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Everything posted by Megas

  1. 1) Bloomberg 2) The cockatrice 3) Hydra 4) Manticore 5) Dem Windigos 6) Spiral Pegasoin/The Skiver 7) Crackle 8) Tom 9) Coffee 10) Braeburn
  2. Only, it doesn't make a difference guys. Dende's gone, remember? The balls are inert.

  3. Favorite: Rainbow Dash(bias aside) - Not gonna lie, I always thought she could pull off wearing a skirt pretty well(be it athletic or denim), and while I wish they changed the color, her design has grown on me. On top of that, I really like her shirt/jacket thingy. The funny part is that Rainbow Dash has among my least favorite fan humanizations Least favorite: Applejack - Like above, the funny part is that she has my MOST favorite humanizations. Among all of the characters, I feel like she's the one feels like a skirt doesn't suit her(she's better with jeans or shorts). And while it's certainly better than the "Daisy Duke" humanizations some fans like to giver her, there's just something "outdated" I see from her, and still has many places I feel that they need improvements
  4. I honestly don't really think it's a problem. Season 3 just came from the heels of season 2, a season in which, if I remember correctly, a good majority of the fandom was angry about it focused too heavily on Rainbow's negative traits(which is mostly untrue imo, but my point still stands)
  5. If people feel the need to use "manly" things like Space marine's and such to brutalize things that they deem "unmanly"(things like MLP, Pokemon, etc.) in order to help them keep their masculinity in check are incredibly pathetic rather than manly Their attempts at masculinity, are futile
  6. tbf, each of the mane 6 have their fair share of bad fans. A good chunk of Pinkie and RD fans can be very obnoxious, rude and immature, likewise many Rarity and AJ fans(at least from a lot of the ones I've meet) can be incredibly smug and snobbish, elitist pricks, Fluttershy fans can be incredibly ovrprotective and in some cases even violent, and Twilight fans can be very whiny(especially in wake of recent events). Obviously I'm not saying this for all fans obviously, but I think it would be a good idea not to go around putting down fans of a character you're not fond of especially when your favorite's fanbase probably isn't much better As for the topic, like I said in a similar thread, it's not that she gets a lot of hate, but rather that haters are incredibly loud
  7. You will all beg for mercy, in vain. The debris of this forum will litter the internet

  8. Suda 51/Grasshopper Manufacture is the epitome of Quality game design I believe Epic Games game's(i.e. Gears of War, Unreal) are incredibly dull and boring on top of being mediocre developers Crytek sucks for continuing to ignore Timesplitters Bully is better than GTA Killzone is generic as fuck Brothers in Arms Furious Four looks awesome(is it still the same?) DBZ fighting games stopped being good after Tenkaichi 3, and they should consider other genres Insomniac is better at making fun and querky like Spyro or R&C rather than generic tripe like Resistance Skyrim's is one of the most overrated games ever FFVI is more overrated than VII PSP is the best handheld ever Gamecube and the Wii are the best consoles ever Halo is awesome and a lot of those who bashes it are just bandwagoning Metroid Other M was awesome
  9. StarPony(yes I got the idea after EQD's recent post): Twilight - Fox Rainbow Dash - Falco Fluttershy - Slippy Luna - Peppy Celestia - General Pepper Rarity - Krystal Applejack - Bill Grey Spitfire - Katt Trixie - Wolf Gilda - Leon Blueblood - Panther Chrysallis - Pigma Sombra - Oikonny Discord - Andross Still have no odea who Pinkie would be...Lucy But Rainbow Dash isn't emo
  10. Megas

    gaming E3 2013

    Excited for Smash 4 Retro's project MGSV Interested to see what Capcom can do to regain my trust has up their sleeves FUCKING PERSONA 5!!!!!!111!!!!1!!!!111!!!!
  11. Equestria Girls, Alicorn Twilight, and Derpygate is where I've probably seen the fandom at it's worst. Runner up goes to the Mysterious Mare Do Well because it was the first shitstorm I experienced when I first got into the fandom, but pales in comparison to the other 3
  12. F-Zero GX - The most brutal racing game I have ever played Megaman and Megaman X series(sans X5) - 'nuff said God Hand - Hell the game makes fun of you for picking easy mode most NES and SNES games DMC3 Ninja Gaiden Series Dark/Demon Souls - Never played them personally, but from what I've heard, they're unpleasant(as far as difficulty is concerned) Personally, I wish there was more hard games, too many games these days are a joke
  13. Still waiting on that Rainbow Dash&Rarity episode DHX :/ It was a tough one between FS&RD, and PP&RD, but I've really been warming up to the latter lately, so I went with that
  14. - A more robust adventure mode: either make a good story or just go back to Melee(I liked the idea of a Story, but SSE left a lot to be desired) - More 3rd parties(but not too much): I loved Snake and Sonic's inclusion and would love to see more, but not too much, I say for 4 more at MOST - More female characters: We know there's more to Nintendo than just Samus, Peach, and Zelda - Bring back Roy and Mewtwo - No more clones: There is absolutely NO reason why Ganon is still a Captain Falcon clone, change Falco, Ganon, T Link, and (if you bring him back)Roy's movesets - Better balancing and online - I'd love to see more recent franchises like Chibi robo, Xenoblade, Golden Sun, and (pretty please) Eternal Darkness represented - Travis Touchdown: 'nuff said
  15. Rainbow Dash's a weather manager, as for Fluttershy, I dunno. Animal Caretaker? Veterinerian(which is probably the same thing)?
  16. I hate it when fans think that if you like either like Rainbow Dash or Rarity, they assume you hate the other like it's a rule(like, if you like RD, then you hate Rarity, or vice versa). As someone who considers both of them top favorites, this sort of thinking actually offends me
  17. Rainbow Dash and Tank for me. They both have great chemistry for having some opposing traits on top of being insanely adorable together. Case in point:
  18. Just Final Fantasy VI, I still play Tactics(and Advance), IV and VII-X extensively, but for some reason, VI just doesn't draw me in likie the other games
  19. The obvious mainstream AAA blockbusters. Now that that's out of the way, hate's a strong word, and I don't necessarily hate these games, but I think fans and critics overrate these games to hell and back to the point where it's irritating The N64 Zelda games(yes even Majora's Mask) - great games, but for god's sake they aren't the hallmark of excellence everyone says they are, and personally Windwaker and Twilight Princess are superior games Megaman X3 - The weakest soundtrack in the SNES games(despite come notable favs like Gravity Beetle and Crush Crawfish), and level design was nowhere near as fun as the other games(hell I even enjoyed X6 more) Call of Duty 4 - It just wasn't as compelling as the previous installments Skyrim - I swear if I hear another fucking knee joke... Final Fantasy VI - I just can't get into it like the other FF games Killzone - As generic as shooters can get Most RTS games - they're just not for me
  20. I want to see more feminine Rainbow Dash and Applejack moments, it makes them more adorable. Oh and a Big Macintosh episode too
  21. The jousting was revenge for when Fluttershy stomped on her in Dragon Quest. I don't think the hate was no where near as bad as season 2, though I did see some bullshit every now and then(mostly the jousting, and bullshit like getting Fluttershy to sneak out in Magic Duel, telling scary stories, getting Lightning Dust demoted/kicked out, hating Discord, etc. ) At worst there was a lot of people complaining that she got a too much screentime, despite a lot of positive character development(which is annoying, considering how many complained about the character in season 2), it even got to the point where people flat out said she was out of character in Wonderbolt Academy
  22. Well which is it? Does it play restrict used games or not. I mean it's a pretty big deal when the vice president of microsoft confirms the fees. As far as this debacle is concerned, I swear MS has some of the worst damage control. I'm gonna wait until E3 for some actually legit info to clear this entire mess once and for all
  23. Still not as bad as EA(though pretty f***ing close). Activision still makes a lot of terrible decisions, but I still think that they pretty tame compared to certain other developers(like again, EA, and more recently, Capcom and Square Enix)
  24. I agree with the junction system, while the whole Draw and Stock magic is retarded, I loved the idea of using your magic to boost your stats(and personally, I think the game can benefit from a remake) I never played FFTA2 unfortunately, though I didn't like the main character in FFTA1, so I'm honestly not surprised that FFTA2's main character isn't very likeable either I guess its just the sites I go to. I love IX and I think it's one of the best games in the series, I agree that the game deserves a lot of love, but I feel like a lot fans overobsess with the game too much(like the Operation Rainfall site, who praise it in spite of other games in the series It's kinda like the OoT vs MM, where everyone bashes OoT simply because it's the more popular game and praise MM, it gets to the point where the roles are actually the opposite(I hope I said that right)
  25. Put me on the list of people who dislikes lesbian Dash, even though I do have a soft spot for some ships(namely PinkieDash, TwiDash and RariDash). For a show that fans praise for the characterization breaking stereotypes, the fans making Rainbow Dash a lesbian for having rainbow hair and being a tomboy is really dumb. Personally I like Chaotic Discord's idea of bisexual Dash. Grimdark fanon, 'nuff said Any depressing fanon involving Scootaloo, I love Raibow Dash and Scootaloo's sisterly relationship as much as the next fan, but I'd prefer Scootaloo having a normal family and life(flightlessness aside) if anything. At worse I'd see her family similar to Helga Pataki's family from Hey Arnold And more I'd probably rather not say
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