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Prince Of Madness

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Everything posted by Prince Of Madness

  1. In Equestria, If Pinkie Pie Kissed me, I would Obviously Kiss her back invite her to my house in Ponyville, make cake with her eat the cake with her, ask her out again then who know what will happen next?
  2. Skyrim- Any guard (almost) "I used to be a adventurer like you until I got a arrow to the knee." It is one of the most Inspirational Quotes in the game and probably in all of game history!
  3. Just gonna go on my PS3 And play Some Random games till I pass out ;)

  4. I've built the under water world called Atlantis Of course it is not finished, for that reason I am not showing any pictures of it, but let me tell you it is pretty awesome! I can't wait till I am fully done with it. I have been building it for about 4 months. After Atlantis I am thinking of building Canterlot, Cloudsdale, then probably PonyVille, But that wont be for another month or so. I also built a very collaborate machine just to get a sword. But I will Upload some photos soon of Atlantis
  5. "I Will Have My Revenge!"- Kratos (God Of war,God of war 2, God of war: ghost of Sparta, God of war 3, and God Of War Ascention which is the best one )
  6. I took apart my WIFI router, took some things out then replaced them with some thing from a Xbox 360. And I tried to turn it on, It turned on, BUT it caught on fire and I caught my room on fire. It was Probably one of the worst (but Best) things I've ever done For a while, Oh yea Then I was grounded for 2 months
  7. I'm seeing a big spike in MLP ads on youtube

  8. I'm seeing a big spike in MLP ads on youtube

    1. Betez


      Which spike are you talking about?

    2. Prince Of Madness

      Prince Of Madness

      Meaning how much.

  9. Most animals and humans (well all humans) Release Methane. Anyway farts only boost global warming a tiny bit, and the reason there is global warming is the fact that us humans use cars Way to often.
  10. I'm allergic to vegetables and fruit, so I Have no choice but to eat meat. Even though you have Great Points, I really don't care that I eat animals.
  11. All I know is that is will be coming out in the winter, and now what you just said that it will have "26 episodes". So all you got to wait is 6-8 months.
  12. The voices Changed in my head... It went from Kratos To Morgan Freeman to Stephen Hawking to Cartmen from south park... how Does that happen?
  13. The "Xbox One" Is NOT On My To Get List...

  14. I use only Chrome because 1)Its a hell of allot faster. 2) Explorer will not load up. 3) I really don't like the design of Firefox 4) Chrome interface is smaller than the other Browsers.
  15. Clopping.. ME:What the? How did you get in here? Clopping: Secret Me: GET out Clopping:...No. God I hate random words...
  16. I more of thought of it at a McDonald or something but hey I guess that works too. *buys a big mac* *Finds a seat* *Starts to eat it but stumbles upon it* *Then stops* You get the picture.
  17. Welcome were all very nice! One of the most IMPORTANT things is to have Fun! Also If you need a Friend I'm friendly!
  18. I was wondering if there were any GOOD Mlp dubstep music, It would Be Very helpful if you could give me any. Because i really love IT! And I would greatly appreciate it!
  19. Minecraft, Halo, and Mario I own these But there so god damn awful. the thing that I hate with minecraft is that it just gets boring WAY to fast one second your mining the next your mining. With Halo is that It went down hill when 343 made Halo combat evolved, and Don't get me started on Mario All it is, is the same game OVER AND OVER!
  20. This forum has so much sadness with death and all but yea pony's do live the same age as humans do in the show,even tho there is no evidence of it at all.
  21. God dang-it now you got me hearing his voice, also Morgan Freeman his voice is just so awesome there is no way to explain his voice it is just to awesome to explain. He also should narrate his self.
  22. The Cake is a lie! And also that really sucks, and I don't like cake at all except for cookie cakes if that counts as a cake if not then I don't like any.
  23. Well actually 1st off you can buy used games and still play them, BUT you have to pay a fee to play the game on your console which almost cost as much as a New game. 2nd It does not need 24/7 internet connection, because that would be a GREAT down fall in sales if someone buys it and does not have internet connection, then that person will not recommend the system to one of the friends.
  24. If someone I know typed it then I will hear that persons voice, but if I don't know the person or don't know there gender for some weird reason I hear Morgan Freeman's voice.
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