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gaming Who has ''Video Game Tourettes"?


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Have you ever had random outbursts our freak outs while playing a video game? If so you are one of many=) it is a very relieving sensation but sometimes ends worse, causing the same reaction.  Do you end up throwing a controller, breaking it or a TV screen, or even a window? Do you spout bad language at other things that you honestly cant blame anything but yourself? Did this maybe happen because you: Turned off your game before saving, experienced a power outage, lagged online, got killed before earning a kill streak, someone started a save file over yours, or even something simple like getting surprised? If you have a story or this problem WE WANNA KNOW! =)

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Hey @GramCracker, just letting you know that I moved your topic from General Discussion to Media Discussion as it involves video games, which are an aspect of the media. General Discussion is for discussion topics that do not fit elsewhere. 


Also, you posted two topics identical to this one. I'm pretty sure that was an accident, but I just wanted to let you know that another moderator hid those from public view.



Yeah, I've definitely had freakout moments when playing video games, lol. I usually don't throw things, but I often spout vulgarities out loud and/or mentally. The amount of saltiness that I can accumulate when playing video games is pretty funny in retrospect. 


But, most of the time I try to just have fun and not freak out about any of it.

  • Brohoof 2
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Hey @GramCracker, just letting you know that I moved your topic from General Discussion to Media Discussion as it involves video games, which are an aspect of the media. General Discussion is for discussion topics that do not fit elsewhere. 


Also, you posted two topics identical to this one. I'm pretty sure that was an accident, but I just wanted to let you know that another moderator hid those from public view.



Yeah, I've definitely had freakout moments when playing video games, lol. I usually don't throw things, but I often spout vulgarities out loud and/or mentally. The amount of saltiness that I can accumulate when playing video games is pretty funny in retrospect. 


But, most of the time I try to just have fun and not freak out about any of it.

Thanks for letting me know!=) my internet was lagging (got a case of Video Game Turrets) and ended up showing that it didnt post and actually deleted it haha but i appreciate how kindly you informed me=)

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I'm pretty sure it's spelled Tourettes. A Turret is them sentry guns form the Portal games. 


But yeah. Sometimes I can just predict what someone is gonna do in a pokemon match or card match and I'll say to myself "Do it. Come on pull that card, I f***ing dare you"

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Well, I sure do wish I had some turrets of my own to shoot off anytime I chose. Id love some Lancer turrets from GoW3.


Now, about "video game tourettes", yes, I do get that a lot. However, at this point its not really tourettes. It's just my anger issues. x)

Ive thrown controllers, kicked walls, beat the shit outta my lappy, flipped shit, the works. All with expletives being thrown around the whole time.

One thing I will note though, is that a good chunk of the time my outbursts are done for comedic effect. When im really angry im actually quiet until I blow my lid.

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For the most part I'm pretty chill, though I do find I swear more often, especially in English, while playing in a competitive manner. I have yet to actually freak out, but I do drop a few more f-bombs than usual.

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It depends entirely on how rusty/not-warmed up I am. Example: My first several matches of Titanfall are usually exercises in what new creative ways I can string together vulgarities, but by match 5 or so, the explicatives die down as I get into the zone and stop failing so hard.


Fighting games on the other hand, well I'm pretty much s*** at, so yeah, those are generally filled with swears when my hands decide not to execute a move properly.


RPGs, I reserve my obscenities for when the game's RNG decides to take a s*** on my day. Frozen, Electrified, Arcane Enchanted, Desolator - REALLY Diablo III? These things should not exist in this or any other game!


So yeah, it depends on the game and my skill level.

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I can honestly say I've done this several times in the space of an hour due to Dark Souls 1 and 2, I love the games so much but I get so pissed off when the game rips you off, like you could swear you pressed roll but the games like "Lol no, get backstabbed bro." FFFFFFUUUUU! 


I've never done it while playing against other players competitively cos its like, fair enough they have more skill than me, except for if they're hacking or lag switching, then shit gets serious.

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I just mostly swear a lot these days. I was worse when I was younger, controllers flying into the ground, cups and other things flying across and room, and some other things. Now it's more an outlet for anger. The more anger I have pent up, the more often I get the "video game tourettes". Of course, I do have a bit of tourettes syndrome myself, but I generally have it under control.

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I frequently have outbursts while playing specific games, mostly Call of Duty, my friends and I decided if you want to get mad quickly just pop in CoD and it'll take no time. Other games however I have more rare outbursts and when I play Super Smash Bros in friendlies or tournament play I have none, remember guys No Johns.

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Yes, people get annoyed at me when I start yelling the most random things. :P  Usually it's when I'm on a streak in Halo.


EDIT: Or die in Skyrim after not saving for hours...

Edited by Neon Fire
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You honestly have no idea how often this happens with me. Though I don't think I'd use the term Tourette's though to describe it. More like a short temper and a foul mouth.

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I'm pretty sure it's spelled Tourettes. A Turret is them sentry guns form the Portal games. 


But yeah. Sometimes I can just predict what someone is gonna do in a pokemon match or card match and I'll say to myself "Do it. Come on pull that card, I f***ing dare you"

yeah I checked the spelling and it is actually spelled both of those ways haha ... youre a poke(with accent over it) fan too! thats awesome haha

Yes, people get annoyed at me when I start yelling the most random things. :P  Usually it's when I'm on a streak in Halo.


EDIT: Or die in Skyrim after not saving for hours...

yes going on a long journey in skyrim and accidentally using a whirl wind sprint shout off an edge when not paying attention haha!

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Yeah I have those outbursts a ton! Like, for example, the other day I was getting around level Route 666 on Bayonetta, I fell off a truck

and was all like: "F*ck this, f*ck this, gawd dammit!"



Luckily no one heard me. >_>

Edited by Princess PeachBlink
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Hey, I'm grump. arin_by_appleguyrobin-d5s926l.png



I only get mad when insane glitches happen and it truly pisses me off. I remember one time I was playing CoD (Not a big FPS kinda person, besides the occasional BF or CoD) and I got stuck in a wall...   I. Got. Stuck. In. A. WALL!


I do, however, enjoy playing games like "Ride to Hell: Retribution", where it's so overdone, it's terrible. But games like Heavy Rain... So bad.

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I too have suffered from this video game tourettes, the first time was when I played kingdom hearts 2 and was trying to beat Demyx and those stupid water clones ARGH! and then the other time I lost it playing video games was when I was playing Star Trek the 2013 game and it was the part where your supposed to hit the target with a starship phaser blast or torpedo (I can't remember) and I had no idea your supposed to hold down the button to do it and I kept getting killed over and over and I was cursing like a sailor and believe me if I hadn't realized your supposed to hold down the button, my controller would have been in pieces!

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> Plays Smash Bros: Diddy Kong vs. Marth

> Gets KO'd from a random item

>Last stock




And Demyx Boss fight in KH2

Edited by Pinkie Pie Rules
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The only moments that come to mind is the occasional controller toss and that one time I was playing Minecraft, a creeper snuck up on me, and just before it blew up, I yelled "are you crazy" in a high-pitched tone.

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I do not have video game Tourettes.


I have video game "I've become the unholy spawn of Sam Kinison and a drunken sailor whose mouth would make your grandmother die and Lucifer uncomfortable" episodes.

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