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Everything posted by Fluttershy_babe

  1. To seek attention. Well actually, I don't know. But it doesn't matter what they are trying to achieve. Because in the end, they achieve becoming a idiot.
  2. My first choise would be a peagasus, put then i would be like, "I'm so lazy and probably wouldn't be a fast flyer" So then that's where unicorn comes in. xD I would like to be a unicorn, because I would use my magic to do everything without having to get up. XD I'm lazy.. But peagasus because i would like the freedom. It would be fun. Ok, in the end, I chose pegasus. xP
  3. Aw, don't call yourself a noob. *hugz* xD Anyways, I'm guessing alot of ppl will suggest Hot Topic. Well actually, I'm like you. I don't have hot topic and there isn't much shirts and toys around in my country. eBay? Maybe? I got a AWESOME backpack from there that has derpy but transforms into RD :3 It's so cute.
  4. Its impossible to be harsh on this! These are amazing!!! So cute. They are all so pretty, but my fav would have to be the pinkie one :3 I love you art! Keep drawing. I would love to see more from you.
  5. aha, thats so cute. I really think those pics just got... %20 COOLER yeah, I said it. xD Too bad you don't know who did it. It would be such a miracle if it turns out they are on the forums xD
  6. Lol xD Okay..well maybe i'll give it a chance and listen to some country music guess maybe it won't hurt to do something different.
  7. I was so bored outta my mind so I just randomly went on mlp website for no reason but I ended up being like, "Hmmm.. interesting." Then the next thing I know, I'm buying mlp backpack xD
  8. I'm sorry, I haven't heard of any that are in stores, but there are heaps on eBay. Maybe type 'Derpy toy' 'Derpy figure' Or 'Derpy'. Hope u find one! xx
  9. Wow, thankyou! Yeah, probably. Thank you so much! Thats alot of really good information that I really might need one day. i appreciate it!
  10. Brown, Cause I'm awesome. My dad has hazel eyes, my mom has dark hazel brownish eyes. My brother has bright blue eyes. Idk where I came from???? O_O
  11. Awh thats so sweet that your saying thankyou to mlp. I also feel that they inspire us to never give up! :3 Never give up and good luck! Awh my gawd, I'm talking to the future #1 swimmer
  12. Ohhh! Yes, I remember now! Thanks for pointing that out. haha, i actually think that Rarity's mom looks quite stylish. She is pretty. (Even though she is just a cartoon character) O_O O_O Yes, yes you are. And thanks for pointing out about Rarity's parents. I remember now. They appeared at breakfast at Rarity's house to talk to Rarity about taking care of Sweetie Belle :3
  13. Hm....Well we all know about Pinkie's parents. They showed Pinkamena.. tehee. Cupcake? > Not sure about Applejack's PARENTS, But there she only has Granny Smith, Applebloom, And big macontosh Twilight: Yes, saw her parents in the clip when she was a filly and they showed how she got her cutiemark. Rarity: not shure. Rainbow Dash: There are fan fiction and art and all that, but im pretty sure her mother isn't revealed in any episode. Fluttershy: Haven't heard of her parents whatsoever. But people keep in mind that this is a LITTLE KIDS show. Do us bronies DESPERATELY need to know about their parents. Its not excatly necessary... Brohoof for first comment
  14. SydNeigh, Australia. lol not really good, i know.. xS my family country is Poland... Hm, got nothin for Poland. :3 Too hard. Someone help me? Too lazy to work my brain
  15. Favourite Main 6: Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy (No Paticular order) Secondary: Applebloom Background: Derpy Hooves also Sweetie Belle isn't bad. :3
  16. When people type, 'Rofl' I think of Scooby Doo trying to say 'Waffle'

  17. Rarity- Too ... Elegant for me. I like Rarity, but sometimes her over the top dramatic drama queen thingy that she does... its just too hard. it's hard to be a fashionable but nice diva, but try to stay interesting. Rainbow Dash- its easy for me to do the 'coolness' 'tomboy' thingy, but its hard to act cool and sometimes careless without becoming an unlikeable character.
  18. I DO agree that Applejack hardly ever gets Screentime, BUT Rainbow didn't really get attention in Season 1. Alot of season one had episodes all about Rarity and Twilight. :| But lets face it....Their aren't much Applejack fans. (Sorry AJ fans!) Saying this I don't mean that Applejack sucks or anything, but the reason why isn't popular is because she barely ever gets episodes about her. So I do agree, but don't agree about RD getting to much screentime. Alot of the ponies are usually equal. They have episodes on different ponies one after one. (Like, for example, there wouldn't be 3 eps in a row focused on Rainbow Dash) )
  19. Ugh. Well, haters are gonna hate... But I bet the person isn't really professional anyway. I agree with Choatic Clarity. He won't have thousands of people .. :|
  20. BFFS Can sometimes be sooo annoying! My friend want to see me like, every week and have sleepovers ALLLL the time. She never lets me do other stuff. If I tell her my parents have work or something, she says that my parents can drop me off at her place on their way to work, which is like, at 7:00 am! Ugh..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shiki


      :v You shouldn't say "that would be strange"...

    3. Clarity


      @CAR--Of course I'm rather social on here XP I have two great friends who are actually legit in love with me on these forums. But in real life, I only really have two friends, and they're nowhere as close as LF and Spazzy.

    4. Fluttershy_babe


      @Charotic Clarity-- Lol yeah! Oooooh really? xDD Same with me. In real life I only have 2 REAL friends. :)

  21. Yeah, definatley. yes, but when i watch the show i dont think it changed who i am sexually. (i watch normal shows for people my age and dont watch any other little girl shows) And Are you planning on telling your father? if so, then i hope it goes okay. xx
  22. MY BIGGEST FEAR- Losing someone I love. ;,( 2. MLP getting cancelled or finished early. 3. Scissors. I just dont like the sound. And when someone is close to me with scissors, I just freak out.
  23. Yeah, i know. And im sorry if it came out the wrong way. But from that what im trying to say is, that when i told my parents they understood. After all, Its just a SHOW. Second, i dont think that is soooo bad because of watching a show, would strain our relationship with our parents. I do understand what your saying, but in a way i still dont understand why its so hard to say. its a show, and our parents will love us still no matter what.
  24. Yeah, excatcly. Thats what I'm trying to say. Like, I saw a topic once called 'Should I tell me parents i'm a brony?' and I'm thinking, What the heck?! Loool.
  25. Haha, yeah. Country isn't excatly my fav xD. And same with me! I cant sing or play an instrument. im not good at alot of things... :/ lol. I'm not the BEST drawer, but im passionate about it. Once my dad is like, 'Jess, what do you want for Christmas? Money? Vouchers? You can get something for yourself with money and go out with your friends.' im like, 'nope. I want sketching and charcoal pencils.' Lol. Thats good that your looking foward to my art! I know i am. I love drawing and making it look good. Feels good to be proud of myself for once. Lol. And i agree! People need to read more! I LOOOOVVEEE Reading! Another passion of mine! xx
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