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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Cowl

  1. It can be summed up in 3.5 words. "It's economics, stupid" People have finite needs but infinite wants. Combine with a limited amount of natural resources and you get people doing anything and everything that they can to get what they want at the lowest price possible. If there where infinite resources available or people only wanted what they needed, it would be another story. Unfortunately when push comes to shove people will almost always be selfish and cut down the last tree to get a few more paper cups.
  2. Getting old sucks, every year you have more responsibilities. And then their are wages, taxes, paying for food, paying for transportation,medical expenses, jury duty, waiting in line at the DMV,..., people expecting you to work all the time, everyone else working really slow so they can pretend that their working, old people who ramble on nonsensically but you have to pretend to listen. It just never ends. But ponies will always be free (thanks to stores giving away free power and wifi).
  3. The problem with forming a correlation is that it will be skewed towards the best (designed pony) and away from the ponies with worse design/less characterization. If all ponies where created equal. Then you actually would be able to draw conclusions from the correlation, since most people will pick ponies that are similar to themselves or who they want to be. However, this isn't really the case. I imagine that rainbow would probably be over represented while fluttershy (probably) would be underrepresented (trying to incorporate fannon is too complicated for me). PS-> my favorite is Twilight, which is just like my personality. Though I also think that RD is awesome, but also has no relation to my personality.
  4. Touche. Perhaps we should list all of the sentient species who have appeared in the show? Though then we would need to come up with a definition for sentience... Maybe its not worth the effort.
  5. Not bad, but don't forget dragons. I don't think it is intentional though. There is no reason that they would want to place constraints on the numbers or types of other races.
  6. zebras are not the same species as ponies or horses for that matter. They are related closely enough that they are able to interbreed, producing a 'zorse' - however, like most hybrids, zorses are usually sterile. So zebras are like griffins, dragons, or buffalo, in that they are another type of intelligent/sentient animal that may/may not have special abilities.
  7. I'm so sad, compared to you my ideal day shows how disappointing my life must seem to others. My ideal day is: 12:00 am Go to Sleep 10:00 am wake up and eat cereal 10:30 am realize I don't have any homework etc 10:31 am go back to sleep That's all
  8. I hope that MLP:FIM reaches at least 500 episodes without degrading in quality. That probably won't happen but one can always hope... Maybe they could do a soft transition to the next generation without changing the show's universe if they run short on ideas at some point in the distant future.
  9. Applejack has gotten shorted in the past. As for this season, they really should do at least 1 episode where fluttershy has a main part. --> NEXT EPISODE: Keep Calm and Flutter On --> On track to hit each character with an episode. I think their doing a reasonable job of spreading out the screen time. The biggest problem is that this season is so short.
  10. It depends, Nessie would kick Iron Will's !@# in the water. But on land I think it would be an even fight, assuming that Iron Will doesn't use weapons. If Iron Will can use weapons, I think he would probably win on land and lose in the water.
  11. I try to be tolerant, but certain things are just too awful. Some of the things I absolutely can't stand are gore fics/animation and certain types of rule 34 (underage,incest,etc). Why would you do that to those poor ponies?
  12. I'm a little confused by your wording... Are you looking for friends? or Are you looking for friends to hunt? If your just looking for friends, I'll add you as a friend. but, if you are going to hunt me down after I'm your friend then no.
  13. I tend to read the entire thread before posting if the total length is less than 5 pages. If its longer than that I read the first 2 pages and the last 2 pages before posting to check that the thread is still on topic and not on some tangent.
  14. Once in a while I have to go 36 hours without sleep. It isn't fun but sometimes you need to get your nearly impossible homework done, turned in, and sit through class. My most impressive feat of not sleeping happened a couple of years ago when I did a 3 person group project almost entirely by myself. I slept for 18 hours over 7 days. That's an average 2.6 hours per night. Oh and I got my group a 100% on the project.
  15. I think this thread should have a poll. I'm going to throw my support to twilight. I think that here greater ability to concentrate would allow her to distract pinkie and secure victory. Plus magic duel shows us that twilight also can use her magic to break the fourth wall in at least some situations.
  16. When I was little my parents thought my biggest fear was of the dark. However, this wasn't really accurate. I just had a nameless dread of doors in the dark with open doors being significantly worse than closed ones. Anything could be on the other side of that door, ANYTHING! I would spent all night watching the darkness watch me...
  17. I have to agree that girls can call themselves bronies if they want. However, I'm kind of sad that more people don't call themselves pegasisters. Its kind of nifty, but if they don't like it its up to them.
  18. I make most frequent use of "Monitor Everything" because I can tell people to monitor everything when they run a CAD simulation. I occasionally use "the fun has been doubled" when something fun or interesting happens. People are always really confused. I have also used done in ten seconds flat and quiet "YAY!".
  19. Unicorn all the way. Who needs to fly if you can learn how to teleport, though I suppose you could also magic yourself a pair of wings. Besides how do most of the ponies even pick up objects? Sometimes you just need tools and/or telekinesis.
  20. She is friendly with animals so she is a vegetarian? ! Really, are you sure it isn't that ponies are herbivores. Have you ever seen a pony or a horse for that matter eat a steak? Also being shy has nothing to do with being a hippie. In fact hippies where pretty much the opposite of shy. Notice the number of hippie photos that I didn't post because the would be NSFW. Also they protested a fair amount and made sure that their voices where heard. Very different from fluttershy.
  21. Cowl

    movies/tv Best movie of 2012?

    Dark Knight was probably the best of the year. Avengers was pretty good, as was Wreck it Ralph. Dredd was fairly good as well. I watched the hobbit in 48fps. Do yourself a favor and watch the version that inst filmed in high speed. I don't know if something went wrong with the special effects or its an optical illusion, but everything looked like it had really bad special effects. Watch the hobbit at the normal 24 fps. It was much better the second time I saw it.
  22. Oh no, I have lost track of my fandom list. I guess I should try to remake it. In no particular order: MLP Starwars Harry Potter Dresden Files Adventure Time Gravity Falls Simpsons Minecraft Lord of the Rings Magic the Gathering Doctor Who Song of Ice and Fire Mass Effect Various Manga (Naruto, Bleach, Berserk, and probably 5 more) Various other book series I apparently have a tendency to get addicted to things .... Maybe I have a problem?
  23. My number is 97, because it has always been my number and will always be my number (even if it has never proven lucky before). If I win I want rainbow dash.
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