflict or not being obvious to test & to impart a life lesson. I guess Celestia sent only two tickets because she knew this would happen....with the full intention of giving them all a ticket anyway should Twilight learn her lesson in friendship, fairness & sacrifice.

I say it'd be the overall execution of the moral, but this episode has a lot more good than bad.



Question: What NON-selfish reasons would you have for wanting to go to a huge, apparently awesome ball up in the snazziest city in the country? Applejack's is about as selfless as it can get there.


As for the script, I took a look at it a while ago and...



Rarity: The princess would be so taken with the style and elegance that she would introduce me to him, her nephew: the most handsome, eligible unicorn stallion in Canterlot. 


Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash, were you following me?

Rainbow Dash: No. I mean, yes. I mean, maybe. Look, it doesn't matter. 

Pinkie Pie: And then I said, "Oatmeal, are you craz--" oh.
Savoir Fare: Have you made your decision?
Twilight Sparkle: I CAN'T DECIDE!
Spike: Twilight, he just wants to take your order.
Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow, you're not trying to get extra consideration for the extra ticket by doing me extra special favors, are you?
Rainbow Dash: Me? No no no, of course not.
Twilight Sparkle: Uh-huh.
Rainbow Dash: Seriously, I'd do it for anypony.
[Hard cut to frantic background characters caught in the downpour]
Applejack: I got apple pie, apple fritters, apple tarts, apple dumplings, apple crisps, apple crumblers, and apple Brown Betty. Uh, the dessert, not my auntie.
Fluttershy: Oh no, I'm doing this because you're my very best friend. Right Angel?
[Angel glares]
Fluttershy: Oh, yes, we are just doing this for the ticket.
Pinkie Pie: Oh, you didn't know? Twilight has an extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala!
Ponies, in unison: The Grand Galloping Gala?
[offscreen: Have I ever told you how much I love your mane?]
[offscreen: I'll wash your dishes.]
Daisy: Would you like any help with your gardening?
Shoeshine: I have a cartload of extra carrots.
[offscreen: I'll paint your cart.]
Applejack: Twilight, sugar, I didn't mean to put so much pressure on you, and if it helps, I don't want the ticket anymore. You can give it to somepony else. I won't feel bad, I promise.
Fluttershy: Me too. I feel just awful that I made you feel so awful.
Pinkie Pie: And me too. It's no fun upsetting your friends.
Rarity: Twilight, it was unfair of me to try to force you as I did.
Rainbow Dash: Yes! That means the ticket is mine.
Spike: [reading from Celestia]
"My faithful student Twilight,
Why didn't you just say so in the first place?"



It isn't half bad.

I agree about the dialogue. Y'know, even medocre episodes are good with MLP. That's what makes it cool!


Oh, there's also:


Applejack: "We could replace that saggy old roof, and Big McIntosh could replace that saggy old plow, and Granny Smith could replace that saggy old hip." The visuals are great!


Also, "I bet Big McIntosh I could get all these Golden Delicious in the barn by lunchtime. If I win, he's gonna walk down Stirrup Street in one of granny's girdles". Now THAT would be quite a visual! Perhap's Big Mac's injury in Applebuck Season is a result with a girdle mishap. :lol:


:mellow: - "Oh, horseapples"

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd have to say the behavior of the ReMaining Five due to the fact that they treated it like a competition to see who's reason was the best according to Twilight. 

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